

    Explore "camry" with insightful episodes like "還記得媽媽開車的樣子嗎 當時你在車上心中是感激還是驚嚇?#小徐說說話EP286!", "為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(下)#小徐說說話EP280!", "AD #3692 - Renault’s Ampere Has Bold EV Plans; UAW Labor War Far from Over; GM Acquires Gigacasting Company", "為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(中) #小徐說說話EP278!" and "為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(上) #小徐說說話EP276!" from podcasts like ""行動星球", "行動星球", "Autoline Daily", "行動星球" and "行動星球"" and more!

    Episodes (61)

    還記得媽媽開車的樣子嗎 當時你在車上心中是感激還是驚嚇?#小徐說說話EP286!

    還記得媽媽開車的樣子嗎 當時你在車上心中是感激還是驚嚇?#小徐說說話EP286!
    先說明,本集沒有任何對女性開車沒有任何偏激看法,最主要是希望透過Celsior小時候和年輕時對媽媽開車的記憶,讓大家回到過往的美好記憶!當年,Celsior媽在他年輕時購入一台GOA Camry,當時Celsior媽開車技術著實不怎麼好,也鬧出了不少小故事,直到現在這台車仍繼服役中。一起來感受這些溫馨有趣的小故事吧! CELSIORS Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3IxZ-cdzucOFOOY3CBe1w

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(下)#小徐說說話EP280!

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(下)#小徐說說話EP280!
    GOA Camry?簡單說它就是第四代Camry、國產版前的最後一代進口車型,而”GOA”指的就是車體安全的意思,或許可以把它當作宣傳口號或稱呼,不過為了”GOA”這個安全的代名詞,在產品開發初期就實際撞掉了百來台的測試車,著實在安全上下了一番苦心。 若就XV世代開始的Camry來說,GOA Camry簡約修長的造型可說是與眾不同且耐看。這次我們分三集,分說講述它的開發歷程、日本、北美、台灣、澳洲等地市場及其故事,請慢用! CELSIORS Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3IxZ-cdzucOFOOY3CBe1w

    AD #3692 - Renault’s Ampere Has Bold EV Plans; UAW Labor War Far from Over; GM Acquires Gigacasting Company

    AD #3692 - Renault’s Ampere Has Bold EV Plans; UAW Labor War Far from Over; GM Acquires Gigacasting Company
    - UAW Labor War Far from Over - GM Cruise Halts All Operations - China Going Flat Out with Autonomous Cars - GM Acquires Gigacasting Company - Renault’s Ampere Has Bold EV Plans - Toyota Expands Crown Brand with A CUV - Toyota Camry Going 100% Hybrid - ZF Announces Dry Brake-By-Wire System - GM Building F1 Engine for Andretti

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(中) #小徐說說話EP278!

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(中) #小徐說說話EP278!
    GOA Camry?簡單說它就是第四代Camry、國產版前的最後一代進口車型,而”GOA”指的就是車體安全的意思,或許可以把它當作宣傳口號或稱呼,不過為了”GOA”這個安全的代名詞,在產品開發初期就實際撞掉了百來台的測試車,著實在安全上下了一番苦心。若就XV世代開始的Camry來說,GOA Camry簡約修長的造型可說是與眾不同且耐看。這次我們分三集,分說講述它的開發歷程、日本、北美、台灣、澳洲等地市場及其故事,請慢用! CELSIORS Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3IxZ-cdzucOFOOY3CBe1w

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(上) #小徐說說話EP276!

    為了安全撞掉百來輛測試車的Toyota XV20 GOA Camry 簡約修長造型招人愛(上) #小徐說說話EP276!
    GOA Camry?簡單說它就是第四代Camry、國產版前的最後一代進口車型,而”GOA”指的就是車體安全的意思,或許可以把它當作宣傳口號或稱呼,不過為了”GOA”這個安全的代名詞,在產品開發初期就實際撞掉了百來台的測試車,著實在安全上下了一番苦心。若就XV世代開始的Camry來說,GOA Camry簡約修長的造型可說是與眾不同且耐看。這次我們分三集,分說講述它的開發歷程、日本、北美、台灣等地市場及其故事,請慢用! CELSIORS Youtube頻道:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo3IxZ-cdzucOFOOY3CBe1w

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP176】開始長大變寬的Camry⼀Toyota Camry(XV10)!

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP176】開始長大變寬的Camry⼀Toyota Camry(XV10)!
    上個星期所講的V20 Camry走的是修長、優雅風格,不過它的下一代、也就是這一集要介紹的XV10 Camry可就幾乎完全沒有上一代的影子。4780mm的長車身與1770mm的寬車體(在當時這樣的size算大了),讓XV10 Camry起來氣派、有存在感,當時則成了台灣的熱銷車種。在本地銷售的XV10 Camry計有2.2、3.0升兩款動力型式,不過當時Wagon車型在國內並不盛行,因此無論是總代理或水貨商引進的清一色是四門房車……。 想回味V20 Camry精采內容? Apple Podcast:https://tinyurl.com/29c3zwl7 Spotify:https://tinyurl.com/26ejo6v2 KKBOX:https://tinyurl.com/2xpemm6d Anchor:https://tinyurl.com/22g3xqe9 Google Podcast:https://tinyurl.com/23xutfaf SoundOn:https://tinyurl.com/26tnj5kw

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP174】我們所熟知的Camry由這一代開始⼀Toyota Camry(V20)!

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP174】我們所熟知的Camry由這一代開始⼀Toyota Camry(V20)!
    講V20 Camry可能覺得有點陌生,但如果說80年代末期水貨、總代理都搶著賣、擁有優雅修長車身的Camry,資深大大們應該就有印象了!代號V20的第二代(也有第三代的說法)Camry由於搭上日裔美規車的風潮正式引進台灣,當時大獲市場歡迎,而Camry車系也開始為國人所熟知,而其豪華的配備諸如巡航定速、電動後視鏡、自動上肩安全帶等,可說是高級進口房車的水準。V20 Camry在國內外有哪些故事?來聽Celsior怎麼說?



    TOYOTA CAMRY TROCA V6 POR MOTOR HÍBRIDO NO BRASIL! + Azedou de vez para a Ferrari? | 0 a 100 #29

    TOYOTA CAMRY TROCA V6 POR MOTOR HÍBRIDO NO BRASIL! + Azedou de vez para a Ferrari? | 0 a 100 #29
    SALVE, ACELERADOS! Hora de soltar o play em mais uma edição do 0 a 100, o podcast do Acelerados! Bora ver os assuntos do episódio 29? Segue o fio:

    M4 de 550 cv bate recorde em Nurburgring
    Azedou de vez para a Ferrari?

    Além dos comentários da audiência acelerada no Válvula de Escape. Será que pegaram leve dessa vez? OREMOS! NÃO ESQUECE DE SEGUIR A GENTE NAS PRINCIPAIS REDES SOCIAIS, DEIXAR O LIKE, COMENTAR E COMPARTILHAR! Isso ajuda a gente a continuar produzindo conteúdo.

    LOJA ACELERADOS: https://goo.gl/mwHLa7
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    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP87】 四缸打贏六缸的經典國產大型房車⼀Toyota Camry(XV30)!

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP87】 四缸打贏六缸的經典國產大型房車⼀Toyota Camry(XV30)!
    講XV30大家可能有些陌生,若講國產第一代Camry大家就很熟悉啦!代號XV30的國產Camry在當年在市場上可以造成轟動,連滿配外加V6的Cefiro都不是對手。VX30 Camry的原型車也沒這麼豪華,台灣所販售的版本,其實已經是由國瑞巧手修改過的版本,或許可以說是全世界最豪華的Camry。Camry動力型式計有直四2.0、V6 3.0兩款,雖然規沒有對手Cefiro亮眼,但運轉精緻度佳、耐用、省油的特色則為人津津樂道,直到現在路上還很多活體,一起來聽Celsior回顧當年的背景與它的故事點滴…

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP14】 翻開台灣進口車的歷史,簡直比柯南的劇情還離奇!

    【行動星球⼀小徐說說話-EP14】 翻開台灣進口車的歷史,簡直比柯南的劇情還離奇!

    Road Trip Reawakening

    Road Trip Reawakening

    Road trip reawakening

    I’m a firm believer in low expectations as a key element of a happy life. When you go into anything fully expecting to have the best time of your life, you’re inevitably disappointed. How often can the stars really align? Examples abound in all parts of life. All the best concerts I’ve seen were in part a product of not expecting much going in. And no victory is sweeter than the upset.

    One of the best parts of a road is that the unknown makes it impossible to have well-defined, high expectations. There’s such a huge variance for what could happen that as long as your car doesn’t break down and you have something to report back, you’re ahead of the game. 

    Partly for this reason, I’ve never taken a road trip where I did start with a fair bit of excitement and anticipation. Even when you know your traveling company well and the route is set, you never know what conversations and experiences are waiting. “Who knows what could happen?” is a big part of it. 

    But what if the prevailing attitude is “Who gives a shit?” There are low expectations, and then there’s the total absence of expectations. 

    In this episode, the total lack of expectations was so completely liberating that the result was a life-altering experience. It also features one of the best articulations of why the road trip is so alluring: 

    “Once you give into the notion of a road trip, you're suspending time that you knew in the conventional sense. You're suspending deadlines. You're suspending paying bills. All the other shit that makes life a drag is in suspension because you have a new relationship with time. And that relationship is, ‘What are we going to do with it?’ Not, ‘What do I have to do?’ That choice, being able to explore those options and that new sense of time, is extremely liberating.”

    This is the story of Rob and Toodles, the ocean and oranges, Widespread and underwear, and plugging back into this whole surreal journey called life.

    17 Protección Extendida Autos Toyota

    17 Protección Extendida Autos Toyota
    ¿Una batería de una auto hibrido es cubierta por la protección extendida? La respuesta a esta y otras preguntas que puedas tener si estas a punto de adquirir un auto Toyota o ya eres propietario de uno y tienes interés en extender la garantía de fábrica de tu vehículo.

    https://www.daltontoyota.com.mx https://www.daltoncorporacion.com.mx

    Musica de Fondo: The Success by Keys of Moon | https://soundcloud.com/keysofmoon | Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
    https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ |
    Resto de los derechos: Dalton Corporación

    AD #2874 - Nissan Introduces Ariya EV; U.S. Car Market Headed for Deep Trouble; Small Pickup Sales Remain Steady

    AD #2874 - Nissan Introduces Ariya EV; U.S. Car Market Headed for Deep Trouble; Small Pickup Sales Remain Steady
    - U.S. Car Market Headed for Deep Trouble
    - Consumers Open to Online Car Buying
    - Toyota Corolla Apex Edition
    - Toyota Tweaks the Camry
    - Nissan Introduces Ariya EV
    - Volkswagen Opens Next-Gen Charging Station
    - Small Pickup Sales Remain Steady
    - Maserati Likely Using Mahle Jet Ignition Technology
    - Range Rover Gets 48V Mild Hybrid Diesel Engine
    - States Adopt New Mandates for Big Trucks
    - Kia Telluride Nightfall Edition
    - Mercedes-AMG GT Black Series

    Roadtrip - Der Auto-Podcast Folge 39

    Roadtrip - Der Auto-Podcast Folge 39
    Im Jahr 2004 hat der Toyota Camry dem deutschen Markt Bye-bye gesagt. Nun ist er wieder zurück! Die japanische Limousine hat nicht nur einen Hybrid-Antrieb an Bord, sie kommt in einem aufregenden Design, umfangreich ausgestattet zu einem echt günstigen Preis zurück. Kann der Camry dem Audi A4, de BMW 3er und der Mercedes C-Klasse das Wasser reichen, oder sehen die deutschen Vertreter in diesem Segment sogar alt gegen den neuen Toyota aus? Das klären wir in dieser Folge.

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