

    Explore "designsprint" with insightful episodes like "Invitation to the "Together, Alone Retreat" with Jake Knapp, Daan Schmidt, Holger Nils-Pohl and Anthony Roose", "Create a flow to guide a team from A to C with Javier von Westphalen", ""Workshop Facilitation Addiction: A Journey to Success with Marc Jaspers”", ""Mastering Workshop Design & Facilitation: Avoiding common Mistakes" with Dee Scarano" and "83. How tech companies bring new ideas to life" from podcasts like ""There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation", "There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation", "There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation", "There is a Workshop for that! | The greatest Podcast about Facilitation" and "Tech for Non-Techies"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    Invitation to the "Together, Alone Retreat" with Jake Knapp, Daan Schmidt, Holger Nils-Pohl and Anthony Roose

    Invitation to the "Together, Alone Retreat" with Jake Knapp, Daan Schmidt, Holger Nils-Pohl and Anthony Roose
    In today's episode I welcome some exceptional guests, the creators and visionaries behind the Design Sprint Jake Knapp, Creating Clarity, Holger Nils-Pohl, the Storybrand Framework, Daan Schmidt and the organiser of the Together, Alone Retreat Anthony Roose. Together they will tell us about this limited and exclusive 5-day event, which will attract all facilitators who want to become a top-level facilitation expert. 👉🏻 What is the concept of the retreat? 👉🏻 What makes it different for participants 👉🏻 What to expect during the 5 days 👉🏻 And how you can get a €500 discount to join this fantastic event✨. That is what we are talking about today. Welcome to this episode!

    Create a flow to guide a team from A to C with Javier von Westphalen

    Create a flow to guide a team from A to C with Javier von Westphalen
    While a consultant provides advice in a particular area of expertise, a facilitator is a neutral guide who brings a group of people together to accomplish a task. My guest today, Javier von Westphalen has been a consultant for years and is now taking on a new role as a workshop facilitator. Today we are talking about - the role of a facilitator - Why this new role gives him energy when his consulting role was so draining. - What is the method he discovered that led him to change roles? - And finally he gives us an insight into the techniques and exercises he likes to use to help a group of people make decisions. - Stay tune and don’t hesitate to reach out to me and give me your feedbacks. Also don’t miss the Discount COUPON here below in the shownotes for the Facilitator Connect Retreat, which will take place in September in the Netherland.👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 ****FACILITATORS RETREAT - 11 to 15 September in The Netherlands**** SiGN UP on [https://www.facilitatorsconnect.com](https://www.facilitatorsconnect.com) Grab your COUPON here: 👉🏻 Use these Discount Coupons by typing when you sign up on COUPON 1 - NATHY : giving you the early bird Price, a discount of 400€ for the first 2 listeners signing up COUPON 2 - NATHY200: giving you a discount of 200`€` for the first 10 listeners signing up **CONTACT - LA WORKSHOPPEUSE / Nathy Ravez** 🙏🏻 Share with me your thoughts about this episode or what you would like to hear in this podcast.Feeling inspired by the conversation in this episode? We can have our own and you could also be the next podcast guest if you wish to :) Email me at : hello@laworkshoppeuse.com **Nathy Ravez** - La Workshoppeuse Linkedin: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez) Book a 30 min free Call: [https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa](https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa) **LINK- Guest** Javier von Westphalen : [https://www.linkedin.com/in/jvwestphalen/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jvwestphalen/) Newsletter: Magic Play : [https://javiervonwestphalenpea.substack.com](https://javiervonwestphalenpea.substack.com/)

    "Workshop Facilitation Addiction: A Journey to Success with Marc Jaspers”

    "Workshop Facilitation Addiction: A Journey to Success with Marc Jaspers”
    In this episode, we welcome Marc Jaspers, a creative concept strategist and workshop facilitation addict. Marc shares his journey to becoming a successful facilitator, including his experience as a marketing manager and how he failed by wanting to change everything. He explains why the Design Sprint was not the solution, but the right path, and shares advice from Jack Knapp on where to start with facilitation. Marc also talks about the magic of involving everybody in discussion without discussing, and how he gained confidence as a facilitator through experience. Throughout the episode, Marc emphasizes the importance of involving everyone in a workshop and making them feel heard, as well as the value of experience and confidence in facilitation. Stay tune if you want to get insights and tips on how to become successful workshop facilitators from Marc's journey and expertise. **CONTACT - LA WORKSHOPPEUSE / Nathy Ravez** 🙏🏻 Share with me your thoughts about this episode or what you would like to hear in this podcast.Feeling inspired by the conversation in this episode? We can have our own and you could also be the next podcast guest if you wish to :) Email me at : [podcast@laworkshoppeuse.com](mailto:podcast@laworkshoppeuse.com) **Nathy Ravez** - La Workshoppeuse Linkedin: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez) Book a 30 min free Call: [https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa](https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa) **LINK- Guest** **Marc Jaspers - Freelance Creative Concept Strategist Linkedin profile:** [https://www.linkedin.com/in/joinmarc/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/joinmarc/) **Webside:** [https://marc.rip](https://marc.rip/) Have a look to Marc’s Newsletter on Substack: [https://bettercreativebusiness.substack.com](https://bettercreativebusiness.substack.com/p/how-i-turned-my-agency-client-meetings) **Reference** Jack Knapp, Author of the book “Sprint” AJ&Smart, creater of the Programm “The Workshopper Master”

    "Mastering Workshop Design & Facilitation: Avoiding common Mistakes" with Dee Scarano

    "Mastering Workshop Design & Facilitation: Avoiding common Mistakes" with Dee Scarano
    Every facilitator knows that facilitating a workshop does not start on the day of the workshop. The design of the workshop is an important phase where the right questions need to be asked, the underlying objectives of the client need to be detected, the participants of the workshop need to be taken into account. So where to start when designing a workshop, what to pay particular attention to and what mistakes to avoid. In this episode, I have the pleasure to chat with my friend Dee Scarano. Dee is from Australia and lives in Berlin. She used to work in product design until she discovered her passion for facilitation with the design sprint process. She is a highly skilled innovation coach, collaboration consultant and workshop facilitator. She was one of the famous faces on the AJ&Smart youtube channel and now works as a freelancer. Facilitators, if you want to learn what common mistakes are done by most of us and how to avoid them, Dee and I gave you some insights with concrete examples of how to do it. - Where to start by designing a workshop - Don’t follow the recipe if it don’t fit to the client’s need - But don’t skip crucial steps of recipe when these are absolutely necessary to reach the goal **CONTACT - LA WORKSHOPPEUSE / Nathy Ravez** 🙏🏻 Share with me your thoughts about this episode or what you would like to hear in this podcast.Feeling inspired by the conversation in this episode? We can have our own and you could also be the next podcast guest if you wish to :) Email me at : [podcast@laworkshoppeuse.com](mailto:podcast@laworkshoppeuse.com) **Nathy Ravez** - La Workshoppeuse Linkedin: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nathyravez) Book a 30 min free Call: [https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa](https://doodle.com/meeting/organize/id/epQP5VNa) **LINK- Guest** Dee Scrarano **Linkedin profile:**[https://www.linkedin.com/in/deescarano/](https://www.linkedin.com/in/deescarano/) **Webside:** [https://www.deescarano.com](https://www.deescarano.com/)

    83. How tech companies bring new ideas to life

    83. How tech companies bring new ideas to life
    If you have an idea for a new product in a traditional business, you will probably have to work on an extensive plan before you do anything else.


    This is not how it works in tech companies. When the likes of Airbnb and Slack bring new apps or features to market, they use the Sprint Method. It is a methodology developed by Google Ventures to bring new ideas to life and test them quickly and cheaply.

    Learn how this works in this podcast.

    Learning notes from this episode:

    • The aim of a sprint is to test an idea for a new product to find out whether it is worth investing more money in. For example, you can use a sprint to test an idea for an app by creating a prototype. If users like what you’ve made, only then should you hire developers.
    • Each sprint should focus on one idea to test. Do not try to test multiple ideas in one sprint.
    • To figure out where the biggest risks in a new idea lie, ask yourself: if this time in a year, this project failed, why would it have done so?
    • A sprint team contains 5 – 7 people with different backgrounds. Only one should be an engineer, the rest should come from marketing, finance, design and more. This is because the sprint is about testing whether the product needs to exist, not how to build it.
    • Get the Google Ventures book Sprint: How To Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days  

    To learn the core concepts you need to succeed in tech as a non-techie, sign up for:

    FREE TRAINING: How To Speak Tech For Leaders   

    Live training and Q&A on 26 & 27 January. Places are limited. 


    Join the Tech for Non-Techies membership community. As a community member, you'll get:

    • Monthly coaching with Sophia Matveeva
    • Live masterclasses with global experts
    • Supportive Online Community
    • Library of masterclasses
    • Exclusive Resources & Perks

    Learn more and sign up at https://www.techfornontechies.co/membership


    Say hi to Sophia on Twitter.

    Following us on Facebook and Instagram will make you smarter. 


    AI Design Sprint – Wie finde ich gute KI-Ideen?

    AI Design Sprint – Wie finde ich gute KI-Ideen?

    Lediglich vier Prozent der Unternehmen in Deutschland setzen KI ein, zwei Prozent implementieren KI-Systeme zurzeit, 17 Prozent planen KI-Einsätze oder testen sie. 28 Prozent halten KI für relevant, planen jedoch keinen Einsatz. Dabei gibt es bereits viele funktionierende und effizienzsteigernde Anwendungen. Wo kann das eigene Unternehmen nun aber starten, um KI einzusetzen?

    "Der Weg, KI-Konzepte als Team zu entwickeln, erfordert keine technischen Kenntnisse." - das verspricht der AI Design Sprint™ von 33A. Wo hilft der Design Sprint, der bei Google Ventures entwickelt wurde, und was bedeutet die spezielle Ausrichtung auf Künstliche Intelligenz?

    Unser Gast heute: Mike Brandt, Dozent, Buchautor und Co-Founder von 33A

    Link zum Fundstück der Woche
    Link zur Studie aus dem Bereich Zahlen, Daten, Fakten

    Weitere Informationen zum AI Design Sprint

    ■■■ Digitale Service Manufaktur

    The way to develop AI concepts as a team, no technical knowledge necessary.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

    Nina & Frank laden sich Gäste ein und sprechen mit ihnen über aktuelle Entwicklungen im Umfeld der Künstlichen Intelligenz.

    48. How to make a prototype for your product (Part 2)

    48. How to make a prototype for your product (Part 2)

    Making a prototype is a key step in your journey in bringing your tech idea  to life. Begin with UX research, which we covered in last week’s episode.

    With your research done, it’s time to move on to making a “fake product," which you will test with real users to see if there is enough demand to invest in creating the real thing.

    To do this, Sophia takes you through the Sprint method developed by Google Ventures. Using this method, you can have a tested prototype in just 5 days.


    Learning notes from this episode:


    • The aim of a prototype is test the key assumptions you are making about users and their behaviour.
    • Even the greatest prototype is usually very far from a plan that could be given to developers to code. For example, an app prototype from a sprint usually does not contain screens like the setting screen, where you can manage your account, or designs to reset a forgotten password.
    • Book 5 people to test your prototype. Research shows that 85% of the problems in your product can be discovered by the first 4 people. You always want to book a 5th, in case one person cancels.
    • Your first prototype will need to be adjusted and tested again. This is normal, so make space for it in your budget.   


    To get the learning notes and resources Sophia mentions in the podcast, enter your email here.


    To sign up to The 4 Biggest Mistakes Non-Technical Founders Make & How To Avoid Them register here.


    Do you have a brilliant app idea and no tech knowledge to build it? Get your FREE guide here.

    To go deeper, join the Tech for Non-Techies membership community. As a community member, you'll get:

    • Weekly live masterclasses with global experts
    • Mini-course on how to go from idea to live app
    • Supportive Online Community
    • Library of masterclasses
    • Monthly live coaching with Sophia Matveeva, tech entrepreneur & Chicago Booth MBA
    • Exclusive Resources & Perks

    Learn more and sign up at https://www.techfornontechies.co/membership


    Say hi to Sophia on Twitter.

    Following us on Facebook and Instagram will make you smarter. 

    Global Venture Catalyst's Real World Innovation in a Virtual Environment with Mike Grandinetti and Iklaq Sidhu, PhD

    Global Venture Catalyst's Real World Innovation in a Virtual Environment with Mike Grandinetti and Iklaq Sidhu, PhD

    Mike Grandinetti and Dr. Ikhlaq Sidhu first appeared on the show in November 2020 to discuss their plans and the then upcoming launch of the Global Venture Catalyst (GVC) platform and community.

    The GVC initiative is aligned with a number of COVID-19 innovation-focused podcasts that I collaborated on with Mike in the Spring and Summer of 2020 to highlight how a number of institutions, from Mass General Hospital to Georgia Tech to Rutgers to the Smith College Picker School of Engineering were breaking down silos and bringing together previously disparate groups to create critically needed ICU-class mechanical ventilators, incubation boxes, and face shields to overcome supply chain bottlenecks and life threatening shortages of this critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

    In this promised follow-up episode, Iklaq and Mike provide an update on the key take-ways of the GVC event, which operated on five continents simultaneously between January 9-17, 2021

    Here's a quick executive summary of this exciting - and groundbreaking - initiative:

    170 students participated with representation from the top 25 research universities globally and the top 20 MBA programs globally

    Successful global corporate collaboration with Medtronic, Dassault, Next Era Energy, Applied Material, Celonis, Elkem, Axel Springer, and others 

    Successful participation of global VC funds and tech accelerators, including LearnLaunch EdTechAccelerator, Blockchain Founders Fund, Amazon LaunchPad, and others

    Successful participation of global advanced tech startups

    Major learnings

    Tested AI algorithms for creating student teams

    GVC's project-based team collaborations/spring are the new job interview

    GVC is creating the education program of the future by:

    - Unlocking latent potential of students

    - Providing project - based learning in real life situations (STARTUP ventures and firms)

    - Developing a professional profile for tech skills and also for proactive team behaviors (IQ/EQ/collaboration skills)

    - Delivering a benefit to all stakeholders

    - Helping students unlock potential, learn on real projects, and meet industry leaders and learn about industry players they likely would not have otherwise encountered

    - Participating companies get visibility with a sought-after talent pool, targeted recruiting opportunities, and can benefit from the solution of, or progress towards resolving, actual problems

    - Nurturing emerging ecosystems, diversity slate, and CSR

    GVC major take-aways

    1. Global community of innovators across 5 continents came together very quickly

    2. Validated huge gap between companies and young, hyper-current skilled students

    3. Great tech talent is truly globally dispersed

    4. Undergraduate students can make huge contributions

    5. The design sprint methodology, infused with the innovation-engineering methodology - is powerful and effective across many “use cases” (AI/ Machine Learning; tech assessment; UI/CX; Minimum Viable Product)

    6. It’s remarkable what can be achieved in a 4-day focused sprint to unleash innovation

    7. Some students hired to be interns, for example:

    - Czech student with strong hired as intern by Boston EdTech company led by MIT CSEE grad)

    - US MechEng student with career goal to work in auto industry to be hired as intern by a European company building next gen EV lithium ion batteries

    Going Forward Plans

    Build a platform and a community

    Continue to grow global community

    Provide additional opportunities for students to realize their professional goals and ambitions through a range of programs, including:

    - Short term consulting projects - funded by scholarships/ stipends / etc.)

    - Fellowships to contribute to building GVC community

    - Create additional opportunities for companies to hire the very best students (both EQ/IQ) to support access to critical talent (including racially and ethnically diverse talent) and innovation activation goals through a range of programs

    - Leverage hybrid faculty, students

    - Launch more sprints, short-term consulting projects

    - Provide developing countries and regions with opportunities to help advance their students educational STEM skills by transcending limited local resources and expertise and integrating these participants them into a larger global digital ecosystem

    Relevant Resources Mentioned in This Episode:




    https://whensciencespeaks.com/podcast/caring-for-covid-19-patients-creating-ventilator-design-challenge-with-rich-boyer-md-phd/ https://whensciencespeaks.com/podcast/georgia-techs-inventive-responses-to-ppe-shortage-with-chris-saldana-phd/

    Let's sprint: Mit unserem Branding Sprint® zur validierten Marke

    Let's sprint: Mit unserem Branding Sprint® zur validierten Marke

    In der aktuellen Episode stellt Marcel unseren neuen Prozess zu Markenentwicklung vor: Den Branding Sprint®. Wie dieser entstand und warum man mit ihm relevante Marken entwickeln kann erfahrt ihr in dieser Episode.

    Zudem stellt Marcel unsere neue Subbrand "yellowdot" vor, die es Smallbusiness es ermöglicht erfolgreich als Marke zu starten.

    Mehr Marken Insights? 

    Link: Zu den Marken Insights

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    Der Podcast ist für euch. Unser Ziel ist, die Episoden so zu gestalten, dass sie euch einen Mehrwert bieten. 

    Link: Schlage uns ein Thema vor

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    storytelling with data: #34 a conversation with John Zeratsky

    storytelling with data: #34  a conversation with John Zeratsky

    With days defined by distraction, how can we solve big problems and make time for what matters? Cole talks with technology designer and author of Sprint and Make Time, John Zeratsky, about the power of focus for getting things done. John details the design sprint process perfected at Google Ventures—detailing the value of “working alone, together” to generate better ideas, the benefits of prototyping and testing with real customers, particularly when the stakes are high, and much more. He also shares patterns uncovered from successful sprints that can be applied to everyday work. Tune in to learn why we shouldn’t rely on willpower to focus, how to create barriers to distraction, and the satisfaction you can reap by proactively designing your day.



    Follow John: @jazer | johnzeratsky.com

    Book: Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems & Test New Ideas in Just Five Days

    Book: Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day

    Online course: The Official Sprint Bootcamp (discount code SWD20)

    Marken in der Corona-Krise - was bleibt übrig?

    Marken in der Corona-Krise - was bleibt übrig?

    Kürzlich veröffentlichten die beiden Marktforscherinnen Dr. Melanie Wortmann und Angelika Haas auf Horizont den Artikel "Marken im New Normal". Sie wollten wissen, ob die Betonung von Solidarität, die zahlreiche Marken in der Coronazeit herausgestellt haben, auch im „New Normal“ wichtiger wird und haben dazu eine Umfrage gemacht. Die Ergebnisse waren überraschen und spannend! Ein guter Grund, sie in unseren Podcast einzuladen und näher darüber zu sprechen. Link zum Artikel: https://bit.ly/3gU6k7F

    Mehr Marken Insights? 

    Link: Zu den Marken Insights

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    Der Podcast ist für euch. Unser Ziel ist, die Episoden so zu gestalten, dass sie euch einen Mehrwert bieten. 

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    Design Sprint 2.0

    Design Sprint 2.0

    Was ist ein Design Sprint und warum werden sie für Marken zunehmend wichtiger? Darüber spreche ich mit der Design Sprint Expertin Sabrina Goerlich. Sie ist in der internationalen Design Sprints Coummunity aktiv und hat ihre eigene Design Sprint Masterclass entwickelt, für alle, die den Design Sprint lernen und anwenden wollen.

    Sabrina: Zu LinkedIn

    Mehr Marken Insights? 

    Link: Zu den Marken Insights

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    Der Podcast ist für euch. Unser Ziel ist, die Episoden so zu gestalten, dass sie euch einen Mehrwert bieten. 

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    Taking Control Of Your Day w/ Jake Knapp

    Taking Control Of Your Day w/ Jake Knapp

    We are approaching the end of another year. A year I’m sure that was mixed with ups and downs but we are here, in this present moment, together taking time to fuel and train our minds. This I’m incredibly grateful for. 


    It’s also a time of year where we naturally slow down and have more space to reflect. I wanted to share the most popular episode (#36) from the podcast of all time - Taking Control Of Your Day With Jake Knapp. It’s fitting for this time of year as Jake leaves many great insights and practices that can help as you go through your reflection. 


    Two great journaling prompts: 

    1. Does this feel right in my heart? 
    2. If I was going to die in a year, how would I spend my time?


    Jake Knapp is the author of Make Time and the New York Times bestseller Sprint. Jake spent 10 years at Google and Google Ventures, where he created the Design Sprint. He has since coached teams like Slack, Uber, 23andMe, LEGO, and The New York Times on the method. 


    He’s also working on The Highlight Course coming in January 2020 to help people make time for what matters every day!


    Thanks as always for listening and have the best day yet!⠀


    Special props 👇

    Producer & Editor - John Balderston

    Music: Clouds - Joakim Karud


    Get your copy of Personal Socrates: Better Questions, Better Life  

    Connect with Marc >>>  Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter 

    Drop a review and let me know what resonates with you about the show!

    Thanks as always for listening and have the best day yet!

    Behind the Human is proudly recorded in a Canadian made Loop Phone Booth


    Special props 👇

    Producer & Editor - John Balderston

    Music: Clouds - Joakim Karud

    #102 BiTaksi Olayi, Booking'in Turkiye'de yasaklanmasi ve Delilik podcasti

    #102 BiTaksi Olayi, Booking'in Turkiye'de yasaklanmasi ve Delilik podcasti
    BiTaksi'nin icinde yer aldigi, eksisozluk'te baslayan ve ana akim medyada da yer alan haberin detaylarini ve yapilmasi gerekenleri konusuyoruz. Sonrasinda, bir baska olumsuz haber olan booking.comun Turkiye'de yasaklanmasini ve sebeplerinden bahsediyoruz.

    Samican ve Mert'in Apsiyonda yuruttugu Google Design Sprintin sonucunu gelecek haftalarda Mert'i konuk ederek ogrenecegiz.
    Bunlarin yaninda delilik podcastinin cagrisina cevap veriyoruz :)

    Google Design Sprint http://www.gv.com/sprint/
    Booking hikayesi https://eksisozluk.com/tursabin-booking-comu-kapattirmasi--5331204
    BiTaksi olayi https://eksisozluk.com/bitaksi-calisani-taksicinin-dehsetli-rezaleti--5330324

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