
    catholic motherhood

    Explore " catholic motherhood" with insightful episodes like "157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart", "Following God’s Pedagogy with Sister Mary Michael Fox, O.P.", "God Wants My Mess Too, with Deanna Johnston", "142. Disciple Them: RED Heart Series (Part 4)" and "139. Mothering with a RED Heart: RED Heart Series (Part 1)" from podcasts like ""Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts", "Like A Mother with Katie McGrady", "Hope Stories with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN", "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts" and "Latte and Laundry: A home for Catholic women, moms, and hearts"" and more!

    Episodes (19)

    157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart

    157. We Act From What We Believe - Are we FOR them? Part 3 - In Heart

    “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8.

    This week we wrap up our series on being FOR our children! We’ve discussed being for them in action and in word, but how can we succeed at either if in the depths of our hearts we aren’t for them???

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    Following God’s Pedagogy with Sister Mary Michael Fox, O.P.

    Following God’s Pedagogy with Sister Mary Michael Fox, O.P.

    Sister Mary Michael Fox knows the way to explain the faith to kids, not just because of her doctoral degree or her practical work in ministry, but because she was given great examples as a child herself. Her vocation story, the love of her own mother, and her practical insights into how to catechize our children is an invaluable gift to us all. 

    Link to Sister Mary's book: https://ltp.org/products/details/FGP/following-gods-pedagogy 

    Special thanks to Ave Maria Press and Erica Tighe Campbell author of Living the Seasons, for sponsoring this podcast.
    Get 15% off your copy with code KMSHOW at avemariapress.com

    An OSV Podcasts original. Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at osvpodcasts.com. Sharing stories, starting conversations.

    God Wants My Mess Too, with Deanna Johnston

    God Wants My Mess Too, with Deanna Johnston

    Busy mom of four and Director of Marriage and Family Life in the Diocese of Tyler, Deanna Johnston, reminds us all how God invites us all to give everything to Him, even our messes. Sr. Josephine and Deanna share an honest, enlightening conversation about what it feels like to navigate not "feeling Black enough" and belonging to the Body of Christ.

    Deanna's ministry connections:
    St. Philip Institute of Catechesis and Evangelization, Diocese of Tyler, TX
    Witness to Love
    Follow Deanna on X @deannamj131.

    This episode is sponsored by The Catholic Theology Show with Dr. Michael Dauphinais, https://catholic-theology-show.castos.com/

    Journey to a new depth of hope, even in seemingly impossible circumstances, with Sr. Josephine in her new book HOPE: An Invitation. Available at osvcatholicbookstore.com.

    Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at osvpodcasts.com. Sharing stories, starting conversations.

    Learn more about Sr. Josephine at:

    142. Disciple Them: RED Heart Series (Part 4)

    142. Disciple Them: RED Heart Series (Part 4)

    "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" ~Proverbs 22:6

    This week, we wrap up the RED Heart Series by diving into the last element of a RED Heart, which is to disciple them.  But what does it mean to disciple our children? It means to lead, to train, and to show them the way through the example of our own lives leading them to the perfect and divine teacher Christ himself! 

    And how do we lead them to Christ? "A leader is someone who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way!" - John C. Maxwell

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    139. Mothering with a RED Heart: RED Heart Series (Part 1)

    139. Mothering with a RED Heart: RED Heart Series (Part 1)

    "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you. I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh." Ezekial 36: 26

    You guys! I am so excited to kick off our series on Mothering with a RED Heart.  This has been a topic that has been in the depths of my soul for some time. What does it mean to mother with a RED Heart? 

    Today we will discuss the meaning of pouring out our lives for our children for the love of Christ like the martyrs who gave their lives in death for their faith.  We need to remain steadfast in dying to ourselves. 

    In addition, this is a call to let God transform the hardened places of our hearts into fleshy and vulnerable places of love. One of the most beautiful things we can do is to let our hearts be fleshy as God commands so that it has the capacity to be touched and loved, so we are freely able to trust, love, and comfort others - specifically our own children. 

    In the following weeks, we will dive into this idea of mothering with a RED heart in greater detail as we explore the following: 

    R - receive
    E - embrace
    D- disciple

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    137. But don't forget about MEEKNESS

    137. But don't forget about MEEKNESS

    Two things, only two things. He could have said anything, so much that he would have wanted us to mirror. He could have included “patient”, “courageous”, or “obedient”. But though he calls us to all of these, it is no coincidence that he  said two important things. “Learn from me for I am meek and humble of heart” - Matthew 11:29.

    We already dove into humility a few months ago, but we can not forget MEEKNESS!

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    136. All Will be Well if We Abandon Ourselves to God -Chapter 6: Abandonment to Divine Providence

    136. All Will be Well if We Abandon Ourselves to God -Chapter 6: Abandonment to Divine Providence

    This week Johnna and I conclude our conversation on Abandonment to Divine Providence. We wrap up our conversation by diving deep into a trustful surrender into the arms of the perfect parent. 

    We often grasp on tight to the walls of life in fear of all that lies ahead and all that has come before. We walk in the dark unsure of which way to go. How can we move forward when we can't even see our own feet in front of us? This is where the treasure of total abandonment comes in...

    "Come, my soul, come, and let us go to God by self-abandonment. Let us acknowledge that we are incapable of becoming holy by our own efforts, and put our trust in God, who would not have taken away our ability to walk, unless he was to CARRY us in his arms. What, Lord, is the use to us, of being able to see, to feel, and to understand, as we are not making our journey on foot, but we are being carried in your arms!!!"

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    135. Only FAITH Enables the Soul to Accept Everything That Happens to It: Abandonment to Divine Providence - Chapter 5

    135. Only FAITH Enables the Soul to Accept Everything That Happens to It: Abandonment to Divine Providence - Chapter 5

    "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will counsel you with my loving eye on you." ~Psalm 32: 8-9.

    This week Johnna and I continue our summer series book study on Abandonment to Divine Providence. One of the struggles and traps of the Christian life is this deep sense of being far away from living the virtuous and spiritual life that God desires for us. When we recognize our frailty, and our sinful nature, we can mistakenly think this is a call to fix and 'perfect' our broken ways. Though we are called to turn away from sin and towards God, we can jump into control mode and block the way for Jesus and his graces to work in our life. In fact, Jean-Pierre De Caussade reminds us that maybe, just maybe, this is precisely the place where God wants us. 

    "The harder we try to cure thee faults, the worst they get, for they are part of God's design in the best means of destroying self-love and preparing us for union with him."

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    133. To Surrender to God is to Practice Every Virtue - Abandonment to Divine Providence: Chapter 3

    133. To Surrender to God is to Practice Every Virtue - Abandonment to Divine Providence: Chapter 3

    "Abandonment and pure faith do more for the soul than good works" - Father Jean-Pierre Cuassade

    What if having a pure heart and good will was the secret key to happiness? This week, Johnna joins me again to discuss the third chapter of the book Abandonment to Divine Providence.  

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    129. Scripture for the Heart of a Woman - with Lisa Brenninkmeyer

    129. Scripture for the Heart of a Woman - with Lisa Brenninkmeyer

    "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for EVERY GOOD WORK" - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

    This week I am joined by the lovely Lisa Brenninkmeyer to discuss the importance of Sacred Scripture for the heart of a woman. Lisa, a Catholic convert, has a passion for her faith, sacred scripture, and encouraging women to draw nearer to the heart of Christ. Founder of Walking with Purpose, a Catholic Bible Study for Women, Lisa has spent many years helping women encounter Christ through God's Living Word (including myself). 

    This episode is an invitation to be more intentional with meeting God in his Word, in the Story of Salvation, which is still ongoing and alive IN YOU! And remember friends, as C.S. Lewis so perfectly says: "We come to Scripture not to learn a subject, but to steep ourselves in a PERSON."

    Walking With Purpose Bible Studies:

    WWP Shop:

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    118. The Cherry on Top

    118. The Cherry on Top

    "In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." Ephesians 4:26

    There is one particular time of day that can be the most trying, the most exhausting, and the most frustrating for young parents: the bedtime shuffle. This week I discuss the calling to fulfill our obligation of charity through a gentleness and peaceful disposition at bedtime so that our children can rest their hearts and their bodies in the security of our love, which will serve to lead them to the most secure love - God Himself. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    117. Hallelujah is Our Song!

    117. Hallelujah is Our Song!

    “Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song!” - St. Pope John Paul II

    Happy Easter my lovely friends! This week we sing from the mountaintops "Hallelujah". It isn't always easy, but on the battleground of life we are called to go forth with PRAISE first just as the tribe of Judah (which means "Praise") was called to go up the mountain first. 

    But whether you are screaming "Hallelujah," or you are whispering a quiet "Jesus, Jesus", God hears your praise, and He delights in your heart. 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    115. Healing - It's NEVER too Late for Restoration

    115. Healing - It's NEVER too Late for Restoration

    Hours before his death, the Good  Thief took a radical course of action and confidently cried out for Christ's mercy: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom" - Luke 23: 42. Through an incredible moment of confidence in God's goodness, a man who once lived a life of crime became our first known saint. The thief who stole heaven!

    How often does the enemy lock up our hearts in fear and shame? We walk around with a massive wall, built brick by brick with our own hands, that tragically becomes a barrier between Christ and us. What if we aren't meant to end our stories as Judas, but rather as Peter? What if Christ desires to display his ceaseless mercy in and through us? 

    If this episode blessed you, I would be so honored if you shared it with a friend, rated it, or left us a review!

    I always love to connect :
    suzanne @latteandlaundry.com

    Freeing Yourself from Mom Guilt

    Freeing Yourself from Mom Guilt

    Don’t let yourself be a victim of the world and its arbitrary expectations.  Resist the temptation to judge yourself according to other people’s standards and fall victim to mom guilt.

     Ask God to help you do your best, love your best, and live His will for you the best you can.  He loves you, your husband, and your children more than you do.  He will give you all that you need to love them, care for them, and find your generous spirit in your motherhood. 

    Looking for a Catholic life coach to help you navigate marriage and motherhood? Sign up for a free coaching session with me to see how coaching can help you achieve the life you want! Go to janetquinlan.com for more information.
    Follow me on Instagram @janetquinlancoaching

    Reading and Bonding

    Reading and Bonding

    Give an emotional boost to your children and to you and commit to reading together every day.

    Looking for a Catholic life coach to help you navigate marriage and motherhood? Sign up for a free coaching session with me to see how coaching can help you achieve the life you want! Go to janetquinlan.com for more information.
    Follow me on Instagram @janetquinlancoaching


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