
    universal truth

    Explore "universal truth" with insightful episodes like "Fellow Traveler", "Be Another Day", "Ramp Up Frequency", "Happiness" and "Letting Go" from podcasts like ""Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son", "Land Of The Rising Son" and "Land Of The Rising Son"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Fellow Traveler

    Fellow Traveler

    Life is a journey—until the mortal end—dissemination of the worn-out molecules—in other words physical death—a new beginning starting from the earthly end.

    One of the most profound joys of life is to run across a Fellow Traveler—making life meaningful and complex—perplexing and sublime—considered this to be truly divine.

    A once random strangers, becoming a consequential addition to a personal journey, transcending the label ‘friend’ becoming one with each other as clanship, blood is not thicker than water—the proof is in the pudding of this Universal Truth.

    Northworst Airlines Old FriendsUniversal \(^o^)/* Truth 

    Form Order Process underpins the foundation of Japan—expressed as an innate reflex of reciprocity—deeply ingrained in the Japanese psyche—o tagai sama.

    The concept of tagai is of paramount importance in Japanese culture, prevalent throughout the societal structure of the Japanese—the way in which social-intercourse is carried out, mannerisms reflected as a distinct configuration of the Form, Order, Process protocol—a way that is unique unto the Japanese.互 - Land Of The Rising SonThe following instance of o tagai sama could be considered circumstantial serendipitous happenstance, but perhaps that’s a misnomer, as the Japanese protocol of tagai has now allowed unseen worlds to be gradually revealed—osmosis of the Japanese cultural slowly and gently unpeeled.

    Waiting for a night flight to Taipei, Northwest Airline was experiencing a long delay, a two hour wait at the boarding gate, with two more sitting idly on the plane—it was then and there this now defunct airline received its new official name—Northworst.

    Northworst going nowhere every dayWhat may have been a long cumbersome wait, was in fact the beginning of a life-long clanship, as a mysterious gentleman who was also waiting in this similar predicament, started up the conversation, now having lasted over 30 years, still bantering on until this glorious day.

    When starting to talk to each other—strangers waiting for the same late plane—an instance of rare air is where the stranger becomes a long lost friend, a long overdue catch up in the cards once again.

    It turned out he was in the same circumstance—what to do with this full free day in Taipei?—tour this magnificent Taiwanese city, so as to continue the deep conversations started in what even now seems just like yesterday.

    A world traveler it was slowly revealed—a plethora of stories up Jion-jion’s mystical sleeve—enchanting tales of a sacred spellbinding, surreal kind.

    These exceptional tales were so very magical and the conversation sublime, it was decided to meet somewhere every year continuation of our deep thoughts, encompassing Buddhism, the meaning of life, along with the significance of being a human-being.

    Flying over the boarder of Myanmar, heading into Rangoon, Jion-jion suddenly became silent, like he was being consumed.

    What was happening inside his inner world, this incidental Master Zen Buddhist sees reality through the lenses of the surreal—as this is the way he commands it to be.

    Jion-jion meditatingThe power of Jion-jion lies in emptiness, thus awareness of the infinite nature of all spectrums embedded within the deepest frequencies of consciousness—a testament to his enriched sentienceholding the secret keys, having unlocked doors in the land of the living, opening channels to the land of the dead.

    One foot in the land of the living one foot in the land of the dead

    On a night before Jion-jion’s departure to his desert home far away, the spirit of my freshly deceased Sri Lankan Buddhist mate, came to say goodbye to his Incidental Occxie friend, as he was continuing along his patha new beginning at the end of his earthly days

    However, much to this spirit’s surprise, he saw the energy field radiating from Jion-jion’s eyes, where he was gently, yet quickly guided by this Incidental Deity, to move to Buddha to take his rightful place and go to where he should be.

    The infinite frequency of Jion-jionJion-jion has again returned to Japan, bringing his wisdom and sublime presence, enhancing the energy flow in the Land of the Gods as Japan is known—his sun shining over humanity—is why he is assuredly, a sublime and miraculous earthly Deity.

    Jion-jion with xybersensei

    Be Another Day

    Be Another Day

    Ohayogozaimasu—welcome to a new beginning once again.

    At this point inside life’s daily stew—it is entirely up to you—pep-up, step-up to be another day.

    Indeed, resetting the frequency is a daily requirement after awaking—love the dawn, it is the way.

    Turn mundane morning routines from a humdrum procedure into a meditative ritual to throughly turbo charges your being into electricity into the flow of the fray.

    Start with a simple, yet profound resolution—embrace the day.

    Every morning, a brand new page, a story to tell, describing the reoccurring profile inside new chapters written in honour of another incredible trip into the sun—embrace the way.


    Small incremental steps leads to compounding progress—leave rumination of what may be in front and the past now far behind—let it go I say!

    Life soon becomes a very personalised intimate journey, living in a truly unique process—choose to shake the surrounding molecules in your own remarkable way.

    Let the morning ritual flow, see the shift in the sublime mind—dreams now starting to glow—this is the infinite gateway—the train leaves the station each morning of every day.

    Living with intentional presence unleashes the power of customised rituals like a guide, an unseen muscle, strengthening progressively, a Universal Truth, in fact this is the only way.

    Reframe your brain Scott AdamsEach sunup there lies the new beginning, with the choice to be architects of our destiny, rather than spectators tossed about like a battered ship adrift in our beloved Milky Way.

    Remember, from the moment of awakening, all are creators—every thought, every action, every intention consists of ΩNE’s existence—sculpting life, shaped by intentionality of personal agency and the noble notion—embrace the day.

    Living in the present means truly seeing the sunrise, not just as a precursor to the day's tasks, but as an event in itself, magnificent and worthy of attention—invoking gratitude changes the circumstance—a magical filter ya’ll could truthfully say.

    A firm believer in serendipitous happenstance, ΩNE happened to stumble upon a unique book, and just like that, this new companion called out my name.

    An charming name to say the least, how could interest not have been piqued to explore the 366 day of Japanese Colors.

    The Japanese beauty of colors guides the reader through the four seasons exploring the charm of traditional Japanese colors over the course of a year with a weekly focus on seven different themes—facilitating a spirited morning ritual exploring the nooks and crannies of Japanese color aesthetics—embrace the day.

    Not only a fascinating vivid visual experience, the opportunity to explore the origins and stories surrounding these magnificent Japanese colors also promotes language acquisition as these stories contain difficult passages and obscure kanji with a new color and fresh story—this is the essence of embracing the day.

    12月30日ー丹色 ページ付きFascinatingly enough, there are colors that were once exclusive to the imperial family, and the tales of the evolution of these colors and the quirky stories behind them leads to a colorful outlook each new day.

    Along with the fantastic photographs of Japan's seasonal landscapes, this outstanding book enrich one’s life with the knowledge of these traditional colors.

    The Japanese like to dig deep, they really engage and there is a fun section at the bottom of each page called mame chishiki—bean knowledge.

    Japanese Children with idea bulbReliably, the Japanese have a practical approach to life, and for each these fascinating colors, the  366 day of Japanese Colors provides the CMYK, RGB and HEX values, along with examples of color combinations, which are very practical when observing our colorful Japan surrounding those fortunate to be living here in the Land Of The Rising Son.

    This wonderful book is a magnificent guide to understanding and appreciating the traditional colors that have been a part of Japanese life and culture for centuries and to weave this elegance and the Wabi-Sabi of life into each Day of the Way.

    A mystical Japanese woman in a serene meadow, bowing gracefully to the sun. She is dressed in an elegant, traditional outfit that adds to her mystical

    Ramp Up Frequency

    Ramp Up Frequency

    Essentially all life is Frequency—fundamental to the Japanese Way—ban butsu—life in all things—is what the Japanese say ٩()۶

    This fundament Universal Truth reveals the spectrum of humanoid existence as encased in chemicals and electricity resonating an infinite array of frequencies within, without, and throughout ban butsu, in other words; life is in everything.

    Scientifically speaking, humanoids only perceive a very narrow band of frequencies—akin to being deaf, dumb, and blind—illiterate and unseeing.

    Deaf Dumb and Blind

    Disregarding this Universal Truth leaves the indoctrinated majority vulnerable to an unnoticed phantom frequency phenomena embodying entities lurking out-of-gamut humanoid realms, which are in fact, other world’s realities.

    Indeed, humanoids are severely limited to the visible light spectrum—430 THz~750 THz—along with the inevitable weakening of the sense distorting the field of perception—what is real?—what is fantasy?

    The perceivable colours of earth’s rainbow encompasses a narrow bandwidth of reality—if unaware or do not care about the full frequency spectrum of Universal Truth—essentially a constructed reality isolated into the narrow spectrum of humanoid colourful frequency *\(^o^)/*

    Red: 430 THz~480 THz
    Orange: 480 THz~510 THz
    Yellow: 510 THz~540 THz
    Green: 540 THz~580 THz
    Blue: 580 THz~620 THz
    Indigo: 620 THz~670 THz
    Violet: 670 THz~750 THz

    All seeing eye and the spectrumThe notion of "tuning in” to different frequencies beyond humanoid perception is a common theme in the Japanese language, with quirky adages at the core of the Japanese way of being.

    A Universal Truth manifested in all language is the Spirit Of The Word—societal protocol encoded in the DNA of the Way of the Japanese.

    Moreover, the Japanese are flexible in adapting unfamiliar frequencies as they are graced with the deeply metaphysical reality of i shin den shin.

    Originating from Zen, i shin den shin is the state of equilibrium where concerned parties need not language spoken nor written to successfully communicate intention and meaning clearly understood inscribed inside mutually beneficial unspoken communicationthis reality existing inside out-of-gamut frequencies where this perception resides.

    Serene bamboo and crane w logo

    Perceiving, seeing, acknowledging the existence of these frequencies, allows intentional invocation of the Spirit of The Word to start interaction with these energetic entities residing in the infinite spectrum of unseen frequencies.

    Ancient metaphysical traditions point to the human spirit and consciousness unencumbered by limitations imposed by physical constraints allows access to other world frequenciesnow available to all who wishes to see.

    Through practices like meditation, usage of vision accelerators, or specific rituals such as the ancient Japanese frequency of kagura神楽where ΩNE can dial-into the esoteric Japanese Way-Stations.

    Kagura Instruments

    Regardless of the fact these phenomena occur outside the five main senses of the humanoid race, perceptions of these frequency are clearly aspects of the multiverse and should be disregarded at personal peril.

    Societies beyond mortal comprehension surround the spectrum of distinguishable frequencies and to the open mind, allows visceral glimpses into these out-of-gamut frequencies.

    When opening the minds eye, ΩNE becomes mindful of whispers urging you to start living inside a personalized reality, and a new way to see the unique journey as a player in the ultimate gamepeel back the veneer from the mind’s eye and all is there laid bare join this thriving and diverse infinite community.

    Minds Eye and games



    How does ΩNE go about pursuing an intangible abstract notion—such as the elusive station in life known as—happiness.

    A highly ambiguous recommendation to say the least, brought to you by the long-since-departed grandaddy of enlightenment and reason—ΩNE Mr. John Locke.


    This Occxie philosopher’s writings stoked the French and American revolutions—ridding society of the parasitical bad gas cloud class—to be looked upon as one mere instance in the turning of this emerging world—known as Mother Earth.

    Declaring the profoundest edict in the entire spectrum of infinity, Mr John Locke merely points out inalienable rights as sovereign individuals—irrefutable and irrevocable—never to be changed, nor once recognised unseen.

    The pursuit of happiness was first described in the dissertation: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

    cybersensei__Essay_Concerning_Human_Understanding_old_leather 温故知新

    Thomas Jefferson then amped up the volume, incorporating this noble notion into the most seminal clause describing the inalienable rights of the proletariat—life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—reflected in the second most important document in human history—Declaration of Independence.

    This extraordinarily important document plays a paramount role in modern society—consider it ancillary to the most important document ever written in the history of humanity—the Constitution—an indelible reflection of Japanese society enshrined by Shotoku Taishi —7th century Japan.


    Even more so prescient today, this document represents the constitutional reach of Shotoku Taishi and his sublime explanation—underpinning the universal principles of the Yamato Nation, and by extension describes all facets of any civilised advancing society, wherever upon Mother Earth they may be—Civilization 3.0 yōkoso.

    The pursuit of happiness does not solely equate with pleasure, property, or self-interest.

    Mammon and the Greed of the Christian Church - Land Of The Rising Son

    Foremost, the pursuit of happiness must emboldens decisions that lead to life as a sovereign human being—embracing the substantial intellectual and moral fortitude necessary on the voyage of self-actualization—deeply resonating realisations upon revelations unique to each individual as ΩNE now sees.

    To the detriment of the autonomous mind, the Occxie notion of happiness has been mal-matriculated, thus taught to be sought anywhere and everywhere beside inside the internal sublime being.

    反面教師実例代表 - Land Of The Rising Son

    Counterintuitively, this is rare air where in actuality happiness evolves as an infinite vibration of Universal Truth—profoundly intimate personal manifestations—within subconscious nooks and crannies of the intuitive spirit and mind thriving inside—outside the pursuit of happiness.

    Material desires of the humanoids run deep—witness the paramount significance placed on singular and plurals, which are conceptually embedded into the lingua franca—also known as the Anglo-phonic-sphere.

    Conceptually, the notion of plural nouns is the fetid root of all unhappiness.

    cybersensei__the_fetid_root_of_all_unhappiness_to be clear and surePlurals have been engineered as the basis for all accounting—created to divi up every last earthly molecule—including you know who—bundled up and then sold to the highest bidder.

    Indeed the branded Occxie notion of happiness may seem attractive—still, if there is a modicum of doubt left in your barren soul, check out this special quest for happiness—brought to you by the visionary Mr. Steve Cutts.

    Often, the Japanese are considered to be samuraishly-stoic, showing little emotion and often looked upon as a unique species that does not seem to be very happy at all—when viewed from the tinted lenses of myopic Occxie eyes.

    cybersensei__tinted_lenses_of_myopic_eyes_surrounded_by_dark_cloudsJapanese society is based upon an ancient hierarchal system built over millennia—within the convention of Japanese societal protocol, the pursuit of happiness makes no practical sense to the Japanese mind at all—the emotion called happiness and the pursuit thereof, is conceptually alien to all monolingual native Japanese speakers, and to those adhering to the civilised notion of the same kind.

    Emphatically, the Japanese find personal fulfilment, which is undoubtably related to the emotion known as happiness, by attending community activities and participating in the clique of exclusive circles.

    This is where the Japanese find meaning and fulfilment—indeed the essence of happiness, and what it mean to have a satisfactory journey as reflected in a life lived with intent and purpose—as measured in an abstract notion that humanoids refer to as space and time.


    Letting Go

    Letting Go

    Would you care for a nice basket to put inside your massive case, to hold decades of emotion baggage, which continue to occupy your subconscious mind, consciously playing havoc with your exquisite life today.

    The entire spectrum of emotions in the lead-up to, and execution of, Letting Go, can be intense and confusing, leaving those in transition somewhat disoriented, sometimes a little distraught.

    mental confusion - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    After the initial internal turmoil of brutal self realization, serenity bestows a peace of mind and mental clarity unlike any other, as the heart starts to move toward Universal Truth, no longer a slave to the Flavour Of Today.

    The initial impression when pondering the implication of Letting Go, usually concerns others—this particular assumption must be intelligibly observed through the lens of the Pareto Principle—80% of Letting Go comes from within—the other 20% from the self-directed emancipation from relationships which no longer edify Each Other.

    World unity - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Of course you cannot fire your boss; or can you?—send your children to the gulag just because of misbehaviour?—never again not once—the almighty superhuman strength and fortitude of Letting Go kicks in— dealing swiftly with those who seek to stoke, choke, and provoke are lovingly stripped of personal agency, and sent on their merry way—metaphorically or otherwise.

    The majority of emotional baggage (80%) swims around in ΩNE’s lizard brain, conjuring up untold nightmare scenarios, which 99.9% will not come to fruition, nor will any of these conjured phantom events be realized at the very end.

    dead-end-job-sign - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Herein lies the magic of Stoicism and Samurai philosophy—invoking Mind Over Matter protocol leading to deep wells of fortitude to exert mastery over the sovereign domain within.

    Another formidable tenet to invoke during emancipation from a humdrum and mundane existence, and if truly desiring to move into a state of flow—internalize the following, as deep down you already know—what got you here, won’t get you there.

    Waking up and realizing by virtue of geography, ΩNE instantaneously became illiterate, the truth faithfully kicking in—what got you here, won’t get you there.

    what got you here, won’t get you there - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    This notion, however, is now replete with a clear understanding of what it means to die each day—for it has been said—no person stands in the same river twice.

    When learning how to read and write Japanese, further discoveries concerning the power of Letting Go led to a extensive examination of all preconceived notions, the list of items for release long, yet not insurmountable.

    The average lifetime consists of 4,000 weeks—human life is flourishing in abundance and progressing toward Universal Truth—embrace the protocol of Letting Go, drill down to the essence of what it means to be human, scale the highest peaks.

    sands of time abstract - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The future becomes animated, invigorated, by just letting go—establish an enduring peace of mind in a topsy-turvy world, just let it go—understand that ONE is not the sum of the past, but continual incremental improvements awakening you anew to the possibility of daily death and a cycle of rebirth—for sure your Muse will whisper in your ear—“I know you have what it takes to make it through any kind of day.”


    Letting Go-J

    Letting Go-J



    mental confusion - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei



    World unity - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei




    dead-end-job-sign - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei




    what got you here, won’t get you there - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei




    sands of time abstract - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei



    Road Less Travelled

    Road Less Travelled

    When starting life’s journey, it is a rare case where a conscious decision is made to lead life in what many would consider to be the hard road.

    Coming to Japan in 1987 was an easy choice, as at 23, staying in the security of a government J.O.B. would have only lead to a lifetime trapped inside this all-too-real acronym—Just Over Broke.

    Just Over Broke - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersenseiThe novelty of an exotic Japan wore off after 8 months, where ΩNE experienced a bout of homesick just once, and where the hard road then came into full view.

    Nothing like the stark realization of having become deaf and dumb, as well as illiterate, having moved to a country in which the communication system is vastly more complex than the familiarity of the English alphabet soup.

    The Japanese reading quest at first seemed insurmountable, but as life marched on, the radicals (separate components making up complete characters), became uncannily familiar as a matter of casual observation.

    Kanji with water radical - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Nothing quite like the subconscious (Lady Muse) guiding the journey in some sort of mystical way to satori (enlightenment)—in this case, via the hard road, which must be peppered with fortitude and perseverance forging ΩNE into the material sludge world.

    A Universal Truth to be internalized and called upon when the going gets tough, as it always will—it does not matter how slow you go, so long as you do not stop.

    baby sea turtle - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Words to live by when the hard road looks like it may be ending at the beginning of a life precipice, and this is exactly where the hard road leads—ultimately to the optimal state of being—serenity, wisdom, and civility.

    A perfect example of the hard road would be a three-day water-fast—resetting the biological batteries of life, mitochondria—where in a mere 72 hours, the human spirit runs a full gamut of emotion, as well as feeling throbbing pangs of hunger, burning in the belly, which is merely an extension of the human mind.

    Acts such as these, challenge and improve ΩNE’s own life, sacrificing and persevering, which naturally sets up a definitive field of energy—inevitably leading to a more meaningful life experience—for no one has ever said at the end of the ephemeral life—wish I had spent more time at the company desk filling in someone else's dream.

    Working at 80 - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    By virtue of living in Japan, the hard road has also facilitated encounters with an eclectic cast of characters, and like most things in life, these encounters are ephemeral and mostly forgotten—except for a rare few.

    As happenstance would have it, he who is only known as Tesla, came to the Land Of The Rising Son, and joined a business venture for a trio of years.

    Quite the critter, after the project he then faded away—that is until—re-entered the atmosphere like a lightning bolt from the pristine clear blue sky.

    Lightning flash in clear blue sky - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Always ΩNE who loves giving and getting gifts, there was an unscheduled delivery from a large-scale on-line book retailer, and this curious recipient then proceeded to unpackaged this mystery order.

    Delightfully surprised, a serendipitous timely arrival of an important book which actually served as a critical lifeline, during time of uncertainty and doubt.

    The Road Less Travelled is a timeless classic, explaining what the hard road entails and how to get from here to there.

    The road less travelled - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Life becomes more natural when boundaries are in place, and remaining in your spirit is the almighty notion of tough unconditional love.

    Besides boundaries, this seminal example of how to navigate the nooks and crannies of life, unpacks mental illness, something that affects everyone’s life at one point, for certain here in the modern world.

    Truly, due to the nature of the evolution of the Japanese, problems are swept away, and dark secrets are to be hidden away under lock and key.

    Antique lock with skeleton key - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    As Morgan Scot Peck pointed out at the beginning of this life-guide—the tendency to avoid problems and the emotional suffering inherent in them is the primary basis for all human mental illness.

    Known as masters of discipline, perhaps the Japanese can relate to the primary four disciplines as described by a seminal Occxie psychiatry professor, speaking from the grave as he passed away in 2005.

    Morgan Scot Peck - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    In the topsy-turvy modern world, clarity about how to live life, and the meaning of success is accompanied by a strict set of rules.

    1: delay gratification

    2: accept responsibility

    3: dedication to truth

    4: balance

    Get-A-Balanced-Life - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    It is through experience and maturation where the capacity to see the world and our place in it, essentially allows us to realistically determine our innate responsibility for ourselves and the greater world.

    Such changes do not come without revving up ONE’s mental capacity, and the understanding that clinging to an outmoded view of reality is the foundation for mental illness.

    mental-emotional-health - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    This may pose a conundrum for the Japanese, as their culture and society are built up on hone and tatemae—the constructed reality to which everybody pays lip serviceand this is a particularly sticky complication the Japanese face.

    In the light of the massive looming mental health crisis in Japan—the following is critical to understand—mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs.

    Really, who is up for never-ending stringent self-examination, if so, welcome to the meaning of life—the Beginning of Infinity—the hard road.

    There's a Fork in the Road and You Should Take It- - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Tied Up

    Tied Up

    Learn from the past, live in the present, plan for the future, as the old axiom so goes.

    The Past: 
    The origin of the necktie dates back to the 30 Years’ War (1618-1648), when the French hired mercenaries who wore traditional knotted kerchiefs as part of their uniform.

    Thirty_Years'_War - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Towards the end of the war, these soldiers were being reviewed by French King Louis XIV, and during this inspection, the king noticed these kerchiefs, and as capricious children do—became infatuated with them.

    From then on Louis began to adorn these kerchiefs himself at just seven years old, when this fickle immature boy made the necktie a mandatory accessory at royal gatherings.

    When having a deeper ponder on the meaning of the necktie—remember its origins are due to a mandate of a long dead seven-year old boy—the reach of his influence stifling the spirit of the necktie tribes even now in this modern day.

    Boy King with Tie - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Universal Truth:
    Western society has been pigeonholed to the notion of pointless fashion kitsch—conjured up by a juvenile boy-king on a sartorial whim—leading to the abject nonsensical notion of the necktie—the strangulation and compression of your airway.

    Hint Mint:
    The opposite of strangulation is emancipation—here the outcome can only be binary—those who continue to accept strangulation and subjugation will continue to wither and die—those who choose to live as an autonomous sovereign individual will have selected life and what it means to actualise the notion of the free.

    corporate-life - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The Present:
    The next question would then have to be:

    Would you like a mask of subservience with your necktie of subjugation?

    Philosophically, both are meant to oppress (citizens) and strangulate (creativity), clearly the current controversial face-mask is simply a more recent novel form of subjugation in the unprecedented tyrannical tie-up with the omnipresent necktie—never forget, mandated by a long dead seven-year old boy—telling you what to do today.

    Many NeckTies - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    The ubiquitous necktie is acutely associated with corporate identification, as we can see the throngs of business people running the modern industrial machine, which is simply a different system of vested-interest tribalism.

    This is where the dictum of invisible task masters is carried out by the necktied class, often at the expense of a more practical and humanistic philosophy of a harmonic global society, founded upon social harmony and cohesion, which has already been enshrined in the original constitution—the foundation of Japan and the merging of East and West—evolving into Civilization 3.0.

    Modern and ancient Japan all together now - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei

    Unsolicited Advice: 
    Social cohesion can be achieved by invoking the innate notion of kaizen (incremental small improvements), while following the foundational protocol of the Japanese WayForm Order Process.

    The Future:

    Conceivably the next shift in paradigm would be to annihilate this Gordian knot and emancipate your own clan from the mind numbing effects of stiff collars and tight knots suffocating life force—truly understand what it means to serve an invisible master—colouring the dreams and aspiration of someone else's life-book.

    Colour Your World Your Way Everyday - Land Of The Rising Son

    There is but one thing that remains immutable upon Earth today—the constant state of flux, reshuffling, and change—so the time has come now again, to remove the Shackles of the Past—emancipation from the whims of the deceased Frog boy king—enter the next state of ΩNE’s existence, and what this means for clan, community, and you.

    Frog King - Land Ωf The Rising SΩN - cybersensei



    All language, verbal or otherwise, embody culture, heritage, and traditions of their respective native speakers, in particular, this phenomena is reflected in the cohesiveness of Japanese culture and society.

    Universal Truth

    A distinctive edge is obtained by acquiring a second language, preferably outside of the evolutionary tree of ΩNE’S Native Tongue.

    be understood - Land Of The Rising Son

    The jolt of reality embodied within writing systems and non verbal communication can only be conceptualized upon internalizing notion and essence intrinsic to the language of ΩNE’S Desire.


    Language also includes Universal Truth, such as the optimal communication tool—the one and only—language of LOVE.

    Going from global Linga Franca (English), into Japanese, is somewhat akin to entering a Parallel Universe—now known as True Verse inside the cacophony of Material Sludge.

    Cacophony - Land Of The Rising Son

    Imagine the vast Super Potentiality, awaiting outside the Feral Zone, where ΩNE has registered for a Self Matriculated life.

    Here the notion of acquiring a certain degree of linguistic competency—including chit-chatting with Lady Muse—may or may not have been niggling in Stomach Pit from the beginning of Infinite Space & Time.

    Infinite Space - Land Of The Rising Son

    The goal is always meaningful communication—absent of Shackles of the Past, and to do so with Love—all of the while imbuing words, grammar, syntax into creation of ΩNE Ideal Notion—meeting inside Infinite Mind.

    Nippon Tsuwa Unit (kanji)—social convention of Form Order Process and the notions they entail, permeate evolution of the abstruse Japanese language chain.

    Japanese-Kanji-Elements - Land Of The Rising Son

    Awesome nuggets to be sprinkled around, therefore, o kage sama de, continues to grease this solitary society, along the Japanese Way.

    Internalizing eloquent Nippon Tsuwa Unitsuch as o kage sama de—empowers Ωne into profound insight into the esoteric Japanese Communication Way.

    When interpreting Self Matriculation protocol with ΩNE Rainman, it was pointed out how Japanese is filled with quirky, yet deeply sapient, idiomatic etiquette items personifying the Yamato Wabi-Sabi kind, and how the original Japanese mindset, innately runs counter to those with a Mal Matriculated spine.

    Yamato clan - Land Of The Rising Son

    Hint Mint(*´︶`*)╯♡Synchronize Circadian Cycle

    In doing so, ΩNE can uncover Universal Truth—facilitating extensive adsorption of True Life Meaning—here and now ΩNE Way journey finally begins as Infinity is now beckoning—whispering your name from within.

    Adhering to Infinite Circadian Rhythm Cycle trends ΩNE away from the lure of the sewerwhere sloppy weak sheep vortex into null and voidonly to be reincarnated—come again, self sabotage or notion of my bad luck—continuing over endless cycles in Infinite Worlds & Ways.

    Slug- Land Of The Rising Son

    What is Big Book?

    In this Particular Particle Field resides Japanese, composed of plethora of books inside nooks and crooks, while extensively Self Matriculating into Nippon Tsuwa Unit, resulting in reverberating consequences, where such deep work bears fruit, thus enabling ΩNE to trade for incredibly useful things.

    Depending on ΩNE’S current position inside particular Fabric of VerseSelf Matriculation involves striking down one unit after another, as they appear, so it is actually here, where ΩNE can find the notion of destiny—where and when ΩNE is finally defined to be.

    difference-between-fate-and-destiny - Land Of The Rising Son

    Hint Mint *\(^o^)/* Start Today

    There is no time, no now, or present—in fact nothing remains—past merely a notion—in a future yet to be made—inside the potent potion of pico sublime—this is why, to start today, is truly the only Way.

    Now Ωne embraces the venture, where the Compound Effect really starts to kick in, and the process of ΩNE’S Infinite Evolution, is now ready to begin.

    Clarity Over Time - cybersensei - Land Of The Rising Son

    Colourful Coloring Book

    Colourful Coloring Book

    How to Wrap ΩNE’s Mind around somethinganything that matters.

    puzzles inside the mind - Land Of The Rising SonHow ‘bout something as innocuous as a Colouring Bookbecoming powerful substrate as the oh-so-useful—Value Filter.

    Astutely internalizing Universal Truth, then application of the knowledge thereof, creates significant quantifiable impact on all outcome, throughout ΩNE’s entire remaining material life.

    Welcome to ΩNE's unique journey into Way of Infinity & Beyond, now departing from Way-Station No. 9, precisely the right place, in an appropriate Pico Point of rhyme.Molecular example - Land Of The Rising SonWhat does colouring inside the lines l©©K-like?

    Coloring books given to Little People by Big People, hitherto have someone else's construction-paper world already filled in and then thoroughly glossed over.

    Take a look inside the nooks of the crannies inside all constructed reality, serving as a lavish glimpse into True Nature of Maniacal Mind.

    True Nature of Maniacal Mind

    FreeDumb & Demagoguery

    What is the meaning of Mal Matriculation?

    Big People program (indoctrination) Little People—analogous to gods and slaves.

    Who are the gods and who are the slaves - Land Of The Rising Son

    Numbers to marinate, manipulate, and masticate, essence squeezed like filthy-fleas grinding the lens of a cookie-cutter view, now referred to as Vision Skew.

    No such thing as freewill, or an autonomous you—for you and yours are residing inside the notion of a Chemical Meat Farm—card carrying chattel with invoices attached to you.

    This is what is known as—Mold Instance.

    Mold Instance are indoctrination points emerging like parasitical leeches propagating exceedingly bad explanations, in which there can never be resolution into celestial Universal Truth.

    反面教師実例代表 - Land Of The Rising Son

    FreeDumb & Demagoguery crayons are all white.

    Primary example of FreeDumb & Demagoguery entails manipulating Little People by attaching lenses which create an illusion of being in possession of a unique array of colors—under the pretence of self-directed autonomous motion.

    Indoctrination involves Mal Matriculation {↑see↑above↑} into systematic programming of Nationals into coloring inside coloring books not of ΩNE’s own inalienable life-force or sovereign volition.

    JFK Quote - Land Of The Rising Son

    Check for lurking Mal Matriculation perpetrated upon the very personal notion of sovereignty inside ΩNE’s Unfulfilled Purpose.

    There, plain as day, residing somehow, somewhere, deep inside of Stomach Pit—blaring loud and clear, as the cacophony of pandemonium grinds away ΩNE’s essence, just like a rat spinning around on someone else's Sludge TreadMill.

    Congratulations, the feral comfort zone now long gone, with the first true glimpse, of the inner workings, of what is inside an internalized Infinity Field.

    Inside the empty Stomach Pit, ΩNE carefully reviews crayons to ascertain—all white or not—as well as being crystal clear—ΩNE is colouring the book of YOUR life, the Universally True YOU.

    When colouring outside lines, the colour is always black.

    Choice is absent under the weight of extremely bad explanations, vapid and void under most conditions, all structures deconstructed leaving naked the Mal Matriculated fiat paper system.

    U$A dollar decline in purchasing power - Land Of The Rising Son (1)Fundamentally, parasitical behaviour and activity of Occxie Protocol 1/0 is firmly rooted in unwavering postulation of Desert-3-Dogma, revealing itself as the Primary Anti Matriculation Condition.

    Dogmatic Adherence to notions embodying the essence of extraordinary bad explanations, inevitably trigger events arousing the Goddess Karma, and the redress she will always bring.

    Goddess Karma - Land Of The Rising Son

    All entertaining similar notions must continue to live for, struggle in, and edify Each Other while ya’ll Create-Augmented-Shared-Civilization(*´`*)╯♡

    Those looking away, even though in-the-know, are culpable—as is the morally bankrupt Fence Tribe.

    Warning electric fence - Land Of The Rising Son

    BREAKING NEWS—the notion of being safe in space by sitting on fence is clearly an instance of Mal Matriculation.

    To suffer in perpetuity inside the excruciating duress of sub-conscious experience in Reflection in Mirror protocol—ΩNE’s entire material lifetime—never to be ignored—until enlightenment (*-*)

    Universal Truth

    Reincarnation is fact*\(^o^)/*

    figure-emergeing form the Infinity Field - Land Of The Rising Son

    When DNA reconstitutes into chemical events for encasement in meat, ΩNE can always view this event as a singular Instance of Reincarnation.

    In Cosmic Cycle, those culpable for Mal-Matriculation are assuredly sent for redress upon completion of their meat cycle (physical death)—usually between 75 and 90 earth years.

    Here is where all perpetrators of Bad Explanations are reconstituted into lower life forms to try again, for as we can plainly see, the grade on the Occxie experiment over the last several decades, clearly gets the mark of the beast—and the following grade just to clarify—Mal Matriculation fails.

    fail1-finals - Land Of The Rising Son

    What about the Japanese?

    The Japanese Embraced Defeat because Japan embodies the notion of a highly advanced civilization and culture.

    In Infinite Sacred Wisdom, the Japanese have successfully superimposed the original Japanese constitution written in 604 C.E, onto any applicable parts that were imposed upon the long-suffering Japanese by Victors.

    victor poster - Land Of The Rising Son

    The most significant event to have occurred inside this particular iteration of Hardcore History, was the emancipation of the Japanese into Universal Truthful motion of FreeDumb & Demagoguery Freedom and Democracy (ノ ̄д ̄)

    The outstanding achievements of the Japanese is the successful fusion of East onto West—with Japan now representing Earth—Third and final Pillar of Human Planetary Civilization.

    Embracing defeat - Land Of The Rising Son

    The wish is to entreat, all chemical bags of meat, into Infinity World of volition—a quirky Colouring Book, concealed within the nooks and crannies of YOUR extraordinary mind.

    It is here and there, where ΩNE can start the incredible journey into creating, thus transcending, all imagined worlds of ΩNE's extraordinary conjuring mind.

    Clarity Over Time - cybersensei - Land Of The Rising Son


    Always looking to think outside the box, we spoke today with psychic Eddie Conner, host of radio show Truth Be Told. Traumatized in utero, Eddie had a pre-birth experience where he "chose" his family to learn a life lesson of compassion. At its heart, the MIND MAP is a psycho-spiritual model based on the principles of Universal Truth, and healing through the most powerful force on the planet--unconditional love.?  Eddie and we agree that unconditional love is the most powerful way to heal human disconnect. We also agree that when people fail us, it is an opportunity to connect to Source, God, Universal Truth, or whatever pathway takes us to a reparative and restorative state of being. ?  We Shrunk the Tune, "Now Comes The Night" by Rob Thomas

    Cultivate Gratitude and Focus Your Attention in the Right Places

    Cultivate Gratitude and Focus Your Attention in the Right Places
    Ali and Dr. Pat talk about how we can go through life with a mentality of abundance or lack, and whichever one we choose truly shapes our reality. Ali believes that the more we cultivate gratitude in our life, the more the Universe gives us to be grateful. It is an energy and a vibration that you are living in, and you attract what you put out. The Universe understands what you like and will conspire on your behalf. “What we put our attention on thrives” and we choose where to put it. On the good stuff or the negative? Where we put it is what will grow in our lives.

    Universal Truth is Found Within

    Universal Truth is Found Within
    George Kavassilas from Australia is about to embark upon his first North American tour and returns to the show to discuss the main topics of his upcoming workshops. George will share the extraordinary experiences that he has had, including travelling up through the dimensions of our Universe and rediscovering what life on this planet is all about. He will discuss the transformation of Mother Earth and her humanity during 2012 and 2013, the structure of the Universe, our journey, and why we are here. He will also discuss the suppressed and forgotten Divine Feminine and how her return to balance is so important to our human evolution and future happiness. For more information visit: www.georgekavassilas.org

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