

    Explore " consult" with insightful episodes like "Boy or Girl Symptoms | Gender Prediction | गर्भ में लड़का है या लड़की?", "Tips to Increase Sperm Count & Quality | पौरुष शक्ति बढ़ाने के टिप्स |", "7 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast | प्रेग्नेंट होना है तो आज से शुरू करें ये काम", "क्या होता है IVF? | Test Tube Baby Process in 3D | Cost |" and "गर्भ निरोधक गोली | How to take Emergency Contraceptive Pills" from podcasts like ""Lets Talk Khulkar", "Lets Talk Khulkar", "Lets Talk Khulkar", "Lets Talk Khulkar" and "Lets Talk Khulkar"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    Boy or Girl Symptoms | Gender Prediction | गर्भ में लड़का है या लड़की?

    Boy or Girl Symptoms | Gender Prediction | गर्भ में लड़का है या लड़की?
    लड़का होगा या लड़की? ये वो सवाल है प्रेग्नेंसी के एस्टेबलिश होने के बाद जो सबसे ज्यादा दिमाग में कौंधता है… इस सवाल का जवाब अग आप खोजंगे तो आप इंटरनेट से लेकर परिवार की बड़ी महिलाओं के पास कई सारे तरीके भी मिल जाएंगे जैसे लड़की का रंग साफ हुआ तो लड़की और सांवला तो लड़का, मीठा खान का मन करे तो लड़की खट्टा या नमकीन खाने का मन करे तो लड़का यही नहीं कुछ ऐसे तरीके भी हैं जिन्हें साइंस से जोड़कर देखा जाता है जैसे प्लेसेंटा की पोजिशन देखकर… तो क्या इन तरीकों में से कोई तरीका वाकई बता सकता है कि लड़का होगा या लड़की?

    Tips to Increase Sperm Count & Quality | पौरुष शक्ति बढ़ाने के टिप्स |

    Tips to Increase Sperm Count & Quality | पौरुष शक्ति बढ़ाने के टिप्स |
    बच्चा पैदा करने के लिए ज्यादातर सलाहे मां के हिस्से ही आती हैं। ये खाओ वो नहीं ऐसा करो वैसा नहीं… लेकिन पुरुष को क्या करना चाहिए इस बारे में बात कम होती है। बच्चे के लिए मां-पिता दोनों सा सेहतमंद होना जरूरी है, ऐसे में दोनों को अपनी सेहत का ख्याल रखना चाहिए। उम्र के साथ पुरुषों के स्पर्म्स की सेहत (Sperm health) में बदलाव आता है, संख्या कम होती है और गुणवत्ता भी… ऐसे में जरूरी है कुछ बातों का ख्याल रखा जाए….

    7 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast | प्रेग्नेंट होना है तो आज से शुरू करें ये काम

    7 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast | प्रेग्नेंट होना है तो आज से शुरू करें ये काम
    प्रेग्नेंट होने के लिए हेल्दी लाइफस्टाइल बहुत मायने रखती है, अगर आप एक अच्छी लाइफस्टाइल फॉलों करते हैं तो आप आसानी से नैचरल तरह से कंसीव कर सकती हैं। आज इस वीडियो में आपको बताने जा रहे हैं 7 चीजें जिनका ध्यान मां बनने वाली महिला को जरूर रखना चाहिए...

    क्या होता है IVF? | Test Tube Baby Process in 3D | Cost |

    क्या होता है IVF? | Test Tube Baby Process in 3D | Cost |
    WHO की माने तो दुनियाभर में हर 6 में से एक कपल को प्रेग्नेंसी में दिक्कत का सामना करना पड़ता है लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है कि सभी को IVF करवाने की जरूरत पड़ती है… तो कैसे पता करें कि ये आपके लिए है या नहीं और ये होता कैसे है… आज के एपिसोड में हम आपको बताएंगे IVF के बारे में सबकुछ

    गर्भ निरोधक गोली | How to take Emergency Contraceptive Pills

    गर्भ निरोधक गोली | How to take Emergency Contraceptive Pills
    आग लगने पर कुआ खोदना ये मुहावरा Emergency Contraceptive Pills पर खूब बैठता है। अरे गलती से हो गया, इमोशन्स में बह गई थे, प्लान नहीं था लेकिन हो तो गया अब अब क्या करें? डॉ से बात करें? नहीं… नहीं, गोली ले लेते हैं बात खत्म। क्या वाकई और अगर हां तो कैसे… ये गोली आपके पेट में जाकर क्या करती है? इन्हें कैसे लेना है सही? चलिए पता करते हैं… पूरी जानकारी सुनिए हमारे इस एपिसोड में।

    Successful Consulting - Michael Zipursky 7-8 Figure Special Series

    Successful Consulting - Michael Zipursky 7-8 Figure Special Series

    Consulting Success Website: https://www.consultingsuccess.com

    Join our Facebook group for business owners to get help or help other business owners!

    The Business Ownership Group - Secrets to Scaling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessownershipsecretstoscaling

    Looking to scale your business? Get free gifts here to help you on your way: https://www.awarenessstrategies.com/

    Michael LeBlanc Talks Manifestation and Happiness

    Michael LeBlanc Talks Manifestation and Happiness

    “Become masterful at how to tune into the energy and consciousness of your success and solutions instead of the consciousness and energy of your problems and struggles.”

    WELCOME Michael LeBlanc! Consciousness Coach/ Energy Practitioner/ International Speaker-Facilitator/ Author

    FREE & VIP SIGN UP for the 100 Lunches with  100 Global Entrepreneurs event yet. Head here to sign up.

    Some areas of discussion:
    -Lessons learned from first business as Part Time Landscaping/ Part Time Social Work
    -How to create 4 lines of influence
    -When he knew it was time to launch 2nd Website and Extend Brand
    -The moment he knew it was time for entrepreneurship 

    This week's spotlight story will cover 10 Local Businesses That Made Our Mardi Gras. Follow along here.

    Writing with Authors Episode
    1st Episode on A Mental Health Break
    2nd Episode on A Mental Health Break

    I am Michael LeBlanc Author, Life Coach, Energy Practitioner and Speaker and help others Manifest Better Lives on purpose. I help audiences and individuals align with their Spiritual-Self, their True-Self, their Best Version of Themselves.

    I am a licensed clinical social worker, and certified life coach with 30 years experience.  I am also trained in the practice of Reiki (since 1993) and Ho Oponopono (2015).  For the past 15 years I have also been an international business consultant and trainer facilitating leadership, culture change and safety leadership workshops worldwide (30 countries).

    I have designed and delivered trainings for Fortune 500 Companies such as:  Chevron, Corning Incorporated, Saudi Aramco and many others.

    Website: ManifestwithMichael.com
    Website: DivineDirt.net

    That Entrepreneur Show- Top 3% Global Podcast: Where founders of companies and brands share their entrepreneurial journeys, lessons learned, tips for success, and more each Friday since 2019.

    Email: PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com
    Lanci's Books

    Digital Editing / Podcast Guests Inquiries, email PodcastsByLanci@Gmail.com

    Adventure by MusicbyAden | https://soundcloud.com/musicbyaden
    Happy | https://soundcloud.com/morn

    Support the show

    If you enjoyed this week's show, click the subscribe button to stay current.

    Listen to A Mental Health Break Episodes here

    Tune into Writing with Authors here

    [Build Your Future] Einblicke ins Investment Consulting

    [Build Your Future] Einblicke ins Investment Consulting
    Was genau macht man eigentlich im Bereich Investment Consulting bei BNP Paribas Real Estate? In der dritten Folge unserer Reihe [Build Your Future] besucht uns Jan Schildmeier. Er ist Head of Investment Consulting und wird zum 1. Januar 2023 in die Geschäftsführung der BNPPRE Consult GmbH berufen. Heute verrät er uns, wie er zu seiner Rolle gekommen ist, welche Aufgaben er hat und was Bewerber:innen bei BNPPRE erwartet. 

    Sie haben Fragen an oder Anregungen für neue Podcast-Themen? Dann melden Sie sich gerne unter kontakt.realestate@bnpparibas.com! Wir freuen uns über Ihr Feedback.💚 

    Harmonize 2.0 Episode 3: An Interview with Voice of the Middle Ground Founding Director, Ruth Jefferson

    Harmonize 2.0 Episode 3: An Interview with Voice of the Middle Ground Founding Director, Ruth Jefferson

    Stay tuned for an interview with Voice of the Middle Ground Founding Director, Ruth Jefferson and as Ruth Jefferson and Diamond Faucha talk about Voice of the Middle Ground's past, present, and hopes for the future. 

    The reflection for this episode is presented by Pastor Mark Wenzel. 

    Support the show

    The Harmonize Podcast is a part of the 501(c)3 organization, Voice of the Middle Ground. Because of this, we depend on donations from financial partners like you to continue to improve and promote offerings like this podcast. To our current sponsors, thank you. Find out how you can become an active sponsor of this podcast here.

    Your membership will also unlock exclusive content like bonus content from each episode.

    Episode 608: Your Health, Your Responsibility | Dr. Jerrica Dodd

    Episode 608: Your Health, Your Responsibility | Dr. Jerrica Dodd

    The pressure we put on ourselves to be successful manifests in how easily we are willing to deprioritize or sacrifice our health and wellness.  We have been raised in a society that has taught us that we have to give up something in order to accomplish our goals. We often feel we have to choose between our personal and professional lives. 

    In reality,  we do have the benefit of choice, and that gives us the ability to steer our lives in a variety of directions. If we choose to be the pilot of our own lives, we are accountable for ensuring that our lives unfold in the manner in which we envision them.

    Our health is frequently the aspect of our lives that we fail to fully prioritize and take care of. Your body and health are entirely your responsibility. Nobody knows your body better than you do. Don't rely solely on other people to take care of your health; rather, you should be knowledgeable and vigilant about your own health. 

    For many of us, it is in our nature to put the needs of others ahead of our own. But how can you help others if you don't prioritize yourself first? Your health is your most prized possession. If you don't take care of your body, you won't be able to do the things you love and live long enough to spend quality time with the people you care about.

    The Thriver joining us this week is Dr. Jerrica Dodd, Founder and CEO of Your Pharmacy Advocate. She has been a pharmacist for 24 years, providing the highest level of pharmaceutical and wellness expertise to providers and patients.

    She shares with us the value of prioritizing our health and stepping outside of our comfort zone. She also discusses the right of patients to be involved in decision-making processes pertaining to their own medical treatment, as well as the significance of having a comprehensive awareness of one's insurance policy.

    Be inspired. Be empowered. Listen to Episode 608 to learn more!

    Thriving Points:

    •  The thing that I'm most proud of is that I started shaping and having my hands on other people's businesses. So my impact was further than my own impact that I could have with patients,  but my impact was on the lives and the families, and the businesses of other women in pharmacy. -Dr. Jerrica Dodd
    • As I was coaching the women,  I decided that I needed to help them tell their stories because I had learned how to tell my story.  And that was what was people coming to me and finding me because I was telling my story. -Dr. Jerrica Dodd

    Other Resources Mentioned:

    About the Show:

         Women Thriving in Business features candid unscripted conversations with entrepreneurs, business experts, authors, and academics aimed at contributing to business success. This weekly show provides interviews with business leaders who have built, grown, and are thriving in business. Nikki A. Rogers, host of the show, also discusses achievements, lessons learned, and advice for aspiring business owners to develop the mindset, strategies, and connections necessary to thrive in business. Whether you are just starting or you have been in business for decades, WTiB offers inspiration, strategies, and resources to help you THRIVE in business.

    Connect with Nikki:

    Types of Parenting

    Types of Parenting

    What have we learned from our childhood and observe the generational methods of the types of parenting.

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    Getting the most out of your milk quality consult

    Getting the most out of your milk quality consult

    In this episode of Anexa’s Podcast, In One Ear and Out the Udder, vets Emma Franklin and Jemma Guyton chat about the important process of the Milk Quality Consult and discuss how farmers can get so much more from the consult than simply a prescription for Dry Cow Therapy. The vets consider when the best time is to do your milk quality consult so you can make a tailored approach to drying off your herd while examining milk quality outcomes across the whole season – celebrating wins and identifying any areas for improvement. Jemma explains how beneficial it is to include all staff on the farm in the milk quality consult process so having the whole team listen to this podcast episode is the first step to setting your herd up for success.

    For more information talk to your vet or check out Anexa's Milk Quality resource page here https://anexa.co.nz/farm/dairy/milk-quality/

    Patrick Kirby: The Official Do Good Better Podcast

    Patrick Kirby: The Official Do Good Better Podcast

    Patrick Kirby is the Founder of Do Good Better Consulting, author of the Amazon best seller Fundraise Awesomer! A Practical Guide to Staying Sane While Doing Good, host of The Official Do Good Better Podcast, and a believer that “we’ve always done it this way” is the most dangerous phrase in the English language.

    Patrick has spent nearly fifteen years working as a fundraiser in the nonprofit industry, for organizations of all shapes and sizes, and strives to ‘Do Good Better’ every day. From organizing $10,000 cure walks to $1 million galas, Patrick’s passion lies in creating creative solutions to make fundraising less boring.

    He cut his donor relations/fundraising teeth as the Alumni Coordinator at the Academy of Holy Angels in Richfield, MN, before trying his hand as a manufacturing sales rep to companies such as Target and Best Buy. Tired of being yelled at for uncontrollable international shipping issues in both English and Chinese, Patrick re-joined the world of nonprofit work as the Sr. Development Director at the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation MN/Dakotas Chapter before taking the Chief Development Officer position at the Anne Carlsen Center.

    He earned his B.A. in “B.S.” (politics) at Loras College in Dubuque, IA, and is hopelessly addicted to super nerdy Sci-Fi/Fantasy novels and old school SquareSoft ® RPG Nintendo games. Patrick married out of his league to his wife Shannon, has three ridiculously adorable children named Spencer, Preston and Willow, and lives in West Fargo, ND.


    Find out more about Patrick here:





    E119: Sam Thiara- Activate the Voice Within

    E119: Sam Thiara- Activate the Voice Within

    Sam Thiara is a professional who has created a personal journey as a storyteller, writer, workshop facilitator, problem solver, educator and entrepreneur.  His goal is to engage individuals in their personal and professional development and was recognized by the Governor General of Canada for his work in the hundreds of individuals he has mentored and the thousands he has engaged. Added to this are the 45+ non-profits that he has worked with over the years.
    Presently, Sam is the Founder and Chief Motivating Officer at Ignite the Dream Coaching and Consulting, a platform that engages his audience to define their path.  A key element is transformational practices where he is an expert in youth career coaching and supports teams and organizations in corporate alignment.  He co-founded a youth career platform that has gone nationwide.

    He is a lecturer at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University where he blends academic and professional experiences into a rich environment that captivates his audience.  Finally, he is an accomplished and sought after speaker and has two TEDx talks to his name and speaks at conferences, seminars and workshops about 30-35 times a year.  Added to his speaking is the book he recently wrote a book called, ‘Lost and Found: Seeking the Past and Finding Myself’.  It focuses on his journey to India to find his ancestral roots with little else than a faded photograph and determination.  The book is also about realizing one’s cultural identity because many struggle with understanding who they are.

    Learn more about Sam at:  Everyone's Life is an Autobiography / Sam Thiara (sam-thiara.com) 

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    England, Police Fighting Organized Crime, Terrorism, overcoming adversity.

    England, Police Fighting Organized Crime, Terrorism, overcoming adversity.

    England, Police Fighting Organized Crime, Terrorism, overcoming adversity. When someone said I was too young, I just outworked them. Simon Osamoh is our guest. He is a former police officer in England.

    He talks about his law enforcement career in the United Kingdom. Simon discusses the misconceptions that many Americans have about violent organized crime and investigating terrorists in Great Britain. Now living in the USA, he discusses his mindset and hard work approach that has helped him accomplish his goals in life. From British Law Enforcement Officer to American security consultant, author and podcaster nothing prevents him from his goals. 

    Interested in being a guest, sponsorship or advertising opportunities send an email to the host and producer of the show jay@letradio.com.

    Follow us on MeWe, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook.

    Background song Hurricane is used with permission from the band Dark Horse Flyer.

    If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, review it would be appreciated.

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    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Ep 16: Pt. 2 - Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work For Businesses! With Cher Jones

    Ep 16: Pt. 2 - Today’s Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work For Businesses! With Cher Jones
    If you've ever wondered how to implement social media strategy the RIGHT way to grow your business authority online and do it without ad spend, then this episode is for you! We continue our theme of ‚ÄėMedia & Communications‚Äô for this week of The Transform Your Confidence Show with part 2 entitled: ‚ÄúToday‚Äôs Most Effective Social Media Strategies That Work For Businesses!‚ÄĚ My guest is Corporate Social Media Trainer & Online Personal Branding Strategist, Cher Jones Social Media Trainer and here‚Äôs what we covered in part 2: ‚úÖ We break down why social media strategy is considered unrivalled when it comes to business communications. ‚úÖ What the top 3 uses are for incorporating social media into marketing strategy. ‚úÖ How to use social media for organic branding and marketing. ‚úÖ What the differences are when using social media at different stages of your business, whether you‚Äôre selling products or services, or whether you‚Äôre a for-profit or not-for-profit enterprise. ‚úÖ And how to hire the right social media expert for your needs. A BIT OF INFORMATION ON CHER . . . ūüíé As the founder of Socially Active Training, she leverages over 20 years of PR, marketing, and broadcasting experience, to help professionals, leaders and consultants, develop a credible and strategic online presence, while teaching them how to use social media at work, for work. ūüíé Cher is also the host of a weekly LinkedIn livestream show, called #JustAskCher LIVE, where she offers tips and advice to help you develop a powerful and professional brand online! ūüďĆ Subscribe on podcast platforms everywhere, search ‚ÄėThe Transform Your Confidence Show ūüďĆ Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at ‚ÄėThe Open Chest Confidence Academy‚Äô #TheOpenChestConfidenceAcademy‚Äč #RajGirn‚Äč #Founder‚Äč #TheTransformYourConfidenceShow‚Äč #Podcast‚Äč #Media‚Äč #OnlineMedia‚Äč #Online‚Äč #SocialMedia‚Äč #CherJones‚Äč #Branding‚Äč #Boss‚Äč #Business‚Äč #Entrepreneur‚Äč #Marketing‚Äč #BossBabe‚Äč #Sales‚Äč #CommunityBuilding‚Äč #ThoughtLeader‚Äč #Leader‚Äč #Leadership‚Äč #Mindset‚Äč #Communications‚Äč #Executive‚Äč #Professional

    Consult with Sola- Building your Business with Biabook

    Consult with Sola- Building your Business with Biabook

    Biabook Website


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    Join the Movement with RISE Urban Nation Podcast

    🚀 Unite. Uplift. Ignite. 🚀

    Thank you for tuning into RISE Urban Nation Podcast, where we transcend the ordinary and step into a world of extraordinary narratives and insights. Our mission goes beyond mere conversation; we're igniting a movement for unity, elevation, and transformation within the Black and Pan-African community.

    Every episode brings you closer to trailblazers and change-makers who are redefining the landscape in entrepreneurship, innovation, and empowerment. From Taryell Simmons' passion for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion to Adesola Akindele's commitment to economic strategy and community growth, our hosts facilitate deep, impactful discussions that resonate with our listeners.

    Why Subscribe to RISE Urban Nation Podcast?

    • Inspirational Stories: Learn from the experiences and wisdom of influential figures.
    • 🌍 Pan-African Focus: Explore narratives that specifically resonate within the Black and Pan-African diaspora.
    • 💡 Actionable Insights: Gain practical knowledge to fuel your entrepreneurial journey.
    • 🌟 Empowerment: Get motivated to overcome hurdles and turn obstacles into opportunities.

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    Together, let's RISE! 🔥

    5: The One about Hernia

    5: The One about Hernia

    In this episode of Health Charcha, Dr Ajay Kriplani, will talk about the very simple yet strangulated subject called as Hernia. Concerns about and pain associated with hernias can prevent people from engaging in activities that they normally love to do, and ignoring symptoms can sometimes lead to life-threatening complications. Like any other health condition, we need to address the symptoms early, consult healthcare specialist and plan an appropriate course of action.



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