
    craig clickner

    Explore " craig clickner" with insightful episodes like "LET’S DO THE HUSTLE! Why Side Hustling Is The Solution With Carrie Bohlig And Craig Clickner", "Get Off Script! The Improvisation Mindset with Shannon Hughes", "There’s More Than One Way To Run A Business with Laurie Barkman", "On building The Best Founding Team And Other Tactical Tips For New CEOs with Nick Hughes" and "155 - Craig Clickner & Carrie Bohlig: Building Your Side Hustle And How To Live Time Wealthy" from podcasts like ""Tandem Talks Podcast", "Tandem Talks Podcast", "Tandem Talks Podcast", "Tandem Talks Podcast" and "The Founders Live Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (30)

    LET’S DO THE HUSTLE! Why Side Hustling Is The Solution With Carrie Bohlig And Craig Clickner

    LET’S DO THE HUSTLE! Why Side Hustling Is The Solution With Carrie Bohlig And Craig Clickner

    Married entrepreneurs Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner discuss the power of side hustling, how it solves the human paradox we are all struggling with, and how it helps you live with fulfillment and create an impact. In this latest episode of Tandem Talks, Carrie and Craig will share their personal journey to side hustling, how it changed their lives, and how you can apply it to yours.


    • Finding your end of the spectrum
    • The side hustling breakthrough
    • Reasons to do side hustling
    • The roadblock misconceptions
    • Different opportunities to side hustle
    • The side business approach
    • 5 ways to side hustle skillfully


    Craig: “I craved more freedom or independence, I realized they needed to divorce my time from my income so that I could wake up every day and do what I love.

    Carrie: “So the challenge for people like me, it's not a lack of interest or passion or ideas, but it's narrowing in and down on what gets us closer to the life vision.”

    Carrie: “Following the traditional logic of getting a good job and living happily ever after? It definitely insinuates there's one magical path. Yeah. But that's not really the case for most people in reality.”

    Craig: “We basically were able to create a lifestyle where we are full-time parents and full-time entrepreneurs, and we wish this lifestyle and choice for everyone.”

    Craig: “The reasons to side hustle are vast, there are so many beyond just diversifying your income you diversify your skills. You can use it to explore new passions and interests.”

    Carrie: “You don't have to be passionate to start a business not just like you don't have to be passionate about your job, which many of you are not.”

    Learn more about Carrie and Craig with the links below:

    Carrie and Craig were involved in TEDx and this inspired the latest episode of Tandem Talks, learn more about TEDx with the link below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    Get Off Script! The Improvisation Mindset with Shannon Hughes

    Get Off Script! The Improvisation Mindset with Shannon Hughes


    • Shannon’s background and experience
    • Starting up Enlivened Studios
    • Improvisational Mindset in Entrepreneurship
    • The concept of “yes, and”
    • Collaboration in improvisation mindset
    • Importance of Improvisation in communicating as an entrepreneur
    • Shannon’s tips on Improvising
    • Applying conversational facilitation on online platforms
    • Deep thoughts on Tandem Talks (Special portion)


    Shannon: “Improv is highly structured and highly rehearsed. And so, there are a number of concepts that performers practice. One of them that most people are familiar with is the concept of “yes, and” which doesn't always mean agree, yes actually means to receive and to witness and to accept what's been offered.”

    Shannon: “When you think about that, on a stage, right, two people have to collaborate in order to build something from nothing. And, and when you take “yes, and” into a collaborative environment, magic can happen.”

    Shannon: “Get curious, because people love to tell their own stories. And if you can lean in with curiosity, and start to and I don't want to overuse the word human, but humanize the people that are in the room, ask them for their own personal stories. See, if you can engage at a level that will take a little bit of the air out of the balloon.”

    Shannon: “Don't forget, you can break the fourth wall. You know, you don't need to be the sage on the stage, right? You can also be the person who is saying, Does this resonate with you? How do we feel? Do we want to go in a different direction here? How's everybody doing? Do we need a break? Like what are ways that we can quote unquote, break that fourth wall to make the room more of a collective versus me behind a pedestal telling you what I know?”

    Shannon: “As a facilitator, I always say connect early connect often. So how can you if you are the meeting owner? How can you get people maybe into a breakout room for five minutes at the front end and give them a simple game? Like, “hey, you have five minutes to find three, you know, three things in common, go” or two truths and a lie. You know, how can you have a little bit of fun at the front end so that people come back and have connected with somebody so that they have a true north they can go back to if they get a little bit? They lose their footing in the meeting”

    Shannon: “I put myself into rooms with people that are a couple steps ahead of me. Because there's always something to learn.”

    Carrie: “Well, it's nice to have people modeling that balance, I think too. But at the end of the day, we do kind of have to trust that inner voice and turn up the volume on a bit because even if we have good models of it, like we're still living with ourselves every day”

    Carrie: “When you start a business like life doesn't stop, like the roller coaster doesn't stop life keeps going. But that's where I think that intuitive piece of it all is, is even more important because you don't have an employer saying you have to do this by this date. It's like, everyday like you're the boss.”

    Shannon: “Just remember what your vision and your mission is, rather than appealing to what you think might be needed.”

    Shannon: “Don't ask what the world needs, ask what makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” (a quote from Howard Thurman)

    You can find out more about Shannon in the links below: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at  https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    There’s More Than One Way To Run A Business with Laurie Barkman

    There’s More Than One Way To Run A Business with Laurie Barkman


    • A lifetime of learning and micro-pivots 
    • Developing CEO Dreams and an entrepreneurial spirit 
    • Owning a business vs being a business owner
    • Mountain climbers, craftspeople, and freedom fighters
    • The 8 types of Entrepreneurship
    • Working as a mergers and acquisitions advisor 
    • The business model canvas
    • The best way to learn about business is to run one
    • What is your Return On Time?
    • Being an entrepreneur can be lonely
    • Deep thoughts on Tandem Talks 


    Laurie: "If someone wants to own a business or do they want to be a business owner, I think that's where the conversation could start. What's the difference between the two? Well, one might look at it as a lifestyle. I want to have my own business, I want to be a business owner because ultimately, it's gonna give me the lifestyle that I want to live."

    Laurie: "Freedom fighters, they too really value control. All three archetypes do. But the freedom fighter most of all, is the one who probably will say I am a business owner, and they will probably own that business for 20 years or longer."

    Laurie: "In my story, I thought I couldn't be an entrepreneur because I didn't have the big idea. And as I have been in business so many years now, looking back 25+ years later, here I am saying I'm an entrepreneur. Well, how so? I think there are others who explore other paths. Another big path are people who are buying companies. They are acquiring businesses. They're getting an SBA loan from the government, or they're getting a loan from friends and family." 

    Laurie: "For people who are really interested in exploring other options and think starting your own thing from scratch is the way to get there, I'll say to them, 'hey think again.' The other thing I would say about this notion of I can't start a business unless it's new and you know this crazy technology, I'd say, 'let's think about that, let's unpack that' and point to all kinds of examples of the type of entrepreneur that we call an Imitator. It's not negative, it's just a descriptor."

    Laurie: "The number one thing is to be clear about who you are, why you're doing what you're doing, and who are you doing it for."

    Laurie: "For an entrepreneur starting from scratch, what do we need to do? What is step one? Well with the students, we say, do competitive research in this space. Understand the ocean you're swimming in, the lake, the pond, the puddle, where are you stepping in, where are you swimming in." 

    Craig: "Go do something, go learn. Because I say the best way to learn about business is to run one. Not like theorize, like do the canvas but don't do the canvas for six years. Do the canvas, take your time, like build it out nice, but then go learn and make the micro adjustments that we're talking about." 

    Laurie: "I think that's the other side to really know from the economics in your household what do you really need to be doing because you may not truly be ready from a budget standpoint to go all in. So this test and learn, side hustle is a great way to fare that out and see if one, you would enjoy it and two, if you're seeing the market demand that you need."

    You can find out more about Laurie in the links below: 


    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    On building The Best Founding Team And Other Tactical Tips For New CEOs with Nick Hughes

    On building The Best Founding Team And Other Tactical Tips For New CEOs with Nick Hughes


    • What problem are you trying to solve in the world?
    • Just talk to business owners in the real world 
    • Know your skillset and create a team to fill the gaps
    • How to vet people for your dream team 
    • Dig into people's motivations 
    • Building a founding team is almost as serious as marriage
    • Are you in it for the long haul?
    • Track all the goals that you want to accomplish


    Nick: "I like to ask, what  problem are you trying to solve in the world? That is something that everyone, if you're thinking of trying to get into business and entrepreneurship, I would encourage you to come from that angle. So it's not just like an idea in the shower."

    Nick: "We empower and inspire and drive growth for entrepreneurs because this world runs because of entrepreneurship."

    Nick: "Everyone is gifted in actually pretty narrow ways. But everyone has some very specific things that they probably do best in the world. I would say, first and foremost, hopefully you're able to know or discover what you're really great at and hey if you're technical, you're probably great at coding and building a product and kind of visualizing that and putting it into play. Some people are the idea people, which, that's great and fine, but you need to someone to actually build the product."

    Nick: "As a leader, it's important for you to dig a little bit, because the more that you can surface from the people that want to work with you and join your team, the better you can serve them." 

    Nick: "Of course, it's important to have a founding team and co-founders. But that is a very serious relationship that's a bit harder to unwind. So have that filtration process, know what you're looking for and be confident in actually saying, that's not the right time, and it's okay." 

    Nick: "Look at their history. Is this person just fishing for a job and somehow create some quick income? How passionate are they about the vision and the market you're in? Do they have a past history of either working in this industry or building a product of some sort of similarity? Have they created a product before? Have they brought something to market? Do they have an exit in their history? These are things that you start filtering out. Doesn't mean that you say yes or no. You just need to know your filter."

    Nick: "Have patience. Weirdly enough, success in the longevity of life is just staying in the game and waking up everyday and doing your thing. If you do that for 30 to 40 years, you will end up at the top echelon of the world because no one does anything for 40 years."

    You can find out more about Nick and Founders Live in the links below: 

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    155 - Craig Clickner & Carrie Bohlig: Building Your Side Hustle And How To Live Time Wealthy

    155 - Craig Clickner & Carrie Bohlig: Building Your Side Hustle And How To Live Time Wealthy

    Nick Hughes is joined by Craig Clickner & Carrie Bohlig, side hustle experts and entrepreneurs from Madison, Wisconsin. The willingness to embrace the adventure that is side hustling has revolutionized the way they live, allowing them to step away from their traditional careers and become full time parents and entrepreneurs. Nick, Craig and Carrie start off their conversation asking about entrepreneurship and learning how and why they started their journey into entrepreneurship. They talk about how there is not only one way to make money, and we hear how they discovered creating progressive passive income in their lives. They also describe the term - being time wealthy - and the mindset shift needed to achieve it. They call it "A Lifeset" - having a mindset about your life and how you live. We also hear what they learned when writing their book So You Want To Start A Side Hustle? and give advice for first time authors. Lastly, we hear their thoughts on how one gets started creating side hustles - how to go from idea to execution and some examples of great side hustles today. We end the conversation with tips and advice, especially as married business partners. This is a fun and helpful conversation around how to discover and live the life you actually WANT.  We hope it helps you today!


    69. So You Want to Start a Side Hustle? With Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner

    69. So You Want to Start a Side Hustle? With Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner

    Join Mike Cavaggioni with his guests, Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner, on the 69th episode of the Average Joe Finances Podcast as they talk about venturing into the world of side-hustling. Carrie and Craig met as singles while building their businesses. Living a modest life, Carrie began her business while studying sociology and Women's Studies. Meanwhile, Craig first considered creating his own business while working as a banking risk analyst in 2003. And while their paths to entrepreneurship were different, the two bonded over side-hustling, building each other up and creating the life they wanted together as a family. Today, Carrie and Craig share their experiences to inspire people worldwide to do the same.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ●     The value of building good relationships with business owners in affiliate marketing.

    ●     How much of our success results from the people and media we associate with.

    ●     The advantage of honing your communications skills to better connect with people.

    ●     How to grow ourselves as products to monetize our knowledge and skills over time.

    ●     Why vetting our referrals is vital in maintaining our credibility as an affiliate marketer.

    ●     And much more!

    About Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner:

    Carrie Bohlig and Crag Clickner are a Midwestern husband and wife duo who wanted to build an exceptional life and create the autonomy they desired. And so, they knew they had to do more than the mainstream “go to school and get a good job” adage. But, like many, Carrie and Craig were not hardcore enough to quit their jobs and gut out a startup, so instead, they ventured into the world of moderate entrepreneurship, also known as “side hustling.”

    The willingness to embrace the side hustling adventure has revolutionized the way they live, allowing them to step away from their traditional careers, becoming full-time parents and entrepreneurs.  Having helped others acquire similar results, they now have the privilege of speaking to thousands annually. The couple also shares their foundational success concepts such as implementing the proper “Life set,” elevating the right WHO, and developing a Life Vision in their book, So You Want To Start A Side Hustle.

    Unfortunately, Carrie and Craig see too many people starting side hustles but very few who know how to finish them.  As such, they look forward to being a resource to support your journey to diversify not only your income but also your skills sets, and most importantly, elevate your quality of life.

    Find Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner on: 

    Website: http://tandemconsulting.co/

    Carrie’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carriebohlig/

    Craig’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-clickner/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tandem.consulting/

    Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/tandemconsulting

    Average Joe Finances™

    Our social media links can be found here: https://flow.page/avgjoefinances

    Check out: https://averagejoefinances.com

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    Host your own Podcast here: https://averagejoefinances.com/buzzsprout

    Social Media Management Tool: https://averagejoefinances.com/social-media

    Episode Sponsor. Your Multifamily Mentor: http://www.yourmultifamilymentor.com/

    *DISCLAIMER* https://averagejoefinances.com/disclaimer

    If you are interested in writing for Average Joe Finances or joining us for an interview on the podcast, please visit https://averagejoefinances.com/contact


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    69. So You Want to Start a Side Hustle? With Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner

    69. So You Want to Start a Side Hustle? With Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner

    Join Mike Cavaggioni with his guests, Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner, on the 69th episode of the Average Joe Finances Podcast as they talk about venturing into the world of side-hustling. Carrie and Craig met as singles while building their businesses. Living a modest life, Carrie began her business while studying sociology and Women's Studies. Meanwhile, Craig first considered creating his own business while working as a banking risk analyst in 2003. And while their paths to entrepreneurship were different, the two bonded over side-hustling, building each other up and creating the life they wanted together as a family. Today, Carrie and Craig share their experiences to inspire people worldwide to do the same.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ●     The value of building good relationships with business owners in affiliate marketing.

    ●     How much of our success results from the people and media we associate with.

    ●     The advantage of honing your communications skills to better connect with people.

    ●     How to grow ourselves as products to monetize our knowledge and skills over time.

    ●     Why vetting our referrals is vital in maintaining our credibility as an affiliate marketer.

    ●     And much more!

    About Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner:

    Carrie Bohlig and Crag Clickner are a Midwestern husband and wife duo who wanted to build an exceptional life and create the autonomy they desired. And so, they knew they had to do more than the mainstream “go to school and get a good job” adage. But, like many, Carrie and Craig were not hardcore enough to quit their jobs and gut out a startup, so instead, they ventured into the world of moderate entrepreneurship, also known as “side hustling.”

    The willingness to embrace the side hustling adventure has revolutionized the way they live, allowing them to step away from their traditional careers, becoming full-time parents and entrepreneurs.  Having helped others acquire similar results, they now have the privilege of speaking to thousands annually. The couple also shares their foundational success concepts such as implementing the proper “Life set,” elevating the right WHO, and developing a Life Vision in their book, So You Want To Start A Side Hustle.

    Unfortunately, Carrie and Craig see too many people starting side hustles but very few who know how to finish them.  As such, they look forward to being a resource to support your journey to diversify not only your income but also your skills sets, and most importantly, elevate your quality of life.

    Find Carrie Bohlig and Craig Clickner on: 

    Website: http://tandemconsulting.co/

    Carrie’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carriebohlig/

    Craig’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craig-clickner/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tandem.consulting/

    Linktr.ee: https://linktr.ee/tandemconsulting

    Average Joe Finances™

    Our social media links can be found here: https://flow.page/avgjoefinances

    Check out: https://averagejoefinances.com

    Use the same Audio/Video Editing Team that I use: https://editpods.com

    Host your own Podcast here: https://averagejoefinances.com/buzzsprout

    Social Media Management Tool: https://averagejoefinances.com/social-media

    Episode Sponsor. Your Multifamily Mentor: http://www.yourmultifamilymentor.com/

    *DISCLAIMER* https://averagejoefinances.com/disclaimer

    If you are interested in writing for Average Joe Finances or joining us for an interview on the podcast, please visit https://averagejoefinances.com/contact


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    Empowering Founders And Leaders To Grow Their Leadership with Meghann Conter

    Empowering Founders And Leaders To Grow Their Leadership with Meghann Conter


    02:28 The Dames: Empower more women into 7-figure and C-suite roles

    08:14 Networking in an ecosystem of collaboration transforms you 

    10:38 Leads groups and working with someone to align values and business models

    14:49 Intuition: Harnessing this female energy for business success

    21:17 Develop intuition by distinguishing mind from heart 

    27:02 For new entrepreneurs: Align your business to your zone of genius

    31:22 Combining feminine energy and data-driven strategies in business

    36:31 Always have your litmus tests and learn to say no

    42:37 A community that shares your goals and challenges create solutions together

    44:47 Connect with Meghann


    09:00 "Being part of an organization where you're looking for your golden geese and you then develop these long-term relationships to... cross-refer business or collaborate to create a bigger footprint or mastermind your challenges..., those fostered relationships end up being long-term, very fruitful, but also extremely nourishing for both of the women."

    12:34 "In those initial stages, as you're beginning to do your work and you're beginning to work with different clients, really be paying attention to who those ideal clients are that light you up and make notes all the way along."

    18:38 "I would listen to my intuition and really be guided by it and take the actions, it has never led me wrong. And I continue to do that today. And that's what really has created all kinds of opportunities for us to open up chapters internationally."

    36:40 "Work in alignment with your higher vision and make sure that you've got your litmus tests that you're always using. Like, is this going to match my values? Does this make the boat go faster in terms of moving me to achieving my epic mission? If not, then I need to learn how to say no."

    44:00 "The masterminding and the problem-solving and the celebrations can really transform your life and the lives of those around you. So really open up, get in community, and share what you're going through because you're definitely not alone."

    You can find out more about Meghann in the links below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    Upgrade Your Mindset, So You Can Lead With Purpose with Joshua Miller

    Upgrade Your Mindset, So You Can Lead With Purpose with Joshua Miller


    01:42 Falling into coaching: How a tripping incident gave birth birth to a career

    06:12 Leadership is a skill anyone can develop

    08:25 Be intentional with time, energy, and presence

    11:09 Set very clear boundaries

    16:25 Fear of ego: A selfish undertone beneath the fear

    25:18 Meditation and mindfulness: Start with one minute and build from there

    32:41 "Try" is an out to accountability and the problem with got to/need to/have to

    42:25 Being transparent and vulnerable for a meaningful life

    46:15 Connect with Joshua and join his LinkedIn Learning Course


    09:01 "I am very intentional with my time, my energy, and my presence. So the time that I spend with, who, where, my presence, am I really present? As a coach, my job is to show up and be present in a way that other people don't find."

    12:26 "If you're an entrepreneur, the one thing that you have that's more valuable than getting a seed round of money is your time. That's the one thing. It's actually more important than your product or your service or your business."

    18:18 "When I hear the fear of ego, to me, it's people that really... don't know what to do. They're paralyzed because they can't own their greatness. Like they just accomplished something amazing, they're afraid to acknowledge it."

    39:46 "You have a better chance of putting your energy, your best foot forward, when you say 'I want that promotion.' Great. Versus I got to get that promotion."

    44:39 "If you want to have a more meaningful and purposeful life and really have some breakthrough around meditation or business success or hustling, one of the access points is learning how to be more vulnerable."

    You can find out more about Joshua, get his book, and join his LinkedIn Learning Course in the links below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    Why Blend In When You Were Born To Stand Out with Tisha Marie Pelletier

    Why Blend In When You Were Born To Stand Out with Tisha Marie Pelletier


    01:54 Tisha makes her side hustle the main hustle 

    04:17 Get started, have a mentor, have a vision, and invest in yourself

    09:12 Choose a skill you love and focus on it

    12:01 Gain momentum, increase confidence, and keep going 

    19:00 Networking tip: Strike up genuine conversations 

    22:14 Create your personal brand: Personal and work life will always intertwine

    30:07 Connect with Tisha


    04:36 "You have to get out there. You have to start getting out and networking. I had a mentor that I highly recommend when you're starting something, having a mentor, having someone that's 10 steps ahead of you, that can be there to be bouncing ideas off of."

    06:31 "Every time I invested in myself, every time I said, okay, I believe in myself, I'm going to do this, I'm going to put the money even though it could be a little bit of an air situation, it absolutely came back to me in the form of new opportunities."

    12:44 "Once you start with one, it's easier to start building the momentum because now what happens, you're believing yourself, the confidence is there and now you, in a way, are unstoppable. You just keep going."

    17:37 "Get back up, do it again, get back up, do it again. And you see that you progressively get better if you keep learning. If you keep surrounding yourself with the right people and you keep going with it." 

    23:38 "What I always share, the biggest takeaway that I feel people get when I talk about personal branding is that your personal and your professional life are going to intertwine. There's no mistake about it."

    You can find out more about Tisha in the links below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    Coaching Business Leaders Through Change And Growth with Pete Mohr

    Coaching Business Leaders Through Change And Growth with Pete Mohr


    02:31 Developing an entrepreneur's mindset and embracing side hustling early on

    07:25 Entrepreneurs are made, not born, and they find better ways of doing things

    10:17 The multipreneur follows 4 P's: People, Processes, Products & Profit

    14:45 Entrepreneurs need clarity to build confidence and gain momentum

    19:53 Mistakes and learnings with the 4 P's: Keep testing, keep optimizing

    26:11 Let go of processes that don't work to give you time

    28:30 Get business partners and offer equity

    31:52 Find a coach for the stage your business is actually in

    37:06 Connect with Pete


    08:22 "If you found yourself asking, why don't they do it this way? And that kind of stuff, as opposed to just accepting that that's the way it's done, I think those kinds of questions come out to entrepreneurs."

    10:31 "I thought I would buy a franchise off the bat to kind of give me some structures and things like that that I could start off with. And from that perspective, I did."

    11:31 "I need to have the structures and systems in place that allow me to have the right people in place, the processes in place, the products in place, so that I could generate the profit. And those are the four P's that I often talk about." 

    16:19 "What do I think is most important? Well, I think clarity is most important. So I always start with clarity because clarity gives you confidence and confidence builds momentum."

    26:28 "The sooner you let go of something that really just isn't working, the better, because it allows you then the freedom of time. And that's one thing that most entrepreneurs don't have is time."

    You can find out more about Pete in the links below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    How To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Consulting Biz & Why You DO NOT Need Calendly with Nathan Flood

    How To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Consulting Biz & Why You DO NOT Need Calendly with Nathan Flood


    02:12 Nathan's passion for side hustling and military service 

    05:42 Entry to entrepreneurship after defense contracting

    11:35 Time management is the biggest challenge to side hustling

    16:12 Scale faster: Let go of time-consuming tasks and hire talent to grow with you

    25:11 Work ethic: Know what you want so you can decide what to give up

    28:03 Life hack: Add software as you fix problems, not as infrastructure 

    33:16 Connect with Nathan


    06:47 "I started looking at how this company was making money and everything, and I was just like, there's no reason why I need to sit here and work  for what little bit I'm working for when I can just go do this on my own."

    12:59 "As we were growing, it was more of I need to book 10 a year, right? When we made that transition, then I started realizing that okay, my time is way more valuable selling than it is me working."

    18:06 "You can just go out Willy-nilly and say I'm going to go get the best people or I'm going to get the cheapest people. It doesn't necessarily work that way, you've got to try to find that middle ground of getting the most out of people that are looking to grow with you." 

    26:12 "You gotta figure out what you can give up and what you can't. And some people, you gotta decide what your side hustle wants to be. If you want it to just give you an extra thousand a month, there's nothing wrong with that."

    29:55 "You want to look at systems that give you the most in one place, if that makes sense. So you kind of want to create this unified ecosystem. Will you be able to cover everything with one company? No, but you can get most of it."

    You can find out more about Nathan in the links below:

    Please subscribe to the podcast and leave a review. Be sure to visit our website at https://www.tandemconsulting.co/.

    Practical Strategies For Starting A Business with Steven S Hoffman

    Practical Strategies For Starting A Business with Steven S Hoffman


    02:40 Creating the number 1 incubator for startups

    05:34 Deciding when your side hustle is good enough to go full-time

    10:10 Hunting for demand and finding the best people

    15:05 Ask, don't tell: A winning culture on empowering your team

    21:08 How to secure venture capital and close deals

    32:08 The real work after securing funding: Hire the best and don't be cheap

    38:54 Connect with Steven 


    06:36 "What are their problems? What's keeping them up at night? What are their dreams? What are their goals? Do you align with these? If you don't align with the top three priorities of your potential customers, you're off their radar."

    08:20 "I always say the entrepreneur's job, and especially when you're doing a side hustle, is really to gather as much information as possible information. Information. Data about the real world. What's really going on, where the market is. That will inform you."

    19:02 "A lot of entrepreneurs think it's their job to have all the ideas, to figure out the whole plan to do everything. It's not your job. Your job is to go to your employees and get them doing that, getting them to think, and then really supporting them."

    22:15 "(Venture capital) are really good at giving you money to acquire more customers, basically like to grow that business, to grab more customers and then to meet the need by hiring more people. Like that's what the venture money is for. It's not to figure it out."

    28:10 "The thing that makes investors close more than anything is one thing. It's fear, but it's also greed, right? You need to make the investor more afraid of losing the deal than they are afraid of losing their money. So it's this balance."

    You can find out more about Steven in the links below:

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    Drive Revenue Authentically with Ashley Quinto Powell

    Drive Revenue Authentically with Ashley Quinto Powell


    01:30 Updates on Ashley's life and being a mom and executive

    05:27 Successful moms today also have side hustles

    07:13 Early mistakes in business and nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset

    16:02 Frontloading risk and learning through experience 

    19:30 Delegating and prioritizing your time for what's truly important

    23:43 Ashley's 7 best business decisions

    29:22 Connect with Ashley


    05:34 "There are lots of women, especially moms, who are doing amazing things in their jobs. Like really making a big impact. And then coming home and everybody has a side hustle."

    07:59 "My business just got eaten by the recession and I was sort of spit out from that experience feeling like well, that was a gigantic mistake. I couldn't quite see that it had gotten me into tech and taught me to be a programmer."

    10:38 "You think of it like side hustles, and I think of it like I have 24 hours in a day and I really don't want to be dedicated to just 1 thing. Because that's boring and also I'm a multifaceted person."

    12:21 "I actually have a hard and fast rule, but I don't create anything until I've sold it. There's no point putting your time and effort into something that you haven't validated as being something someone will buy."

    25:06 "The reason that I started VA agency is because I kept looking over the shoulders of my clients and saying, I don't understand how you're going to get anything done. You are smired in admin and someone else can be doing this for you."

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    A Good Dialectic with Carrie and Craig

    A Good Dialectic with Carrie and Craig


    02:43 Personal development: Learning through the experience of entrepreneurship

    05:48 Knowing when it's time to take action and not fearing failure

    09:27 Following mentors and inspirations on social media 

    17:36 Discerning your own values and disagreeing with content creators

    21:07 Using time blocks and being mindful of energy levels to stay focused 

    26:25 Mentors versus general counsel: Getting advice based on your needs right now

    28:19 Books you should be reading


    03:25 "Entrepreneurship is the best form of self-development out there because it challenges you and you have to go and create something. And experiential learning is ultimately more powerful than, most of the time, academic learning."

    04:29 "Take massive amounts of action. The more I've been around business owners and entrepreneurs, they're just like always taking action. They don't allow fear to paralyze them, they allow fear to temper them."

    07:16 "I just see so many people gripped by fear of failing or looking silly, and I think we just have to embrace that you will look silly. So get out there and also win while you're doing it versus just reading a book on the bench."

    18:01 "We have to get good at thinking for ourselves and really sorting through what is relevant to us and what we believe in. It sometimes feels like this package deal like you buy into Mel Robbins or you don't."

    22:32 "Maybe it's a timer, maybe it's just very well-defined time blocks in your calendar, maybe you have a to-do list on social media or online, wherever you're doing your things. But having almost your own curriculum and roadmap can be so, so powerful."

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    Get Things Done with Madeleine Niebauer

    Get Things Done with Madeleine Niebauer


    01:21 The serendipitous beginnings of vChief

    04:51 vChief: Connecting independent chiefs of staff to your business

    09:01 Starting out: Creating autonomy and overcoming obstacles

    14:50 Finding trustworthy talent and learning to let go

    18:11 Networking and coaching prepared Madeleine to scale up 

    24:19 Set boundaries and delegate to free up time to do the most important tasks

    31:28 Common mistakes: Doing everything and not keeping the right people

    38:06 Work shenanigans in Vietnam and future plans


    04:15 "I think what I saw when I started that hustle and the networking, who can I work with? The demand was just so clearly bigger than what I could personally do. But that's when it sort of became, what could this business be?"

    06:28 "They all work with the aim of helping a leader really prioritize the things where they can have the most impact, and be able to have someone who they can just say, okay you deal with this, you deal with this, you deal with this."

    12:49 "You're the one doing the hustle, you're the one who has the relationships, and therefore people want to work with you. So how do you shift that client's mindset to, I have built this business full of equally amazing people and you would be great with them?"

    26:12 "We're getting to the stage of organization that other people need to be making decisions and I can't be involved in every decision. How do I pull myself up and out of that and empower other people to drive those decisions?"

    32:51 "Figuring out how to delegate and automate things is incredibly important to a leader and figuring out where they can have the biggest impact towards getting to that vision, whether that's a lot of growth or whatever they want."

    Learn more and connect with Madeleine in the links below.

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    Creating Your Visual Presence to Attract Your Ideal Clients with Lisa & Eric Pezik

    Creating Your Visual Presence to Attract Your Ideal Clients with Lisa & Eric Pezik


    01:42 Teaming up and founding Infinite Design House

    09:06 Obstacles in scaling: How to spend your time wisely and choose your projects

    21:55 Building the mental skills to be successful in entrepreneurship

    28:42 For side hustlers: Branding and content tips to get started

    35:29 Deciding on the right mentor takes a mix of data and gut feel

    40:41 Take ownership of your business and think big

    47:02 How to connect with Lisa and Eric


    10:29 "It goes back to getting really clear on the things that you and only you can do in your business. So when I do X, income, impact, joy, goes up in the business. When I do X, I don't even need to be doing X, someone else could do X or it sucks the life out of me."

    11:42 "Nobody knows our content. Sure, they can. Sometimes they make it even better than you could have ever made it. But it's letting go of that control."

    27:06 "I realize the way I was speaking to myself and, when you don't have self-worth and you don't value yourself, you don't charge what you're worth. You don't put yourself in rooms where you're making moves."

    42:06 "We think it has to look a certain way or be a certain way and we're hoping somebody else is going to create it or someone else is going to give us the answer. You have all the tools to create whatever that thing is."

    43:38 "Think massive and then just take one tiny step to starting that thinking, projecting that way."

    Learn more and connect with Lisa & Eric Pezik in the links below.

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    Improve Your Online Presence with Chris Misterek

    Improve Your Online Presence with Chris Misterek


    02:32 Circumstances introduce Chris to web design and podcasting

    07:48 Powering through obstacles and motivating yourself with your passion

    13:41 Community and networking propels your side hustle unlike any other 

    20:16 People should trust their capacity to reinvent themselves

    25:37 Don't fear failure for it is a necessary part of success

    28:21 Normalizing mental health has a positive ripple effect in all aspects of your life

    36:51 How to use Upwork as your main sales platform 


    08:55 "You need to figure out, what's the carrot that's going to keep you moving forward? For me, it was finding and saying yes to projects before I knew what I was doing."

    15:32 "The thing that we tend to neglect is that community aspect. If anything, the community aspect is probably one of the biggest reasons why people make it as business owners, entrepreneurs, or side hustlers."

    19:08 "Soft skills and hard skills are all something that should be learned and should be developed on an ongoing basis."

    26:03 "Failure... it's not a normal part, it's a necessary part of success. You fail forward towards success. You don't win towards success. Failures will teach you more than any success that you have."

    30:29  "The only way to get real lasting recovery is to make sure you're addressing some of those things that have happened in your life."

    Learn more and connect with Chris Misterek in the links below.

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    Helping Accomplished Professionals Start, Build, and Grow their Consulting Businesses with Deborah Zahn

    Helping Accomplished Professionals Start, Build, and Grow their Consulting Businesses with Deborah Zahn

    Working in the healthcare field for more than 20 years, Deb Zahn took advantage of the knowledge, skills, and expertise gained in traditional work settings and transitioned to being a consultant. As she dabbled as an independent consultant, doing side gigs while working on her day job, Deb got a taste of what it would be like and loved it!

    Fast forward to today, Deb Zahn is the CEO of Deb Zahn Consulting, LLC and Craft of Consulting, which helps accomplished professionals become successful consultants while living the lives they want.

    Learn more and connect with Deb Zahn on the links below.

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    Pushing Yourself To The Fringe with Carrie and Craig

    Pushing Yourself To The Fringe with Carrie and Craig

    Carrie and Craig scaled their first side hustle, Click Global LLC, to $3MM+ in US revenues. The firm focused on building & monetizing online communities using already existing business systems to launch, scale, & duplicate more efficiently than real estate or traditional franchising.

    After stabilizing a majority of these revenues, they achieved their primary goal of stepping away from Corporate America, in their 20s/30s, respectively. They now consider themselves full-time parents & entrepreneurs. They invest the majority of their days into their children, traveling, & love playing "entrepreneur" with the skills they have developed.

    In 2013, they launched CC Global, LLC to coach & educate others on how to emulate their results. After assisting several professionals in building $1MM+ businesses, they began running larger seminars & speaking events across the US, Canada, UK, Caribbean & Australia. They have the privilege of speaking to 20K+ people a year & coaching a few dozen individuals annually. They believe real empowerment occurs through personalized mentorship, not necessarily by acquiring more degrees or getting lost consuming random self-improvement or motivational content.

    They are thrilled to announce they launched their first non-profit, TandemGiving, Inc., at the close of 2019. The organization is designed to raise funds for children in need.

    Tandem Talks is a podcast meant to empower you to live your life, your way. Join us as we go deeper with entrepreneurs and their journey creating success in business and life.

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