

    Explore "crusoe" with insightful episodes like "Tego dnia: 31 lipca", "S10E14. Arne Falk-Rønne: Hemingways danske ven", "Caribbean Rhythms with BAP - Episode 105 - Group Being Rayp", "S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe" and "S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe" from podcasts like ""Tego dnia", "Den yderste grænse", "glycineputler's podcast", "Den yderste grænse" and "Den Yderste Grænse"" and more!

    Episodes (26)

    S10E14. Arne Falk-Rønne: Hemingways danske ven

    S10E14. Arne Falk-Rønne: Hemingways danske ven
    Journalisten og globetrotteren Arne Falk Rønne var en af Familie Journals ukronede konger ud i rejsebeskrivelsen. Hans artikler og bøger emmede af spænding, druk, forbudt erotik, giftpile, kannibaler og skrumpehoveder. Falk Rønne skrev et stort antal rejsebeskrivelser fra alle fire verdenshjørner med så dragende titler som: Eventyrfærden til Robinson Crusoe's ø, Skæbnens Flod, Djævelens Diamanter, Skrumpehovedets hemmelighed og Machetebrødre. Falk-Rønne's mest markante værker, var dog rækken af udgivelser om rejser i fodsporene på nogle af Bibelens Apostle, der begyndte i 1963 med bogen Vejen til Betlehem, der blev hans første internationale sucess. Alvorlig blev romanen som fulgte. efter han som korrespondent i det belejrede Budapest fulgte opstanden i 1956. At Falk Rønnes forfatterskab favnede bredt bevidste han igen og igen og i 1959 rejste han, bl.a. sammen medJørgen Bitsch, til Brasilien for at efterforske mordet på en dansker der var forsvundet i Amazonas.

    Vært: Bjørn Harvig. Medvirkende: Arne Falk Rønne, der er søn af Arne Falk Rønne. Tilrettelægger: Kristoffer Errboe Poulsen. Redaktør: Rikke Caroline Carlsen.

    Caribbean Rhythms with BAP - Episode 105 - Group Being Rayp

    Caribbean Rhythms with BAP - Episode 105 - Group Being Rayp

    This is only half of Episode 105. For full two hour show show and all past shows please subscribe muh Gumroad:


    I sperg out again about identity and in fact whole idea of "group belonging" and this whole apotheosis of "sociality" that is promoted by the postliberals, and which i find empty and depressing. I also talk what is great in man, and on last segment I review The Last Duel Scott Ridley; next installment movie show to follow soon I think.

    Please remember my Telegram channel: https://t.me/BronzeAgePalaestra

    I am still here I will never stop broadcasts and writings of power! Please spread this show on Twatter and elsewhere.

    The most powerfuk show of the century!

    S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe

    S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe
    Generationer har læst Daniel Defoes legendariske roman om Robinson Crusoe - men de færreste har hørt om Alexander Selkirk, som var den virkelige pendant til den verdensberømte fortælling. Under et togt i 1704 bliver han efterladt på en tropisk ø i Stillehavet, hvor han må kæmpe dagligt for ikke at dø af sult, tørst og sindssyge...

    Vært: Bjørn Harvig, eventyrer.
    Medvirkende: Jes Stein, journalist og litteraturanmelder på "Dagbladet Politiken" samt medlem af Eventyrernes Klub.

    Produceret af Juhl & Brunse for 24syv og Vores Tid.

    S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe

    S6E8. Alexander Selkirk: Virkelighedens Robinson Crusoe
    Generationer har læst Daniel Defoes legendariske roman om Robinson Crusoe - men de færreste har hørt om Alexander Selkirk, som var den virkelige pendant til den verdensberømte fortælling. Under et togt i 1704 bliver han efterladt på en tropisk ø i Stillehavet, hvor han må kæmpe dagligt for ikke at dø af sult, tørst og sindssyge...

    Gæst: Jes Stein, Journalist og Litteraturanmelder på Dagbladet Politiken. Medlem af Eventyrernes Klub.

    Drei Tonies: Unsere Lieblings-Lieblinge

    Drei Tonies: Unsere Lieblings-Lieblinge
    In Folge #5 von "Aller guten Tonies sind drei" stellen wir euch unsere "Lieblinge" vor, also exklusiv für die Toniebox erhältliche Tonies und Inhalte: Aus der Reihe Lieblings-Märchen "Sterntaler", aus Lieblings-Klassiker "Robinson Crusoe" und neu im Programm: Klassische Musik und ihre Geschichten – die Lieblings-Meisterstücke mit der Zauberflöte! Es wird also musikalisch – und schrecklich unmusikalisch zugleich – na, findet es selbst heraus ;-) . Außerdem gibt es wieder die dreimal die Tonies der Folge zu gewinnen. Und wie immer, wenn ihr Fragen habt oder etwas loswerden wollt – wir freuen uns über eine Mail an podcast@tonies.de.

    25 - Ksiazki postapo

    25 - Ksiazki postapo
    Czy książki postapokaliptyczne mogą nas przygotować na kryzys?
    gość: Bartosz Adamiak

    Omawialiśmy książki:
    William R. Forstchen - “Sekundę za późno”
    Marc Elsberg - “Blackout”
    Daniel Defoe - “Robinson Crusoe”
    Arkady Fiedler - “Wyspa Robinsona”, “Orinoko” i “Biały Jaguar”
    Michał Gołkowski - “Sybirpunk”
    Ben H. Winters - “Ostatni policjant”
    Piotr Czuryłło - “Vademecum przetrwania. Jak wyjść cało z kataklizmu, katastrofy i konfliktu”
    John Marsden - “Jutro: Kiedy zaczęła się wojna”

    Gra fabularna RPG “Neuroshima HEX”

    Podcast Bartosza Adamiaka:

    Nasza rozmowa w formie wideo:

    David Bittner - Südsee-Robinsonade mit der Familie

    David Bittner - Südsee-Robinsonade mit der Familie


    Wer hatte noch nicht den Traum mal wie Robinson Crusoe auf einer einsamen Insel zu leben, aber im Gegensatz zu Crusoe mit "Rückfahrkarte"?

    Wie kommt man darauf mit kleinen Kindern auf eine einsame Insel in der Südsee zu schippern und dort mehrere Wochen ein familiäres Robinson-Leben zu führen?

    Schon früh träumte David davon auf einer speziellen Insel für eine Zeit zu leben, aber es dauerte lange Zeit, bis er das geplant und verwirklicht hatte. Allein zur Insel hin zu kommen war bereits eine Expedition; Über Hongkong über Neuseeland nach Tonga, dann ein Inlandsflug und mehrere Bootspassagen um überhaupt zum Ausgangspunkt, der letzten bewohnten Insel zu kommen. Dort musste zuerst ein Fischer gefunden werden, mit entsprechendem Boot und er musste ja auch die Insel kennen.

    Wie David diesen Traum mit seiner Familie verwirklicht hat und was sie erlebt haben, erfährst Du in dieser Folge.

    Weiterlesen auf http://workandtravel20.de/
    #workandtravel20 #weltreise

    The Big Rewind - Episode 52

    The Big Rewind - Episode 52
    Adam (aka The RetroCritic) and fellow film buff Jamie discuss movie news, pay homage to Leonard Nimoy, review Selma and talk retro stuff. @TheRetroCritic http://www.retrocriticblog.blogspot.com bigrewindpodcast@gmail.com #TheBigRewind

    Episode 3

    Episode 3
    Écoutez la troisième émission de The Serieslive Chronicles. 1. Kekt'as vu cette semaine : tour de table des coups de coeur de la semaine de nos chroniqueurs. 2. In & Out : retour sur Crusoe, une énième rumeur de remake de V, l'arnaque du cube de Canal+, les nouvelles acquisitions de Canal+ et les prochaines diffusions en France et en Belgique. 3. Somewhere beyond the States : dans cette nouvelle rubrique, Maxx nous fait découvrir une série inconnue en France, Rabbit Fall, une série australienne. 4. A la Une : à l'occasion du retour de Kyle XY sur W9, toute l'équipe revient sur la saison 1 et la première partie de la saison 2. 5. La Battle : Stan ne pouvant humilier tous les chroniqueurs, il a décidé de laisser sa place à Nico. Maintenant, Lydia se dresse devant lui et le provoque sur la question de la fiction française : Les Bougon, Flics, XIII : est-ce-que cette nouvelle nouvelle vague française arrive enfin à quelque chose ? 6. Le défi : découvrez le nom du précédent gagnant et participer à ce nouveau défi qui vous permettra de gagner un DVD.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 12

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 12

    Make sure you switch over to the new Robinson Crusoe podcast feed before next week's part 13.

    Here's the feed url: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RobinsonCrusoe

    Or you can search in the podcast area on iTunes for 'Robinson Crusoe.' We're the one with the book and candle logo.

    Crusoe worries about being attacked if his presence is discovered by cannibals who visit the island. He finds a spectacular cave and then, during a night storm, hears a cannon shot.

    We are Moving Robinson Crusoe to its Own Podcast

    We are Moving Robinson Crusoe to its Own Podcast

    We are moving Robinson Crusoe to its own podcast. The 'Pirate Jack' novel will stay here in its entirety. Robinson Crusoe will now be offered via this feed:


    Or you can just go to http://www.candlelightstories.com/Stories/RobinsonCrusoePodcast.asp to get the feed link.

    You can also just go into the iTunes podcast area and search for "Robinson Crusoe." We are the podcast one with the candle and book logo.

    Part 12 will be the last part offered here at the Pirate Jack podcast. So try to switch over this week so you don't miss part 13.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 11

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 11
    Download Robinson Crusoe - Part 11

    Crusoe makes another shocking discovery and sets himself on a course of action that leads him to one of the book's most interesting passages. It is here, in Crusoe's struggle with his own outrage and his ideas about what makes for civilized behavior, that Defoe begins to turn the novel in a new direction. He is examining the underpinnings of Western civilization. What makes a person civilized? What does the right of self defense really mean? This kind of thinking and questioning is perhaps somewhat lacking in certain countries today. Notice also how religion, for Crusoe, seems to have a moderating, calming influence. He resists using it to justify himself or his actions.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 9

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 9
    Download Robinson Crusoe - Part 9

    Let's get on with our story, shall we? It's a good story and reading it is a lot of fun. Difficult, but fun. Defoe's language is up and down and backward and forward. It makes you think fast. Try picking up the book and reading any part of it out loud and fast. It's tricky. But it's a very good way to learn more about how Defoe's mind worked. Amazing. Are you starting to wonder why Crusoe constantly reminds us of things and says things like: 'As I told you before,' or 'As I said earlier?'

    He almost insists that you follow the correct sequence of events, but he skips ahead in order to achieve a much more important goal. He wants you to follow along with his state of mind. That's why his story-telling language is so twisty and folds back on itself so often. This is certainly one of the most fantastic things about Defoe's novel. Its obsessive focus on the man's state of mind sets a precedent that influences almost all of literature following Defoe. It is really this that makes the book so modern.

    This story holds surprises for us. Stay tuned until next week...

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 8

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 8
    Download Robinson Crusoe - Part 8

    Robinson Crusoe struggles to harvest his corn, make bread, build a boat and sew some clothes. The efforts he makes are constantly set back by mistakes and errors in judgement. He deals with his lack of expertise in the various arts that he must call upon with a certain amount of humor. Pay attention to how Crusoe constantly monitors his state of mind and is ever willing to discuss his mistakes and to poke fun at himself.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 7

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 7

    Crusoe details how he learns to grow crops that will help sustain him when his ammunition runs out. He journeys to the far side of the island, finding better land and more plentiful game there. He describes the difficulties overcome in learning to weave baskets and cut lumber from a tree. He also writes about his religious thinking and how he begins to come to terms with his solitary condition.

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 6

    Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe - Part 6
    Download Robinson Crusoe - Part 6

    Crusoe continues to offer the reader his journal entries, describing how he brought supplies from off the shipwreck. He battles sickness and finds a way to speed his recovery. He begins to read a copy of the Bible that he finds in one of his chests. This causes him to ponder the nature of his deliverance and he begins to read the book regularly for the first time in his life. Defoe is here beginning his fascinating analysis of a human being's place in the world and how hardship can lead a person to question the very nature of existence.

    As Crusoe recovers from his sickness, he begins to venture farther abroad on the island, discovering things that will assist his survival efforts.

    The illustration is by NC Wyeth (1920). Crusoe reads his Bible and ponders the nature of his deliverance