

    Explore " designlab" with insightful episodes like "DesignLab: Pioneering Innovative Solutions for Client Needs with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie", "A Culture of Authenticity: Launching Initiatives for Growth with Cris Tase", "Spatial Branding: Evoke a Brand's Emotions in a Physical Space with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie" and "Zrównoważony design: jak chronić naturę i projektować na lata? – dr Karol Murlak i Michał Bachowski" from podcasts like ""In the Club by Club Colors", "In the Club by Club Colors", "In the Club by Club Colors" and "Strefa Designu Uniwersytetu SWPS"" and more!

    Episodes (4)

    DesignLab: Pioneering Innovative Solutions for Client Needs with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie

    DesignLab: Pioneering Innovative Solutions for Client Needs with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie

    On this episode of the In the Club Podcast by Club Colors, we feature our DesignLab Managers, Nicole Berthold, and Charlene Guthrie, as well as Crystal Puotinen, DesignLab’s E-Commerce Coordinator. Today, our guests share how DesignLab works with brand advisors to come up with innovative branded solutions.

    They share the differences between a brand shop and a pop shop and how to retain brand integrity all throughout, including curated products. With the trend of products going sustainable, our guests share examples of how to offer products that offer this option. John invites potential partners to take the Logo Challenge (link at the bottom) and for everyone to stick around for today’s Hot Iron with JMo!


    Pioneering the pop shop as a solution to clients - Nicole: "A pop shop, we also have a more simple solution. It's a pop form. So is there data collection? If it's solely data collection, no payment, and it's just, “Hey, go on, pick your item”, then that's going to be a pop form. There's no payment collected. It's simply just data. So that's a solution that we actually came up with about six months ago, but to that point, that's the cool thing about DesignLab and our technology services too. We're constantly looking into different ways to provide those solutions to clients based on their needs."

    A brand shop with sustainable options reaches across demographics - John: "It's very consistent with the way that decision-makers at all brands are thinking because generations of staff members now are thinking deeper than a paycheck. At least, they want the option too. If you only make it about a paycheck and you only make it about getting the number, get the number, and there's no greater purpose, then you're probably going to have a lot of turnover and people that really don't steward the brand. So the whole idea of creating a brand-consistent shop like this that is aesthetically pleasing, that has a variety of options for every different type of demographic, it's really a fantastic solution."


    Connect with our amazing guests below:

    Nicole | Charlene | Crystal

    Want to work with DesignLab? Shoot us an email HERE or HERE.

    Try the Club Colors Logo Challenge

    If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on your favorite podcasting platform. We really appreciate it!

    A Culture of Authenticity: Launching Initiatives for Growth with Cris Tase

    A Culture of Authenticity: Launching Initiatives for Growth with Cris Tase

    This episode of the In The Club Podcast by Club Colors Season 2 features our very own Co-CEO Cris Tase. Today, he shares the relaunch of Green Week, a Club Colors initiative that aims to get new recruits into our culture as soon as possible.

    He talks about the reality that happy and engaged employees perform better and how a team united behind the mission vision creates a significant impact. Cris also shares how he builds the team based on empathy and trust and the satisfaction of giving qualified people the chance to do great things.

    Cris and John discuss other huge updates too like their sales kickoff and the launch of DesignLab, as well as some of the standout growth they have seen in their people. Cris also digs into leadership and how Club Colors values mentorship, growing new leaders with character, and making dreams come true.


    Green Week welcomes new recruits into the Club Colors culture - Cris: "You go through the culture piece, the history of the organization just the jargon of this is what we are. You've seen us through a lot of different vehicles but this is who we are. And then lastly, they do job shadowing, they get to spend some time in all the different functional groups, and it ends with a lunch at the end of Green Week."

    Give people a chance to be the best version of themselves - Cris: "Skillset is one thing. I think the way people work is a different thing, and the way people want to work with others is a third component. You never know if somebody wasn't given the opportunity or if they've had the opportunity if they just didn't have the right timing and the right teammates to bring that opportunity to fruition. So I think for us it's always about giving them the ability, giving anybody on the team the ability to speak their mind, share their dreams, and also take a chance."

    Find more about Cris and connect with Club Colors in the links below:

    LinkedIn | Club Colors

    Spatial Branding: Evoke a Brand's Emotions in a Physical Space with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie

    Spatial Branding: Evoke a Brand's Emotions in a Physical Space with Nicole Berthold and Charlene Guthrie

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of Season 2 of the In The Club Podcast by Club Colors. Today we feature our DesignLab Managers, Nicole Berthold, and Charlene Guthrie, as they share their friendship and natural similarities in design values and philosophies.

    They talk about how DesignLab creates the feeling that brands want to evoke, as well as the exciting new projects they are working on today. From spatial branding to videography, Nicole and Charlene showcase the amazing work they create.

    John also highlights the soft costs of increasing productivity, such as camaraderie and emotion, and how spatial branding helps brings this all together. He also fires off In the Club's brand new segment called The Hot Iron with JMO which features rapid-fire questions for 2 minutes sprinkled with lots of personal branding and stories.    


    Have the tenacity and determination to treat your sales job as your own business - Nicole: "An additional premium resource to working and partnering with Club Colors is you have access to DesignLab, which is a full-experience brand marketing team. So we're ultimately working as an extension of your brand and making sure that your overall vision is being perceived in the marketplace."

    Spatial branding helps create the culture behind a company - Nicole: "For spatial, it's creating a space that people are going to want to be in but there's also a new trend that's in the promotional products industry that's called RTO. So you have the option to go into the office, but you don't have a set spot... it's an open environment, but if you are also having those spaces, I think having the environmental branding is going to encourage that."

    The physical office must reflect the values of your brand - John: "I think that's the important thing when you're talking about spatial branding is you're showing a reflection of your brand internally that is saying this is who we are. This is what we're about. This is how we want you to feel when you walk into the building. This is how employees walk into the building and get a sense of pride."


    Connect with Nicole and Charlene in the links below:

    LinkedIn (Nicole) | LinkedIn (Charlene)

    Zrównoważony design: jak chronić naturę i projektować na lata? – dr Karol Murlak i Michał Bachowski

    Zrównoważony design: jak chronić naturę i projektować na lata? – dr Karol Murlak i Michał Bachowski

    Interesujesz się designem? Zapraszamy na naszą stronę: https://design.swps.pl - znajdziesz tam jeszcze więcej merytorycznych materiałów w formatach audio, wideo i tekstowych.

    Jak projektować, przy okazji szanując zasoby naturalne? Tworzyć nie na chwilę, a na lata? Podczas spotkania online z dr Karolem Murlakiem z School of Form porozmawialiśmy o wyzwaniach, jakie stoją przed projektantami w związku z kurczącymi się zasobami surowców i materiałów.

    Zamiast uganiać się za nowinkami technologicznymi coraz chętniej wracamy do tego, co daje natura. Z tego powodu nieustannie wzrasta zapotrzebowanie na surowce, takie jak drewno. Na ziemi jest jednak coraz mniej lasów i innych zasobów naturalnych, dlatego naszym zadaniem powinno być szukanie wydajniejszych metod wykorzystywania odziedziczonych po przodkach bogactw.

    Czy zadaniem projektanta, oprócz tworzenia trwałych, maksymalnie ekologicznych rozwiązań zaprojektowanych z myślą o następnych pokoleniach, powinno być edukowanie obecnej generacji użytkowników, zachęcanie do zrównoważonego używania i przetwarzania? Porozmawiamy również o materiale, który powstał z połączenia naturalnego surowca i nowoczesnej technologii. Zaprojektowany przez Karola Murlaka Sinus, dzięki swojej ażurowej strukturze, ma wytrzymałość zbliżoną do litej lub klejonej deski, jednak do jego produkcji wykorzystuje się znacznie mniej surowca, co przekłada się na mniejszy ciężar.

    Karol Murlak - wykładowca na specjalności domestic design w School of Form. Pracuje dla wiodących firm i instytucji w Europie i Stanach Zjednoczonych, takich jak Deutsche Bank, Boston Consulting Group, Martinelli Luce, Meble Vox, Terma Group and Pratt Insatiate. Jego projekty były prezentowane na wystawach w Londynie, Mediolanie, Berlinie, Frankfurcie, Dreźnie, Budapeszcie, Pradze, Bukareszcie, Sofii, Ljubljanie, Warszawie, São Paulo, Brasilii i Rio de Janeiro. Jest laureatem ważnych nagród i konkursów, między innymi Design by..., Projekt Łazienki Sanitec-Koło i konkursu na projekt witacza dla Łodzi. Od ponad 10 lat współtworzy studio projektowe Designlab. Ukończył Projektowanie przestrzeni w Falmouth College of Art w Wielkiej Brytanii. Jest też absolwentem Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Warszawie gdzie uzyskał tytuł magistra i doktora. Obecnie mieszka i pracuje między Nowym Jorkiem, Warszawą i Poznaniem.

    Michał Bachowski - z wykształcenia ekonomista i design manager, z zamiłowania uzależniony od internetu obserwator wszelkich nowych tendencji w obszarach wzornictwa, technologii, mediów oraz marketingu. Swoją drogę zawodową zaczynał w Instytucie Wzornictwa Przemysłowego, gdzie pracował przy projektach doradczych dla takich firm jak Leroy Merlin, Profim czy Zelmer. W latach 2012-2018 w redakcji serwisu o trendach rynku i kultury F5, gdzie doszedł do stanowiska zastępcy redaktora naczelnego. W lipcu 2018 r. zadebiutował w roli kuratora wystawy “Empatia, teraz!”, która po raz pierwszy odbyła się w ramach Gdynia Design Days 2018, a obecnie jest pokazywana w Galerii Dizajn BWA Wrocław. We wrześniu 2018 dołączył do redakcji serwisu NOIZZ.pl jako creative content manager.

    O projekcie:
    Dobre projektowanie to projektowanie mądre, świadome i odpowiedzialne. Takie projektowanie popularyzujemy w Strefie Designu Uniwersytetu SWPS – ogólnopolskim projekcie adresowanym do osób, dla których ważna jest jakość otaczającej ich przestrzeni.
    Projekt wyróżnia wysoki poziom merytoryczny oraz atrakcyjny i różnorodny sposób udostępniania treści – podczas otwartych, cyklicznych warsztatów i wykładów, na blogu, kanale YouTube oraz w grupie na Facebooku, gdzie funkcjonuje społeczność zainteresowana merytoryczną dyskusją na tematy związane z projektowaniem. Więcej o projekcie: https://design.swps.pl/strefa-designu/o-projekcie.html