

    Explore "dram" with insightful episodes like "Ayraçsız Hikâyeler - #7 Ä°laç", "S.N. Pike's Magnolia Bourbon", "Ezra Brooks 99", "【投資最給力EP.68】年終獎金怎麼處理? 保守族看過來! 完整投資配置這樣做… 金牛年Q1百花齊放投資4大族群!!|盧燕俐 丁彥鈞" and "Jack Daniel's Barrel Strength Rye" from podcasts like ""Ayraçsız Hikâyeler", "Dads Drinking Bourbon", "Dads Drinking Bourbon", "投資最給力" and "Dads Drinking Bourbon"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    S.N. Pike's Magnolia Bourbon

    S.N. Pike's Magnolia Bourbon

    The folks over at S.N. Pike's Magnolia Bourbon sent us over some of their bourbon to try! Cheers! 

    Get your liquor shipped to your door with www.caskcartel.com

    If you’re a bourbon group, distillery, or store, get wholesale laser etched products at www.distilleryproducts.com tell them you heard of them from the Dads

    TN’s only sportsbook by Tennesseans for Tennesseans is here at www.action247.com use code DADS100 for Action 24/7 to match your first deposit up to $100

    【投資最給力EP.68】年終獎金怎麼處理? 保守族看過來! 完整投資配置這樣做… 金牛年Q1百花齊放投資4大族群!!|盧燕俐 丁彥鈞

    【投資最給力EP.68】年終獎金怎麼處理? 保守族看過來! 完整投資配置這樣做… 金牛年Q1百花齊放投資4大族群!!|盧燕俐 丁彥鈞
    萬六百花齊放 萬箭穿心 很多人卻開始做空? 究竟是空笑夢?還是煞有其事? 來聽聽理財專家盧燕俐這麼說! 半導體漲價缺貨驚驚漲 一張台積電太貴? 這些ETF讓你也可以輕鬆變股東!! 投資最給力粉絲團: https://reurl.cc/9Xb2zX​ Podcast 收聽位置: Apple https://reurl.cc/N6Nk5m​ Spotify https://reurl.cc/LdQ8Y7​ Soundon https://reurl.cc/4mbA2Y​ #盧燕俐​ #丁彥鈞​ #阿格力​ #ETF​ #台積電​ #半導體​ #00757​ #0052​ #主動型基金​ #晶圓代工​ #DRAM​ #台幣​ #禾聯碩​ #金融股​ #航運股​ #陽明​ #長榮

    Jack Daniel's Barrel Strength Rye

    Jack Daniel's Barrel Strength Rye

    Our friends at Franklin Wine and Spirits let us get our hands on the Jack Daniel's Barrel Strength Rye to review. 

    Get your liquor shipped to your door with www.caskcartel.com

    Get customized laser etched glassware at www.premiumbarproducts.com 

    Looking for some action on your favorite games? Action 24/7 is brought to you BY Tennesseans FOR Tenneseans, online at www.Action247.com and use code DADS100 for a match of your initial deposit up to $100

    【投資最給力EP.57】下周外資放假歸隊後 你該買甚麼?|翁偉捷 高閔漳

    【投資最給力EP.57】下周外資放假歸隊後 你該買甚麼?|翁偉捷 高閔漳
    聖誕連假倒數 外資準備放假去? 疫情仍未舒緩 股市提前反映景氣再衝萬五? 居高思危!要多留意!! 大老們紛紛跳出來提醒泡沫將至 散戶投資人各各皮皮剉 偉捷幫你打強心針!! 順便告訴你明年產業 怎麼看怎麼買怎麼賺! 這些產業真的是厲害了!! 投資要人幫 讓華冠創富幫您創造無限財富 華冠創富現推出251投資犇牛慶 年度優惠案僅此一檔,錯過可惜! 翻轉人生,就靠這次了!! https://reurl.cc/14y0MG 上網請搜尋【251投資犇牛慶】 投資最給力粉絲團: https://reurl.cc/9Xb2zX Podcast 收聽位置: Apple https://reurl.cc/N6Nk5m Spotify https://reurl.cc/LdQ8Y7 Soundon https://reurl.cc/4mbA2Y #翁偉捷#高閔漳#阿格力 #房貸#房市#DRAM#鈺創 #電子股#金融股#傳產股#半導體 #矽智財#兆易創新#中芯#三安光電 #宏捷科#聯發科

    EP13- 6770力積電 忽然崛起、踢館 5347世界先進 兩家公司怎麼挑

    EP13- 6770力積電 忽然崛起、踢館 5347世界先進 兩家公司怎麼挑
    今天來跟各位聊聊關於近期力積電忽然崛起、腳踢同業的消息 討論幾個問題: 概要:力晶集團旗下力積電(6770)今(9)日登錄興櫃交易,投資人搶進踴躍,帶動力晶電創下三紀錄,包括早盤一度飆上84元,較認購價格大漲223%,且市值一度超車台積電轉投資的世界先進。另到10點45分左右,力積電累積成交近7萬張,更創下興櫃新上市股紀錄。 力積電今天交易從開盤一路活絡,尤其早盤買單狂敲敲到股價最高衝84元,比認購價26元大漲2.23倍。市場推算,力積電最高市值達2,608億元,也一度超車世界先進的2,106億元。 但隨著登錄興櫃成功後,股價也由上興櫃最高84的一路滑落到47.25(12.16) 那到底力積電是怎樣的公司、主要競爭對手是誰,更重要的值得投資嗎? ------------------------------------------------ 1.問題一:首先先來聊一下力積電的現況 -12.9 登興櫃,引發搶購股價一度來到84塊,而目前股價為47.25 -該公司主要是做邏輯IC的代工,是目前少數具有12吋晶圓產能的公司 -該公司目前為晶圓代工業的全球第七大公司 (第一大:台積電、第三大、聯電、第八大:世界先進) 2.力晶集團近年的代表作有哪些公司呢: -愛普、力旺、力積、力積電 力晶集團旗下顯然都有很多的想像空間,不論是晶圓代工、IP授權、記憶體都有高本益比的表現。 3.為何發出豪語要比肩世界先進? 從發展角度來看,兩個都跟台積電有深厚關係且兩者的競爭業務有重疊關係,殞落跟崛起的過程都類似。 財報數據差異(世界先進V.S 力積電): 在財務數據上,世界先進優於力積電,顯示雖然沒有12吋晶圓廠的成本優勢但是產品組合與良率控管上,世界先進目前是優於力積電,要說世界先進的問題大概就是不太會炒股,題材不太好。 -結論: 若以穩健投資的角度來看,答案很明白。世界先進是較佳的選擇,理由如下: 1. 世界先進是上市櫃公司,財務績效有明確紀錄可追蹤查詢。力積電剛登錄興櫃,財務數據揭露較少 2. 財務數據表現目前世界先進明顯優於力積電 3. 興櫃的性質比較接近創投,無漲跌幅限制財務接露度較低,本來就不適合一般投資人參與。且近年紀錄上,很多公司從興櫃轉上市後都會出現股價大幅下滑的現象,沒有足夠的判斷力不適合參加興櫃市場投資。 若是從技術的角度來看,力積電未來擊敗世界先進的關鍵就在於12吋晶圓廠的良率與製程開發量產的狀況,也許吃下一顆大補丸立刻將毛利率給拉高的也說不定,這就值得我們持續觀察該公司的後續發展啦。總之,目前看來是世界先進獲利體質較佳財務也比較透明,而力積電則是擁有絕佳話題性與產能技術優勢但興櫃揭露度不佳則是負面表列。 ---------------------------------------------------- 想了解更多財經內容,可加入粉絲團或Blog喔: -🔥🔥🔥 Blog : https://stocksardine.com -🔥🔥🔥 粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/stocksardine/ 免費加入 Podcast 財經不正經收聽行列: 🔥🔥🔥 Apple Podcast:https://apple.co/3n0KpPZ 🔥🔥🔥 Spotify : https://bit.ly/3gvHkVU 🔥🔥🔥 聲浪(SoundOn):https://bit.ly/35OZMEY


    跟著David老師天天享有賺錢的感覺↓↓↓↓ 請訂閱YouTube頻道:https://reurl.cc/204ZMm LINE@ 好友連結: https://line.me/R/ti/p/%40davidk1688 Telegram 頻道連結: https://t.me/Davidk1688 如有股票問題速撥:02-6630-3231

    Grains and Grits 2020

    Grains and Grits 2020

    It's my favorite whiskey event of the year and this year it just so happened to be the only one I went to in 2020. Since Zeke couldn't join me, Tim Piersant from Chattanooga Whiskey filled in as my co-host as we talked to Sara Beth Urban, the Executive Director of the TN Distillers Guild, Cara and Justin King from King's Family Distillery, and just had some fun. Enjoy! 

    Get your liquor shipped to your door with www.caskcartel.com

    Get custom laser etched glassware at www.premiumbarproducts.com 

    My Chat with Mark Lonergan, Manager of The Shelbourne Bar in Cork

    My Chat with Mark Lonergan, Manager of The Shelbourne Bar in Cork

    Join me for My Chat with Mark Lonergan from The Shelbourne Bar in Cork, one of Ireland's iconic whiskey bars.
    I called in for a socially-distanced chat during Ireland's lvl 5 Covid lockdown, to find out how Mark & the owner of The Shelbourne, Philip Gillivan, are diversifying the business during this period of closure. 
    Mark and I, being kindred whiskey nerd spirits, inevitably had a great rambling chat about the Irish whiskey landscape.

    My drops of the night were:
    1960's 9yr old Bushmills
    Celtic Cask 15
    Teeling Whiskey Company Vintage Reserve 23yr old 

    Have a listen in on our chat, Sláinte.

    Ed Belfour and Belfour Spirits

    Ed Belfour and Belfour Spirits

    Ed Belfour is a Hall of Fame goalie who has won the NCAA Championship, Stanley Cup, and a Gold Medal in the Olympics, but now is setting his sights on whiskey. We sit down with him to talk about his brand and to learn all about his journey into whiskey. We left this interview with a huge respect for Ed and we know you will too. Can't wait to see what Belfour Spirits has coming down the line.

    Thank you to our sponsors:

    My Chat with Serghios Florides, Editor of Irish Whiskey Magazine

    My Chat with Serghios Florides, Editor of Irish Whiskey Magazine

    Join me for My Chat with Serghios Florides, Editor of Irish Whiskey Magazine and host of the 'Words on Whiskey' podcast. Serghios is very knowledgeable about the Irish whiskey industry and I wanted to get his take on the Irish whiskey scene as it stands today, now that we have 33 active distilleries on the island of Ireland.

    Don't forget to subscribe to his podcast:
    iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/words-on-whiskey/id1516894269

    And also to: https://irishwhiskeymagazine.com/

    I hope you enjoy our chat, Sláinte.

    Filibuster 15 Year Single Barrel

    Filibuster 15 Year Single Barrel

    We were recently sent a 15 Year Single Barrel from the folks over at Filibuster that we were excited to try. Although these bottles are hard to come by, we always find it fun to try some of the Indiana sourced whiskey that's over 12 years. You never know what you might find!

    Get your official Dads Drinking Bourbon Glencairn at www.premiumbarproducts.com

    Get your liquor shipped to your door with www.caskcartel.com

    My chat with The Kilkenny Whiskey Guild

    My chat with The Kilkenny Whiskey Guild

    Join me for My Chat with The Kilkenny Whiskey Guild. I was joined by 4 of their members:
    Cyril Briscoe, 
    Jim Raferty from the Dylan Whiskey Bar, 
    Pat Crotty from Paris Texas Bar and 
    Eddie Langton from Langton's House Hotel
    We had a great chat about why the Guild was set up, what they've achieved in promoting whiskey tourism in Kilkenny City and how they are looking forward to 2024, where Kilkenny will be celebrating the 700yr anniversary of The Red Book of Ossory, where the first mention of 'Aqua Vitae' the water of life is written. 
    Have a listen in on our chat, sláinte. 

    Legends Distillery

    Legends Distillery

    We sample two bourbons sent over from Legends Distillery They use a patented Quantum Purity method on their bourbon. Does it make a difference? Pour a glass and listen to us give our take.

    Father's Day is around the corner, give your dad something he really wants this year with a bottle of bourbon from the Father of Bourbon, Elijah Craig. Find out more at www.elijahcraig.com

    Get your liquor shipped to your door at www.caskcartel.com

    All glassware provided by www.premiumbarproducts.com

    Wild Turkey 17 Year Bottled in Bond

    Wild Turkey 17 Year Bottled in Bond

    Our friends at Campari sent us over the latest Master's Keep from Wild Turkey, a 17 Year Bottled in Bond that we couldn't wait to review. 

    The fun one with this episode is we released a live video of us recording it, so you can see how we take the raw version and turn it into what you hear on the final episode! Cheers!

    Get your liquor shipped to your door with www.caskcartel.com

    All glassware provided by www.premiumbarproducts.com