
    christian tv

    Explore " christian tv" with insightful episodes like "Healings - Stroke Symptom - Arm Lifted Upwards!", "Healings - Shoulder - Range of Motion Restored, Pain Gone!", "Healings - 10 Years of Daily, Chronic Migraines Healed!", "Healings - Neck & Shoulder Pressure Healed!" and "Healings - Twisted, Painful Leg" from podcasts like ""Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)" and "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Healings - Stroke Symptom - Arm Lifted Upwards!

    Healings - Stroke Symptom - Arm Lifted Upwards!
    Lilian was unable to lift her right arm due to a prior stroke. During our miracle service she received prayer and The Lord began to move, move her arm that is! This is a mighty woman of God that the enemy has tried to take out. But God! We are believing for her full healing! Matthew 21:22 And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #prophesy #miracleservice #stroke

    Healings - Shoulder - Range of Motion Restored, Pain Gone!

    Healings - Shoulder - Range of Motion Restored, Pain Gone!
    JoEmma had limited range of motion in her shoulder, which caused pain when she would extend her arm. Praise God for His move in her shoulder as she received prayer from Apostle Cathy, range of motion was restored and all pain left! Matthew 12:15 But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.  hwww.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #healing #miracleservice #shoulderpain #shoulerhealed

    Healings - 10 Years of Daily, Chronic Migraines Healed!

    Healings - 10 Years of Daily, Chronic Migraines Healed!
    As a teen, Meghan was involved in a Quad accident that left her with daily Migraines for 10 years. She explains that her only relief was pretty much when she would go to sleep. After receiving prayer from Apostle Cathy during one of our Miracle Services, The Spirit of God touched and healed her instantly and it has been confirmed that she is migraine free! Hallelujah! Psalms 30:2 O Lord my God, I cried out to You, And You healed me. hwww.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #healing #miracleservice #migraines #migrainehealing

    Healings - Neck & Shoulder Pressure Healed!

    Healings - Neck & Shoulder Pressure Healed!
    Patty was set free from pressure in her neck and shoulder at one of our House of Glory Miracle Services. She felt it lift off her! One more assignment of the enemy broken in the name of Jesus! All Glory to God! Mark 5:34 And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction." hwww.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #healing #miracleservice #migraines #neckhealing

    Healings - Twisted, Painful Leg

    Healings - Twisted, Painful Leg
    Joy had been suffering with pain in her left left leg, it felt as if it was twisted. This leg has nuts and bolts in it from a previous accident. After receiving prayer all pain left her leg! Glory to God! Luke 13:12 But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” hwww.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #leghealing #endtimes #healing #miracleservice

    Healings - Set Free from a Spirit of Heaviness - Limitless Mississippi Crusade

    Healings - Set Free from a Spirit of Heaviness  - Limitless Mississippi Crusade
    Taylor was set free from a spirit of heaviness after receiving prayer at the Limitless Mississippi Miracle Crusade. She later stated that she was marked and forever changed. John 8:32 “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #emotionalhealing #spirit

    Healings - During Worship - Hip, Shoulder, Infected Tooth

    Healings - During Worship - Hip, Shoulder, Infected Tooth
    As Apostle Cathy played the keys upfront, the Holy Spirit revealed to hear that people were already healed during worship. Once she had them check their bodies, 3 people came up to testify of their healings! Nan testified that all pain left her infected tooth. Marilyn shared that all pain left her shoulder and she felt the inflammation on the right side of her head leave. Elizabeth had been dealing with a tight hip, while in the Glory Realm of God that hip loosened! It was the first time in months! All Glory to God! Luke 5:15-16 However, the report went around concerning Him all the more; and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #prophesy #miracleservice #hiphealed #shoulderhealed

    Healings - Multiple Ear Healings - Prophetic Word

    Healings - Multiple Ear Healings - Prophetic Word
    Apostle Cathy was given a prophetic word regarding ears being healed. As she prayed and The Holy Spirit moved through her, ears were opening, pain left, ringing stopped. People got set free, all in the name of Jesus! Luke 17:19 And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #prophesy #ringingintheear. #earshealed

    Healings - Crushed Shoulder Injury & Knee Healing

    Healings - Crushed Shoulder Injury & Knee Healing
    This was such an exciting testimony to witness as this man of God was healed of an almost 3O year shoulder injury. He shares his testimony of being pinned by a train when he was in his 20’s, he had pain and limited mobility until he received prayer at House of Glory. He also received prayer for his knee following two surgeries. All pain left his knee and mobility was restored. After service he visited his physical therapist and they were in shock at how much better his knee was!! He gave Glory to the Lord in receiving prayer! John 5:8-9 Jesus said to him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk.” And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed, and walked. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #shoulderhealed #kneehealed #shoulderpain

    Healings - Back and Hip Pain - Limitless Mississippi Crusade

    Healings - Back and Hip Pain - Limitless Mississippi Crusade
    She attended the Limitless Mississippi Crusade with back and hip pain at a level 6. She explained that her family could not touch her back/hip because of the pain. Glory to God, during prayer with Apostle Cathy, that stubborn assignment coming against her was commanded to leave! She left with zero pain! Thank you Jesus for healing her and setting her free! Luke 13:11-17 And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way [a]raise herself up. 12 But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” 13 And He laid His hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miraclecrusade #backhealing #God,

    Healings - Digestive System/Emotional Trauma - Limitless Mississippi Crusade

    Healings - Digestive System/Emotional Trauma - Limitless Mississippi Crusade
    Years of emotional trauma, Spirit of Heaviness and digestion problems all removed and healed during the Limitless Mississippi Crusade under the powerful anointing & leading of The Holy Spirit! Incredible Testimony! Psalm 34:19  Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But the Lord delivers him out of them all. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miraclecrusade #digestionhealed #emotionaltrauma

    Healings - Emotional Heart Healing - Limitless Mississippi Crusade

    Healings - Emotional Heart Healing - Limitless Mississippi Crusade
    This is a beautiful testimony of God using Apostle Cathy’s personal testimony of getting set free years ago to impact a young woman listening to her at the Limitless Mississippi Crusade. Later, she wrote to Apostle, “Your testimony literally healed my heart”. She shared how she too struggled for years with suicidal thoughts but now her life has been forever changed. Powerful! Genesis 50:29 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miraclecrusade #emotionalhealing #suicide

    Healings - Eye Pain Healed - Word of Knowledge - Miracle Crusade

    Healings - Eye Pain Healed - Word of Knowledge - Miracle Crusade
    Eye pain healed during the Limitless Miracle Crusade in Mississippi! Apostle Cathy was given a Word of Knowledge for left eye pain, as she prayed corporately for the pain to leave, The Holy Spirit touched a young woman’s eye and she was healed. He knows our every need! 1 Corinthians 12:8 for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #JesusChrist #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #testimonies #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod miraclecrusade #eyeHealing #Mississippi #powerofGod

    Healings - Two Ear Healings

    Healings - Two Ear Healings
    Two people with different hearing issues experienced healing at House of Glory. The first was a woman who had been dealing with muffled hearing for three months due to an ear infection. After receiving prayer, her hearing was restored to clarity. The second was Patrick, a first-time visitor who had been experiencing ringing in his ear for a week. He also experienced complete relief after receiving healing prayer. All Glory to God! Zechariah 4:6  So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the LORD of hosts. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #ringingintheear #earhealing #faith

    Healings - Back & Shoulder - Incredible Move of God’s Spirit

    Healings - Back & Shoulder - Incredible Move of God’s Spirit
    It’s always a wonderful surprise how the Lord is going to move in our miracle services at House of Glory! This time the Father revealed to Apostle Cathy the day before, a glimpse of the service. He said that He was going to come in a different way and He showed her how He was going to be moving through the room, touching and healing His people. There would be no laying on of hands, just her at the keys being sensitive to His Spirit. Rick received healing in his back and shoulders. The rest of the people were overcome by His presence. Many people contacted her to tell her how they were pinned to the floor during worship and they received such a touch of the Spirit like never before. His wind blew in the room and walked amongst us. We will never be the same! John 4:24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #Healing #backpain

    Healings - Circulation, Neck, Ankle, Backs

    Healings - Circulation, Neck, Ankle, Backs
    Another powerful night of healings at our House of Glory miracle service! Jorge, a first time visitor, received his gift of salvation and healing in his hands, legs/knees. Pain left Allison’s ankle! Neck and back pain instantly healed in Judy. Betty testified that her back pain was healed as well! 1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #Healing #backpain

    Healings - Pain Leaves Multiple People During Corporate Prayer!

    Healings - Pain Leaves Multiple People During Corporate Prayer!
    Incredible testimonies of all kinds of pain leaving several people during corporate prayer! Legs, knees, hips, backs, ankle, shoulder and more! Pain was commanded to leave in the name of Jesus and that it did! Hallelujah! Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #Healing #kneehealed #backpain

    Healings - 5 People - Knee Healings

    Healings - 5 People - Knee Healings
    Incredible to watch God move throughout the room healing 5 different people having knees problems! Pastor Jeff was in shock that the bone he would normally feel as he would often rub his knee was not there, it shift into socket! He suffered with that knee injury for over 48 years! Wow! Powerful Miracle Service! Matthew 9:35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #Healing #kneehealed

    Healings - Vision & Body Pain

    Healings - Vision & Body Pain
    Noeme testified of healing in her vision along with relief from pain all over body. Psalm 103:2-3 2 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits: 3 Who forgives all your iniquities,
Who heals all your diseases, www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #miracleservice #Healing #visionhealed #painhealed

    Healings - 6 People Healed in the Glory!

    Healings - 6 People Healed in the Glory!
    Led by the Spirit of God, Apostle Cathy moved prophetically in prayer and 6 people were healed in their seats, as the power of God moved in their bodies! Phil came up to testify that the pain in his chest to his shoulder was gone! Healed! Natasha’s range of motion was improved. First time visitor- herniated disks (L4 & L5), numb leg with no strength- all healed and restored! Dana, a crooked knee that she could not bend was straightened! Camille, unknown body aches no more! Asher knee pain healed! All praise, Glory and honor to our King Jesus! Jeremiah 33:6 Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #manyhealed #miracleservice #herniateddisk

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