
    daphne caruana galizia

    Explore "daphne caruana galizia" with insightful episodes like "5 Keith Borg", "Organised crime and financial secrecy", "Selbst wenn man eine Journalistin tötet, werden ihre Geschichten nicht verstummen – Der Mord an Daphne Caruana Galizia i", "Even if you kill a journalist, the stories will not be silenced - The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta" and "Originals: Politics as Religion in Malta" from podcasts like ""Antenni Suspettużi", "The Taxcast", "Pressefreiheit Grenzenlos", "Pressefreiheit Grenzenlos" and "ARE WE EUROPE"" and more!

    Episodes (9)

    5 Keith Borg

    5 Keith Borg

    Keith Borg, l-awtur ta' "Il-Parabboli tal-Imġienen", huwa l-mistieden fil-ħames episodju ta' Antenni Suspettużi. Keith jitkellem dwar il-qtil ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia u dwar kif jittrattah fl-istorja tiegħu "Repubblika", fejn karattri differenti jirreaġixxu b'modi għalkollox differenti anki quddiem "att faħxi" bħal dan.

    Keith jitkellem ukoll dwar il-poema "Magħġuna fit-Tbenġil", li tittratta l-falliment tas-soċjetà  quddiem il-femmiċidju u l-vjolenza domestika.

    F'din il-poddata Keith isellem ukoll lil Mario Azzopardi, jiddiskuti t-tabù fil-letteratura Maltija u kif jirnexxilu jikteb dwar is-sess bla ma jaqa' fil-pornografija jew l-medjokrità.

    Antenni Suspettużi huwa l-podcast ta' PEN Malta mal-awturi ta' żmienna. Joħroġ nhar ta' Tlieta.

    Jippreżenta: Karl Schembri

    Riċerka: Clare Azzopardi


    Keith Borg, the author of Il-Parabboli tal-Imġienen, is the guest in the fifth episode of Antenni Suspettużi. Keith discusses the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia and how he deals with it in his story Repubblika, where different characters react in totally different ways to this event despite its obvious atrocity.

    Keith also talks about his poem "Magħġuna fit-Tbenġil" which deals with society's failure in relation to femicide and domestic violence.

    In this episode Keith also salutes Mario Azzopardi, discusses taboo in Maltese literature and how he manages to write about sex without falling into the pornographic or the mediocre.

    Antenni Suspettużi is PEN Malta's weekly podcast with contemporary authors. Out every Tuesday.

    Host: Karl Schembri

    Researcher: Clare Azzopardi

    Twitter: @MaltaPEN

    Facebook: PENMalta

    Instagram: @pen_malta

    Wesbite: https://pen.org.mt/

    Email: PENMalta@gmail.com

    Organised crime and financial secrecy

    Organised crime and financial secrecy

    After 30 years on the run, Italy's most wanted fugitive Matteo Messina Denaro of the Cosa Nostra has been arrested in Sicily. We look at the costs of organised crime, both economic and societal, the contagion that financial secrecy facilitates, and how to reverse the rot.

    Secrecy jurisdictions and tax havens have made it possible for mafiosi to progress from crossing physical borders with bank notes stuffed in suitcases, to being able to pour unlimited amounts of money into the financial system. Dirty money in, ‘clean’ money out. That money destabilises economies and corrupts democracies, while organised crime toxifies societies. The problem is that financial secrecy and tax havens are also the friend of commerce, multinationals and wealthy, powerful people worldwide...


    Professor of Criminology, Federico Varese

    Journalist, Stefano Vergine

    Surgeon in Malta and opinon piece writer, Kevin Cassar

    Hosted and produced by Naomi Fowler of the Tax Justice Network

    Transcript available here: https://taxjustice.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Taxcast_Transcript_Feb_2023.pdf (Some is automated)

    Our website (with links to further reading) is available here: https://www.thetaxcast.com 

    Selbst wenn man eine Journalistin tötet, werden ihre Geschichten nicht verstummen – Der Mord an Daphne Caruana Galizia i

    Selbst wenn man eine Journalistin tötet, werden ihre Geschichten nicht verstummen – Der Mord an Daphne Caruana Galizia i
    Die Journalistin Daphne Caruana Galizia hat den höchsten Preis dafür bezahlt, Korruption bis in die obersten Regierungskreise Maltas aufzudecken – vor vier Jahren, am 16. Oktober 2017, wurde sie am helllichten Tag ermordet. Caroline Muscat, eine enge Freundin, war eine der ersten am Tatort. Sie führte die Recherchen Galizias fort, um ein Signal auszusenden: Selbst wenn man eine Journalistin tötet, werden ihre Geschichten nicht verstummen. Muscat möchte sicherstellen, dass „eine so schreckliche Tat auch etwas Positives bewirkt“, wie sie es ausdrückt. Doch an der vergifteten Atmosphäre in Malta hat sich bis heute nichts geändert: Noch immer sehen sich kritische Medienschaffende mit einem Klima des Hasses, das von führenden politischen Kräften des Landes und ihrer Armee von Internet-Trollen geschürt wird, konfrontiert. Mit dabei im Podcast ist auch Rebecca Vincent, RSF-Direktorin für internationale Kampagnen. Sie war von Anfang an vor Ort in Malta, um für eine vollständige strafrechtliche Verfolgung des Falles und für den Schutz von Journalist*innen zu kämpfen.

    Even if you kill a journalist, the stories will not be silenced - The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta

    Even if you kill a journalist, the stories will not be silenced - The murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta
    The investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia paid the highest price for exposing corruption to the highest levels of government in Malta - She was murdered four years ago, on October 16 in 2017 in broad daylight. Caroline Muscat, one of her close friends, was one of the first people at the crime scene. She continued Galizia’s investigations to send out a message: Even if you kill a journalist, the stories will not be silenced. Muscat wants to ensure that “such a horrible act results in something positive”, like she puts it. Yet, the toxic atmosphere in Malta has not changed to this day: Critical journalists still see themselves confronted with a climate of hatred caused by leading political forces and their army of internet trolls. Also taking part in the podcast is Rebecca Vincent, RSF Director of International Campaigns. She has been on the ground in Malta from the beginning to fight for full criminal justice in the case and for the protection of journalists. Caroline Muscat was in Berlin as part of an RSF scholarship.

    Originals: Politics as Religion in Malta

    Originals: Politics as Religion in Malta
    It’s been three years since the murder of Maltese anti-corruption journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia. While four men have been charged over her assassination, those who ordered her killing have not yet been convicted. But this tragic event changed politics in Malta forever. Journalist Rens Turk uncovers why Daphne’s murder inflames Maltese politics and how her death united the citizens of the country.

    ForeignTimes027 Malta - Über einen Mord und seine Gesellschaft

    ForeignTimes027 Malta - Über einen Mord und seine Gesellschaft
    Wir bemühen uns, eine Folge im Monat zu produzieren. Das klappt nicht immer, auch weil Termine platzen. Eure Spenden helfen in jedem Fall dabei, regelmäßig zu produzieren und das Angebot vielleicht auszuweiten. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung. Bankverbindung: Marco Herack IBAN: DE77 4306 0967 2065 2209 03 BIC: GENODEM1GLS Weite Möglichkeiten uns zu unterstützen findet ihr hier. Iris Rohmann auf Twitter John Muscat - Mann des Jahres in organisierter Kriminalität und Korruption ForeignTiumes016 Ein Journalistenmord in Malta

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