
    business by design

    Explore " business by design" with insightful episodes like "#31 Mein erster Launch", "#106 Finding Your True Calling and Knowing You are Enough with Eugenia Oganova", "Finding Motivation to Build Your Spiritual Business with James Wedmore", "James Wedmore Shares the Biggest Mistakes Digital CEOs Make and How to Avoid Them" and "The Difference Between a Trainer, Mentor, and Coach and Why it Matters" from podcasts like ""freidrehen® für Hochsensitive & Kreative mit dem Human Design", "The Fempreneur Podcast", "the Healers Rising Podcast", "Unleash the Awesome" and "Unleash the Awesome"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    #31 Mein erster Launch

    #31 Mein erster Launch
    Hallo ihr Lieben da draußen 🙂
    Heute nehme ich euch mit hinter die Kulissen meines ersten Launches. Und teile ganz in Rollenvorbild Manier 😆 was das alles in mir ausgelöst hat…

    Hier ein paar Themen-Eindrücke, an denen du vorbeikommen wirst:

    • Becoming a role model is not a walk in the park
    • Sakrale Freude und Aufregung
    • Wurzeldruck
    • der Tanz des offenen oder definierten Wurzelzentrums
    • Wenn dein Körper dich anschreit…
    • der Körper ist immer langsamer bei Veränderungen
    • Kann man Erfahrungen vermeiden?
    • Der liebevolle Senf von Menschen, die uns lange kennen

    • Beziehungsarbeit mit Human Design & erhöhter Neurosensitivität
    • was Kooperationen mit den eigenen Beziehungsmustern zu tun haben
    • Emotionale Aufladung
    • Trennungs- Müdigkeit
    • werde ich verlassen, wenn ich bin, die ich bin? Oder die Angst vor Ablehnung

    • Erfolge feiern
    • Sidepreneur oder Leinen los? Beides hat seine Vor-und Nachteile
    • Ausblick auf Business by Design - Freidreh Business Mentoring für hochsenible, erhöhte neurosensitive, kreative Entrepreneure & Sidepreneure
    • Was mich erfolgreich im Business macht aus Human Design Perspektive

    • Start der Forschungsreise Hochsensitivität meets Human Design
    • Verantwortung für die Energien unserer Zentren - im Innen und im Außen
    • Die Themenbereiche der Zentren im Human Design
    • Start der feinfühligen Reise durch die Zentren für Körper, Geist & Seele als Austausch-Raum für Hochsensible, erhöht Neurosensitive
    • Die Schönheit untergleichsinnigen  Gleichgesinnten zu sein
    • Große Dankbarkeit❣️
    • Die Aufzeichnung des Wurzel Workshops steht bereit - auch für dich! Melde dich einfach hier an: https://janamickel.de/hochsensitivitaet-meets-human-design-wurzelworkshop/
    und sie flattert als We Tranfer Link in dein Postfach (auch im Spam nachschauen!)

    • Außerdem erzähle ich von den Erfahrungen mit meinem ersten offiziellen Human Design Reading mit einem 14 jährigen Rollenvorbild mit dem Proil 6/2 & emotionaler Autorität

    Wenn dich diese teils kryptischen Themenbereiche neugierig machen, dann hör rein!
    Ich plaudere wie gewohnt schonungslos aus dem Nähkästchen ☺️

    Ein großer Dank geht auch an meinen virtuellen Assistenten Marcus, der am Sonntag diese Folge für euch bereit gestellt hat!

    Und hier wie versprochen die Details zur feinfühligen Reise durch die Zentren für Körper, Geist & Seele:

    Save the Dates:
    Donnerstag, 09. März
    Donnerstag, 23. März
    Donnerstag, 06. April
    Dienstag, 18. April
    Donnerstag, 04. Mai
    jeweils 18 Uhr

    Deine Investition:
    599€ Ratenzahlung ohne Aufpreis möglich

    • Du erhältst einen Einblick in jedes Zentrum des Körpergraphen.
    • Du lernst jeweils die Unterschiede zwischen definiertem und undefiniertem Zentrum kennen.
    • Wir teilen unseren Blick auf die Zentren aus Sicht der Hochsensitivität.
    • Du bekommst wertvolle Praxistipps zu den dazu gehörigen körperlichen Bereichen jedes Zentrums.
    • Wir vertiefen das neu gewonnene Wissen in einer Meditation.

    1. 90 Minuten Theorie und Praxis für Körper, Geist &
    2. 30 Minuten Möglichkeit zum Austausch - wenn du Austausch magst
    3. Mail am Folgetag mit Aufzeichnung und Folien
    4. 2 Wochen zwischen den Workshops Integration durch Reflexionsfragen

    Per Mail bis zum 8. März 2023
    Fragen an: post@janamickel.de / kathrynmichalzik@gmx.de
    Anmeldung bitte mit Rechnungsanschrift

    Komm mit an Bord! Wir freuen uns auf dich!
    Jana & Kathryn

    #106 Finding Your True Calling and Knowing You are Enough with Eugenia Oganova

    #106 Finding Your True Calling and Knowing You are Enough with Eugenia Oganova

    Are you energetically deflecting the success you desire? Are you seeking credentials and more "skills" when your natural talents and life experience are actually more than enough? 

    Explore these topics and much more with Eugenia Oganova!


    Connect with Eugenia on Instagram: http://instagram.com/eugeniaoganova

    Find out more about Eugenia here: http://transcensiongate.com/

    Join Eugenia's Training here: http://soulstrategywebinar.com

    Learn all about YYC Fempreneurs, our events and marketing education at http://yycfempreneurs.com!

    Connect with Lyndsie on Instagram: http://instagram.com/yycfempreneurs

    Learn about Lyndsie's Marketing Courses and upcoming YYC Fempreneurs Community Events at yycfempreneurs.com!

    Finding Motivation to Build Your Spiritual Business with James Wedmore

    Finding Motivation to Build Your Spiritual Business with James Wedmore

    If you don't know James Wedmore, you absolutely should. He's a self-proclaimed spiritual seeker AND a successful business owner, helping entrepreneurs clarify their business offerings and streamline their processes for the last 15+ years, so they can step out of overwhelm and into abundance and freedom in their lives. And he's built an 8-figure company in the process.

    Today's conversation is a major dream come true for me.

    Going through his program Business By Design helped me to completely change the game in my own company so I could stop working 10+ hour days, 6 days a week and bust through my own money blocks to hit my first million dollar year in 2021. And this year we doubled that.

    He truly walks his talk, and I'm so thrilled to be able to chat with him today about where spirituality and business intersect and how to rise above the overwhelm as you are moving forward building a business as a spiritual being.

    In today's episode we're talking:

    - finding motivation and how the ego gets in the way of your progress

    - why so many healers and coaches get hit with imposter syndrome, self-sabotage, and failures AND the simple mindset shifts that will help you overcome that

    - how utilizing Universal Laws and structure can create freedom for you in your business

    with James Wedmore starts June 2, 2022! Click here to sign up!

    Here's how you can connect with James Wedmore:

    James Wedmore Shares the Biggest Mistakes Digital CEOs Make and How to Avoid Them

    James Wedmore Shares the Biggest Mistakes Digital CEOs Make and How to Avoid Them

    You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


    1:25 Success isn't a straight path and James explains some of the detours he made along the way and what he learned from them.


    3:05 James' first business was a mobile bartending business called Beach City Bartending.


    5:00 He realized this bartending business was only successful when he was trading hours for dollars, and because he kept reading books and taking courses on entrepreneurial options, he came up with the idea to launch an online course called "Bartend for Profit."


    6:58 He surveyed his audience and discovered he was being found mostly on YouTube so he started teaching people how he was doing that which led to "Video Traffic Academy" (VTA) which is where Dave met James.


    8:15 "Video Traffic Academy" became a multi million dollar product at a $97 price point.


    8:28 VTA is where Dave started doing videos online, primarily on YouTube, which led to his famous appearance on Good Morning America...

    3 Life Hacks to Host a Party - GMA
    https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/life-hacks-host-party-33856838 .


    9:30 Once you get a course online, other people start to see you as an authority and start seeking out for partnerships. 


    9:49 In 2013 Carl Daikeler, co-founder, Chairman and CEO of Beachbody, reached out to James to partner with him so that Beachbody coaches could learn how to get their videos online using Video Traffic Academy. 


    10:45 VTA grew to a $2 million business and people started to ask him how he did that, and that's where the idea for "Business by Design" came from. 


    12:30 Most people launching a business online aren't running their business like a business, which is running them into the ground.


    13:02 You can't score if you don't get in the game. James calls them "at bat moments" - you can't hit the ball if you never step up to the plate and swing. 


    15:02 You can't find a successful person today that doesn't have a string of failures, but they just keep adapting and keep going. 


    15:53 The biggest mistake online course creators make is wasting a ton of time and energy creating something without validating it first in the marketplace. 


    17:30 "You aren't really in business until a sale is made." - James Wedmore


    17:38 James shares his "Monetize Before You Make It" strategy. 


    21:59 Three things happen when you "monetize before you make it" - proof of concept, profit/revenue, and social proof/testimonials. 


    23:37 You can learn more about these concepts and so much more during James' "Rise of the Digital CEO" free workshop that starts June 17th. You can reserve your spot now at https://gambrill.com/dceo .


    25:33 A critical mindset shift is required if you want to be a successful digital CEO. 


    26:14 "Your business is a reflection of you." - James Wedmore


    27:14 Make sure you grab the Digital CEO Dashboard when you register at https://gambrill.com/dceo .


    27:55 "Most people are flying blind in their business. They don't know what KPI's to focus on." - James Wedmore



    Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday.
    https://gambrill.com/ttt .


    Come join the conversation in our communities...


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
    https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


    And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
    https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .



    #unleashawesome #jameswedmore #bbd #businessbydesign #entrepreneur #success #funnelhacker #mentor #mindset #skillset #vta #davegambrill #techtools #digitalmarketing #jmtdna  #toolset  #beachbody #lifestyledesign #videotrafficacademy #digitalceo #trainer #mentorship #corporatetrainer #sidehustle #kpis #onlinecourses #socialproof #avoidmistakes 



    CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that I have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this broadcast and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

    The Difference Between a Trainer, Mentor, and Coach and Why it Matters

    The Difference Between a Trainer, Mentor, and Coach and Why it Matters

    You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


    0:59 "The word 'coach' is the most bastardized word in the English language." - Christian Simpson


    1:52 A teacher or trainer is someone who can learn new information, synthesize it, and then teach it to others, without necessarily having their own personal experience or mastery of the subject. 

    2:46 "Money - Master the Game" - Tony Robbins
    https://amzn.to/3pCPAYL .


    3:14 Napoleon Hill was a "reporter expert" or teacher with his book, "Think and Grow Rich."
    https://amzn.to/3z7zAlE .


    3:53 Sully Sullenberger - Wikipedia
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sully_Sullenberger .


    5:15 A mentor is a subject matter expert with personal experience and success that will guide you through their own, first-person experience. 


    8:15 A coach is someone who understands psychology and human performance who can help other individuals or groups unleash their awesome, regardless of whether the coach has extensive subject matter expertise or success in the area being coached.


    8:34 "The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance" - Tim Gallwey 
    https://amzn.to/3iBeKVQ .


    9:20 True coaches understand that the answers to forward progress are in the participants' heads.


    13:19 "How to Master the 4 Phases of Learning for Peak Performance" - Episode 4 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast. 
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/how-to-master-the-4-phases-of-learning-for-peak-performance .


    20:52 When people feel like they have co-created a solution, they are much more likely to embrace and implement it. 


    29:42 "The Four Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferriss 
    https://amzn.to/3pDgm2Q .


    30:45 "The Rise of the Digital CEO" video training series by James Wedmore of Business by Design.
    https://www.jameswedmoretraining.com/a/2147487124/zgt2RAuc .

    Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday.
    https://gambrill.com/ttt .


    Come join the conversation in our communities...


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
    https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


    And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
    https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .



    #unleashawesome #coaching #coach #businessbydesign #bbd #entrepreneur #success #jameswedmore #funnelhacker #mentor #mindset #skillset #10x #timferriss #4hww #davegambrill #techtools #digitalmarketing #jmtdna  #toolset #tagr #napoleonhill  #lifestyledesign #sully #digitalceo #trainer #mentorship #corporatetrainer #sidehustle



    CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that I have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this broadcast and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

    The Hustle and Grind Myth

    The Hustle and Grind Myth

    You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast


    2:16 "The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape 9-1, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich" - Tim Ferriss
    https://amzn.to/3pbsoAh .


    3:04 If you play the long game, hustle and grind is optional.


    3:28 Learn how to fit things into your schedule. Make simple trade-offs. Tony Robbins calls this "NET = No Extra Time". 


    4:30 Audible - Audio Books and Podcasts 
    https://gambrill.com/audible .


    5:03 Kajabi - The best, comprehensive, all-in-one course building and hosting platform
    https://gambrill.com/kajabi .


    5:04 Clickfunnels - Build amazing, beautiful, and high converting sales pages and funnels.
    https://gambrill.com/clickfunnels .


    6:40 Evernote - A great, multi-device note taking platform
    https://www.evernote.com .


    6:43 Trello - The tool I use to manage all of my projects, including this podcast.
    https://www.trello.com .


    7:29 If something is a priority, you'll make it happen. If not, you'll make an excuse.


    13:12 "Jump and Build Your Wings on the Way Down is Terrible Advice"- Episode 51 of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast with Dave Gambrill. 
    https://gambrill.simplecast.com/episodes/jump-and-build-your-wings-on-the-way-down-is-terrible-advice .


    13:42 Many people spend so much time trying to run FROM something, that they don't spend any time building something worth running TO. 


    15:23 Want some help deciding what tech tools to use in your business? Check out Tech Tools Tuesday.
    https://gambrill.com/ttt .


    Come join the conversation in our communities...


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Facebook Group
    https://www.facebook.com/groups/dmmdavegambrill .


    Digital Marketing Mentorship with Dave Gambrill Telegram Channel
    https://gambrill.com/telegramdmm .


    And let me know what you thought of this episode and what you'd like me cover in future episodes over on Instagram.
    https://www.instagram.com/gambrill/ .



    #unleashawesome #sidehustle #grind #entrepreneur #success #growthday #funnelhacker #overcome #mindset #skillset #10x #bbd #jameswedmore #timferriss #4hww #davegambrill #techtools #digitalmarketing #jmtdna  #toolset #risk #hustle #selfcare #tonyrobbins #garyvee #vaynerchuk #businessbydesign #lifestyledesign #myth #noextratime 



    CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that I have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this broadcast and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

    James Wedmore and the Top 10 Processes You Should Put in Your Business Today

    James Wedmore and the Top 10 Processes You Should Put in Your Business Today

    1:02 Mind Your Business podcast with James Wedmore

    2:45 Rise of the Digital CEO video series

    4:20 You need a process for creating processes.

    4:45 Process Street - Simple Process and Workflow Management

    5:20 Document your process. I use a free screen recording app called Loom for this. 

    5:40 Create a process or automation for sending emails. I often use the tagging and automation features in Kajabi to do this as people opt-in or move through my online funnels. You can get a 28 day trial (2x their usual trial) at https://gambrill.com/kajabi2020

    7:18 What are the most common customer service and support questions you get? Set up canned responses (Gmail), and FAQ document, or other automations to handle those. 

    8:14 Establish cloud based file storage and sharing systems. James and I both use and recommend Dropbox. https://gambrill.com/dropbox

    You can use Google Drive, Box, or other options too.

    9:45 Course or paid content creation processes and automations

    10:38 Establish processes for podcast, blog, and other social media content creation and distribution

    11:46 New-hire and contractor on-boarding process

    12:31 Content re-purposing processes. Two tools I absolutely love for this are
    Searchie https://gambrill.com/getsearchie
    Repurpose.io https://gambrill.com/repurpose

    12:57 Setup coaching call recording and replay distribution processes. I use Zoom and their cloud recording option combined with Searchie -  saves me SO much time. Your clients can search the recordings in Searchie for topics and then go directly to that point in the video. 

    14:20 Setup a testimonial and case study capture system. I actually do this easily in Google Forms. If you want to see it (and maybe leave me a testimonial if I've taught you anything or helped you Unleash Your Awesome in some way), head on over to https://gambrill.com/testmonials 

    16:42 I use Trello for my project management. 

    16:55 Get free access to the powerful Rise of the Digital CEO video series at https://gambrill.com/digitalceo 

    Bonus Tip for Show Notes Readers...

    I wonder who actually scrolls all the way down and reads all of this stuff? lol
    If that's you, shoot me a DM on Instagram and let me know. 

    Ok, bonus tip from Dave, or #11 in today's episode...

    Create a Media Kit document in Google Drive or Evernote that you can share with people when you go on podcasts, interviews, FB Lives, etc. Mine has some bios, approved photos, and some quick back stories and questions people can ask me about. I also included some general rules about the best way to interact with me, what's in bounds for questions (just about everything), etc. 









    #bbd #jameswedmore #unleashawesome #automation #systems #processes #digitalceo #buildyouremaillist 


    CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that we have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this episode and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.


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