

    Explore "chevre" with insightful episodes like "Isabelle a lancé seule son exploitation de chèvres : « On m’a dit : "Vous n'y arriverez jamais" »", "YCKM S12E30 Winterfylleth / Fange", "Le chevreau à l'ail vert", "Episode 27 - Y’a le feu dans ta culotte ? C’est Micro Moquette qui pilote !" and "Épisode 15 - Veronica Mars Attaque ta Planète rouge" from podcasts like ""Dans les yeux d'Olivier Delacroix", "YCKM", "Miam!", "Micro Moquette" and "Micro Moquette"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Isabelle a lancé seule son exploitation de chèvres : « On m’a dit : "Vous n'y arriverez jamais" »

    Isabelle a lancé seule son exploitation de chèvres : « On m’a dit : "Vous n'y arriverez jamais" »

    Si vous aimez "Dans les yeux d'Olivier", le podcast qui donne la parole à ceux qui ne l’ont jamais, laissez des étoiles et des commentaires sur votre plateforme d'écoute préférée !

    Olivier Delacroix part à la rencontre d’Isabelle. Mère divorcée âgée de 48 ans, Isabelle a lancé seule sa propre exploitation d'élevage. Elle raconte sa passion et les difficultés qu’elle a pu rencontrer dans cet épisode du  podcast "Dans les yeux d’Olivier" produit par Europe 1 Studio. Isabelle se marie à 18 ans avec un éleveur de chèvres. Pour cette citadine, ce métier est une révélation. Malgré les difficultés et la fatigue, Isabelle ne s’arrête jamais de travailler. Après la naissance de leurs trois filles, le couple finit par divorcer. Mais pour Isabelle, pas question de changer de métier ! Elle achète une exploitation et se lance alors seule dans l’élevage de chèvres. Un travail énorme pour une personne seule qui lui vaut quelques critiques et de nombreuses interrogations dans son village. Mais Isabelle relève la tête et bénéficie très vite de l’aide de sa première fille, Stéphanie, qui décide d'ouvrir une fromagerie. Aujourd’hui, toute la famille participe à la vie de la chèvrerie. Dans cet épisode du podcast "Dans les yeux d’Olivier" produit par Europe 1 Studio, Isabelle raconte son expérience d’agricultrice et la façon dont elle a créé son exploitation 100 % féminine.  Dans les yeux d'Olivier est un podcast Europe 1 StudioPrésentateur : Olivier DelacroixRéalisateur : Kevin HoustyProductrice : Fannie Rascle et Clémence OlivierRédaction et diffusion : Lisa SosterGraphisme : Cosa Vostra

    YCKM S12E30 Winterfylleth / Fange

    YCKM S12E30 Winterfylleth / Fange

    30ème épisode de cette 12ème saison de YCKM !

    Au programme :

    - Revue de Web : Elie

    - Chronique Collective 1 : Winterfylleth

    - Chronique Collective 2 : Fange

    Playlist : Candlemass / Mirror Mirror, Yautja / Test Subject, Gaerea / Absent, Judas Priest / Turbo Lover, Bolt Thrower / War Master, Hällas / Carry On, Winterfylleth / A Hostile Fate (The Wayfarer Part.4), Age of Woe / Voices of the Unheard, Fange / Flamme Mourante, Fange / Soleils Vaincus, Cirith Ungol / Stormbringer, The Browning / Sick Minds, ACxDC / Satan Is King

    Bonne écoute !

    Le chevreau à l'ail vert

    Le chevreau à l'ail vert

    Pour ce nouvel épisode de Miam!, Thierry Pfohl a rencontré Frédérick Darthout, charcutier et volailler sous les halles Notre-Dame à Poitiers.

    Le producteur de la semaine est également éleveur de chèvres et de chevreau, issus de la race caprine et élevés dans le Poitou. La saison des chevreaux est comprise entre mars et avril.

    Son prix est relativement abordable. Pour vous repérer chez vos producteurs, il faut compter environ 20€ le kilo.

    Si vous souhaitez retrouver les conseils de Thierry Pfohl autour du chevreau et la recette de chevreau à l'ail vert du Poitou de Frédérick Darthout, rendez-vous sur le site de La Nouvelle République : https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/loisirs/gastronomie, ou sur le site de Centre-Presse.

    Miam! est un podcast de La Nouvelle République et Centre-Presse concocté par Thierry Pfohl et assaisonné par Laurent Gaudens.

    Musique: Daybreak par Jens East  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.fr 

    Ce podcast est également disponible sur : Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Deezer, Spotify et Podcasts Addict.

    Episode 27 - Y’a le feu dans ta culotte ? C’est Micro Moquette qui pilote !

    Episode 27 - Y’a le feu dans ta culotte ? C’est Micro Moquette qui pilote !

    Chère ecoutreurice, 

    Mr Emanuel Macron a appelé la direction de Micro Moquette et nous a annoncé qu’en temps qu’entreprise d’utilité publique, il était de notre devoir de faire quelques chose.

    C’est pourquoi Tristiti a réalisé l’impossible pour sauver la France: il a monté un épisode en moins de 49 jours!

    Venez découvrir pour la première fois en réél (et pour la seconde fois en absolue...) la douce voix de Quentin! 

    Et non Quentin, n’est pas mathématicien il est poissard! Mais avant tout: Pompier volontaire! Pour rendre fière notre bon président, nous avons prévu le coup: chanson, invité, histoire, dossier, jeux de rôle avec chèvre IRL (merci Riril pour ta chevrotante performance).

    Courrage mes petits, on vous aime !! 

    Et merci pour toutes ces questions et ces encouragements !!

    Épisode 15 - Veronica Mars Attaque ta Planète rouge

    Épisode 15 - Veronica Mars Attaque ta Planète rouge


    Chers auditeurs, veuillez dégager le champs de tir. Je répète : veuillez dégager le champs de tir.  

    Fermeture du sas ?  ✅  

    Arrimage des fûts de binouze ?   ✅  

    Contrôle de l'air intérieur ?   ✅    

    Générateur de blagues douteuses ?   ✅    

    Alimentation des chèvro-propulseurs ?   ✅  

    Ajustement des scaphandres bovins ?   ✅   

    Armement de la catapulte ?   ✅   

    Compte à rebours  5...4...3...2...1...  

    Accrochez vous à votre slip, Micro Moquette vous envoie sur Mars 🚀


    • 📰 Encore des news mélangé de wtf
    • 🗄️ "Comment qu'on va sur Mars?" par Fromik
    • 🎲 Question pour une chaussette
    • 📜 "Un nouvel espoir" 💨
    • 🗄️ "Comment qu'on survie sur Mars?" par Tristan
    • 🔞 Un autre jeu de PAM... en fait non !

    Retrouvez-nous sur:



    067 - Jason Tesauro, The Modern Gentleman, Best American Food Writing 2016

    067 - Jason Tesauro, The Modern Gentleman, Best American Food Writing 2016

    Writing Work. With Wine and Intention. Welcome to the last in a series of FOUR podcasts celebrating the Virginia Festival of the Book! From March 16th to 19th you will hear from the country's best and brightest when it comes to food writing. Today's episode? Writer and sommelier Jason Tesauro, author of The Modern Gentleman and a contributor to this year's Best American Food Writing series for his profile of chef Bo Bech. Jason will be appearing at an event Sunday, March 26th at JMRL as part of a panel discussion. Event details are listed below.

    I first became aware of Jason's writing because of his book. We know so many of the same people in the food world and I'm sure we've met briefly during my many forays to Barboursville Vineyards where he's been a sommelier for 15 years. So it was a thrill to finally coordinate our busy schedules for a talk. Not just any journalistic back and forth, but a real honest-to-goodness deep conversation about food writing which evolved into his philosophy of setting your intention as you move throughout your day. And your life. Something I can definitely get behind in this age of instant gratification. Slowing down. Making that tiny bit of extra effort. Living awake and aware.

    "My job as a writer...I want you to see past my words into the intention of that grower of that chef of that restaurateur."

    Jason's passion comes out in the piece selected for this year's Best Of series about Chef Bo Bech, a Michelin-starred chef in Denmark, who self-describes as "Complicated Simple". With every beautiful raw ingredient he selects, he sets his intention to transforms it for the plate, while preserving its simple essence. For example, changing the shape of an avocado so when you go to taste it your mouth goes on a journey of discovery and surprise. Chef Bech is no precious "Tweezer Punk" (Tesauro's term), but an innovative chef exploring boundaries. Pushing the diner's expectations and understanding of an ingredient. Continually setting his intention with every plate to create a unique dining experience for his patrons. One so special they'll never forget it. Which behooves Jason to take a similar approach when it comes to reporting.

    "The complicated part is how do I put my ego aside and how can I explore the humanity? It's about a beet, but it's not really the beet, it's the the heartbeat of the grower who survived the winter and made the ground sing."

    The deeper themes are the complicated part when it comes to food writing. Tesauro's piece is a travelogue of Virginia with Jason taking Chef Bech to all his favorite haunts, "foraging" simple ingredients for a one-off pop up in New York called The Bride of the Fox. Fifteen hundred people signed up, but only six invitations went out. A mere ninety minutes before the dinner was due to start. How did Jason get this sweet gig? What was his game plan? Listen to find out.

    "What I love about Bo Bech's food, he will take two ingredients that we're all familiar with and put them on a plate in a mashup we've never experienced...I think Bo never plays it safe. And I'm drawn to artists who live in that space...I like to be around people who are not pushing the envelope for innovation's sake, but they're challenging themselves to evolve and grow."

    Not resting on your laurels. Pushing yourself to do more. Jason is an embodiment of that himself, a true Renaissance man who not only writes, works as a sommelier, but who has created an entire lifestyle choice with his book and website The Modern Gentleman which espouses the belief no matter your age or background, there's no reason to move through life sloppy and half-assed, as my Momma used to say. The origin story behind the book fascinated me, then convinced me to buy a copy for my nephew. Because a huge part of that story involves setting your intention, saying "Yes" to opportunities, and overcoming fear. Just showing up.

    "To me intention is the important word here. Because the intention behind growing, behind sourcing, behind plating, I think that is immediately apparent (when it comes to restaurants). The 3-star (restaurant) wanted to show me their ego. They wanted the show. The 1-star nourished me and showed me her heart and her intention. And I came away with an understanding of each dish. A memory. Wheras the 3-star was a blitz of theater, of smoke, of polished meticulousness. But it felt souless."

    Future plans? Jason recently submitted a wine piece to Esquire. It's one he fought hard for because instead of talking about the beverage in the technical terms most sommeliers use, he went emotional. No flavor or sensory descriptors here. Jason focused on questions like how do you feel while tasting this wine? What does it make you want to do? In what time and place would you drink it? If the wine were a person, who would it be? That style of writing conveys so much more to the reader. It's more accessible. There are more opportunities for connection. While writing the piece, Jason set that intention and hoped for the best. He knew it might be rejected, but he showed up anyway. Guess what? The editors loved it and his article will appear in the Spring. I can't wait to read it and hope more food and wine writers follow his example. I know I'm inspired to do so.

    "I hope it leads to a shift in the way that we talk about food and wine. Because ultimately it's not just a bunch of salt and acid mixed up together. It's soul. It's place. It's intention."

    This talked propelled me. I left feeling energized, ready to set my own intentions for the podcast. Wandering through Jackson Ward made me nostalgic for my hometown which made me remember. Which made me rush home and write a blog post that garnered more response from readers than anything I've written in months. Maybe there's something to this intention thing? Listen and discover it for yourself. Then head out Sunday for his panel talk. See you there!

    Best American Food Writing 2016
    Sun. March 26, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
    Central JMRL Library, 201 E Market Street, Charlottesville, Virginia
    Join food writers Todd Kliman, Jason Tesauro, Joe Yonan, and moderator Holly Hughes as they discuss the Best Food Writing 2016 series.

    SHOW NOTES – Links to resources talked about during the podcast:

    • Rally for Ally - Help out one of our own, a chef who recently suffered a debilitating accident.
    • Help Polina Recover - Help out one of our own, a baker, who recently suffered a debilitating accident.
    • Help Scotty Recover - My best friend has Stage 3B Colorectal cancer. Bills are piling up. He can't work. Can you help?
    • Virginia Festival of the Book - Head out to the food writing events among tons of others. Yes, I'm biased.
    • To Your Health, WPVC 94.7 - Thanks to host M.C. Blair for having me as a guest! Here is the audio.
    • Luca Paschina of Barboursville Vineyards - The man. The legend.
    • In researching Jason, I came across this quote and knew I'd start the talk with it. It's from Bryan Curtis's piece in The Ringer called, "The Rise (and Fall?) of Food Writing."
      • In a fully digitized world, food offers the promise of writing about something tangible. “I feel like people are longing for connection,” said the writer Jason Tesauro. “We’ve gotten to a place where soul and authenticity and genuineness — there’s a dearth of it about. A lot of food writing just deals with surface — it’s restaurant reviews and hype and ‘Look at what I’ve found that you haven’t heard about yet.’ But peel that back and what you’re really getting is an excuse to write about what’s real.
    • Subscribe to This Podcast. Stay Edacious! - Come on, after this episode? You know you want to ;)
    • Subscribe to Edacious News - Never miss a food event in our area! Learn about regional and national food stories so you can stay edacious!

    This episode is sponsored by Teej.fm and listeners like you who donated their support at Patreon, who wants every creator in the world to achieve a sustainable income. Thank you.