

    Explore "christianmysticism" with insightful episodes like "Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path", "Red Church | The Rightsizing in the Prophetic!", "Red Church—Introduction to Prophetic Experiences! Real & the Counterfeit Anointing!", "How Much Time Do We Have Left? | Prophecy Live" and "Hellier, Pennyroyal, Ahriman Connection" from podcasts like ""Spiritual Awakening Radio", "Joseph Z Podcast", "Joseph Z Podcast", "Joseph Z Podcast" and "Appleknocker Radio"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path

    Spiritual Light to Guide You On Your Path

    For many, the term "meditation" suggests merely a practice about attaining a more relaxed state and only represents a series of techniques about stress reduction. For the Initiate of the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven however, meditation represents a Portal to the Divine, a Door in the Heavens leading to Realms Beyond, is a Bright Star in a Mystic Sky that turns into a Tunnel of Light or River of Divine Light that flows into the Eternal Ocean of God! (Gnosis)


    "A Light of utmost splendor glows on the eyes of my soul. Therein have I seen the inexpressible ordering of all things, and recognized God's unspeakable glory - that incomprehensible wonder - the tender caress between God and the soul... the unmingled joy of union, the Living Love of Eternity as it now is and evermore shall be." (The German Mystic Mechthild of Magdeburg, Flowing Light of the Godhead)


    "Now has Divine Light delivered me from captivity, and joined me by gentility to the Divine will of Love" (The French Mystic, Marguerite Porete, The Mirror of Simple Souls)


    "Those who transcend the realm of mind and the senses and enter the regions of Pure Spirit come to know, as a Living Reality, that dwelling within all forms of life, human and otherwise, is One Pure Light and Love... though encased in so many types of veils due to karmic impressions." (Baba Somanath)


    "This 'Single' or 'Third Eye' provides an ingress into the spiritual worlds - the Kingdom of God - now a lost realm to most of us... Of this inlet or ingress little is known by the people at large." (Sant Kirpal Singh)


    Swami Sant Sevi Ji: "What is the glorious destination that we are striving for? When we see darkness with our eyes closed we are in the realm of death and re-birth because we are not aware of our true nature. When we come out of the realm of darkness and enter into the Realm of Light, we will at the same time escape the web of death. If we remain in darkness it is not possible to be free from the cycle of birth and death. Only when we achieve the Inner Light - the Divine Light which represents the glory of the Divine - can we be liberated from the cycle of birth and death." (Peace)


    "Seek the refuge of the Satguru, O Dear One, for He will free you from your karmic debt. The entire world is consumed by forgetfulness and confusion. No one appreciates the unique message of the Saints. The unfortunate ones of this world are dominated by Maya [illusion], and they do not attain the Immaculate State. Those upon whom the Grace of the Primal Creator is showered, alone have the desire to drink the Nectar of Immortality." (Baba Somanath)


    "So, the point of telling you is that this Path, which has been sent by God Almighty Himself - the Surat Shabd Yoga [Inner Light and Sound Meditation Practice] - that can be attained only by initiation from a True Master... Therefore, all the Masters, at all times, have always talked and sung the praise of Surat Shabd. And that has been the message of the Masters in various yugas [epochs of time]... Therefore, when we are initiated by our Masters, it is necessary for us to get connected with the Shabd [the inner Light and Sound Current] every day - to do our meditation every day. And, by doing so, we are helping our Master to help us..." (Baba Ram Singh)


    Asks Kabir: "For Millions of Years You Have Slept, This Morning Will You Not Wake?"


    In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami

    James Bean

    Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts

    Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts

    Sant Mat Radhasoami

    A Satsang Without Walls



    Red Church | The Rightsizing in the Prophetic!

    Red Church | The Rightsizing in the Prophetic!

    “I’ll break you out from among them. Am I not the God that brings manna down from heaven and cares deeply for you”?

    In today’s Red Church broadcast, Joseph Z makes a revelation about the rightsizing in the prophetic, revealing that there’ll be an extraordinary horsepower that’ll come upon the prophetic during this period. He goes on to reveal that a great shaking is coming and we’re stepping into a severe season during this period. Again, he discloses that America has one more round because the young lions are coming, alongside Generation Alpha. Also, he raises concerns about Christian mysticism, reminding us about what the word of God says about many deceivers arising in the last days. 

    Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

    Moving on, Joseph makes us realize that the rain falls on the just and unjust alike, and the reason why God didn’t intervene the way we expected him to in the last three years when a crisis hit the world was out of his mercy for the world. He makes more revelations about a fourteen-month window that’ll herald a new America, which will be ridden with UFO narratives and a new tech that portends ill for the people and the culture. He goes on to disclose that there isn’t anything like aliens because the alien narrative is a deception hiding the real issue which borders on extracting human DNAs to create little monsters. 

    It may interest you to know also, just as Joseph made us realize that humans have more authority than demons because we have physical bodies and demons don’t, because demons require a physical body to operate. Interestingly, in this broadcast, he makes us understand that witchcraft is unauthorized access to supernatural powers without the permission of God and that rebellion is also a sin of witchcraft. He then makes more revelations about events to expect in the year 2024 and beyond. 

    More interestingly, Joseph reassures us that God will bring order to the disorderliness in the prophetic, for the Lord wants us to win more than we are and to break out from everything that’s holding us down. He reassures us that the Lord is causing a great revival, which will offend the institution, but it’ll be a sense of justice. He further reassures us that there’s strength coming upon us all, for our micro wins will accumulate into a roar. 

    0:00 Introduction
    04:22 One More Round for America
    05:36 Humility & Christian Mysticism
    10:16 Season of Darkness or Night
    16:52 Witchcraft & Rebellion
    19:51 The Nation may go Down, but not the Church
    29:07 God will Bring Order to Disorderliness
    33:05 The Difference Between the Old & New Testament
    36:11 A Time of Fire & Challenge: More Prophecies
    41:23 The Lord Will Cause a Great Revival
    45:39 Will God Find Faith in the Earth?
    53:30 Conclusion

    September 03, 2023

    Red Church—Introduction to Prophetic Experiences! Real & the Counterfeit Anointing!

    Red Church—Introduction to Prophetic Experiences! Real & the Counterfeit Anointing!

    In today’s Red Church broadcast, Joseph Z introduces us to prophetic experiences and encourages us not to be afraid nor intimidated by everything happening over the land today. He reveals that we’re called to occupy, and stand up against the evil in the land; for Jesus wants us to win, rise up and take this season. He admits that God has charged us to raise a million for a billion, a million clear-eyed and clear-minded reformers that’ll rise up to reclaim our mandate from the evil perpetrators. He went on to disclose that we’re not created for death, instead, we’re made for eternity; he then referenced the word of God from the book of 1 Corinthians 4:6 to remind us not to think beyond what is written.

    Moving on, Joseph took us to the book of James 1:22-23 where we’ve been instructed to be the doers of the word and not the hearers; he then charges us to stand on the foundation of the written word of God. Again, he referenced the word of God in 1Corinthians 13:11-12 to establish that we must mature in God’s word in our walk with Him and permit the spirit of God to quicken our mortal being into becoming who God has made us to be. He went on to instruct us to stick only to the written word of God, and not be swayed by Christian mysticism as can be seen all over the place.

    Again, Joseph referenced the word of God from the book of 1 John 2:27, which clarifies our understanding of the anointing of God. He then threw more light on the false anointing and mammon which he believes is the devil’s way of controlling humanity; he then clarified that a counterfeit anointing is a shortcut that craves for the fruit without putting in the work. He then informs us that God is calling us to walk in the truth, and discloses that we can decipher the truth from the results or outcomes of any situation. He then continued by referencing the word of God from the book of Mathew 24:11 which reminds us of God’s word to be weary of false prophets as many of them shall arise to deceive so many.

    Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below:

    0:00 Introduction
    03:55 Conquer Fear: Occupy & Take Territory
    05:30 God’s Will for Us: A Million for a Billion
    12:23 Prophecies for the Coming Years
    13:13 Christian Witchcraft
    14:44 James 1:22-24
    17:57 II Corinthians 3:17-18: 1 Corinthians 13:11-12
    21:50 Spirit, Soul, & Body Transformation
    24:28 Third Eye: Witchcraft
    28:03 1 John 2:27: True Anointing
    33:32 Counterfeit Anointing: Mathew 24:11
    40:28 Conclusion

    June 11, 2023

    How Much Time Do We Have Left? | Prophecy Live

    How Much Time Do We Have Left? | Prophecy Live

    In today’s broadcast, Joseph Z prophecies about a time that God is moving in right now, and that the glory of the Lord is about to be revealed in a way that has not been seen before. He discloses that we’re in a time unlike any other, God will bring about a great move of His spirit, and there’ll be such a recovery of morality and a rise of darkness like never seen before. Also, he reveals that there’ll be such a rise of darkness that has never been seen before, but there’ll be a turn of the tide despite everything that will happen. Again, he insists that the light will shine in the darkness, and there’ll be a collision of financial institutions, which will eventually change systematically. 

    Moving on, Joseph reveals that the church will rise up to begin to take territory and the great awakening will be like a roar, such that will be offensive to the government; because it is time that men unite and fight. He then discloses that we’ll witness a merging of the body of Christ and further insists that it’s important we stand now or we lose it all. Again, he reveals that we have another round that will herald wealth transfer and victory, and some of the people that we thought had ties with the evil ones will be vindicated; the heroes, however, will be turned into the biggest zeros. He then declares that God will not be mocked, and whatever we sow is what we’ll reap.

    Moreso, Joseph reveals that there’s a strong turn of events coming, and the spirit of might is here to empower every one of us to clamp back at everything going on. He then declares that the blood of Jesus Christ is on our lives and on the lives of our children, therefore no harm shall come near us. Also, he cautions about Christian mysticism, and reveals there’ll be a confrontation against it; there’ll also be online crusades. Again, he reveals that the Alphas are coming, the young lions who will be forged in the fire of conflict revival and awakening. 

    Furthermore, Joseph reveals that the wind of God will blow in the scene again, and things will not go as planned for the reformer are coming; also there’ll be a mending of many reformers, good shepherds that’ll lay down their lives for the flock. God will exalt the humble and bring down the pride of man. Joseph once again proclaims that the spirit of the Lord will turn adversaries into allies in many places; he further declares the anointing of God over us and assures us that God will not abandon us. Again, he reassures us of God’s promise of intervention; although darkness rises, light shall meet it, and God shall not withhold anything good from us.

    Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: https://linktr.ee/zministries

    0:00 Introduction
    02:17 A Turn of the Tide
    04:07 Financial Change: Collision of Financial Institutions
    06:45 The Communist Agenda
    09:57 The Great Awakening
    14:31 Strong Turn of Events
    22:15 Confrontation of Christian Mysticism
    25:12 The Wind of God Across the Scene
    27:32 An Overhaul of the System by God’s Spirit
    30:33 Freedom From Captivity
    38:53 Unification & Unlikely Alliances
    42:08 Healing Prayers & Conclusion

    May 30, 2023

    E123 - Joshua Hoffert, Part 2 | The Contemplative and The Invitation to Simply Turn

    E123 - Joshua Hoffert, Part 2 | The Contemplative and The Invitation to Simply Turn

    In the conclusion of this powerful conversation with Joshua Hoffert, we explore what it means to be contempletive, the importance of self care, and learning to experience God in the mundane.

    “We do a disservice to the desire God has to dwell in our hearts by constantly desiring some external experience. God longs to dwell in you. He sent his Spirit to dwell in your heart so he could talk with you. If you just exist from high point to high point you’re never going to know his actual heart.”


    E122 - Joshua Hoffert, Part 1 | Desert Fathers and Mothers and Mystics

    E122 - Joshua Hoffert, Part 1 | Desert Fathers and Mothers and Mystics

    You're going to be fascinated and educated by this conversation with this week's guest, Joshua Hoffert. We're talking about the Desert Fathers and Mothers. Who are they and what do they represent? We're also demystifying what it means to be a mystic.

    "God is a mystery and requires you to let go of your need to control in order to know and understand - in order to heart know him - not just mind know him.  This is a mystic."


    Our 30-year-long Spiritual Marriage, Revealed!

    Our 30-year-long Spiritual Marriage, Revealed!

    Carter and teZa Lord have just returned from their honeymoon celebrating 30 years of purposefully-designed spiritual union. They discuss how they, both in their mid-40s, decided that was the only kind of love partnering for them. Discussing many details like: how they arrived at their marriage vows; how raising step-children (for teZa) fit into the plan; how Carter accepts Eastern mysticism into his born-again Christianity; how both decided that, right here and now (on the 2nd honeymoon), they need a new set of vows. And much more in this often hilarious look inside a feisty pair who both love God/Spirit/Source as much as each other. tezalord.com for more

    The Nature of Desert Nature

    The Nature of Desert Nature

    Ostensibly, editor Gary Paul Nabhan's collection of friends' essays, The Nature of Desert Nature is about the desert.

    Rather ... it's human nature that we encounter delving into this collection of essays. The writers reminisce on their own beingness as they encountering one specific desert: the Sonoran. The Sonoron is the desert covers vast area in the Southwest United States and Northwest Mexico. Most of the essays focus on Tucson and its environs.

    For our guests, living on the edge of the desert also has meaning ...  what is the nature of desert nature?

    Host Aubrey Hicks is joined by Caroline Bhalla and Stacy Patterson.

    For June, we're reading Emergent Strategy by adrienne maree brown!
    Join us for the LIVE Recording on Tue, June 22nd at 5pm pacific

    Trinity's Holy Fire: 3 Visions

    Trinity's Holy Fire: 3 Visions

    VISION 1. Trinity’s Holy Fire Draws Us Within: I came to a door to the Trinity which opened into a vast realm of stars without ceiling, walls or floor….

    VISION 2. Wine-Soaked Crumbs Become a Universe: In a dream I saw a hand break off a small communion piece from a loaf of bread…

    VISION 3. Spirit-slain, Spirit-raised, Spirit-healed: It is time for the kind of sleep which overcomes people who are slain in the Spirit…

    Veils Burn Away: 3 Visions

    Veils Burn Away: 3 Visions

    VISION 1: VEILS BURN AWAY IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. The more I look, the more I see. Only the weakness of the eyes of my heart limits me…

    VISION 2: CLEANSING FIRE INFUSES LIVING SACRIFICES. The entrance to the Holy Place is veiled by a waterfall of blood. It pours without ceasing…

    VISION 3: HEAVEN’S KINGDOM COMES IN A COCOON. In a time of repose and waiting on the Lord I drift through mists. The mists cling to me…