
    christian tv

    Explore " christian tv" with insightful episodes like "Healings - Inflammation In The Knees", "Healings - In The Glory Realm - Back, Shoulder & Fingers", "Healings - Knee Pain and Stroke Symptoms", "Healings -Hip, Shoulder, Knees" and "Healings - Neck Tendon" from podcasts like ""Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)", "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)" and "Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Healings - Inflammation In The Knees

    Healings - Inflammation In The Knees
    This precious woman of God came in to House of Glory with painful inflammation in her knees, she was at a level 8 out 10 in pain. While receiving prayer from Apostle Cathy, The Lord healed most of the pain. After service, while she was testifying, she realized all of the pain had left. Her reaction of surprise and joy was truly priceless! Luke 8:48 And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #kneeshealed #kneepain #inflammation

    Healings - In The Glory Realm - Back, Shoulder & Fingers

    Healings - In The Glory Realm - Back, Shoulder & Fingers
    As Apostle was led to pray corporately for healing, once again The Lord began touching and healing bodies while the congregation were at their seats. Erin testified of healing in her back, Nina, range of motion in her shoulder and Pastor Wanda, pain left her fingers, pain that she had for 2 months. Two children experienced healing in their bodies as well. Glory to God! Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #gloryofGod #backhealed #shoulderhealed

    Healings - Knee Pain and Stroke Symptoms

    Healings - Knee Pain and Stroke Symptoms
    Jesus’s family brought him to House of Glory to receive healing, due to many health problems including knee pain & side affects from having a stroke. He came in with a cane for support and left walking without it! The Lord healed his knee, all pain left and he received more balance in his walking. He felt overall better including the his hand. Incredible God we serve! Mark 9:23 And Jesus said to him, “‘If you can’! All things are possible for one who believes.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #balance #kneeshealed #stroke

    Healings -Hip, Shoulder, Knees

    Healings -Hip, Shoulder, Knees
    Rachel and her friend both received healing at our miracle service. The burning nerve in Rachel’s shoulder was healed along with the pain in her hip! Her friend came in with torn meniscus tears in her knees and was not able to bend them. After receiving prayer, she was able to bend them with no pain! Psalm 30:2 O Lord my God, I cried out to You,
And You healed me. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #hippain #hiphealed #kneeshealed #tornmeniscus

    Healings - Neck Tendon

    Healings - Neck Tendon
    Tendon pain in the neck healed! Acts 4:30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #tendonpain

    Healings - Shoulder Pinched Nerve

    Healings - Shoulder Pinched Nerve
    Praise God, all tension left Angie’s shoulder as she received healing prayer! Mark 5:34 And He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #shoulderhealed

    Healings - Knee Straightened & Back (L4 & L5)

    Healings - Knee Straightened & Back (L4 & L5)
    Dana came in with a pain level of a 10 in her back! (The Doctors wanted to do back surgery -L4 & L5) She felt the touch of God on her back while another man was receiving prayer and her pain level went down to a 3, we are believing God would finish the rest! Dana’s knee was healed also! Level 10 again! Her knee was crooked, to where she could not even bend it. Hallelujah, the pain is gone and her knee has been straightened! Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #vertevraehealing #kneehealed

    Healings - Vertebrae

    Healings - Vertebrae
    Frank came in to House of Glory with vertebrae pain and after receiving healing prayer, The Lord touched his back and removed all the pain! Glory to God!! James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #vertebraehealing #painhealed

    Healings - Neck & Knees

    Healings - Neck & Knees
    Both Mary and Asher received healing in their necks, tension and pain. Both were healed! Mary also received healing in her knees as well! We look to Jesus as our healer! Isaiah 53:4-5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #kneepain #painhealed

    Healings - Hand Pain

    Healings - Hand Pain
    Sweet JessMarie is part of our Media Team. There was an attack on her hands the last two services which was making it difficult to hold the camera/camcorder. Praise God, that attack was rendered powerless as Apostle Cathy took authority over it in The Name of Jesus! Isaiah 54:17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #handpain #painhealed

    Healings - Blood Clot

    Healings - Blood Clot
    After receiving prayer for a blood clot, Allison went back to the doctors where it was confirmed that with a doctors report…that there was no blood clot to be found!! Jesus is our healer! Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; Save me, and I shall be saved, For You are me praise. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #bloodclot

    Healings - Ear, Knee & Arm

    Healings - Ear, Knee & Arm
    Over the last month, Marie has experienced multiple healings at House of Glory Church! She was having ear pain for 2-3 years. She felt heat during worship and after prayer from Apostle Cathy, all pain left her ear. She also received healing in her knee and arm from previous prayer. God is so good! Matthew 9:35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #multiplehealings #earpain, #kneepain

    Healings - Multiple Healings in the Glory - Fired Up 2022

    Healings - Multiple Healings in the Glory - Fired Up 2022
    Legs, arms, ankle, knee, lower back ALL healed in the Glory Realm at our Fired Up Conference 2022. Jesus is our Healer! Psalms 103:2-4 Bless the Lord, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #Firedup2022

    Healings - Knee Pain and Balance Restored

    Healings - Knee Pain and Balance Restored
    Bill felt a click in his knee as The Lord Healed was healing him! His balanced was restored in the process! Hallelujah! Psalm 6:2 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak;
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #kneepain #kneehealing

    Healings - Shoulder - Range Motion

    Healings - Shoulder - Range Motion
    Natasha’s reaction to the move of God in her shoulder was priceless! She had suffered a pretty serious injury. After surgery she was invited to House of Glory where God has been bringing her through a journey of healing. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #shoulderinjury #shoulderhealing

    Healings - Back Pain Instantly Healed

    Healings - Back Pain Instantly Healed
    Cynthia’s back was instantly healed during our House of Glory miracle service! All pain left as she received prayer. We give God all the Glory! Jeremiah 17:14 Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
Save me, and I shall be saved,
For You are my praise. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #backpainhealed #backhealed

    Healings - Knee Instantly Healed!

    Healings - Knee Instantly Healed!
    Healings - Knee Instantly Healed! Nina came in to House of Glory with pain in her knee and The Lord instantly healed that knee through the laying on of hands. Praise God! Acts 4:30 by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.” www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #pain #kneehealed #instanthealing

    Healings - Creative Miracle - Knee

    Healings - Creative Miracle - Knee
    Incredible to see the transformation in Tony’s knee! Years and years of pain, you can see the struggle to even bend it. As Apostle prayed, The Lord began to loosen his knee and slowly it started to bend, pain began to leave, his emotions were priceless. “It’s a miracle, it’s a miracle” First time visitor at House of Glory, we are so blessed that he came. Psalm 6:2 Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am weak;
O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #creativemiracle #pain #kneehealed

    Healings - Limp Healed

    Healings - Limp Healed
    After receiving hip surgery, one leg was shorter than the other and Teresa started walking with a limp. After receiving prayer, The Lord lengthened her leg to match the other one, which corrected the limp! Praise the Lord! Matthew 12:15 But when Jesus knew it, He withdrew from there. And great [a]multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all. www.houseofglorychurch.org www.cathycoppola.org #healing #God #Jesus #miracle #ChristianTV #healingtestimony #church #deliverance #HouseofGloryChurch #Christian #prayer #signs #power #endtimes #faith #miracleservice #limphealed #leggrew

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