

    Explore "cantering" with insightful episodes like "Learn to Ride at Speed", "Stop Leaning to the Outside Round Corners when Cantering", "Tipping Forward while Transitioning into the Canter", "Getting into Canter on Your Easygoing or Lazy Horse" and "When Your Horse 'Runs' From Trot into the Canter" from podcasts like ""Listen With EquiTeam", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians" and "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians"" and more!

    Episodes (16)

    Learn to Ride at Speed

    Learn to Ride at Speed

    Do you find riding in open spaces at speed a bit nerve racking? Or maybe you just want to learn to gallop your horse properly?

    You are most definitely not alone. After a post in our Facebook group EquiTeam Connected raised this issue, Liz and Lou sat down to discuss how to safely, and confidently ride at speed. This episode covers everything from choosing the right time, place and people to go with, how your position is super important for you and your horse, how to choose the best ground and cope with variations in terrain and how to manage those nerves and safely build your confidence.  

    You can find out how to join Equiteam and access our member videos on cantering in an open space and the two point position here

    Stop Leaning to the Outside Round Corners when Cantering

    Stop Leaning to the Outside Round Corners when Cantering

    The challenge is real... And, unfortunately, the momentum is as well! For so many riders, cantering is all well and good until the point where you have to turn!

    Cantering around corners can be so challenging for many riders for a lot of reasons. 

    Here are 3 points to focus on to help you maintain your alignment and balance.

    Read the Full Article HERE 



    Improve Your Canter https://stridesforsuccess.com/canter


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    Tipping Forward while Transitioning into the Canter

    Tipping Forward while Transitioning into the Canter

    Have you ever fallen into the trap of trying to actually get your horse to canter? It’s a sneaky one that hides in plain sight. And it is an exhausting one as well. The good news is that you’re not alone! Over the years, I have seen so many riders make this mistake.

    Because trying to make your horse canter, and asking your horse to canter are two completely different things…

    And the latter, asking your horse, is so much easier, balanced, and enjoyable for all involved. It also has a much higher success rate as well ;)

    Read the Full Article for this Episode HERE:- https://stridesforsuccess.com/episode1277-tipping-forward-while-transitioning-into-the-canter/

    Get Going in Your Riding:-

    Daily Strides Premium is back! The first and original audio horse riding lessons you can use to improve your riding, train your horse, keep things interesting, have fun... Even if you don't have a trainer or coach

    Start today:- https://stridesforsuccess.com/dsp

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    Getting into Canter on Your Easygoing or Lazy Horse

    Getting into Canter on Your Easygoing or Lazy Horse

    Getting into canter on an easygoing or lazy horse can be exhausting!  And while we do love our laidback equines… Can we all be honest in admitting how, sometimes, just a little more enthusiasm would change everything?  The good news is that you can quickly begin to change this in your horse.

    You see, often, the trot to canter is often a symptom of a bigger issue – a lack of responsiveness.

    Increasing your horse’s responsiveness is possible. It will take a consistent approach from you – and the transformation can be instant… 

    So, rather than scrubbing, pushing, and shoving into the canter each time, begin working on increasing overall responsiveness first.  Be strict or disciplined with both yourself (it all starts with you) and your horse.  Oh, and did I mention that you also need consistency ;)


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    When Your Horse 'Runs' From Trot into the Canter

    When Your Horse 'Runs' From Trot into the Canter

    Riding, just like life, is about enjoying the journey rather than just the destination.  However, when you're transitioning from the trot into the canter - and your horse seems determined to show you just how fast he can actually trot beforehand; well, the journey is not all that enjoyable!

    I don't know of a single rider who enjoys the 'rush' of a horse running from trot to canter. It is bouncy, unbalancing, and, sometimes, scary.  Also, it more often than not sets up a canter that feels like all of the above as well.

    The good news is that there are a few things you can do, starting today, to begin re-schooling this behavior; for you and your horse.


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    Creating Planned Responses In Your Riding (rather than messy reactions!)

    Creating Planned Responses In Your Riding (rather than messy reactions!)

    Do you have days where, after you get home, sit down, and think over the day’s events, you think to yourself “Why did I react like that?!”?  I know I do, even now.  I find that if I allow my emotions to run things, the chances of everything turning out exactly as I would have two chances. Slim and none!  This is why I began, a few years ago now, creating planned responses in my riding.

    Simply put, I began thinking about what ‘could’ or ‘might’ happen… And how the ‘best version’ of me would respond in the moment to the situation. 

    Being able to think about what I would like any outcome to be and then plan, in advance, the best response to achieve this changed everything. It meant that I didn’t have to necessarily change ‘me’, I can still have the same emotional response.  However, I also know what actions I want to take in order to deal with the situation.


    More on this Topic:-

    Re-Defining the Rhythm in the Canter with Your Horse

    Re-Defining the Rhythm in the Canter with Your Horse

    There are some things that many of us simply accept in life.  Rainy days. Horsehair is everywhere in Spring. The rhythm in the canter.  And yet, while we cannot change the weather (okay, debatable) and we definitely cannot get around the necessary loss of the winter coat…

    The Rhythm in the canter is definitely something we can have a more positive influence over when we ride – rather than simply accepting what is. 

    And yet, it can seem daunting! Many riders find that when they attempt to begin doing this, they tend to lose the canter altogether.  They quickly find themselves back in the trot.  Or the canter has lost its 3 beat sequence – so it’s technically no longer a canter!


    More Episodes on This Topic:-

    Are Your Outdated Expectations Ruining Your Riding Progress?

    Are Your Outdated Expectations Ruining Your Riding Progress?

    Isn’t it amazing how so many riders just seem to ‘know’ what will happen each time they ride? They have certain expectations that, almost magically, seem to always come true for them. Unfortunately, the keywords in that sentence are ‘for them’.

    I see time and again how riders, regardless of what is really happening, will define each ride based on their beliefs and expectations.

    And, for most of these riders, these beliefs and expectations are simply untrue or unrealistic.  Meaning that they are creating a cycle where they simply repeat the same ride, the same month, the same year, over and over again with their horse.

    And all because they are unaware of how much their expectations are impacting their outcome.

    Additional Resources to Help Riders


    Syncing Your Seat in the Canter with Your Horse

    Syncing Your Seat in the Canter with Your Horse
    All riders can be put into one of two categories when it comes to the canter… Those who can move their seat in the canter with their horse – and those who can’t. This is a bitter pill to swallow for those on the ‘can’t’ side of the fence.  And yet, it is something that they would secretly love to be able to do.

    Having the ability to control your seat in the canter completely changes how much influence you have in the gait – and it is a lot more comfortable. 

    So, if you’ve been stuck in the ‘can’t’ camp for longer than you would like, this is how to finally move forwards into the ‘can’ camp…

    It’s All About Practice

    And not just any old practice.  I am talking perfect practice.  Doing the same, middle-of-the-road things over and over again, hoping for a different result is madness.  Rather spend less time, but more intention and focus in order to make your practice work for you.


    More Help on This Topic:-

    Improving Your Horses Canter with Groundpoles

    Improving Your Horses Canter with Groundpoles

    The canter and using groundpoles; as the song goes, these are a few of my favorite things! And I especially love how, with a few well-placed and simple groundpoles, the canter can begin to become more intentional, rhythmic, and balanced. The added bonus is that so does the rider… So, that being said, let’s improve the canter for you and your horse…

    Today, I want to give you a few simple, easy to follow tips so you can begin effectively using groundpoles in your training program with your horse to improve the canter

    You see, once you and your horse are comfortable cantering together ‘on the flat’ (no poles involved), groundpoles can really begin to help you both to develop on from here.

    READ MORE >>>

    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Are You Blocking a Better Trot with Your Seat?

    Are You Blocking a Better Trot with Your Seat?
    Let’s be honest; many riders don’t really long for a ‘better trot’ in their riding.  In fact, most are quite happy to simply work with what they already have right now and see the trot as a filler.  A part of the ride that gets you from one thing to the next.

    And trotting, by its very nature, doesn’t really help change this! The rhythm can often have a slightly hypnotic effect on riders.  Lulling them into a contented 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2, regardless of how good the trot is – or isn’t.

    In this episode, I want to begin helping you to turn your mind towards a better trot.  What would it look like for you and your horse? And how would it feel for you and your horse?  Finally, how prepared are you to actually allow this better trot to happen underneath you?  Will you be able to move with it? Or will you begin to block it with your seat?

    3 Ways to Use the Your Half Halt in Your Riding

    3 Ways to Use the Your Half Halt in Your Riding

    Can you put into words what the half halt is? Let’s say you are speaking with your friend, who is not a horsey person, and you’re telling her all about the half halt. What would you say? This week I had two eye-opening conversations. One with a rider and one with my sister… I drew a similar conclusion from both conversations.

    My conclusion? There are a whole lot of riders out there who don’t really know what the half halt is, or why everyone goes on and on about it…

    So, back to you and your version of the half halt… It might be easier to start with what it is not. A half of a halt! But, you knew that, didn’t you. And yet, there are many riders who are surprised at that. “It’s kind of slowing down, but not actually letting the horse stop…, I think…” No, that’s not quite it.

    What is the Half Halt

    The half halt is a few things in riding. However, we can simplify things by dividing the purpose of the half halt into three simple categories

    1. An effective ‘intercom’ system between you and your horse
    2. A little ‘fixer-upper'
    3. An effective way to help you and your horse maintain balance, focus, and forwardness

    I am a firm believer that most riders can take the number of current half halts they ride every time they're in the saddle and double or triple that number. And that is just to get started with! We are simply not doing enough half halts. And the irony is, that when you are getting started with it, the more you do, the less you will have to do it later.

    The half halt is really one of those things that you can do a lot of the work up front and reap the benefits later.

    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Learning to Handle Your Lunge Line to Avoid Tangles & Enhance Contact

    Learning to Handle Your Lunge Line to Avoid Tangles & Enhance Contact

    How many times have you been working with your horse on the lunge, only to have your line end up a tangled mess? Or perhaps your horse did something unexpected. Maybe he turned in or went from 0 to 60 in .5 of a second, and you couldn’t respond quickly enough because of a loopy, knotted, or twisted lunge line?

    Your lunge line is an important artificial aid that you can use to actively encourage contact and connection with your horse.  However, that is pretty much impossible if it is a tangled up mess!  The good news is that with a little practice, you can begin making your lunge line work for you and your horse, rather than against you in your lunging.

    The Type of Lunge Line

    Not all lunge lines are made equal. Before we even begin here, I want you to consider the quality of your current lunge line. Ideally, you want one that has a little weight to it, rather than a flimsy, flappy about one.

    That being said, you also don’t want one that is so heavy, gravity is having a greater influence than you in the conversation! There is a happy medium, play with what you like and what works best.


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    4 Actions to Maintain 'Forward' in Your Riding

    4 Actions to Maintain 'Forward' in Your Riding

    Have you ever considered that, if something is not ‘working’ in your riding, the reason might just be a lack of forward? We spend a lot of our focus on making sure we have established relaxation and rhythm. Yet, working forward is actually essential for either of those two to be present and working for you in your riding.

    Here are 4 simple actions you can take every time you ride to help you begin to both establish and maintain forward in your riding.

    What Is Forward?

    Forward is when you and your horse are going somewhere with a sense of purpose. It is the opposite of going nowhere slowly! It is the energy, the intention, and the momentum that must be present in order for anything else to work.

    You must think forward. You must feel confident moving forward and you must then take action on the forward. It is mental, emotional, and physical.

    I believe that forward must be present and established before relaxation and rhythm. And yet, forward is not rushing and racing. It is not frantic or chaotic. Nor is it excessive tension. It is mental, emotional, and physical.


    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Developing Contact on the Lunge Using Your Lunge Line

    Developing Contact on the Lunge Using Your Lunge Line

    Your lunge line is not there to keep your horse on the circle while lunging. I would love for you to take a moment just to consider this statement. Is it at all possible that you have been using your lunge line, in some shape way or form to do this for you?  If lunging is not enjoyable, a tug of war, or just too darn difficult, this could be why.

    Have you been using your lunge line to keep your horse on the circle, rather than to develop contact and connection with your horse?

    Here is my step by step system to turn that around for you in your lunging...

    Embrace Artificial Aids

    Your lunge line is an artificial aid. And artificial aids are fantastic if used correctly. The keyword is "correctly". Many riders have allowed themselves to be led down a path where the use of artificial aids, such as lunge lines, lunge whips, or lunging arenas, is frowned upon.

    Artificial aids are there to back up or support your natural aids.

    And, you can always refine your natural aids, over time, to the point where artificial aids are no longer needed or used all the time. In fact, this is one of your responsibilities as a rider. Doing the work to refine your aids.


    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Refining Your Walk to Canter Transition

    Refining Your Walk to Canter Transition

    Do you find that when asking your horse for canter, you tend to 'over do' some aspects of your aids?  

    Perhaps you throw your reins at your horse, or you try to 'push' too much with your seat or upper body...  

    You're shoving and bumping about in the saddle and when your horse eventually 'strikes' the canter, you are so far from where you want to be positioned wise, that it takes the first 5 to 10 strides just to get your limbs back listening to you before you can even begin to turn your mind to the quality of the canter happening underneath you.

    You can read the full article and listen to the podcast episode HERE or visit:- https://stridesforsuccess.com/walk-to-canter-transition/

    Find the Gaps in Your Horses Training using this free audio series available for you to listen to in a private podcast feed - so just as easy as listening to the Daily STrides Podcast :) You can sign up for free HERE or visit https://stridesforsuccess.com/free


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    Right now, there are so many lessons, on all different topics, available for you on a Private Podcast Feed that delivers them straight to your phone, so you can listen as you ride your horse. Your own time, your own arena, your own horse... More Details HERE

    Connection is an online membership for equestrians working alone to train their horse without a coach or trainer. 

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