

    Explore "diebold" with insightful episodes like "Anna (24), Chefin eines Plärrer-Karussells", "Episode 17: Snowboard! Party Time!", "Combatting ATM bombings in South Africa", "EP7 - Election Fraud" and "Carson's Corner Presents: Bev Harris of Black Box Voting!!!" from podcasts like ""Augsburg, meine Stadt", "Keep the Flame Alive", "iAfrikan BYTES", "NWO3" and "bobcarson13's Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (7)

    Anna (24), Chefin eines Plärrer-Karussells

    Anna (24), Chefin eines Plärrer-Karussells
    Einmal im Polizeihubschrauber sitzen und die bunten Knöpfe drücken – für viele kleine Besucher auf dem Plärrer ist so eine Karussellfahrt wohl das Größte. Und während die Kinder ihre Kreise ziehen, schießen die Eltern stolz Fotos fürs Familienalbum – und erinnern sich möglicherweise an ihre eigenen Fahrten im „Kinder-Paradies“ zurück. Verantwortlich für den Volksfestspaß ist die 24-jährige Anna Diebold, die das Fahrgeschäft Anfang des Jahres von ihrer Großmutter Karin Spies übernommen hat. Leicht hat sich die junge Frau die Entscheidung, den Betrieb ihrer Großmutter zu übernehmen, nicht gemacht. Aufgewachsen in einer Schaustellerfamilie – ihre Eltern sind Karin und Josef Diebold –, entschied sich Diebold früh für ihren eigenen Weg. Nach zahlreichen Schulwechseln in der Grundschulzeit zog sie zu ihrer Tante und besuchte eine Realschule. Die Eltern reisten weiter quer durch Süddeutschland – und Tochter Anna jedes Wochenende hinterher. Nach dem Realschulabschluss folgte eine Ausbildung zur Kauffrau für Versicherungen und Finanzen in einem Unternehmen im Kreis Augsburg. „Die Kollegen dort waren wie meine zweite Familie“, sagt sie. Auch deshalb sei es eine schwere und sehr emotionale Entscheidung gewesen, den Angestellten-Job zu kündigen und selbst einen Betrieb zu führen. „Aber ich habe mich entschieden, zu meiner Familie heimzukehren, und habe es bisher zum Glück nicht bereut.“

    Episode 17: Snowboard! Party Time!

    Episode 17: Snowboard! Party Time!

    It's snowboard week on Olympic Fever! Jill talks with Alex Diebold, Sochi 2014 bronze medallist in snowboardcross, and Alison chats with halfpipe medal hopeful Chloe Kim at Team USA Winterfest. It's also time to prepare for your Opening Ceremonies party--we talk with Team USA's #1 fan Sarah Patton for party planning advice.

    You can follow Alex Diebold on Twitter and Instagram. Chloe Kim is also on Twitter and Insta. Sarah Patton is on Twitter, but you might want to follow her dog Theo on Insta too. That's him in this week's show pic!

    DISCLAIMER: OLYMPIC® is a trademark of the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (“USOPC”). Any use of OLYMPIC® in the Olympic Fever podcast is strictly for informational and commentary purposes. The Olympic Fever podcast is not an official podcast of the USOPC. The Olympic Fever podcast is not a sponsor of the USOPC, nor is Olympic Fever associated with or endorsed by USOPC in any way. The content of Olympic Fever podcast does not reflect the opinions, standards, views, or policies of the USOPC, and the USOPC in no way warrants that content featured in Olympic Fever is accurate.



    EP7 - Election Fraud

    EP7 - Election Fraud
    In the fall of 2001, after an eight-month review of 175,000 Florida ballots never counted in the 2000 election, an analysis by the National Opinion Research Center confirmed that Al Gore actually won Florida and should have been President. However, coverage of this report was only a small blip in the corporate media as a much bigger story dominated the news after September 11, 2001.

    New research compiled by Dr. Dennis Loo with the University of Cal Poly Pomona now shows that extensive manipulation of non-paper-trail voting machines occurred in several states during the 2004 election.

    The facts are as follows:

    In 2004 Bush far exceeded the 85% of registered Florida Republican votes that he got in 2000, receiving more than 100% of the registered Republican votes in 47 out of 67 Florida counties, 200% of registered Republicans in 15 counties, and over 300% of registered Republicans in 4 counties. Bush managed these remarkable outcomes despite the fact that his share of the crossover votes by registered Democrats in Florida did not increase over 2000, and he lost ground among registered Independents, dropping 15 points. We also know that Bush "won" Ohio by 51-48%, but statewide results were not matched by the court-supervised hand count of the 147,400 absentee and provisional ballots in which Kerry received 54.46% of the vote. In Cuyahoga County, Ohio the number of recorded votes was more than 93,000 greater than the number of registered voters.

    More importantly national exit polls showed Kerry winning in 2004. However, It was only in precincts where there were no paper trails on the voting machines that the exit polls ended up being different from the final count. According to Dr. Steve Freeman, a statistician at the University of Pennsylvania, the odds are 250 million to one that the exit polls were wrong by chance. In fact, where the exit polls disagreed with the computerized outcomes the results always favored Bush - another statistical impossibility. .

    Dennis Loo writes, "A team at the University of California at Berkeley, headed by sociology professor Michael Hout, found a highly suspicious pattern in which Bush received 260,000 more votes in those Florida precincts that used electronic voting machines than past voting patterns would indicate compared to those precincts that used optical scan read votes where past voting patterns held."

    There is now strong statistical evidence of widespread voting machine manipulation occurring in US elections since 2000. Coverage of the fraud has been reported in independent media and various websites. The information is not secret. But it certainly seems to be a taboo subject for the US corporate media.

    Black Box Voting reported on March 9, 2005 that voting machines used by over 30 million voters were easily hacked by relatively unsophisticated programs and audits of the computers would not show the changes. It is very possible that a small team of hackers could have manipulated the 2004 and earlier elections in various locations throughout the United States. Irregularities in the vote counts certainly indicate that something beyond chance occurrences has been happening in recent elections.

    That a special interest group might try to cheat on an election in the United States is nothing new. Historians tell us how local political machines from both major parties have in the past used methods of double counting, ballot box stuffing, poll taxes and registration manipulation to affect elections. In the computer age, however, election fraud can occur externally without local precinct administrators having any awareness of the manipulations - and the fraud can be extensive enough to change the outcome of an entire national election.

    There is little doubt key Democrats know that votes in 2004 and earlier elections were stolen. The fact that few in Congress are complaining about fraud is an indication of the totality to which both parties accept the status quo of a money based elections system. Neither party wants to further undermine public confidence in the American "democratic" process (over 80 millions eligible voters refused to vote in 2004). Instead we will likely see the quiet passing of legislation that will correct the most blatant problems. Future elections in the US will continue as an equal opportunity for both parties to maintain a national democratic charade in which money counts more than truth.

    Peter Phillips

    Carson's Corner Presents: Bev Harris of Black Box Voting!!!

    Carson's Corner Presents: Bev Harris of Black Box Voting!!!
    Bev Harris is one of the nation's foremost activists and observers of issues relating to electronic voting machines. She joins host Bob Carson for a lengthy discussion on the issue. In 2003, Bev discovered the source code for Diebold voting machines. How could that happen? What was Bev's life like after her discovery? Have the problems been fixed? And, most importantly, what can be done to fix our broken vote-counting system. Tune in to hear true expert analysis. Also on this edition of Carson's Corner, Bob gives his take on the Weiner resignation. Plus, gives the details of what a great "job-creator" Mitt Romney is. All that and more!!!

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Kathleen Wynne of Black Box Voting

    Visibility 9-11 Welcomes Kathleen Wynne of Black Box Voting

    This week Visibility 9-11 welcomes elections investigator and former Associate Director of BlackBoxVoting.org Kathleen Wynne.  Kathleen appears in a new Emmy nominated documentary titled Hacking Democracy and is one of 11 experts who where were asked to write a chapter in the book Hacked - High Tech Election Theft in America.  My guest has worked tirelessly on the issue of election fraud and against the implementation of electronic voting machines to steal elections.  Kathleen has been a big advocate of Hand Counted Paper Ballots as the only way we can keep the cancer of voter fraud to a minimum and protect our elections against the danger of the electronic voting machines.

    Politically speaking...

    Politically speaking...
    Hey ladies and gents (and gender queers)! This episode has quite the range of topics: driving, labour laws, Bush's presidential campaign and uh, Annie. Enjoy, folks! This week in photos, the sex-ay Borat (aka Sasha Baron Cohen). He's a superstar.