

    Explore " e-myth" with insightful episodes like "295: Forever Business or Exit?", "Unraveling the Art of Sales and Systemization in Business with Todd Miller", "Proč nemůže člověk s myšlením technika budovat úspěšnou firmu #19", "Tři osobnosti v každém podnikateli #17" and "The E-Myth | Ep 1" from podcasts like ""The Bootstrapped Founder", "Successful Life Podcast", "Marketingové minuty – marketingové postřehy pro růst vaší firmy", "Marketingové minuty – marketingové postřehy pro růst vaší firmy" and "Paradigm Playbook"" and more!

    Episodes (10)

    295: Forever Business or Exit?

    295: Forever Business or Exit?

    Many indie hackers and solopreneurs have a big exit as their primary goal. That
    might be because of the money, but also because of a business’ limited life
    span. But is there something like a ‘forever business’?

    If so, what do you have to keep in mind here?

    This episode is sponsored by Acquire.com

    The blog post: https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/forever-business-or-exit/

    The podcast episode: https://tbf.fm/episodes/295-forever-business-or-exit

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    Unraveling the Art of Sales and Systemization in Business with Todd Miller

    Unraveling the Art of Sales and Systemization in Business with Todd Miller

    Ever wonder what it takes to manage a family business successfully? Our guest, Todd Miller, a seasoned entrepreneur from the residential roofing sector, offers a deep dive into how he's done it. He introduces us to the world of Isaiah Industries, a company his father started back in 1980 and he's been a part of since 1986. Todd’s story of stepping into his father's shoes after a stroke is inspiring and enlightening, revealing the intricacies of assigning the right roles to the right people for business excellence.

    Switching gears, we tackle the challenges that even giants like Tesla face in the solar roof sector, emphasizing the undeniable importance of systemization in business. Todd draws from the philosophy of the E-Myth, reinforcing the need for inspiring stakeholders and maintaining consistency, akin to how McDonald's has sustained its brand despite high employee turnover rates. It's a conversation that broadens our understanding of business dynamics, particularly in the family-run context.

    And let's not forget the art of sales. This episode delves into personal connection and the potency of robust information in closing a deal. We analyze why contractors may take the low bid and discuss the teachings of Jeb Blunt, an NLP practitioner, and Bill Gladwell, a scholar of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. From contractor presentation strategies to the essence of people buying from people, we expose the subtleties of the home services industry. So, are you ready to soak up some invaluable business insights from Todd Miller? Tune in!

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    Proč nemůže člověk s myšlením technika budovat úspěšnou firmu #19

    Proč nemůže člověk s myšlením technika budovat úspěšnou firmu #19

    V 19. epizodě podcastu Marketingové minuty se věnuji tomu, proč podle mého názoru nemůže člověk s myšlením technika vybudovat dlouhodobě úspěšnou firmu, pokud se nezmění. A co jsou nejzákladnější problémy a chyby, na kterých je třeba pracovat, aby změna byla možná.

    [01:07] Stručné připomenutí na začátek - kdo je podle Michaela E. Gerbera technik?
    [01:30] Každá firma potřebuje pro svůj rozvoj tři typy lidí, tři typy osobností.
    [02:53] Problém nastává, když se čirý technik bez uvažování nad dalšími dvěma potřebnými osobnostmi rozhodne založit firmu.
    [04:01] Znalosti a dovednosti pro budování firmy jsou naprosto jiné, než které potřebujete, abyste uspěli v nějaké odborné činnosti.
    [05:39] Nelze očekávat od zaměstnanců, že si sami stanoví pravidla a nastaví procesy.
    [06:47] Problém číslo 2:  Technici jsou posedlí produktem místo zákazníkem.
    [09:29] Problém číslo 3: Technici v roli majitelů firem jsou posedlí produktem místo budování funkčního firemního systému.
    [10:24] Pokud budujete firmu s tím, že nebude hned po vývoji produktu určená k prodeji nebo že vás dokonce má firma živit až do důchodu, stavba systému pro fungování a řízení firmy by vás měla zajímat úplně stejně jako produkt samotný. Nebo možná ještě trochu víc.
    [11:25] Ve chvíli, kdy u majitele firmy - technika dojde k prozření,  co všechno vlastně zahrnuje budování firmy, nastávají zpravidla dvě situace.
    [12:24] Poučení na závěr
    [13:46] To je pro dnešek vše. Nezapomeňte díl sdílet, lajkovat či přidat komentář. A pokud se vám náš podcast líbí, přihlaste se k jeho odběru.
    [13:59] Chcete-li vědět víc o tom, co v Brand Hubu děláme, navštivte https://brandhub.cz.

    Odkaz na statistiky Českého statistického úřadu, které jsem zmínil v této epizodě: https://vdb.czso.cz/vdbvo2/faces/cs/index.jsf?page=vystup-objekt&pvokc=&katalog=33675&pvo=ORGD001D&z=T

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    Tři osobnosti v každém podnikateli #17

    Tři osobnosti v každém podnikateli #17

    Dnešní, sedmnáctý díl Marketingových minut bude o třech osobnostech, které třímají prakticky v každém podnikateli. A které se perou o své místo na slunci (rozumějte v hlavě a v činnostech podnikatele).

    [01:30] Tři osobnosti v těle každého podnikatele jsou technik, manažer a podnikatel (vizionář).
    [02:34] Existence a nevyváženost těchto tří osobností prakticky v každém podnikateli nám způsobuje mnoho problémů. A je jedním z hlavních důvodů, proč tolik firem nepřežije své první roky.
    [04:24] Být špičkový specialista na sociální sítě neznamená, že se vám povede vybudovat úspěšnou digitální agenturu.
    [06:03] Dobře nastavené procesy a vytvořené systémy mají zajistit adekvátní využití potřebného technického know-how tak, aby firma nemusela stát na špičkových odbornících.
    [07:47] Klíčové úkoly a způsoby fungování firmy by jednoznačně měly být nastaveny.
    [09:05] Ve chvíli, kdy vedení firmy chceme opustit úplně a užívat si zasloužený život rentiéra a majitele firmy bez nějaké výkonné funkce, by vše mělo být již nastaveno tak, že majitel ve firmě není potřeba vůbec.
    [09:51] Poučení na závěr.
    [10:27] To je pro dnešek vše. Nezapomeňte díl sdílet, lajkovat či přidat komentář. A pokud se vám náš podcast líbí, přihlaste se k jeho odběru.
    [10:41] Chcete-li vědět víc o tom, co v Brand Hubu děláme, navštivte https://brandhub.cz.

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    • Jaká témata vás zajímají? O čem by měl Michal mluvit? Nechte nám prosím své tipy v komentářích.
    • Jak se vám líbila tato epizoda? Ať již ano, či ne, zanechte nám prosím krátkou recenzi. Pomůže nám tvořit pro vás lepší a hodnotnější obsah.

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    The E-Myth | Ep 1

    The E-Myth | Ep 1

    In this episode, we discuss the entrepreneurial myth of small businesses.
    Our inspiration comes from The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber.
    Gerber says, “People who are exceptionally good in business aren’t so because of what they know but because of their insatiable need to know more”.

    This book identifies the 3 key roles that exist in all businesses and discusses the percentage of each where the owner/operator usually spends their time.  It talks about the Entrepreneurial  Seizure and the evolution of most small businesses.   The E-Myth Revisited forces you to think about the business as a whole, rather than just the parts that interest you or come easily to you.   If you are tired, exhausted, frustrated, or confused by your business,  maybe it’s time to look at your business through a whole new lens. 

    Follow us:
    Paradigm Playbook

    #34: Building a Buyable Business with Joe Newton

    #34: Building a Buyable Business with Joe Newton

    In this episode, we get to discuss building a buyable business with Joe Newton!

    Joe is a business process consultant who works with companies in industries ranging from construction to real estate, to educational services. He is also a gifted connector who loves using his experience, skills, and relationships to empower and develop other entrepreneurs and business owners to advance the Kingdom of God. He endeavors to epitomize excellence, integrity, and joy in everything he does.

    Aside from consulting, Joe is a licensed real estate broker, investor, and co-host of The Eternal Entrepreneur Podcast, a podcast focused on helping entrepreneurs find freedom through partnering with God in their business. His vision is to empower 10,000 business leaders to partner with God and run profitable businesses. Joe currently lives in Allen, TX, with his amazing wife and toddler.

    In this episode, we go through how to start growing and scaling your business with God’s help and how to bring your business to where you want it to be through documented systems and processes.

    Feel free to follow more from Joe at www.eijsystems.com/biblicalbusiness and schedule a free consultation with him there if you’d like!

    Resources mentioned in this podcast:

    Biblical Business Leaders Facebook Group

    If you'd like to watch this on Youtube click here! Feel free to check out our podcast site at www.biblicalbusinessleaders.com

    God Bless!

    Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/F-fNlKIPIhU

    Michael E. Gerber, Author of "E-Myth": Small Business & Leadership Communication

    Michael E. Gerber, Author of "E-Myth": Small Business & Leadership Communication

    Communication starts with yourself. On today’s episode Michael E. Gerber explains the difference between working for yourself and building a business around what you do. Laura and Michael discuss the common mistakes most small businesses make when it comes to communicating their offers to the world and how Michael’s Eightfold Path helps you go from a company of one to one thousand. They also discuss how to shift from communicating about your business to communicating like a leader.

    Michael E. Gerber is the author of the NY Times mega-bestseller, for two consecutive decades, "The E-Myth Revisited" and nine other worldwide best-selling E-Myth books concerning small business entrepreneurship, leadership, and management.


    You can learn more about Michael and his work here: https://www.michaelegerbercompanies.com/

    You find the books mentioned on today's episode here: https://www.amazon.com/Michael-E.-Gerber/e/B001I9OR5G


    Download Laura’s list of recommended equipment to optimize your personal and professional brand on video here: https://www.speakingtoinfluence.com/equipment


    To learn more about Dr. Laura Sicola and how mastering influence can impact your success go to https://www.speakingtoinfluence.com/quickstart and download the quick start guide for mastering the three C’s of influence.


    You can connect with Laura in the following ways:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drlaurasicola

    LinkedIn Business Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vocal-impact-productions/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWri2F_hhGQpMcD97DctJwA

    Facebook: Vocal Impact Productions

    Twitter: @Laura Sicola 

    Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vocalimpactproductions

    Instagram: @VocalImpactProductions

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    How To Build A Successful Law Practice

    How To Build A Successful Law Practice

    Could your practice do with a shake up? Are your business processes lacking somewhat? Today we’re jumping back in time to when Jack was a guest on the Michael Cowen show. 

    Jack has built up his personal injury law practice to include three main offices and 17 lawyers in two different states. How has he been able to do this? 

    He shares his story with Michael, including his experience of running a firm and practicing law, as well as the practicalities of running a firm across state lines. Listeners will learn the many tips and tactics he found effective in scaling his practice, and some of the more important processes they follow internally that have allowed them to grow from a small to mid and now larger size firm.

    “I think a lot of people, especially attorneys, think that doing personal injury law is a quick buck. And they soon realise, man, this is a lot of work. Yeah, a lot of risk.”

    So pull up a chair, grab a pencil and paper, you’re going to want to take notes. 

    From waiting tables to personal injury lawyer

    “My dad owned a restaurant. I grew up washing dishes, cooking, waiting tables, bartending, which was great training for being a trial lawyer and learning how to talk to people.”

    Now, when he hires new lawyers, one of the experiences Jack looks for on their resume is waiting tables. 

    “I find that people who wait tables give good service, even when they're being unreasonable.”

    The influence of the e-myth

    Jack didn’t rely on consultants to help him grow his business; instead, he invested his time in reading as many books as possible early in his career. The one he credits for giving him the idea to plan how he wanted to grow the firm was the E-myth. 

    “I started off by drawing an org chart for what the firm would be like when we had 30 lawyers, who would be in charge of HR, finance, marketing. And then I worked my way backwards from there to where I was then.”

    At the same time he focused on the core principles he wanted the firm to be about, while also making sure he still practised law. 

    “I didn't want to become a CEO or a business guy… The reason I like doing personal injury work is you get to help people and work with clients.”

    How to get cases for his firm while growing it

    In the beginning, Jack built a referral network of attorneys who sent him cases. He told them to send him everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. He says this took about a year to pay off. 

    Jack also had a rule that he had to attend two networking events a week. A rule he still insists on with his team of attorneys today. 

    Hire great people

    A law firm is only as good as the people. 

    “We're very analytical in our approach. It all starts with having a great team. Something that it took me a long time to figure out is that who you hire is usually the most important decision you can make.”

    His theory is that if you have a bad business system but great people, you will succeed. If you hire bad people but have a great business system, you’re going to fail. 

    And you don’t need to hire people who have lots of experience, you just need them to be organized. To get them up to speed with how you work, hire a training and development attorney.

    The power of habit

    “We found the software in our processes and checklists help build the habits that lead to success... greatness is built by doing the right thing every single day.”

    One of Jack’s firm’s core principles is ‘excellence always’, which means they don't do a great job some of the time, they do a great job all the time.

    They do a thing called a ‘litigation strategy memo’ before they follow any lawsuit. They’ve learned that if they plan it out early, the deposition goes much better when you know where you're going. 

    Don’t take unscheduled phone calls

    Finally, says Jack, don’t take unscheduled phone calls. Coach your attorneys to step away from their phones and not check email constantly. 

    “We tell our attorneys to turn off their computer monitors when they're having an important conversation with the client, because you'll be distracted and not even know it.”

    He’s also a big believer in willpower: 

    “You've got to set yourself up for success by setting the atmosphere that you want in order to be successful.”

    On today’s podcast:

    • Building up the firm
    • Learning business processes from The E-myth
    • Hire great people
    • What to look for on a resume
    • The power of habit
    • His core principles


    Make it Happen with Sharon Brown

    Make it Happen with Sharon Brown
    Enjoy our latest costawomen.com interview with Sharon Brown of revivalsanctuary.co.ukSharon used a negative experience to create a positive outcome and launch her own business networking community. Sharon shares some of her tips to creating a community and how to get engagementWe look at the power tools you can use for your business including testimonials, patience and consistency, building long term relationships for your business networkingSharon also share her favourite business book - E-Myth by Michael Gerber. The best piece of advice she has ever been given and a special offer for joining RevivalSanctuary wherever you are in the worldAnd if you want to register your interest for the retreats, click on the MO-2-VATE Retreat button on the website homepageConnect with Sharon here:-https://www.linkedin.com/in/lydianevents/https://www.facebook.com/Lydianinspire/https://twitter.com/LydianInspirehttps://www.instagram.com/lydian_inspire/https://www.pinterest.es/LydianInspire/Support the show

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    Starting Your New Business: The Checklist Every First Time Business Owner Needs

    Starting Your New Business: The Checklist Every First Time Business Owner Needs
    This is the premier podcast episode of Startup Daddy.  In this episode I talk about my entrepreneurial path, and how I made the leap from unhappy employee to financially independent home based business owner. In this episode you’ll also find: The basics of starting a business A checklist to get you started The 2 books […]

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