

    Explore "curandero" with insightful episodes like "ENTREVISTA DR : RAYMY CHILIQUINGA", "LA VIEJA Y EL CURANDERO 👵 Fábulas con Moraleja | Audiocuentos | Gran lección sobre la avaricia y la justicia. 🧐", "don Oscar Miro Quesada: Shamanic Mystery School #shamanism #andeanmysticism on Dare to Dream podcast.", "Come fa l'uomo a selezionare le piante curative da millenni?" and "CasaEsotericaWica" from podcasts like ""CasaEsotericaWica", "AudioCuentos", "Dare to Dream with Debbi Dachinger", "Botanicals" and "CasaEsotericaWica"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    LA VIEJA Y EL CURANDERO 👵 Fábulas con Moraleja | Audiocuentos | Gran lección sobre la avaricia y la justicia. 🧐

    LA VIEJA Y EL CURANDERO 👵 Fábulas con Moraleja | Audiocuentos | Gran lección sobre la avaricia y la justicia. 🧐
    🎉¡Qué episodio tan emocionante! Hoy aprendimos una gran lección sobre la avaricia y la justicia. 🧐


    💡La historia de la anciana y el curandero nos enseña que la codicia puede llevar a la pérdida de todo lo que valoramos. 🤑
    👏¡Bravo a la anciana por defenderse en el tribunal y demostrar que la verdad siempre sale a la luz! 🙌
    👀La importancia de la honestidad y la integridad se destacó en este episodio. Nunca debemos engañar a los demás para obtener ganancias egoístas. 🚫
    💰El curandero aprendió una lección costosa: nunca debemos sacrificar nuestra reputación y valores por dinero. 💸
    👵¡La sabiduría de la anciana nos inspira a ser fuertes y valientes en la defensa de lo que es correcto! 🌟

    ¡No olvides darle "Me gusta", compartir y suscribirte para más fabulas emocionantes como esta!
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    Cuento infantil de Samaniego
    Fábulas cortas para niños con MORALEJA
    Ofrezcamos nuestra ayuda al necesitado, pues nada ganaremos siendo egoístas.

    Primer grado y cuarto grado de primaria.

    fabulas de animales

    Puedes leer muchos otros cuentos y fábulas en:

    🕊️ Cuentos leídos con dulzura y cariño para que aprendas, imagines, duermas o practiques la lectura siguiendo el texto mientras escuchas.
    ⭐ VIDEO:
    ⭐ LISTA: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTNJYeZYrCwVXRNj1qLW1nFA_cGxBS77

    Fábula #ZorraYChivo #Astucia #Honestidad #LeccionesMorales #FábulasClásicas #Intriga #Suspenso #PersonajesPrincipales #Origen #Resolución #Compartir #Suscribirse #RedesSociales #fábulasdeEsopo #LaViejayelCurandero #cuentosclásicos #moralejas

    don Oscar Miro Quesada: Shamanic Mystery School #shamanism #andeanmysticism on Dare to Dream podcast.

    don Oscar Miro Quesada: Shamanic Mystery School #shamanism #andeanmysticism on Dare to Dream podcast.
    1) Receiving Ancestral Star Wisdom & engaging in Interdimensional Journeying
    2) Communicating with other dimensions
    3) The Medicine of Wayra
    4) SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond
    5) Being visited and healed by luminous beings

    Subscribe, Like, Comment. I read them & appreciate your support! :)

    I’m speaking with the Originator of the Pachakuti Mesa/ Transmitter of Wisdom Traditions / Vision Keeper of The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery School - Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo. Oscar is a respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, founder of The Heart of the Healer, originator of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition™ cross-cultural shamanism. An internationally acclaimed shamanic teacher and healer, earth-honoring ceremonialist and author, don Oscar is OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology and member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle and Birth 2012 Welcoming Committee. He has been guiding ethno-spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites of the world since 1986, with special emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. His work has been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E, Discovery Channel and Ancient Aliens. With several books already published, Oscar is now the author of the new book: “SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation.” Learn more: https://HeartOfTheHealer.org/

    Award-winning "Dare to Dream" podcast, enjoyed by listeners for 15+ years with host, Debbi Dachinger, offers cutting-edge conversation on metaphysics, quantum creating, channeling, healing, UFO's, paranormal and extraterrestrials.

    Join me on Instagram: @daretodreampodcast and @debbidachinger

    Debbi Dachinger is a Media Visibility certified coach who offers group and private sessions - she coaches you to write a highly engaging book, other service is a fully-done-for-the-author guaranteed international bestselling book launch, runs an anthology book program where she coaches your authors in the book compilation to write their chapter and produces a successful, start to finish, themed anthology book, and last, she teaches how to be Interviewed on radio and podcast shows to get ma$$ive results. Get your free media gift and start being visible now: https://debbidachinger.com/gift
    #podcast #DebbiDachinger #DareToDream #Instagood #instalove #instawork #instapeople #instatime #health #quantum #Book #spiritual #consciousness #metaphysical #et #transformation #meditate #ceremony #alien #love #beautiful #happy #tbt #followme #nofilter #life #yoga #amazing #FBF #media #podcaster #paranormal #listening #channel #extraterrestrial #wellness #meditation #relationship #love #ceremony #heal #interview #ufo #DebbiDachinger #DareToDream #podcast #donoscarmiroquesada #transdimersional #peru #curandero #Health #HeartoftheHealer #PachakutiMesa #Anthropology # shamanicteacher #altomisayoq #OscarMiroQuesada #Shaman #Native #pachakutimesatradition #universalshamanism #shamanicapprenticeship #ritual #ceremony #healing #sanctionedteachers #sacredcomunity #love #cruzchonta #awakening The show is sponsored by DrDainHeer.com and Access Consciousness.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/dare-to-dream-with-debbi-dachinger--1980925/support.

    Come fa l'uomo a selezionare le piante curative da millenni?

    Come fa l'uomo a selezionare le piante curative da millenni?
    Riparto con la seconda stagione di Botanicals perché è troppo importante specificare la sensibilità ricettiva che avremmo nello stabilire esattamente ogni nutriente o principio attivo di cui avremmo bisogno.
    Sono sempre più convinto di sdoganare quei complessi di sostanze raffazzonate insieme e che si lasciano chiamare integratori alimentari.

    La nostra forza è la fine regolazione recettoriale che abbiamo a partire dalla lingua. Ed il mondo degli animali ci viene in soccorso con svariati esempi per farcelo capire!

    El Maestro Aquilino Chujandama: el guardián de las Plantas Maestras del Alto Amazonas - Disrupt Everything #183

    El Maestro Aquilino Chujandama: el guardián de las Plantas Maestras del Alto Amazonas - Disrupt Everything #183

    Empecé a tomar Ayahuasca con 12 años - Aquilino Chujandama.

    Entrevista a Aquilino Chujandama, el gran maestro curandero del alto Amazonas Peruano y con Alex Chujandama, su hijo y descendiente que continúa con la tradición. Una conversación que tiene lugar en los últimos días de mi estancia en su rancho en la selva de Chazuta, donde he pasado casi un mes. Una conversación que gira entorno a la experimentación como método de conocimiento, la sabiduría ancestral que reside en la naturaleza y las plantas medicinales del amazonas, sus variedades, propiedades, efectos, casos reales, anécdotas, aprendizajes, haciendo especial mención a algunas de las plantas maestras, entre ellas la Ayahuasca. Aquí converso tanto con Aquilino como con Álex sobre su descendencia, la tradición del curanderismo, el significado de la felicidad y la alegría, la curación de las enfermedades modernas (incluyendo COVID) y cómo ven ellos la vida.

    Las propias plantas son las que nos enseñan a curar

    En este mes he vivido una de las experiencias más salvajes, puras, reveladoras, bellamente oscuras, unificadoras y transformadoras de mi vida. En el podcast podrás conocer un poco más a qué se ha debido, cómo ha sido posible y las conclusiones y feedback de Aquilino, tanto en el trabajo realizado con la planta maestra Ayahuasca, como los dos tratamientos alternativos para anti-envejecimiento y antioxidación, sanción interna y externa, y reconstitución y fortalecimiento de musculatura, articulaciones y tendones.

    "Lo poco que podemos hacer es servir" - Aquilino Chujandama.

    Isra García entrevista a Aquilino Chujandama sobre las plantas maestras del alto amazonas

    La naturaleza no nos pertenece

    Índice de contenidos

    1. Momentos importantes.
    2. Aprender a curar.
    3. Transmisión generacional y plantas medicinales.
    4. Lecciones de las plantas maestras.
    5. Plantas contra enfermedades incurables.
    6. Guayusa y el ayuno.
    7. Renaco: dolores, fracturas, contracturas.
    8. El espíritu de la planta.
    9. Sobre tratar a personas.
    10. Ejemplos de sanción.
    11. Cómo ayudar a otros a través de las plantas medicinales.
    12. El trabajo de Aquilino visto por su hijo.
    13. Aprendizajes de padre y abuelo.
    14. Cómo comunicarte con las plantas.
    15. Cantos Ícaros.
    16. El papel de un chamán.
    17. Tratamientos contra el COVID.
    18. La visión sobre la vida y el mundo.
    19. Orgullo y tristeza.
    20. El gran aprendizaje para Álex y Aquilino.
    21. Mensaje final.

    Tienes que recibir todas las disciplinas de la planta - Aquilino Chujandama.

    Recursos adicionales y notas del podcast:

    Nos hemos deshumanizado” - Álex Chujandama.

    Especial de agosto. La santería.

    Especial de agosto. La santería.
    Otro oficio sumamente emparentado con la brujería. Es la santería. Traída desde el occidente de Africa, la santería consistió en una religión animista que tuvo que ser ocultada a los ojos de los españoles para evitar castigos mayores. Se refugió en los santos y las imágenes religiosas católicas. Hay santeros en varias de las ciudades importantes del país, y sus practicantes son más de los que uno se imagina.

    #052 Galactic Shamanism & Living from the Heart with Jun Jun Magnificent

    #052 Galactic Shamanism & Living from the Heart with Jun Jun Magnificent

    Jun Jun Magnificent is my guest this week. Jun awakened to his mission and role as a galactic shaman in early 2013. He connected with his higher self and star family for the first time which began his intensive training and integration with the Galactics. Jun serves as a quantum healer, oracle, medium, light language channel, alchemist, and artist. He has the unique ability of transmutation having the gift to clear any distortion he focuses on within the DNA & quantum field. Jun's intention is to assist humanity in realigning with our Original Divine Blueprint by facilitating the process of soul embodiment. Additionally he offers powerful energy healing Tools he termed "Harmonic Star Resonator" to aid the journey of planetary and self-ascension. www.JunJunMagnificent.com

    Ayahuasca Plant Medicine for the Mind, Body and Spirit

    Ayahuasca  Plant Medicine for the Mind, Body and Spirit
    In this episode of Journeys Into the Heart of Vibration we begin our exploration of the topic of the Healing Frequency of Plant Medicine. Today’s exploration is Ayahuasca, and our guest is Carlos Tanner, founder of the Ayahuasca Foundation in Iquitos, Peru. This show and the Ayahuasca Foundation support the new paradigm of medical understanding which is arising on the planet. A new field of medicine is burgeoning in which modern technology is used alongside natural interventions. Carlos will talk about the Ayahuasca Foundation and how it promotes the use of and education about plant medicine and how it can be effectively used to produce a holotropic treatment plan. The Ayahuasca Foundation supports the preservation of indigenous wisdom and culture. Join us for an enlightening show about this ancient medicine and it’s role in a new integrative medicine paradigm.

    93: Grace and Madness

    93: Grace and Madness
    Ayahuasca tourism is on the rise, for better or worse. Join experiential journalist Rak Razam as he meets the kingmaker of Peruvian ayahuasca tourism, Alan Shoemaker, on the Boulevard in Iquitos. Shoemaker is an influential and sometimes controversial gringo in the global ayahausca scene, and author of the recent Ayahuasca Medicine: The Shamanic World of Amazonian Sacred Plant Healing. Once a curandero-in-training with various curanderos himself, he was part of the early 1990s wave of western gringos drawn to Peru and engaging with indigenous shamanism. He has successfully run businesses that revolve around ayahuasca shamanism, from ayahuasca tour groups to founding the annual Amazonian Shaman Conference. He has also founded Soga Del Alma–the Vine of the Soul church, been an exporter of medicinal plants, and been busted by the American authorities and forced to become a fugitive. And as the wave of ayahuasca tourism has increased almost exponentially in recent years, Shoemaker has played an active role, promoting his conference, shamans, and pathways to hungry western audiences. But what are the repercussions of ayahuasca tourism? What are the effects on indigenous culture, and how do westerners mediate the two worlds of Grace & Madness? Photo credit: Vance Gellert If you want to experience an authentic and integral ayahuasca retreat in Peru, join author Rak Razam in Peru on an ongoing series of intensive ayahausca retreats with curandero Percy Garcia, and in April 2015 a 3-shaman tour with Percy, Ron Wheelock and Borku Cafuk: http://www.aya-awakenings.com/retreats This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

    Ayahuasca Unveiled

    Ayahuasca Unveiled
    This week's installment of Plant Spirit Awakening features the first part of a fascinating, 2-part interview with a man named Benjamin regarding Ayahuasca and a recent trip he took to the Peruvian Amazon to do a "dieta" (intensive) with the shaman Don Diego. For more information on Don Diego, his website is www.sachavacay.org. Please note this is a revised edition of the episode with better sound quality and the complete interview!

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