

    Explore " dhhs" with insightful episodes like "Modifying ART in the Presence of Hyperlipidemia: Using HIV-ASSIST", "Choosing Between Initial ART Options: Answering the Questions", "Preconception ART Selection: Using HIV-ASSIST", "Individualizing HIV ART: Considerations for Weight Gain" and "Rapid ART Initiation: Answering the Questions" from podcasts like ""CCO Infectious Disease Podcast", "CCO Infectious Disease Podcast", "CCO Infectious Disease Podcast", "CCO Infectious Disease Podcast" and "CCO Infectious Disease Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (14)

    Modifying ART in the Presence of Hyperlipidemia: Using HIV-ASSIST

    Modifying ART in the Presence of Hyperlipidemia: Using HIV-ASSIST

    In this episode, Maunank Shah, MD, PhD, discusses using HIV-ASSIST to optimize treatment for both HIV and hyperlipidemia. Listen as he covers:

    • Hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular disease risk among people living with HIV
    • Recommendations for lipid screening for people living with HIV
    • Using HIV-ASSIST to support ART treatment decisions for people living with HIV with comorbidities
    • How HIV-ASSIST prioritizes certain ART agents in the setting of hyperlipidemia, including:
      • Deciding between bictegravir, doravirine, dolutegravir, raltegravir, and rilpivirine vs boosted protease inhibitors, including darunavir
      • Deciding between tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and tenofovir alafenamide or abacavir
    • How HIV-ASSIST incorporates drug‒drug interaction data from the University of Liverpool HIV Drug Interactions Checker and the DHHS guidelines when considering the use of statin therapy with ART
    • How HIV-ASSIST further incorporates drug resistance data from the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database

    Maunank Shah, MD, PhD 
    Associate Professor 
    Infectious Diseases 
    Johns Hopkins University 
    Baltimore, Maryland 

    Link to full program: bit.ly/3pwaH2Y

    Choosing Between Initial ART Options: Answering the Questions

    Choosing Between Initial ART Options: Answering the Questions

    In this episode, Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP, and Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS, discuss initial ART options, including:

    • Recommended first-line ART options for most PWH according to DHHS, IAS-USA, EACS, BHIVA, and WHO guidelines 
    • Data for weight gain after ART initiation with different ARV classes and drugs
    • Weight gain disparities by race and gender after ART initiation
    • Data from the RESPOND study including risk factors for weight gain and CV event risk with INSTI vs non-INSTI–based ART 
    • The impact of INSTIs on CV events in the Swiss HIV Cohort study 
    • Recommendations for ART and contraception for PWH of childbearing potential 
    • Drug–drug interactions between first-line ART and contraceptive options 
    • Guideline-recommended first-line ART options in pregnancy with a discussion of how these regimens differ from those recommended for most PWH 

    Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP 
    Consultant Physician 
    Clinical Director, HIV, Sexual and Gender Health, Dermatology 
    Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust 
    Imperial College London 
    London, United Kingdom 

    Michelle Cespedes, MD, MS 
    Professor of Medicine 
    Division of Infectious Disease 
    Department of Medicine 
    Icahn School of Medicine at 
    Mount Sinai 
    New York, New York 

    Link to full program: bit.ly/3HPu4Lk

    Preconception ART Selection: Using HIV-ASSIST

    Preconception ART Selection: Using HIV-ASSIST

    In this episode, Sonya Krishnan, MD, MHS, discusses using HIV-ASSIST to aid in the selection of an ART regimen for a virologically suppressed PWH who is planning a pregnancy. Listen as she covers:

    • How to input patient specific factors into the HIV-ASSIST tool
    • Discussion of available education sheets to review the data and recommendations for her current ART regimen in pregnancy
    • An explanation of why some regimens are ranked lower because of adherence factors such as increased pill burden or dosing frequency
    • Guidelines informing the HIV-ASSIST output, including DHHS and IAS-USA, and the frequency with which updates are incorporated
    • How to use the HIV-ASSIST output to guide regimen selection in pregnancy
    • Use of the HIV-ASSIST tool in shared decision-making and patient counseling

    Sonya Krishnan, MD, MHS
    Assistant Professor
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    Johns Hopkins University
    Baltimore, Maryland

    Link to full program: 

    Individualizing HIV ART: Considerations for Weight Gain

    Individualizing HIV ART: Considerations for Weight Gain

    In this episode, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD, discusses considerations for patients experiencing weight gain on antiretroviral therapy, including:

    • Commonly implicated antiretroviral therapy regimens and patient populations

    • Guideline recommendations for management of weight gain


    Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD
    Harriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine
    Harvard Medical School
    Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
    Brigham and Women’s Hospital
    Boston, Massachusetts

    To download the slides: 

    To view the full online program: 

    Rapid ART Initiation: Answering the Questions

    Rapid ART Initiation: Answering the Questions

    In this episode, Isolde Butler, MD, and Brenda E. Crabtree Ramírez, MD, discuss rapid ART initiation for people newly diagnosed with HIV, including:

    • The HIV care continuum in the United States and Latin America
    • Barriers to HIV diagnosis, including stigma, discriminatory laws and policies, social determinants of health, and lack of access to healthcare
    • Factors that predict delayed care linkage and inconsistent HIV care and treatment
    • Improved clinical outcomes that have been shown with rapid ART initiation, first in low- and middle-income countries and now worldwide
    • Recommendations for rapid ART—and regimen choices—from the DHHS, IAS-USA, CENSIDA, EACS, and WHO
    • Recommendations for transitioning from PrEP to ART when someone seroconverts while receiving either oral PrEP or LA CAB for PrEP
    • Barriers to rapid ART initiation in their individual care settings
    • The future of LA injectable ART for initial treatment and rapid initiation

    Isolde Butler, MD
    Chief Medical Officer
    New Orleans, Louisiana

    Brenda E. Crabtree Ramírez, MD
    Assistant Professor, HIV Program
    Department of Infectious Diseases
    Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición, Salvador Zubirán
    Mexico City, Mexico

    Link to full program: bit.ly/3HPu4Lk

    Individualizing HIV ART: Rapid Start

    Individualizing HIV ART: Rapid Start

    In this episode, Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD, discusses considerations for rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy in patients who are newly diagnosed with HIV, including:

    • Recommended regimens
    • Management of patients previously receiving PrEP
    • Timing of laboratory testing


    Daniel R. Kuritzkes, MD
    Harriet Ryan Albee Professor of Medicine
    Harvard Medical School
    Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases
    Brigham and Women’s Hospital
    Boston, Massachusetts

    To download the slides: 

    To view the full online program: 

    Questions Answered on ART Safety and Tolerability in Aging Patients and Populations With Cardiometabolic Toxicities

    Questions Answered on ART Safety and Tolerability in Aging Patients and Populations With Cardiometabolic Toxicities

    In this episode, Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP, and Jens D. Lundgren, MD, DMSc, address key considerations when evaluating antiretroviral therapy safety and tolerability in aging patients and those with possible cardiometabolic toxicities, including:

    • Monitoring for cardiometabolic syndromes (eg, lipid panels, coronary artery calcification scores)
    • Approaching antiretroviral-related weight gain in clinical practice
    • Interpreting results from RESPOND on cardiovascular risk with integrase strand transfer inhibitors
    • Collaborating with other specialties (eg, cardiologists, dietitians) to provide a multidisciplinary approach for managing comorbidities, including prevention and management


    Marta Boffito, MD, PhD, FRCP
    Consultant Physician/Professor
    Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
    Imperial College London
    London, United Kingdom

    Jens D. Lundgren, MD, DMSc
    Rigshospital, University of Copenhagen 
    Centre of Excellence for Health, Immunity and Infection (CHIP)
    Rigshospital, University of Copenhagen
    Copenhagen, Denmark

    Link to full program:

    Link to downloadable slides: 

    Answering the Questions on Considering an ART Switch During Pregnancy

    Answering the Questions on Considering an ART Switch During Pregnancy

    In this episode, Annette Haberl, MD, and William R. Short, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, discuss when to consider an ART switch during pregnancy, including:

    • Current DHHS, EACS, WHO, BHIVA, and German/Austrian guidelines for the use of ARVs in pregnancy
    • What data and recommendations for the use of ARVs during pregnancy are currently missing from the guidelines
    • Available data on newer ARVs in the ARV pregnancy registry
    • Pharmacokinetic data for newer ARVs including BIC/FTC/TAF and LA CAB + RPV in pregnancy
    • Recommendations for 2-drug ART regimens in pregnancy
    • What to do when someone becomes pregnant on a newer ART regimen that is not yet recommended by the guidelines

    Annette Haberl, MD
    Head of HIV and Women
    HIVCENTER Frankfurt
    Department of Infectious Disease
    Hospital of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University
    Frankfurt, Germany

    William R. Short, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    Department of Medicine
    Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Link to full program:

    Switching ART in the Context of Pregnancy

    Switching ART in the Context of Pregnancy

    In this episode, Roger Bedimo, MD, MS, FACP, discusses key considerations for switching ART in virologically suppressed patients who are pregnant or trying to conceive. His discussion includes:

    • DHHS Perinatal Guideline recommendations
    • French Perinatal Cohort study on the implications of viral suppression when changing ART in the first trimester of pregnancy
    • IMPAACT 2010 Update on the safety and efficacy of DTG vs EFV and TDF vs TAF in pregnancy
    • DolPHIN-2 study of virological suppression with DTG- vs EFV-based ART started in late pregnancy


    Roger Bedimo, MD, MS, FACP
    Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    Section Chief
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    Department of Internal Medicine
    VA North Texas Health Care System
    Dallas, Texas

    Content based on an online CME program supported by an independent educational grant from ViiV Healthcare.

    Link to full program: 

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    Ending the HIV Epidemic: Keys to Successful Treatment Initiation

    Ending the HIV Epidemic: Keys to Successful Treatment Initiation

    In this episode, Chloe Orkin, MBChB, FRCP, MD​, discusses strategies for successful antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation. Her overview includes:

    • Recommendations for rapid ART
    • First-line ART regimens for treatment-naive people with HIV
    • IMEA 055 FAST study
    • STAT study
    • DIAMOND study
    • Antiretroviral resistance mutations
    • Patient perspectives on the importance of rapid ART initiation


    Chloe Orkin, MBChB, FRCP, MD
    Professor of HIV
    Queen Mary, University of London​
    Consultant Physician​
    Lead for HIV Research
    Barts Health NHS Trust​
    The Royal London Hospital​
    London, United Kingdom​


    Linda-Gail Bekker, MBChB, DTM&H, DCH, FCP(SA), PhD​
    Desmond Tutu HIV Centre​
    Past President
    International AIDS Society​
    Faculty of Health Sciences
    University of Cape Town
    Cape Town, South Africa​

    Nagalingeswaran Kumarasamy, MBBS, FRCP, PhD​
    Chief and Director
    VHS Infectious Diseases Medical Centre​
    Director, Chennai Antiviral Research and Treatment (CART) Clinical Research Site​
    Voluntary Health Services​
    Chennai, India

    Babafemi Taiwo, MBBS​
    Gene Stollerman Professor of Medicine​
    Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases​
    Northwestern University
    Feinberg School of Medicine​
    Chicago, Illinois

    Content based on an online CME program supported by an independent educational grant from Gilead Sciences.

    Follow along with the slides: 

    Link to full program:

    Key Decisions in HIV Care: Managing ART With Opportunistic Infections

    Key Decisions in HIV Care: Managing ART With Opportunistic Infections

    In this episode from the series “Key Decisions in HIV Care,” Cristina Mussini, MD, and William R. Short, MD, MPH, AAHIVS, discuss important considerations for ART with opportunistic infections, including: 

    • When to start ART with pneumocystis pneumonia including discussion of the ACTG 5164 study of immediate vs delayed ART with opportunistic infections
    • EACS, DHHS, and IAS-USA guideline recommendations for starting ART in the setting of most opportunistic infections
    • Considerations for the administration of ART to patients who are unable to swallow or critically ill and intubated
    • Treatment of Kaposi sarcoma and considerations for starting ART to avoid drug–drug interactions with Kaposi sarcoma treatment
    • Considerations for starting ART with cytomegalovirus and the risk for IRIS from cytomegalovirus
    • Discussion of treatment of cytomegalovirus and overlapping toxicities between its treatment and ART
    • When to start ART with cryptococcal meningitis and the data to support delayed treatment initiation with this particular opportunistic infection
    • EACS, DHHS, and IAS-USA guideline recommendations for starting ART in the setting of cryptococcal meningitis specifically
    • Treatment of cryptococcal meningitis and managing drug–drug interactions between ART and antifungal therapy

    Cristina Mussini, MD
    Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
    Full Professor of Infectious Diseases
    Infectious Diseases Clinics 
    University Hospital
    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    Reggio Emilia, Italy 

    William R. Short, MD, MPH, AAHIVS
    Associate Professor of Medicine
    Division of Infectious Diseases
    Department of Medicine
    Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

    Content based on an online CME program supported by educational grants from Gilead Sciences, Inc.; Janssen Therapeutics, Division of Janssen Products, LP; and ViiV Healthcare.

    Follow along with the slides at:

    Link to full program:

    Individualized Choices in Antiretroviral Therapy: Present and Future

    Individualized Choices in Antiretroviral Therapy: Present and Future

    Hear insights from 3 faculty experts as they present emerging data and guidelines and engage in discussion on patient-centered ART selection for people with HIV.

    Topics include assessing treatment options; individualizing ART for women of childbearing potential and during pregnancy, patients with OIs, and during the COVID-19 pandemic; and new data on investigational ART strategies. 

    Learn how to:

    • Apply the results of recent clinical studies and evolving treatment guidelines on the timing and choice of first-line ART and switch strategies and managing treatment-experienced patients with HIV
    • Integrate individual patient factors such as drug–drug interactions, comorbidities, pregnancy status, adherence, and dosing preferences when selecting optimal ART
    • Appropriately counsel patients regarding the anticipated clinical role of new and investigational ART regimens in individualized care

    Chloe Orkin, MBChB, FRCP, MD
    Professor of HIV
    Queen Mary, University of London
    Consultant Physician
    Lead for HIV Research
    Barts Health NHS Trust
    The Royal London Hospital
    London, United Kingdom

    Jean-Michel Molina, MD, PhD
    Head of the Department of
    Infectious Diseases
    Saint-Louis Hospital, Assistance-Publique Hôpitaux de Paris
    Professor of Infectious Diseases
    University of Paris
    Paris, France

    Cristina Mussini, MD
    Head of Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
    Full Professor of Infectious Diseases
    Infectious Diseases Clinics 
    University Hospital
    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
    Reggio Emilia, Italy

    Follow along with the slides at: 

    See the entire program at:

    Ep 3. Helping the nation

    Ep 3. Helping the nation

    In this episode of Nursing Australia, hosted by Nurse Robbie, we hear:

    -        The latest Nursing Australia News (02:08)

    A nurse practitioner earns the right to prescribe HIV medicines, nurses speak up for primary health care reform, infection control checks still lacking in aged care and remembering nurses killed by COVID-19. 


    -        COVID vaccine: Immunising the nation (06:41)

    When a COVID vaccine arrives in Australia, primary health care nurses will play a key role in immunising the Australian population. Learn about what nurses need to do to prepare for the mass-vaccination and the logistics of getting the vaccines into your clinic or facility. 


    -        Vaccines: Recommended vs funded (12:29)

    Nurses know the NIP funded vaccines inside-out, but how often do you speak to your patients about the recommended vaccines, but not funded ones? We discuss how to raise this sometimes-tricky conversation and share the reasoning behind recommended vs funded vaccines. 

    For health care professionals, there is an in-depth discussion available centered around the meningococcal vaccines. Find that here: https://apna.asn.au/hub/bexsero-gsk 


    -        Jane’s story: Helping the homeless (21:23)

    Driving into the gym carpark in Launceston one morning, Nurse Practitioner Jane Laidlaw was surprised to see a person rough sleeping in a car. She felt compelled to do something to help and the result is a thriving nurse-led clinic that has helped hundreds of homeless people. 


    -        Financial wellness for nurses (32:03)

    When we think of wellness, physical and mental health often come to mind. But financial wellness is just as important. In this segment, tailored for nurses, hear some tips and tricks to maximise your potential tax refund. 

    Hosted by: Matthew St Ledger & Mitch Wall
    Produced by: Leith Alexander & Matthew St Ledger

    Ep1. COVID - impacting our lives and careers

    Ep1. COVID - impacting our lives and careers

    In the first episode of Nursing Australia, hosted by Nurse Robbie, we hear:

    - The latest Nursing Australia News (02:56)

    Calls to grow the workforce of skilled nurses in aged care to stop the COVID spread, fresh data on the effect of coronavirus on the nursing workforce and eye protection for all Victorian GP nurses becomes mandatory. 


    - Aimee’s story: Catching COVID in the clusters (07:00)

    Aged care, disability, and mental health nurse Aimee Sibson was let go from her job at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and put her hand up to work on the Victorian COVID Response Taskforce. She was sent into Melbourne’s housing commission towers under the Government-imposed hard lockdown and caught COVID in the line of duty. 

    Aimee wrote a letter to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews about her experience, you can read it here: https://apna.asn.au/files/Aimee%20Sibson%20-%20Letter%20to%20Daniel%20Andrews.pdf 


    - Kids' vaccination drop: The effect of COVID-19 on early childhood vaccinations (14:28)

    During COVID-19, nurses have observed that some patients are reluctant to attend clinics to receive scheduled immunisations. We explore the risks associated with children missing their early childhood vaccinations. For health care professionals find our more information about routine childhood immunisations here: www.apna.asn.au/hub/rotavirus-vaccine 


    - Panel discussion: The future of primary health care nursing in a post-COVID world (18:07)

    Once the pandemic has passed and we all return to a more normal life, what will be the lasting effect on primary health care nursing as a profession? Hear from APNA Founder and Nurse Ambassador, Sam Moses and APNA Program Manager, Nursing in Primary Health Care, Lisa Collison.


    - Nurse wellness with Sarah Cosgrave (30:15)

    In these crazy times, we all need to take some time-out for ourselves, especially nurses. Join nurse Sarah Cosgrave for a guided meditation that will leave you feeling relaxed, reconnected and re-energised. 

    Sarah is a Nourished Nurturer and founder of the global community, ‘The Nurtured Nurse Project’. Trained as a Critical Care Nurse, Sarah knows firsthand that nurses are facing a global epidemic of nurse burnout. It is Sarah’s mission to empower nurses with the tools and techniques to support their wellness so that they can continue sustainably supporting the journey of wellness in others. As a wellness consultant Sarah supports nurses guiding them to feel relaxed, reconnected and re-energised within their mind, body and soul.

    Hosted by: Matthew St Ledger & Mitch Wall
    Produced by: Leith Alexander & Matthew St Ledger


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