

    Explore "debora" with insightful episodes like "Chiacchierata con Debora Cao", "Richter Kapitel 5 - Das Deboralied", "Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin", "Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin" and "Debora Coombs" from podcasts like ""Da 0 a 42 - Il mio podcast sul running", "Mischna Tora Talmud", "Pistolando Podcast", "Pistolando Podcast" and "Talking Out Your Glass podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (13)

    Chiacchierata con Debora Cao

    Chiacchierata con Debora Cao
    Dalla strada, al trail running, fino all'ultra. Debora ci racconta le sue esperienze ed il suo modo di vivere la corsa. Il tutto con il tipico orgoglio sardo da esportare con fierezza in giro per l’Italia!

    Versione video su Youtube: https://youtu.be/FYy0LciUiqA

    Ecco tutti i riferimenti di Debora:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deb0474/
    Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/38381345


    Supporta questo progetto tramite un contributo mensile su Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/da0a42

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    Sito: https://da0a42.home.blog

    Oppure contattami!

    Il mio microfono, HyperX Quadcast: https://amzn.to/3bs06wC


    Un grazie a tutti i miei sostenitori:
    Matteo Bombelli, Antonio Palma, George Caldarescu, Dorothea Cuccini, Alessandro Rizzo, Calogero Augusta, Mauro Del Quondam, Claudio Pittarello, Massimo Cabrini, Fabio Perrone, Roberto Callegari, Jim Bilotto, Cristiano Paganoni, Luca Felicetti, Andrea Borsetto, Massimo Ferretti, Bruno Gianeri.


    Music credits: Feeling of Sunlight by Danosongs - https://danosongs.com

    Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/da-0-a-42-il-mio-podcast-sul-running--4063195/support.

    Richter Kapitel 5 - Das Deboralied

    Richter Kapitel 5 - Das Deboralied
    1. An jenem Tage sang Debora und Barak Sohn Abinoams, 2. Als die Fürsten in Israel sich fürstlich bewährten und das Volk ihnen willig [nachzog]: Preiset den Herrn! 3. Höret, Könige, vernehmet Fürsten: ich will den Herrn preisen, in Saitenspiel [verkünden den Ruhm] des Herrn, des Gottes Israel. 4. Als du, Herr, von Sëir auszogst, vom Gefilde Edoms einherschrittest, bebte die Erde, die Himmel zerflossen, auch die Wolken [hochragende Berge] zerflossen in Wasser. 5. Berge zerrannen vor dem Herrn, dieser Sinai [zerrann] vor dem Herrn, dem Gotte Israels. 6. In den Tagen Samgars des Sohnes Anats, in den Tagen des Jaël, hörten alle Karawanen auf: die Wegwanderer mußten krumme Pfade aufsuchen. 7. Sie entbehrten jede Sicherheit in Israel; bis du aufstandst, Debora, bis du aufstandest, eine Mutter in Israel. 8. [Israel] erkor neue Götter, da stritt man in [seinen] Städten; ob sich aber Schild und Lanze fand unter vierzigtausend von Israel? 9. Mein Herz [jubelt] entgegen den Führern Israels, allen die willig [in den Krieg gezogen]. Preiset den Herrn! 10. Ihr [Vornehmen], die ihr auf schimmernden Eselinnen reitet und auf Teppichen sitzet, und ihr [Geringen], die ihr zu Fuß wandert, sprechet [von Gottes Ruhmestaten]. 11. Auch die Sützen unter den Hirten, die die Herden tränken, preisen die Gnade des Herrn, dass er Sicherheit gab Israel; nunmehr zog das Volk des Herrn in [seine] Städte zum Krieg. 12. Erhebe, erhebe dich, Debora, erhebe dich und singe ein Lied! Auf, Barak, führe Gefangene weg, du Sohn Abinoams! 13. Ein kleiner Überrest [Israel] besiegte ein mächtiges Volk; der Herr verlieh mir Sieg über Helden. 14. Der Stamm Efraim [stritt] wider Amalek; Benjamin dir nach unter deinen Schaaren; von Machir zogen die Edlen, von Sebulun die Schreibkundigen. 15. Die Fürsten von Issachar [zogen] mit Debora, Issachar war ganz mit Barak, in das Tal wurde sein Fußvolk entsandt. Aber an den Bächen Rubens [sitzen] lauter weise Männer.1 16. Warum saßest du zwischen den Hürden, dem Gemecker der Herden zuzuhören? an den Bächen Rubens [sitzen] lauter Herzensergründer.2 17. Gilead weilte jenseits des Jordan, warum weilte Dan bei seinen Schiffen? Asser blieb am Gestade des Meeres, er weilte an seinen Buchten. 18. [Nur] Sebulun war ein Volk, das sein Leben wagte; auch Naftali [zog] auf die Höhe des [Schlacht]feldes. 19. Es kamen [auf der feindlichen Seite] Könige und stritten; es stritten damals alle Könige von Kanaan. 20. Vom Himmel herab stritt man für uns; die Sterne stritten von ihren Bahnen mit Sisera. 21. Der Fluss Kischon raffte sie fort, mächtig war der Fluss Kischon, mit Mut schritt ich einher. 22. Damals stampften [den Boden] die Hufe der Rosse vom Traben der [feindlichen] Reiter. 23. Fluchet [der Stadt] Meros, spricht der Bote des Herrn, verfluchet ihre Bewohner, denn sie sind nicht gekommen zum Beistand des Herrn, als der Herr [uns] gegen die Heiden beistand. 24. Gesegnet sei Jaël unter den Frauen, die Frau des Keniten Heber, unter den Frauen der Zeltbewohner sei sie gesegnet 25. Wasser verlangte [Sisera], Milch reichte sie ihm; in der Schale der Oberhirten gab sie ihm Rahm. 26. Aber ihre Hand streckte sie nach dem Pflock, ihre Rechte um den Ermüdeten zu zermalmen; sie zermalmte Sisera, sie zerschmetterte und durchbohrte seine Schläfe! 27. Ihr zu Füßen sank er hin und fiel und blieb liegen, dort wo er hinsank, fiel der Unglückselige hin. 28. Unterdessen blickte zum Fenster hinaus und jammerte die Mutter Siseras — durch das Gitter hindurch —: Warum verspätet sich sein Wagen in der Heimkehr? Warum säumen die Tritte seines Gespannes? 29. Ihre klugen Edelfrauen entgegnen ihr darauf, und sie selbst hält sich [tröstende] Reden: 30. Gewiss haben sie Beute gefunden und verteilt; ein Mädchen oder mehrere Mädchen für jeden Mann; die Beute bunter Gewänder dem Sisera, Beute von bunten, gewirkten Gewändern, bunt und doppelgewirkt der Beute für seinen Hals. 31. So mögen alle deine Feinde zu Grunde gehen, Herr! Die ihn lieben [mögen sein] wie das Aufleuchten der

    Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin

    Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin

    Afinal de contas, o que é democracia? Se a iniquidade de renda, a desigualdade de oportunidades e a devastação do meio ambiente são centrais no capitalismo, como pensar modelos de organização social e formas de democracia radical? O capitalismo como o conhecemos já deu? O que irá substituí-lo? Conversamos com Debora Baldin, YouTuber e podcaster do Fogo no Parquim (rimou). 

    Ficha técnica


    Hosts: Leticia Dáquer e Thiago Corrêa


    Convidada: Debora Baldin


    Edição: Thiago Corrêa


    Capa: Leticia Dáquer e Thiago Corrêa


    Data da gravação: 19/09/2019


    Data da publicação: 25/09/2019



    • Aurora - The Seed
    • The Adicts - Viva La Revolution
    • The Devil Makes Three - Never Learn
    • Social Waste - Στη γιορτή της Ουτοπίας


    Links relacionados ao episódio

    Seminário Internacional Democracia em Colapso? - SESC São Paulo


    Editora Boitempo


    Steven Levitsky: Por que este professor de Harvard acredita que a democracia brasileira está em risco (BBC Brasil, 19/10/2018)


    Democracia sem povo (texto de Eliane Brum para o El País, 15/10/2018)


    Por que o Financial Times, mais importante jornal econômico do mundo, pede um 'recomeço' para o capitalismo (BBC Brasil, 18/19/2019)


    Shareholder Value Is No Longer Everything, Top C.E.O.s Say (The New York Times, 19/08/2019)


    Witzel defende que preso perca visita íntima e 'liberdade sexual' (Folha, 19/09/2019)


    Martin Wolf: why rigged capitalism is damaging liberal democracy (Financial Times, 




    Rio: número de homicídios cai; mortes em confronto aumentam em 2019 (Agência Brasil, 19/09/2019)


    Vídeo no canal Tese Onze: Mudança climática é real e antropogênica


    A Balada do Pistoleiro

    Debora Baldin

    Podcast: Bobagens Imperdíveis

    Episódio de podcast: Guilhotina, do Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, sobre Canudos

    Série de podcasts da Rádio Batuta: Os Sertões


    Leticia Dáquer

    Série: The Good Fight (Amazon Prime Video)

    Episódio do podcast As Desqualificadas sobre O Mito da Beleza

    Episódio do podcast Throughline: Strange Fruit


    Thiago Corrêa

    Documentário: What happened, Miss Simone? (Netflix)

    Série: The Hot Zone


    Debora Baldin

    Twitter pessoal

    Canal no YouTube

    Instagram pessoal 

    Podcast Fogo no Parquim: Twitter e Instagram

    Leticia Dáquer

    Twitter: @pacamanca

    Blog: www.pacamanca.com

    Papo Cético, podcast do site Mitografias 


    Thiago Corrêa

    Twitter: @thiago_czz


    Mulheres Podcasters é uma ação de iniciativa do Programa Ponto G, desenvolvida para divulgar o trabalho de mulheres na mídia podcast e mostrar para todo ouvinte que sempre existiram mulheres na comunidade de podcasts Brasil.


    O Pistolando apoia essa iniciativa. 


    Apoie você também: compartilhe este programa com a hashtag #mulherespodcasters e nos ajude a promover a igualdade de gênero dentro da podosfera.

    Links do Pistolando






    Twitter: @PistolandoPod


    Instagram: @PistolandoPod

    Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin

    Pistolando #035 - Essa tal de democracia, com Debora Baldin

    Afinal de contas, o que é democracia? Se a iniquidade de renda, a desigualdade de oportunidades e a devastação do meio ambiente são centrais no capitalismo, como pensar modelos de organização social e formas de democracia radical? O capitalismo como o conhecemos já deu? O que irá substituí-lo? Conversamos com Debora Baldin, YouTuber e podcaster do Fogo no Parquim (rimou). 

    Ficha técnica


    Hosts: Leticia Dáquer e Thiago Corrêa


    Convidada: Debora Baldin


    Edição: Thiago Corrêa


    Capa: Leticia Dáquer e Thiago Corrêa


    Data da gravação: 19/09/2019


    Data da publicação: 25/09/2019



    • Aurora - The Seed
    • The Adicts - Viva La Revolution
    • The Devil Makes Three - Never Learn
    • Social Waste - Στη γιορτή της Ουτοπίας


    Links relacionados ao episódio

    Seminário Internacional Democracia em Colapso? - SESC São Paulo


    Editora Boitempo


    Steven Levitsky: Por que este professor de Harvard acredita que a democracia brasileira está em risco (BBC Brasil, 19/10/2018)


    Democracia sem povo (texto de Eliane Brum para o El País, 15/10/2018)


    Por que o Financial Times, mais importante jornal econômico do mundo, pede um 'recomeço' para o capitalismo (BBC Brasil, 18/19/2019)


    Shareholder Value Is No Longer Everything, Top C.E.O.s Say (The New York Times, 19/08/2019)


    Witzel defende que preso perca visita íntima e 'liberdade sexual' (Folha, 19/09/2019)


    Martin Wolf: why rigged capitalism is damaging liberal democracy (Financial Times, 




    Rio: número de homicídios cai; mortes em confronto aumentam em 2019 (Agência Brasil, 19/09/2019)


    Vídeo no canal Tese Onze: Mudança climática é real e antropogênica


    A Balada do Pistoleiro

    Debora Baldin

    Podcast: Bobagens Imperdíveis

    Episódio de podcast: Guilhotina, do Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil, sobre Canudos

    Série de podcasts da Rádio Batuta: Os Sertões


    Leticia Dáquer

    Série: The Good Fight (Amazon Prime Video)

    Episódio do podcast As Desqualificadas sobre O Mito da Beleza

    Episódio do podcast Throughline: Strange Fruit


    Thiago Corrêa

    Documentário: What happened, Miss Simone? (Netflix)

    Série: The Hot Zone


    Debora Baldin

    Twitter pessoal

    Canal no YouTube

    Instagram pessoal 

    Podcast Fogo no Parquim: Twitter e Instagram

    Leticia Dáquer

    Twitter: @pacamanca

    Blog: www.pacamanca.com

    Papo Cético, podcast do site Mitografias 


    Thiago Corrêa

    Twitter: @thiago_czz


    Mulheres Podcasters é uma ação de iniciativa do Programa Ponto G, desenvolvida para divulgar o trabalho de mulheres na mídia podcast e mostrar para todo ouvinte que sempre existiram mulheres na comunidade de podcasts Brasil.


    O Pistolando apoia essa iniciativa. 


    Apoie você também: compartilhe este programa com a hashtag #mulherespodcasters e nos ajude a promover a igualdade de gênero dentro da podosfera.

    Links do Pistolando






    Twitter: @PistolandoPod


    Instagram: @PistolandoPod

    Debora Coombs

    Debora Coombs

    Geometry and the projection of light have always been key components of Debora Coombs’ artwork. In 2013 she began exploring mathematical projections as a way to understand shifts between dimensions of space. Working from Penrose tiling (a two-dimensional shadowof a five-dimensional lattice), 3D sculptures in glass and paper were built using her classic design skills to explore various aspects of mathematics.

    A number of high-profile residencies have allowed Coombs to explore these new concepts. In the spring of 2016, she did a month-long collaborative residency with computer scientist Duane Bailey, and in October, a 2-week residency at Assets for Artists: The Studiosat MASS MoCAat the Massachusetts Museum for Contemporary Art, North Adams, Massachusetts.

    In 2017, a 3-week residency at Carroll College, Helena, Montana, allowed the artist to focus on the theological symbolism of geometry, which resulted in a commission for 85 square feet of hand painted geometric stained glass windows for All Saints, the new chapel on campus. That same year, Coombs spent a month at Jentel Artist Residencyin Banner, Wyoming, making a series of math-based drawings that led to the discovery of a new geometric figure.

    In February 2018, Coombs was invited by artist Lauren Bon of the Metabolic Studiosin Los Angeles, California, to spend two weeks collaborating and contributing to a landscape project for redirecting LA’s river water for the irrigation of city parks. In April, she presented this and other recent work at the 13th Biennial Gathering for Gardnerin Atlanta, Georgia, an international conference for mathematicians and artists. Then in May 2018, longtime New Yorker staff-writer Lawrence Weschler invited Coombs to speak at the Tamarind Institutein Albuquerque, New Mexico, as part of his Wonder Cabinet, a gathering of artists who work in close association with scientists.

    Coombs’ award-winning stained glass has been exhibited, commissioned and collected internationally for over 30 years. A Fellow of the British Society of Master Glass Painters, the artist studied stained glass at Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland; University of Wales, Swansea; and received her Master’s degree from the Royal College of Art in London, England, 1985. An experienced educator, Coombs directed the glass department at Chelsea College of Art in London from 1994 to 1996. She has lectured and taught stained glass for professional associations and colleges including Pilchuck Glass School, Stained Glass Association of America, American Glass Guild, and the British Society of Master Glass Painters. Her religious commissions include two 25-foot-tall figurative windows for Marble Collegiate Church in Manhattan, 20 stained glass windows for St. Mary’s Cathedral in Portland, Oregon, and 4 windows for St. Henry’s Catholic Church in Nashville, Tennessee.


    Rare in the stained glass world, Coombs has successfully extended her devotion to content and story-telling to her non-commissioned work. Her piece, “Ornithologist,” from her 2009 Menfolk series, was included in New Glass Review 31, The Corning Museum of Glass publication dedicated to presenting cutting edge works of glass art. Her solo exhibition titled Menfolk, opened at the Jeanetta Cochrane Theater Gallery in London, England, before traveling to the Stained Glass Museum at Ely Cathedral, Cambridgeshire, England, in the spring of 2010. That same year, Coombs completed a collaborative work with artist Michael Oatman as part of his mixed-media installation “All Utopias Fell,” which remains permanently on exhibit at MASS MoCA.

    In June 2018 Coombs ran a hands-on pilot project for children and community members at the J Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles, and contributed to a panel discussion chaired by Margaret Wertheim from the Institute For Figuring about the connections between art and mathematics. The focus of this one-day conference was STEM to STEAM; practical ways to bring the A for Art into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs in education.

    In November 2018, Coombs completed two stained glass windows with geometric themes for Carroll College, Helena, Montana. Work continues on three more windows, scheduled for completion in February 2021. The artist’s sculptures are currently on exhibition at the Schow Science Library in Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts.



    Dragon Quest V Part 5 - Prince Albert's Piercing Gaze

    Dragon Quest V Part 5 - Prince Albert's Piercing Gaze

    After Papa became a stationary stone you get to meet your somewhat growed up kids! And guess what? The boy is a legendary hero! SHOCK! Now all that's left to do is find out more information about your mysterious mom, clean your litterbox at least twice a week, toss your head to the side and say you're angry, find the mysterious truth about Dr Agon, get crushed by an oversized moose, and beat the heck out of Latka. Just another day on your dragon quest!

    This Week: Several years pass after a horrifying twist! Then we clear the Dragon Tower.
    Next Week: We finish the game! Somehow!

    Dr. Steven Stone's podcast: They See Me Rollin': http://theyseemerollin.libsyn.com/

    Thanks to Subversive Asset and Mohawk Gaymer for their cover of Toward the Horizon, the Dragon Quest V world map theme. Check out Mohawk Gaymer and Subversive Asset on Youtube:

    Subversive Asset: https://www.youtube.com/user/subversiveasset
    Mohawk Gaymer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GRBn4KbdVP0rvLFR2lXBg

    Contact Square Roots!

    Twitter: @squarerootspod
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/
    Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com

    Dragon Quest V Part 4 - Morning Wellness

    Dragon Quest V Part 4 - Morning Wellness

    We finally found the warrior of legend, the Great One: Wayne Gretzy! Also: More Hard R Square Roots as Horny Grandma returns, God bribes, Nera's terrible self-esteem, married life with Debora, the return of Sancho, pop culture savvy nuns, and so much more! 

    This Week: Several years pass after a horrifying twist!
    Next Week: We clear the Dragon Temple!

    Stan's podcast: They See Me Rollin': http://theyseemerollin.libsyn.com/

    Thanks to Subversive Asset and Mohawk Gaymer for their cover of Toward the Horizon, the Dragon Quest V world map theme. Check out Mohawk Gaymer and Subversive Asset on Youtube:

    Subversive Asset: https://www.youtube.com/user/subversiveasset

    Mohawk Gaymer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GRBn4KbdVP0rvLFR2lXBg


    Contact Square Roots!

    Twitter: @squarerootspod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/

    Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com

    Dragon Quest V Part 3 - Aggressive-Aggressive Wedding Proposals

    Dragon Quest V Part 3 - Aggressive-Aggressive Wedding Proposals

    Gonna get, gonna get, gonna get married on this extra special episode of Square Roots! Who will marry the good, sweet, hometown crush? Who will be with the ingenue book smart rich girl? And who will end up with the angry, strong-willed self-determined lady? You'll never guess! Also this week: not saying neigh to muscular horse men, special sleepy time ASMR for Stan, and a very special holiday message from Vanessa!

    This Week: We get married!
    Next Week: Several years pass after a horrifying twist!

    Stan's podcast: They See Me Rollin': http://theyseemerollin.libsyn.com/

    Thanks to Subversive Asset and Mohawk Gaymer for their cover of Toward the Horizon, the Dragon Quest V world map theme. Check out Mohawk Gaymer and Subversive Asset on Youtube:

    Subversive Asset: https://www.youtube.com/user/subversiveasset

    Mohawk Gaymer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0GRBn4KbdVP0rvLFR2lXBg


    Contact Square Roots!

    Twitter: @squarerootspod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/

    Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com

    023 Debora Warner – Turn Your Passion into Profit by Creating Your Dream Business

    023 Debora Warner – Turn Your Passion into Profit by Creating Your Dream Business

    Debora Warner is the president and CEO of Mile High Run Club. A niche fitness business that caters to runners, both new and experienced. They promote themselves as the first dedicated studio for running, and it's based in the heart of NYC. Debora herself has coached hundreds of runners over the past several years, she is an RRCA Certified Running Coach as well as an ACE Certified Group Fitness Instructor and lifetime endurance athlete.

    Mile High Run Club is an example of how a passion can turn into a profitable business and throughout this interview, Debora shares some of her key secrets to success and the exciting plans for the future of Mile High Run Club.

    Visit: ActiveMgmt.com.au
    Visit: fitnessbusinesspodcast.com
    Email: info@activemgmt.com.au
    Phone: +61 2 9484 5501
    Twitter: @fitbizpodcast


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