
    clinical nurse specialist

    Explore " clinical nurse specialist" with insightful episodes like "Superheroes walk among us: Michele Thomson", "Being Resilient!!", "The World from your Mouth's Perspective!", "What is The Collective View?!" and "GEÐVARPIÐ // Gísli Kort Kristófersson spjallar við Helgu Sif um ástarsamband hans við hjúkrun" from podcasts like ""All Things Relatable", "The Collective View", "The Collective View", "The Collective View" and "Landspítali hlaðvarp"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Superheroes walk among us: Michele Thomson

    Superheroes walk among us: Michele Thomson

    In this episode, Michele shares her journey into nursing and many of the struggles along the way. She shares her love of serving others and the priceless rewards that she has gained along the way. 

    Michele is a leadership development coach & consultant who  believes that we are leaders in all aspects of our lives. She also believes that leadership starts from within and that we need to understand how we view the world so that we can hold space for others with humility and empathy. Michele is passionate about helping organizations build a culture that values human connections more than bottom lines so they can create environments where people never want to leave.  

    Visit Michele's website here

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    Candace Dunaway is the Host of the All Things Relatable podcast. Candace practices daily gratitude and believes that this practice is the key to living a joyful life. Candace sees the world through an optimistic lens and looks for the silver linings, even in the most difficult of times. She believes that life is a collection of simple moments of joy that compound to create a happy life.

    Follow Candace on Instagram

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    Being Resilient!!

    Being Resilient!!

    Today we are speaking on Resiliency!

    In the words of Marcus Aurelius book of meditations "You have the power over your mind-not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. "

    Joining us on this episode is our esteemed collective View community supporter and mental health expert Erika Smith LMHC, of the Lavender Way @thelavenderway licensed mental health counselor, certified life coach and certified hypnotherapist 

    What are we going to cover?!  The following: 

    1-Learn the definition of resiliency from a mental and physical health perspective

    2-Learn about core beliefs and how these impact reactions and responses.

    3-Learn about practices to support resilience in unexpected, stressful or adverse situations

    4-Learn how adversity and trauma can involve profound personal growth

    The World from your Mouth's Perspective!

    The World from your Mouth's Perspective!

    We're delving into how our body and mind are connected!  We're talking how dental health is important to our total health and how the our oral health is interconnected with the rest of our body! 
    Your dental health truly affects many aspects of our daily living, and taking care of our teeth will take care of many other parts of you!  There's certainly an emotional impact of good oral health has on us.  Join us as we here expert advice from the dentist himself!!! 

    Guest: Dr. Art Aceituno-dentist in Miami area, email at aceitunodmd@gmail.com


    1.     Describe how the body and mind are interconnected

    2.     Discuss how relationships of mental and physical health specifically related to oral health

    3.     Explain the benefits of maintaining good oral health

    4.     Discuss changes of oral helaht 


    What is The Collective View?!

    What is The Collective View?!

    Get to know who and what The Collective View is! 

    But in case you're wondering, we are all about total health and wellness!  Jayne and Mary, a clinical nurse specialist and mental health counselor perspectively, discuss how we started this and who we aim this educational platform for! 

    See more of us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/thecollectiveview.co/

    GEÐVARPIÐ // Gísli Kort Kristófersson spjallar við Helgu Sif um ástarsamband hans við hjúkrun

    GEÐVARPIÐ // Gísli Kort Kristófersson spjallar við Helgu Sif um ástarsamband hans við hjúkrun

    "Geðvarpið" er ný sjálfstæð þáttasyrpa innan Hlaðvarps Landspítala. Stjórnandi syrpunnar er hjúkrunarfræðingurinn dr. Helga Sif Friðjónsdóttir. Í þessum þriðja þætti fær Helga Sif til sín geðhjúkrunarfræðinginn dr. Gísla Kort Kristófersson, sem starfar á Sjúkrahúsinu á Akureyri ásamt því að vera dósent við Háskólann á Akureyri og aðjúnkt við Háskóla Íslands. Helga Sif og Gísli Kort ræða bakgrunn hans, velta vöngum yfir stöðu geðhjúkrunar í samfélaginu og fara yfir helstu verkefni hans í dag.

    Gísli Kort er virkur í þó nokkrum rannsóknarhópum, bæði alþjóðlegum og innlendum. Meginviðfangsefni hans hafa lotið að rannsóknum á núvitund, geðheilbrigði fanga og áfengis- og vímuefnanotkun íslenskra unglinga ásamt því að skrifa um samþætta nálgun í geðhjúkrun.

    Í doktorsnámi sínu hannaði Gísli Kort og prófaði notkun núvitundar inngrips á einstaklinga með áfengis- og vímuefnavanda og heilaskaða. Það varð upphafið á frekari rannsóknum hans á notkun núvitundar hjá ólíkum hópum. Aðlögun núvitundar að þörfum ólíkra hópa og notkun núvitundar í geðheilbrigðisþjónustunni er sérstakt áhugaefni hans.

    Ein af hugsjónum Gísla er að einstaklingar með geðræna kvilla njóti sömu gæða í þjónustu og aðrir hópar notenda heilbrigðisþjónustunnar. Meðal annarra rannsóknarefna Gísla Korts er áhugi á að skilja af hverju karlar velja síður hjúkrunarfræði en konur og hvernig er hægt að stuðla að aukinni þátttöku þeirra í hjúkrunarfræði, þróun og útfærsla þverfaglegs náms innan heilbrigðisvísinda, og geðheilsa eldra fólks á landsbyggðinni, svo eitthvað sé nefnt.

    Gísli Kort er fæddur árið 1978. Hann varð stúdent frá Menntaskólanum við Sund 1998, útskrifaðist úr hjúkrunarfræði frá HÍ árið 2004, með meistaragráðu í geðhjúkrun frá Minnesota-háskóla 2008 og doktorsgráðu með áherslu á geðhjúkrun frá sama skóla árið 2012. Hann hefur starfað í geðheilbrigðisþjónustunni frá 2004, bæði á íslenskum og erlendum vettvangi á legudeildum fullorðinna, BUGL, og í þverfaglegum samfélagsteymum og þjónustu.

    Hlaðvarp Landspítala er aðgengilegt á vef spítalans og helstu samfélagsmiðlum, en einnig í streymisveitunum Spotify og Apple iTunes, ásamt hlaðvarpsveitum á borð við Simplecast, Pocket Casts og Podcast Addict. Það er samskiptadeild Landspítala sem heldur úti Hlaðvarpi Landspítala og þeim sjálfstæðu þáttasyrpum sem tilheyra hlaðvarpsfjölskyldu spítalans.


    Creating a Million Dollar Biz with Cat Golden

    Creating a Million Dollar Biz with Cat Golden

    Cat Golden, founder of Nurses Inspire Nurses, joins Christina this week to talk about her decision to leave nursing to help nurses directly. Learn how Cat brings love and energy to her business and how she embraces doing things a little differently.


    Cat Golden’s Bio:

    Cat Golden, a self love advocate, is the founder of Nurses Inspire Nurses, a movement to help nurses help themselves and each other as a community. Cat was able to build Nurses Inspire Nurses into a seven figure business in under two years. She is a pediatric nurse by trade who is obsessed with growth, learning and helping other nurses feel better.

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    If you enjoyed this episode, make sure and give us a five star rating  and leave us a comment on iTunes, Podcast Addict, Podchaser and Castbox about what you’d like us to talk about that will help you realize that at any moment, any day, you too can decide, it’s your turn!


    Christina Lecuyer’s Bio:

    Christina Lecuyer is a former Professional Golfer, a three-time reality television competitor, Confidence + Mindset Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Founder of Women with C.L.A.S.S. Mastermind, as well as Decide It’s Your Turn: Women’s Weekend. Christina’s mission in life is to empower people to fully live in their purpose, confidently and successfully!


    Decide It’s Your Turn! Podcast

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