
    civilization 3.0

    Explore "civilization 3.0" with insightful episodes like "Lets Go Molecular", "Happiness", "Which Class", "Tied Up" and "Minister Of Edificaton" from podcasts like ""Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son" and "Land Of The Rising Son"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    Lets Go Molecular

    Lets Go Molecular

    Viewing the humanoid body as a chemical Matrix akin to thick green pea soup, at first glance many seem surreal.Green pea soup-itadaki mouseRest assured, there is simply nothing more visceral, bona fide, or reflective of the Fabric of Reality than metacognitive acknowledgement of the physical flowing of molecules throughout Material Sludge.

    Coming to terms with the fascinating reality of the intricate intertwining of heart, mind, body, and soul is exactly where the story begins—you are now in control of a new constructed reality where the legitimate meaning of life as the revealed revelations are slowly unpeeled.

    Just as in the Matrix described in the Rising Son’s Earth Log, closely examining the mirror reveals your personalised chemistry and its veneer—scary at ignition at the Beginning of Infinity—your molecules starts the evolutional journey outside the Matrix where lies worlds of endless eternity—no beginning—no middle—no end—truth no longer surreal.

    no beginning—no middle—no end—truth no longer surrealOnce consciously assimilating the quirky quarks of the molecular being—heart, mind, body, and soul amalgamate for an illuminating journey—Follow The Sun—journeying on her beloved sister Mother Earth—just one of the many planetary islands among an infinite number of gooey atolls—inhabited by otherworldly chemical matrixes of enigmatic bizarre sentient beings.

    The physical body is a carnal conduit consisting of mind, heart, spirit and soul, thus, it is imperative to nourish the restless wary whole—personification of Personal Identification—the Ego and the  turned loose Muse, floating in Harmony in the True Communities throughout this celestial atoll.

    New Worlds Indeed the composition of a humanoid chemical Matrix, varies widely depending on the sauce in the feed mix deeply impacting all 4 vital signs, personalised touchstones as a present to all seminal sentient beings.

    Fortunately, at the tender age of just twenty-three—Japanese food arrived instantly—in deep contrast to this Incidental Occxie's humble culinary beginnings—straight to pickles, rice, and sashimi.

    豪華刺身船盛り - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersenseiInflection ʅʃ Point

    As an Incidental Occxie, this journey Following The Sun can only be considered in the realm of inexplicable happenstance, a most peculiar instance of surreality, manifesting into materially reality inside Earth's Force Field.

    Undoubtably the selection of Japanese cuisine includes much more that pickled vegetables and raw fish, in fact, when asked why to have remained in the Land of Japan, the answer envelopes just three:

    (1) Japanese people

    (2) Healthy Japanese food with reverence for rice

    (3) The foundational workings of the civil society of Japan—internalising this leads to penetrating insight into Civilization Three.

    Surreal map of Japan high tech red rising sun backgroundMoreover, the Japanese astutely describe the essence of savour scrumptious succulent nibblets—corresponding to the flavour of glutamates—the fifth category of taste—umami.

    Once upon a time in Occxie-land visiting a grocery stores—there was shock and dismay in what appeared to be food devolved into sludgy chemical goop—conjured in an Industrial Laboratory—bad news ya’ll have been duped—consuming ubiquitous chemical compounds like high fructose corn syrup—you are fat, stupid, sad, and a pathetic pale hue of Mississippi Delta blue.

    Fat and stupidUnsolicited (ò_óˇ) Advice

    The vital organs of humanoids orchestrate the music of mind and soul—reconstituting earthly chemical matrix using natural flavour decisions, the sustenance of your life akin to personal rocket fuel

    Rejuvenating the physical body creates a solid foundation to build the four divine points of homeostatic humanity—reseting the entire celestial body the personal Mitochondria Muse, an ally and the new best friend.

    The simplicity of the molecule rearrangement theme and its execution therein, is where a complex mind game in earnest will begin.

    The mandate is clear—72 hours of abstinence—three fleeting days—on the quest for eternal harmony—rejuvenation starts from within.

    As in all heroes journey’s, the antagonist will show up again and again—its must be viscerally experience personally—you now own this pesky little hunger hormone—who goes by the name of Ghrelin.

    Ghrelin moleculeThe sole mission of Ghrelin is to bring hunger pangs—let the first battle kick in—even if breaking down and giving in—there is always tomorrow as described in the song—ashita mo aru sa—the vision of another day—Start From The Beginning Again.

    In the blink of an eye, the renewed bio-chemical system can now fly, collective gratitude abounds for this soul cleansing protocol profound, brought to you by the wise Dr. Sten.

    One more fascinating magic ally in the quest for the heart to sign and the soul to fly is also courtesy of the sagacious Dr. Ekberg—most important to know, thus to be aligned the regeneration of the cellular—the miracle of Autophagy the ultimate regenerative friend.

    Sten-Ekberg mashAutophagy is the personal cell recycling program—just like a tired out cellular telephone eventually it starts to slow down too many old files cluttering up the memory—leading to ageing, physical breakdown, and eventual senility.

    Clean up the unnecessary files and update the software so it can run smoothly once again—72 hours of abstinence—three ephemeral days is where Autophagy is put into play.

    As cells live and work, they accumulate waste material like old or damaged proteins and organelles, which are the vital organs inside each cell.

    In the Autophagy process waste material is packed up to be destroyed—break it down and recycle it making new cell parts with a renewal of stelar energy is where the new beginning starts is definitely the place to be.

    Happy cells, molecules, atoms kissing each other



    How does ΩNE go about pursuing an intangible abstract notion—such as the elusive station in life known as—happiness.

    A highly ambiguous recommendation to say the least, brought to you by the long-since-departed grandaddy of enlightenment and reason—ΩNE Mr. John Locke.


    This Occxie philosopher’s writings stoked the French and American revolutions—ridding society of the parasitical bad gas cloud class—to be looked upon as one mere instance in the turning of this emerging world—known as Mother Earth.

    Declaring the profoundest edict in the entire spectrum of infinity, Mr John Locke merely points out inalienable rights as sovereign individuals—irrefutable and irrevocable—never to be changed, nor once recognised unseen.

    The pursuit of happiness was first described in the dissertation: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

    cybersensei__Essay_Concerning_Human_Understanding_old_leather 温故知新

    Thomas Jefferson then amped up the volume, incorporating this noble notion into the most seminal clause describing the inalienable rights of the proletariat—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—reflected in the second most important document in human history—Declaration of Independence.

    This extraordinarily important document plays a paramount role in modern society—consider it ancillary to the most important document ever written in the history of humanity—the Constitution—an indelible reflection of Japanese society enshrined by Shotoku Taishi —7th century Japan.


    Even more so prescient today, this document represents the constitutional reach of Shotoku Taishi and his sublime explanation—underpinning the universal principles of the Yamato Nation, and by extension describes all facets of any civilised advancing society, wherever upon Mother Earth they may be—Civilization 3.0 yōkoso.

    The pursuit of happiness does not solely equate with pleasure, property, or self-interest.

    Mammon and the Greed of the Christian Church - Land Of The Rising Son

    Foremost, the pursuit of happiness must emboldens decisions that lead to life as a sovereign human being—embracing the substantial intellectual and moral fortitude necessary on the voyage of self-actualization—deeply resonating realisations upon revelations unique to each individual as ΩNE now sees.

    To the detriment of the autonomous mind, the Occxie notion of happiness has been mal-matriculated, thus taught to be sought anywhere and everywhere beside inside the internal sublime being.

    反面教師実例代表 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Counterintuitively, this is rare air where in actuality happiness evolves as an infinite vibration of Universal Truth—profoundly intimate personal manifestations—within subconscious nooks and crannies of the intuitive spirit and mind thriving inside—outside the pursuit of happiness.

    Material desires of the humanoids run deep—witness the paramount significance placed on singular and plurals, which are conceptually embedded into the lingua franca—also known as the Anglo-phonic-sphere.

    Conceptually, the notion of plural nouns is the fetid root of all unhappiness.

    cybersensei__the_fetid_root_of_all_unhappiness_to be clear and surePlurals have been engineered as the basis for all accounting—created to divi up every last earthly molecule—including you know who—bundled up and then sold to the highest bidder.

    Indeed the branded Occxie notion of happiness may seem attractive—still, if there is a modicum of doubt left in your barren soul, check out this special quest for happiness—brought to you by the visionary Mr. Steve Cutts.

    Often, the Japanese are considered to be samuraishly-stoic, showing little emotion and often looked upon as a unique species that does not seem to be very happy at all—when viewed from the tinted lenses of myopic Occxie eyes.

    cybersensei__tinted_lenses_of_myopic_eyes_surrounded_by_dark_cloudsJapanese society is based upon an ancient hierarchal system built over millennia—within the convention of Japanese societal protocol, the pursuit of happiness makes no practical sense to the Japanese mind at all—the emotion called happiness and the pursuit thereof, is conceptually alien to all monolingual native Japanese speakers, and to those adhering to the civilised notion of the same kind.

    Emphatically, the Japanese find personal fulfilment, which is undoubtably related to the emotion known as happiness, by attending community activities and participating in the clique of exclusive circles.

    This is where the Japanese find meaning and fulfilment—indeed the essence of happiness, and what it mean to have a satisfactory journey as reflected in a life lived with intent and purpose—as measured in an abstract notion that humanoids refer to as space and time.


    Which Class

    Which Class

    The notion of an individual’s worth being determined by a class system, or passing judgement based upon the colour of another’s skin, not the content of their character, was thoroughly rubbed out and permanently deleted in accordance with the constitution of Maggie May.

    Emancipation comes in many forms*\(^o^)/*

    What's not to love about a benign neighbourhood nestled within pristine Alpine mountains, embodying such extraordinary diversity—a global microcosm smack dab in the middle of nowhere.

    Salmon Arm British Columbia in the 1940s.

    The immediate neighborhood included diverse clans—Minion (Ireland), Ogino (Japan), Hewko (Ukraine), Wong (Hong Kong), Filiatrault (French)—rural living, population, 5000—an even more extraordinary cosmopolitan event transpired when attending classes with our friends—Singh (Punjab), Mostafa (Egypt), and our indigenous brothers and sisters, ancestors of the Shuswap Band clan of the Secwepemc Nation—this is what is known as a divine starting line.

    Were there deeply rooted pre-judgmental hoser-yokels living among the enlightened in this serene town—of course, the yokel class come from the full spectrum of all classes.

    Diverse classes of people

    From the micro cosmopolitan of rural Occxie-land to the homogenous island chain of Yamato Japan—the world has never looked the same—pondering life with a daily renewed idiosyncratic world view—beaming love, grace and humility from the cusp of civilization 3.0—the renewed, improved, upgraded version of our common humanity.

    Understanding the significance of class and the importance of societal harmony based upon this notion has not been lost on this wayward classless boy, who due to innate human nature followed the sun to the most strict hierarchical structure in the history of the outer-verse and inner-verse—both real, surreal, and virtual.

    real, surreal, and virtua

    A subtle inflection concerning class structure of the Japanese, summons an inexplicable sense of incongruence, along with a subliminal unease in acknowledging Japanese class structure—yet all Japanese share this common psychological thread—leaving them in a unique position—the class of Being Japanese.

    Consider the concept of mindo, which encompasses two fundamental societal standards—the standard of living and cultural standards—making human life sublime, each of equal importance, in a grand scheme of a magnificent design.

    香取神宮 - Land Of The Rising Son

    In this neck of the woods, the diminishment of mindo over the full spectrum of Japanese classes have eroded in a turbulent decline—haggard, wasted, scared, and frail—the time is now to initiate the renaissance plan.

    Keep unpleasant immature Japanese speakers accountable for anti-social behaviour—chide the lost with purposeful reminders of the basics tenants of humanity to which all must align and adhere—plainly observable as the founding principles of Japanese societal protocol—Form Order Process.

    form order process - Land Of The Rising Son

    When necessary, strategically insinuate a Japanese person has low mindo in order to stigmatize them, especially those with the air of birthrights snobbery with condescending superiority.

    Look the perpetrator square in the eye, and say with a smile—mido ga hijō ni hikui desu na—this will be sure to draw their attention—the sting of the truth pointing out all classless nincompoops—exposed naked is common air.

    Taro Aso 民度が低いLooking Really Stupid - Land Of The Rising Son

    Indeed this a stealth technique to rid your sphere of those who continue to adhere to class hierarchy delusional infection, having now manifestered into a dreadful, class depended socially destructive disease.

    Ask your Japanese friends, if they know the mindo story and what it actually means—internalize these concepts with them and live life according to this theme.

    Life is a result of choices, both conscious and subconscious , now the choice is clear to be or not to be, embracing fundamental tenants holds the key to become someone real.

    to be or not to be - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Tied Up

    Tied Up

    Learn from the past, live in the present, plan for the future, as the old axiom so goes.

    The Past: 
    The origin of the necktie dates back to the 30 Years’ War (1618-1648), when the French hired mercenaries who wore traditional knotted kerchiefs as part of their uniform.

    Thirty_Years'_War - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Towards the end of the war, these soldiers were being reviewed by French King Louis XIV, and during this inspection, the king noticed these kerchiefs, and as capricious children do—became infatuated with them.

    From then on Louis began to adorn these kerchiefs himself at just seven years old, when this fickle immature boy made the necktie a mandatory accessory at royal gatherings.

    When having a deeper ponder on the meaning of the necktie—remember its origins are due to a mandate of a long dead seven-year old boy—the reach of his influence stifling the spirit of the necktie tribes even now in this modern day.

    Boy King with Tie - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Universal Truth:
    Western society has been pigeonholed to the notion of pointless fashion kitsch—conjured up by a juvenile boy-king on a sartorial whim—leading to the abject nonsensical notion of the necktie—the strangulation and compression of your airway.

    Hint Mint:
    The opposite of strangulation is emancipation—here the outcome can only be binary—those who continue to accept strangulation and subjugation will continue to wither and die—those who choose to live as an autonomous sovereign individual will have selected life and what it means to actualise the notion of the free.

    corporate-life - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The Present:
    The next question would then have to be:

    Would you like a mask of subservience with your necktie of subjugation?

    Philosophically, both are meant to oppress (citizens) and strangulate (creativity), clearly the current controversial face-mask is simply a more recent novel form of subjugation in the unprecedented tyrannical tie-up with the omnipresent necktie—never forget, mandated by a long dead seven-year old boy—telling you what to do today.

    Many NeckTies - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The ubiquitous necktie is acutely associated with corporate identification, as we can see the throngs of business people running the modern industrial machine, which is simply a different system of vested-interest tribalism.

    This is where the dictum of invisible task masters is carried out by the necktied class, often at the expense of a more practical and humanistic philosophy of a harmonic global society, founded upon social harmony and cohesion, which has already been enshrined in the original constitution—the foundation of Japan and the merging of East and West—evolving into Civilization 3.0.

    Modern and ancient Japan all together now - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Unsolicited Advice: 
    Social cohesion can be achieved by invoking the innate notion of kaizen (incremental small improvements), while following the foundational protocol of the Japanese WayForm Order Process.

    The Future:

    Conceivably the next shift in paradigm would be to annihilate this Gordian knot and emancipate your own clan from the mind numbing effects of stiff collars and tight knots suffocating life force—truly understand what it means to serve an invisible master—colouring the dreams and aspiration of someone else's life-book.

    Colour Your World Your Way Everyday - Land Of The Rising Son

    There is but one thing that remains immutable upon Earth today—the constant state of flux, reshuffling, and change—so the time has come now again, to remove the Shackles of the Past—emancipation from the whims of the deceased Frog boy king—enter the next state of ΩNE’s existence, and what this means for clan, community, and you.

    Frog King - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Minister Of Edificaton

    Minister Of Edificaton

    Not everyone fits into the same mould, or allows the mind to be infected with mold—the age of customization of edification is now permeating throughout Earth.

    Nothing quite like an incendiary device to spark ΩNE’s thirst for knowledge—those fortunate to have had a mentor/disciple relationship understands exactly what this means.

    Spark to Light the Fire - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Traditional education structures which had served to modernize Earth into a globalized world, has now reached the end of its cycle—no longer serving the future.

    Taking a page from the great Meiji Education reformer Mori Arinori, it is now once again time to reconfigure education—in this new paradigm known as—Enlightened Edification.

    Mori Arinori - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Mori Arinori—entry into Earth atmosphere—August 23, 1847—anointed to reform and rejuvenate the Japanese education system—founded upon a visionary mixture of stylized Western and Eastern edification protocol, resulting in a nation of literate, highly motivated citizenry—forging Civilization 3.0.

    Born into the Satsuma clan twenty-one years before the 1868 Meiji Restoration ended the Tokugawa Shogun’s rule, very few Japanese could have ever foreseen such an abrupt end to over two centuries of peace, or the crucial role the Satsuma clan would play in the transition to Westernized Industrialization.

    Satsuma han - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Moral education in a modern society, as Mori perceived, consisted of close horizontal relationships between people free from religious dogma or other philosophy.

    Mutually beneficial relations between individuals means domestic peace—otherwise, society would always be in conflict, was the dialed-in frequency of his intellectualized intuition.

    Indeed, friendship is one of the most cherished characteristics of Japanese society, in what Mori considered a positive element when comparing Japanese to Western societies.

    Truly, he considered friendliness the essential ingredient of the teacher’s disposition—it was the duty of the teacher to nurture mutual assistance based on friendship.

    Good teacher Satsuma han - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    A teacher’s worth should not be judged from the perspective of the subject matter being taught, but valued according to the human disposition—reflected in the following three traits:

    素直 (sunao)—obedience—faithfully following the regulations of the school and the instructions of the principle.

    貫禄 (kanroku)—dignity—instilling a sense of self respect to undergo the rigors of training while developing character.

    親愛 (shinai)—friendship—the process of cultivating good manners among human beings.

    A pragmatic visionary, he recognized the right of teachers to hold personal religious and political beliefs, while warning it was unethical for teachers to impart any personal belief-systems to their students.

    反面教師実例代表 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Mori also advocated replacing Japanese with English as the national language while suggesting a dual-track school system.

    First and foremost is the consequently important mandatory discipline of moral education in the earlier grades, instilling social cohesion and the notion to serve each other.

    The higher levels of education were devoted to scientific studies based on principles of academic freedom, where the more adept student would progress as a matter of society’s flow.

    Japanese feudal society - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    In order for Japan to advance, Mori believed the Japanese language should be used in ordinary daily life, and English utilized in school, as it was better suited for scientific studies.

    Clearly this vision for Japan was far ahead of the times—imagine what the world would have looked like today, had Japan been a bilingual nation at the outset of the Meiji Restoration.

    Japanese Imperial Family Meiji 1880 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Within the scope of educational reform, Mori called for loyalty to the state in order for Japan to compete successfully in the international arena.

    He was acutely aware that people in the West united in the defense of their Nation State when threatened—regardless of social or religious backgrounds.

    Here, the major unsolved problem of the nascent industrial education system for the Japanese was how to develop a sense of nationalism through the schools, without resorting to indoctrination.

    Dogma Yes or No? Land Of The Rising Son

    For nurturing patriotism and the love of country, Mori turned to the historic symbolism the Japanese Imperial system—long reigning for well over 2,500 years of succession.

    Further to his enlightened insight, he grasped the fundamental and critical Universal Truth—no group of people has ever been uniformly endowed with intelligence, morality, and physical development.

    In order to protect the weak from the strong, societies make laws, which evolve as human intelligence improves—this is in harmony with the innate Japanese notion of gradual, incremental improvement (kaizen).


    Since human inequalities will always exist, some limited form of government must be designed to serve all citizenry.

    Mori felt Japanese culture also contained characteristics superior to those of Western societis, specifically fraternal love and paternalism.

    Western individualism debases the culture into a form of utilitarianism, whereas the ties that bind Japanese society is based on mutual affection and consideration for others.Mutual Dependency - Land Of The Rising SonMori also held the deep conviction about the progress of Japan being depended upon two historical pillars—broad support for the Imperial tradition—independence from foreign colonial control.

    These two factors would enable Japan to progress by absorbing foreign elements in the modernization process while maintaining the nation’s cultural identity.

    Modern and ancient Japan all together now - Land Of The Rising Son

    Despite the considerably harsh criticism of Mori’s values by traditionalists, his structure for education remained essentially in place until the postwar era.

    The future of Human Civilization is clearly build upon understanding Hardcore History in the context of a constructed world, as the Japanese continue to build our nation forward, founded upon a true reflection of Japanese heritage, while internalizing all historic Edification Events—now a distant past.

    Freedom Betrayed Cover - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The visionary Mori Arinori's divine aspiration for the edification of the Japanese has been reawakened, compelling them to build a model society for all on Earth—look—learn—be.

    Maggie May Way Banner - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Bacon Sensei

    Bacon Sensei

    Alice Mabel Bacon—entry into Earth’s atmosphere—February 26, 1858—American East-Coastian daughter of a Victoria era college professor—Alice Bacon was called to Material Sludge duty during Meiji Restoration.

    At the end of Sakoku 1.0Bakufu Matsu period—Japanese civilization was encouraged to initiate industrialization—the dominant spawn egged on from the Age of Reason—from where the irreproachable Alice Mabel Bacon came.

    Galileo Galilei - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Ms. Bacon is truly a remarkable figure in the spectrum of Enlightened Education—reflecting her altruistic pedagogical notion—enlightened Emerita Professor, in alliance with Tsuda Umeko having created a powerhouse civilized union.

    Two foundational women responsible for wedding the Age of Reason to the sacred  Japanese Way—two pure hearts beating as the ΩNE catalyst—stoking evolution of human edification—embodying the notion of kaizen—incrementally enhancing life in all—ban butsu.

    If ever in doubt where to start a story, or anything for that matter, start from the Beginning Again.

    In 1872 Mori Arinori, an influential figure on the Iwakura Mission, selected Alice‘s family as one of the earliest examples of an overseas homestay.

    Arinori Mori - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    In this particular instance, a twelve-year-old Japanese student of the Meiji Restoration, (Yamakawa Sutematsu) was united with her puritanical sisterly brethren, Alice Mabel Bacon representative of the burgeoning North American Union.

    Keep in mind, this was the Genesis of Civilization 3.0—when the Meiji government sent five girls for an overseas excursion + edification as part of the Legendary Iwakura Mission.

    Iwakura Mission - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    ΩNE can only surmise as to the wonders these girls felt for each other—marvelling at their distinctively bifurcated cultures—revealed via the love of edification and learning—illuminated over the fleeting notion of a single decade—in essence merely an ephemeral rhyme.

    Undoubtedly, this exclusive insider knowledge into the mind of a Japanese Meiji era teenager prepared Alice Bacon for the coming superlative experiences—forging Alice Bacon’s legacy as the Occxie counterpart to Tsuda Umeko—visionaries of Feminine Erudition—revealed through pathways inside the spectrum of the exalted and sublime.

    In 1888, Bacon Sensei manifested Grace in the form of an invitation to Japan, originating from her homestay bosom-buddy, Princess Oyama Sutematsu, with a CC to her Spirit-Sister Tsuda Umeko, and when ask to come, Alice stated unequivocally “Yes, I can.”

    Sutematsu Alice Ukeko Shigeko - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Her initial excursion was as a language instructor at Gakushuin Women's School, where for the first time she saw with her own two eyes—in what has been described by another Meiji luminary by the name of Patrick Hearn: Fairyland.

    Did Bacon Sensei have one iota of an inkling, she and her spiritual sister Aunty Umeko would resolve into ΩNE unified prodigious Women Educator shining beams of light into the darkness of ignorance and mental poverty—extension of knowledge—edification into ban butsu—with humility, dignity, and boundless civilized reach.

    Unequivocally, her inaugural experience of Japan was a profoundly formative ΩNE—observing the idiosyncratic nature of Japanese society—the manifestation of most curiously profound communal notions—in actuality, standard protocol of the Japanese.

    Japanese Meiji Era Women - Land Of The Rising Son

    What did Japanese society look like in the year of Meiji 21—through the baby-blue eyes of this Occxie Puritanical Girl—the anointed ΩNE.

    The Way of the Japanese seemed quite shocking at first, for dear Alice Bacon was raised as a nondenominational puritanical Christian.

    For certain there were times when Alice undoubtably felt a little bewildered on the initial trip—for this exquisite fairyland is certainly reminiscent of a novel by Lewis Carrol—whose main character, as a matter of fact, and just like beloved Alice Bacon, also had a marvellous trip inside a metaphysical surreal wonderland.

    Alice in Wonderland - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Truth be known—through understanding the consequence of Alice Bacon’s lifework—ΩNE has come to appreciate her having successfully transcended the withering notion of monotheism.

    Through the serendipity of having been spiritually enriched much more deeply she thought possible, if not for her visceral  experiences in this series of islands that is called Japan.

    The fundamental innate notion of the Japanese embodies Infinite Truth—the notion of ban butsu—life in all.

    The Japanese archipelago is favored with a plethora of hot springs due to the volatile volcanic nature of her geography.

    Japanese Volcano - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Since the beginning of time, communal bathing is standard operating procedure inside the community of Japan.

    Imagine the East Coastian American girl, stripped of her wear naked and vulnerable—her spirit and soul laid bare, in the women’s bath—where she was to share Japanese style cleanliness, with her Japanese compatriots in the mysterious hinyari chilly night air.

    Perhaps this is where the feminine Alice discovered and embraced her authentic corporeal tendency, while soaking up the uncanny Japanese notion—the genuine Meaning of Love.

    Filial piety - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Several years later, in April 1900, Bacon Sensei was invited back to Japan to help establish the Joshi Eigaku Juku, the forerunner of Tsuda University, then, finally returning to her ancestral home of Connecticut in the spring of 1902exiting Earth’s atmosphereMay 1, 1918.

    Bacon Sensei’s divine mission-accomplished was the successful merging of her puritanical soul and the spirit of Aunty Umeko fruiting into modern Japanthe creator of Civilization Three.

    Modern and ancient Japan all together now - Land Of The Rising Son

    Declaration of Interdependence

    Declaration of Interdependence

    The Way starts upon entry into Mother Earth’s atmosphere—whenever, whoever, wherever the hanafuda ΩNE has been dealt may lay.

    hanafuda 03 - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The first in a series of hands to be played out over and over again—welcome to the gamification of life—Bet On Yourself

    Traditions throughout the globe are as varied as a boat load of  Delights of the Sea—formulating all society—materializing mundane earthly instances—functioning as harbingers of Earth’s future—ΩNE only needs to open up and look around—with the intention and desire to see.

    豪華刺身船盛り - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The evolution of Japanese society saw this cloistered nation— formulated by a strictly enforced meticulous class structure—birthing into the Meiji Restoration—creating a most miraculous and significant events within all of recorded Hardcore History.

    This is where Japan innately industrialized their nation, showing the world Japanese people’s constitution—sending out the Iwakura Mission currying friendly relations with the industrial powers of that day.

    Regardless of the inevitable growing pains during the coming-of-age ceremony—now understood to be the birth of Civilization No. 3—the nation of Japan having never wavered from its foundational principals of Form Order Process.

    This is Japan - Land Of The Rising Son

    Unbeknownst fact to Others—Japan is united by the notion of Universal Oneness—evidenced by the successful creation of this Declaration of Interdependence—hereby enshrining the tenets of Civilization 3.0—further advancing common humanity—absent of racial superiority—null and void of dogma leading to the subjugation of others—which in essence is the foundation of inequity.

    Buddha Enlightenment - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei Check the following declaration for a self-reflective mirror check and see if any of these items reflect back to resonate and reverberate deep inside of thee.

    DECLARATION OF INTERDEPENDENCE Declaration of Interdependence-E - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei-1 Declaration of Interdependence-E - Land ΩF The Rising SΩN - cybersensei-2

    All pathway of success lies on the Road Less Traveled, while letting the Muse loose, creating ΩNE’s own Way and a fascinatingly unique place under the Sun.

    Clarity Over Time - cybersensei - Land Of The Rising Son


    Heal By Healing

    Heal By Healing

    JapanCivilization 3.0, eminent culture and society, representing pinnacle of modern civilization, while invoking ancient spirit of Yamato—displaying gumption, unwavering constitution, and innate notion to embrace The Grind.

    Ancestor veneration evolved—blending timeless Buddhist Universal Truth along the Way—The Japanese weave the Notion of Kaizen into the fabric of society, Form, Order, Process, as intrinsic matter—Three Structural Pillars—foundation of Japanese System—reflecting isolated civilization evolving over millennia—broadcasting Weigh Station No. 9's frequency vibration to metamorphosing worlds.

    metamorphosis - Land Of The Risng Son

    The path to Infinite Harmony are tenets to guide One’s own life journey enshrined into the original Japanese constitution—echoed from Multiverse to Japanese secular existence by Wise Sage, Shotoku Taishi (Prince Umayado/Prince Kamitsumiya) in 604 CE.

    JAPAN 5000 YEN 1957 SHOTOKU-TAISHI RARE - Land Of The Rising Son

    Fusing Western black & white plurality, with Eastern Confucianism, has not been easy on the island nation of Japan, nor its long-suffering citizens.

    After 250 years of virtual isolation, the Japanese were forced to internalize the true nature of Occxie-mind-set, the ultimate culture shock to a people isolated for centuries.

    Isolated Japan - Land Of The Rising Son

    Remember, Japanese society delineates via flexible adaptability, while preserving Her ancient culture and heritage, however, evolution of Japan, does not include the notion of a mental health care system.

    In Asian societies, the mental wellbeing of One’s clan members, particularly in domain of mental stability, is never responsibility of State.

    Mental health issues in Japan are regarded as strictly private family affairs—just ask Hideaki Kumazawa.

    Incorp_How_Can_A_Private_Family_Trust_Be_Beneficial_For_You - Land Of The Rising Son

    Embracing the notion of Learn by Doing, is to personify the spirit of wonderment, awe, and amazement, indicative of an innocent, curious mind, to aspired toward every day.

    子供卒業式 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Learn by Teaching

    Unless speaking Japanese at an advanced level, and experiencing Japanese society in Japan, One can never truly realize the spirit lurking inside nooks and crannies of the indigenous Yamato spiritual mind.

    Take compulsory Ministry of Education kokugo Communication Units as primary example.

    Two-thousand—one-hundred—thirty-six (2,136) ideograms + two (2) syllabaries consisting of lots and lots of other symbols—both syllabaries are referred to as “fifty sounds.”

    常用漢字表 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Often things take a long time to Learn by Doing—don’t forget—seeming how One is doing things anyway—do all things well.

    Heal by Healing

    A plethora of interesting challenges await those who metaphorically, or otherwise reside in the Land Of The Rising Son—past, present, and future.

    It is here in the Land of Onna Bugeisha, where material existence has been surmised, to be a remarkable paradise, somewhere, somewhen, inside some specific Infinity Field, commonly referred to, as Japan.

    Onna_bugeisha_Ishi-jo_wife_of_Oboshi_Yoshio - Land Of The Rising Son

    Next stage is pushing through suffering and pain—arriving in an instance, a new arena, same game—battle hardened and scarred, not yet quite dead—today is another ponderous day, to follow the Sun on your Way.

    For some, however, the extraordinary gift of life, facilitating material participation inside this incredible game of life, now known as "Material Sludge"—for all modern materials on offer could not mend One’s broken heart, nor replace the love of that one and only girl.

    I don't love you I like you a lot - Land Of The Rising Son

    Decades ago, as the recipient of a “Dear John” letter, any last modicum of Warmth of Humanity, crushed out into carnal finality, embedded in a sad and distressing final note, a most unfortunate self-determined destiny.

    The next step of this pathetic soul was to end his own life, with as little fanfare as possible—in what could only be surmised as—Notion of Abject Despair.

    Pain-Despair-Sadness - Land Of The Rising Son

    He made the fateful decision to bleed himself out.

    So, with the nick of the blade, the deal was made, by this desponded soul, he forfeited his life, while flushing his broken heart, Ancestors, and future visions away.

    This particular irrevocable act can be regarded as the most visceral example of han men kyo shi.

    Tombstone of broken dreams - Land Of The Rising Son

    Universal Truth

    Ivory Tower—a stupefying, desolate experience—vested interests stoking and provoking—quacks, charlatans, and frauds—self-anointed monkeys be matriculated—mandating what Others can and cannot have or do—yet are vacuous of any coherence, or semblance of clue as what to do.

    反面教師の実例 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Matriculated Monkey, like some kind of Pharma Junkie, peddle third-hand mis-information, disseminating Truth Distortion at the bidding of Vested Overlords, exerting control over Filters Skew, controlling your mirror, what you see, and the very Essence of You-Who-Are.

    Truth Juice and Essential Essence in Material Sludge, can only be discovered outside the illusion of corrupt decaying Occxie Systems.

    How to hear the singing voice of Muse, and meet with Other bags of chemicals encased in meat?

    Go play outside—beginning One’s journey and remarkable climb, as One listens to the stillness of a bamboo forest, the supple breath of the voices whispering into Infinite Ears—it is then and there—in rare, yet common air—where, at last, One can truly tune up, in, and out.

    Clarity Over Time - cybersensei - Land Of The Rising Son

    Civilization 3.0

    Civilization 3.0

    The chasm between “East” and “West” has never been as volatile since the enslavement of the Chinese nation with a massive opioid addiction pandemic early in the 20th century.

    Western civilization evolved from the Greeks and Romans, and when considering Eastern civilization, China comes to mind as the representative of the East, as this is the birth place of Confucius.

    Ma Yuan Confucius Interpretation - Land Of The Rising Son

    Keep in mind, the moral tenets of the Asia nations are based first and foremost upon Ancestor Worship, infused with the peaceful teachings of the Buddha, and communal specific rituals passed down from generation to generation.

    Let us now refresh our memories as to why this historical inflection point has now set up a showdown between these two civilizations.

    There were two armed conflicts in China in the mid-19th century between the forces of Western countries and the Qing dynasty (644 to 1911-12).

    These two wars are referred to as the “Opium Wars.”

    The first Opium War was fought between China and Britain (1839–42).

    La_bataille_de_Palikiao - Land Of The Rising Son

    The second Opium War, also known as the Arrow War, was the Anglo-French War in China fought by Brits and French against the Chinese (1856–60).

    These conflicts marked the start of the era of unequal treaties with the Chinese.

    However, this malice and disgraceful behaviour toward Asians was not something unfamiliar to the Occxie overlords, and this sneaky technique is still used in many forms even until this very day.

    On a colonial note, this is where the Brits came into possession of Hong Kong via the Treaty of Nanjing.

    The Treaty of Nanjing - Imperialism In China - Land Of The Rising Son

    The onslaught of these rabid and greedy merchants of death via their vile ploy to enslave Eastern Civilization using massive opioid drug addition, resulted in the Chinese continuing to resist this repugnant Occxie protocol, leading to the second Opium War.

    These destructive Opium Wars arose from China’s attempts to suppress the opium trade, which was destroying the Ancient Eastern civilization.

    Primarily it was the British traders that had been illegally exporting opium mainly from India to China since the 18th century, and that trade dramatically increased starting around 1820.

    Moreover, the resulting widespread opioid addiction caused the severe decay of the social, moral, and economic fabric of Chinese society, which must be noted clearly, is founded upon the key humanistic principle of filial piety and ancestor worship.

    Asian Values- Filial Piety - Land Of The Rising Son

    Indeed, filial piety is the core tenet binding all Asian societies and their communities, and the fundamental principle of ancestor worship leave both the Japanese and Eastern civilizations on a very different spectrum conceptually than those with the myopic Occxie eyes.

    The third pillar of civilization, civility, can be observed as an innate character of the Japanese.

    Fundamentally, the ancient Japanese and Asian civilizations will continue to persist as they have for millennia.

    Alas, civilizations built upon the false doctrine that separates the family, community, and humans from each other and their humanity, are destine to crumble under the weight of their dogma and fallacy.

    Here, any rabid tribe now unhinged from reality will be forced to peer into the sacred mirror of one's own soul, and face the emotions and the hunger pangs of life’s decisions.

    However, one should not despair, for hope springs eternal.

    Anyone can look to the third pillar of civilization, which is civility, an innate characteristic of the Japanese.

    和室でのお辞儀の種類 齊木由香-和美人へのみち - Land Of The Rising Son

    Indeed, the Japanese civilization has evolved its civility on these isolated Pacific islands for over 2 millennium.

    One another colonial note, the Japanese barely dodged a fatal cultural bullet after wisely rejecting the Jesuit dogma out of Rome.

    The Japanese then built their unique civilization over the next 200 years, free from Western influence.

    Then, true to their innate Occxie nature, the Americans showed up at Japan’s door, and do what they do best, point a gun and demand “trade.”

    History shows starting with the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese successfully integrated alien concepts, and forge them into something anew, and often, superior.

    Japanese Imperial Family Meiji 1880

    So it is with the advancement of the Japanese civilization today.

    Vastly older than others, and more deeply cultured with timeless wisdom, there is also a capacity to be humble by the Shackles of the Past.

    Lest we all need to be reminded, Japan is the only nation in history, thus so far, to have ever experienced the devastation of a nuclear holocaust first hand, twice.

    Nuclear Holocaust Japan 1945 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Here again, humanity stands at the brink of nuclear annihilation.

    If once again the nation of Japan should suffer the fiery breath of nuclear weapons, it will not only be the end of Civilization 3.0, but elimination of all human civilizations, once and for all.

    In order to understand the pillar in which the Japanese civilization rests upon soundly, one must carefully examine the Japanese constitution written by Prince Shotoku in the 7th century.

    JAPAN 5000 YEN P93a 1957 SHOTOKU-TAISHI RARE - Land Of The Rising Son

    The concept of dōtoku 道徳 is the universal guiding principles and the spirit of dōtoku 道徳 is enshrined in Prince Shotoku Taishi's constitution.

    dōtoku 道徳 is the general rule for all people to judge themselves as to what is right and wrong, and to act appropriately and properly within one’s own place in society.

    Unlike law, dōtoku 道徳 is not externally enforceable, but works as an internal principle for each individual to guide one along the Way.

    ⛩Welcome to Civilization 3.0―brought to you by Japan⛩

    Clarity Over Time - cybersensei - Land Of The Rising Son





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