
    craig mccourt

    Explore "craig mccourt" with insightful episodes like "Just a Sparrow", "VDMA - What does this mean?", "If My Little Pony Wrote A Creed", "MM - All In The Family - Romans 8 part 1" and "Tale of two Prisoners" from podcasts like ""PonderingGod", "PonderingGod", "PonderingGod", "PonderingGod" and "PonderingGod"" and more!

    Episodes (15)

    Just a Sparrow

    Just a Sparrow

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

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    VDMA - What does this mean?

    VDMA - What does this mean?

    In a world where everything seems disposable and even our ideas are constantly on the move we focus on the Rock Solid Word of God! VDMA

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page


    If My Little Pony Wrote A Creed

    If My Little Pony Wrote A Creed

    Today Pastor Craig and his faithful sidekick Robert examine what has created quite a buzz, in the world of Lutheranism, and thinking Christians everywhere.  The Sparkle Creed.  A recording of this creed written in 2021 and used in a ELCA Church in Edina in 2023, is all over the internet.  It caught our attention and we just can't let this one go by.  

    This creed is one more example of the woke church gone mad.  

    2 Timothy 4:3-4 (ESV)
    3  For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4  and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.

    We are seeing these words of warning to the young pastor Timothy come true as they have over and over and over in the church.

    We invite you to pray for those who are so deceived by satan and the untruths of this world that the Lord of the Church - Jesus the Christ would call them back to the truth.

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page

    MM - All In The Family - Romans 8 part 1

    MM - All In The Family - Romans 8 part 1

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Message is from July 16, 2023, at Peace Lutheran Church - The title is "All in the Family - Romans 8 Part 1"

    Today's Text is Romans 8:12-17

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page


    Tale of two Prisoners

    Tale of two Prisoners

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Message is from July 9, 2023, at Peace Lutheran Church - The title is "Tale of two prisoners"

    Today's Text is Zec. 9:11-12

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page


    Breath Normally - Not a Chance! - Classic Episode

    Breath Normally - Not a Chance! - Classic Episode

    Here is a classic PonderingGod Episode from 2017

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page

    Anxiety Where Did It Go?

    Anxiety Where Did It Go?

    Key Verses for today's Podcast

    6  Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 7  casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

    1 Peter 5:6-7 (ESV)
     “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
    Matthew 6:34 (ESV)

    6  do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
    Philippians 4:6-7 (ESV)

     When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.
    Psalm 94:19 (ESV)

     Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.
    John 14:27 (ESV)

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God or to send us a message visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page

    National Pack Rat Day

    National Pack Rat Day

    National Pack Rat Day - There is a topic you didn't think you would hear on Pondering God. Pastor Craig does love a challenge, so he took this as a personal quest to find a Biblical Perspective to being a Pack Rat.

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page

    We are called to be prepared... like a Pack Rat for anything that might come our way - here are 4 ways to get prepared...

    • Prepare your heart. Psalm 51:10
    • Prepare your mind. Romans 12:2 
    • Prepare your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
    • Prepare your work. Colossians 3:23-24

    Royal Priesthood

    Royal Priesthood

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Message is from May 7, 2023, at Peace Lutheran Church - The title is "Royal Priesthood"  On a Sunday that began with a Baptism, we look at who we are as heirs of Heaven

    Today's Text is 1 Peter 2:2-10

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page


    Safer Than Fort Knox

    Safer Than Fort Knox

    3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4  to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you,
    1 Peter 1:3-4 (ESV)

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page


    But how does the Bible describe our inheritance in heaven? What are some of its characteristics? Well, according to 1 Peter 1:4, our inheritance is:

    • **Imperishable**. This means that it will never decay, deteriorate, or wear out. Unlike the things of this world that are subject to corruption and destruction, our inheritance is eternal and indestructible. Nothing can harm it or take it away from us.
    • **Undefiled**. This means that it is pure, holy, and free from sin. Unlike the things of this world that are stained by evil and tainted by guilt, our inheritance is perfect and blameless. Nothing can defile it or diminish its value.
    • **Unfading**. This means that it will never lose its beauty, splendor, or significance. Unlike the things of this world that fade away with time and lose their appeal, our inheritance is glorious and majestic. Nothing can dim its radiance or reduce its worth.
    • **Reserved**. This means that it is kept and guarded by God Himself. Unlike the things of this world that are uncertain and insecure, our inheritance is sure and safe. Nothing can prevent us from receiving it or enjoying it.


    Well, the Bible gives us some amazing clues about what Heaven will be like for those who trust in Jesus as their Savior and Lord. 

    - A place of peace and joy. In Heaven, there will be no more pain, sorrow, sin, or death. We will live in perfect harmony with God and with each other. We will enjoy His presence and His love forever. (Revelation 21:4, Psalm 16:11)

    - A place of glory and honor. In Heaven, we will receive rewards for our faithfulness and obedience to God. We will also share in the glory of Jesus, who died and rose again for us. We will be transformed into His likeness and reflect His beauty. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15, Romans 8:17, 1 John 3:2)

    - A place of inheritance and authority. In Heaven, we will inherit all things that belong to God. We will also reign with Him over the new heaven and the new earth. We will have a role and a responsibility in His kingdom. We will be His co-heirs and co-rulers. (Revelation 21:7, 2 Timothy 2:12, Revelation 22:5)

    These are just some of the amazing things that God has in store for us in Heaven. But the best thing of all is that we will see Him face to face and worship Him with all our hearts. We will know Him as He knows us. We will be with Him forever. (1 Corinthians 13:12, Revelation 22:4)

    Discovering the Will of God

    Discovering the Will of God

    Today I want to talk about a topic that many of us struggle with how to discover God's will for our lives. I know it can be frustrating and confusing to figure out what God wants us to do, especially when we face significant decisions or challenges. But I believe that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us, and He wants to reveal it to us in His perfect timing. So how can we discover God's will for our lives? Here are three ways that have helped me along my journey.

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page

    3  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4  who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
    1 Timothy 2:3-4 (ESV)

     He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?
    Micah 6:8 (ESV)

    4  Make me to know your ways, O LORD; teach me your paths. 5  Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are the God of my salvation; for you I wait all the day long.
    Psalm 25:4-5 (ESV)

     But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
    Matthew 6:33 (ESV)


    3 Ways to Enjoy Reading The Bible (plus a few)

    3 Ways to Enjoy Reading The Bible (plus a few)

    Today completes the three-part series on Reading the Bible (Episodes 12, 14, 16). Check out our corresponding Blog post on Tips, Tricks, and Tools for reading the Bible. (publish date 3-31-23)

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page - "Buy Me A Coffee"


    Message Monday - Will These Bones Live? - Ezekiel 37

    Message Monday - Will These Bones Live? - Ezekiel 37

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Message is from March 26, 2023, at Peace Lutheran Church - The title is "Will These Bones Live?"  We visit 3 graveyards in our message on life from death from Ezekiel 27

    Today's Text is Ezekiel 37:1-14

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!

    Thanks, Rev. Dr. David Schmidt, for a wonderful sermon outline!

    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page - "Buy Me A Coffee"

    Message Monday - Do You See What I See?

    Message Monday - Do You See What I See?

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Message is from March 19, 2023 at Peace Lutheran Church - The title is "Do You See What I See?"  There is much to see in our short journey through Isaiah 42.

    Today's Text is Isaiah 42:1-43:4 

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!


    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page - "Buy Me A Coffee"

    Message Monday - Following God's Call

    Message Monday - Following God's Call

    Each Monday Morning, we bring you a message, hot off the press or from the archives. We pray that these messages are an extra boost of encouragement to you.

    Today's Text is Genesis 12:1-9

    For more information on Pastor Craig McCourt and the ministry of Pondering God visit us at www.ponderinggod.org

    For more information on Peace Lutheran Church, where Craig currently serves as Pastor, visit www.peacearlington.org

    Please share this podcast with a friend, and do us a favor by giving us a rating and review wherever you listen to this podcast!


    To Support the ministry of PonderinGod and help cover our online and production costs, visit our support page - "Buy Me A Coffee"


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