
    easy bake coven podcast

    Explore "easy bake coven podcast" with insightful episodes like "Episode 99: Mutant Wolves vs Rabid Coyotes", "Episode 98: Robert Hansen - The Butcher Baker of Alaska", "Episode 95: A Package from Bonefield", "Episode 94: Escaping Dee Dee : Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Fight for Freedom" and "Episode 91: On the Record, Go F*** Yourself" from podcasts like ""Easy Bake Coven", "Easy Bake Coven", "Easy Bake Coven", "Easy Bake Coven" and "Easy Bake Coven"" and more!

    Episodes (29)

    Episode 99: Mutant Wolves vs Rabid Coyotes

    Episode 99: Mutant Wolves vs Rabid Coyotes

    It's a dog eat dog world out there, folks. And the proof is in the pudding because this week we're talking about rabid coyotes and mutant wolves. The former are biting hikers, while the latter just may be saving the world from cancer. You can thank Chernobyl for that. (Actually, thank science.) Sadly, not everyone is so advanced. Texas hands out a measly 180-day jail sentence for a husband-induced abortion. Parents are dealt the swift hand of justice on behalf of their children's deadly choices, and a 12-year-old boy is failed by counselors at a North Carolina therapy camp. Heavy. On the lighter side, fire demons appear in Chile, ghosts of grandmas past appear in nurseries and Rachel Dolezal is grifting on Only Fans. Saved the scariest for last. There's all that and more in this week's news update. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 98: Robert Hansen - The Butcher Baker of Alaska

    Episode 98: Robert Hansen - The Butcher Baker of Alaska

    On July 17, 1980, electrical workers outside of Anchorage uncovered the badly decomposed body of a woman buried in a shallow grave. She became known as Eklutna Annie and was the first in a series of murders to sweep across Southcentral Alaska. Sex workers started disappearing at an alarming rate. Was there a serial killer on the loose or were these vulnerable young women simply choosing to move on? As the bodies started to pile up and shell casings from a .223 rifle appeared at every crime scene, it was clear a deranged man with a lust for blood was on the loose. That man was Robert Hansen, the town baker. With a long history of arson, theft and abduction under his belt, Hansen was no stranger to darkness. His deep-seated resentment toward women resulted in a slew of gruesome murders that continue to haunt the Matanuska Valley to this day. We'll discuss Hansen's past, uncover how he was so easily able to murder so many women and memorialize the victims who tragically lost their lives to a monster. This one hits a little too close to home for Elise. It's a long walk home through the dark Alaskan night. Happy haunting! 

    Episode 95: A Package from Bonefield

    Episode 95: A Package from Bonefield

    It's happening, Coven. Aliens are finally making their presence known - or at least that's how it seems in this latest news update! We've got UFO sightings, alien shadows and panels blowing off airplanes. Just kidding - that one was totally a human error, and we're all the more terrified because of it. This week, we're talking about proof of the afterlife, violent offenders using Spiderman tactics to attack judges and bear sightings in India and Halee's backyard. Best of all, we'll take a walk down memory lane to revisit our very own Desperate Housewives moment with the mailman. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 94: Escaping Dee Dee : Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Fight for Freedom

    Episode 94: Escaping Dee Dee : Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Fight for Freedom

    In 2015, Gypsy Rose Blanchard had reached her breaking point. She’d spent the last 24 years under the thumb of her mother Dee Dee, taking countless medications she was told would heal her. And her ailments were many : muscular dystrophy,  leukemia, mental incompetency and more all plagued Gypsy from a young age. Or did they? A victim of Munchausen by Proxy, Gypsy was forced to ride in a wheelchair when she could walk just fine, had her salivary glands removed for no reason at all and had a feeding tube surgically inserted for a supposed “fear of eating,” all at the hands of her mother. Attempts to run away failed her, until only the most extreme scenario provided escape - kill Dee Dee. This week, we’ll expose the abuse that brought Gypsy face to face with a life or death decision, the aftermath of her choices and the life she’s trying to lead now. Sometimes, mother doesn’t always know best. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 91: On the Record, Go F*** Yourself

    Episode 91: On the Record, Go F*** Yourself

    Happy Friday, Coven! It was a strange week in the world and a strange week for news. From a vanishing bride, to a man transcending dimensions, to tornados lifting babies into trees, this episode runs the gamut in weirdness. We have true crime updates, including the abusive mormon mommy blogger entering a plea deal, and criminal charges for the douchey wannabe influencer who allegedly killed his wife and her parents. Some things never change as everyone's favorite daytime TV host Maury Povich is back to his old antics (but this time in a cute way?) and the government is once again trying to hide the truth about DB Cooper. Amidst all this cosmic weirdness we also found reasons to celebrate- bigfoot has finally been caught on camera, and twilight is getting a reboot! Tune in to hear all of this and more on this week's episode of all things odd and fascinating in the news! 

    Episode 89: Not Business As Usual

    Episode 89: Not Business As Usual

    There's some turbulence in the skies this week, Coven. An unexpected emergency has turned the world upside down and taken the podcast with it. Your two favorite witches are down to one and she's trying to her damndest to make the news interesting all on her own. We'll talk about another bear attack, bring you up to speed on that pedophile from American Airlines and uncover the not-so-shocking truth about the CIA's involvement with UFOs. It's not the same without Halee, but distance makes the heart grow fonder. She'll be back on her broomstick in no time, dazzling us with her devilish charm and wit. Until then, Lisey's gonna try to do the business. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 86: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

    Episode 86: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should

    Mirror, mirror on the wall, is the matrix real after all? The answer is yes. We’re all living in a simulation, and we have proof thanks to one soon-to-be bride. It’s not the only thing giving us the ick this week. We’ll discover that Teslas can see ghosts, film lights can melt airplane windows and farting dogs can get you a $1400 refund from your airline. That last one wasn’t exactly icky - we both agree we’d love a dog next to us on a long flight, flatulence be damned. We’ll walk the red carpet at a funeral, uncover fiends in famous Shakespearean paintings, and dig into the surprisingly low-profile Hollywood exec who seemingly murdered his wife and left her body in trash bags. We’ll learn controlling lucid dreams is on the horizon and ask the age-old question, “Yes, but should it be?” I mean, have you seen Inception? There’s all that and more in this week’s news recap! Happy Haunting!

    Episode 85: Casey Anthony : The Most Hated Mother in America

    Episode 85: Casey Anthony : The Most Hated Mother in America

    In 2008, George and Cindy Anthony were worried about their two-year-old granddaughter Caylee. They hadn't seen her in 31 days, and their daughter Casey was being cagey. When Casey's car showed up in a tow yard, along with Caylee's carseat and the distinct smell of human decomposition, they demanded answers. Casey said a nanny named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzales had taken her, but her story was fraught with lies. Authorities became involved, and the search for Caylee was on. But one person stood in the way of uncovering the truth : her mother, Casey Anthony. Void of tears, Casey changed her story time and time again, going so far as to point the finger at her own father. This media frenzy of a case rocked the nation, breaking the hearts of people near and far. We'll untangle Casey's web of lies and uncover chilling details that are hard to believe. Plus, we'll discuss a haunting detail missed by the prosecution that may have changed the outcome all together. Tune in to find out why Casey Anthony truly is the most hated mother in America. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 82: This One’s a Hoot

    Episode 82: This One’s a Hoot

    There’s never a dull moment in the world of the paranormal and true crime. This week, we’ll bring the best of the worst to you and yours. Funeral homes forget where dead bodies go, clowns haunt unsuspecting Scottish countrysides and witch doctors set swarms of bees on thieves. We’ll discuss whether Bigfoot has been found once and for all,  glowing UFOs that were seen in the light of day and potato shaped asteroids made of metal. Halee nearly meets her maker when an “owl” threatens to beam her up. Hell, that sounds more like a promise than a threat! There’s all that and more in this week’s news wrap up. Happy haunting! 

    Episode 76: Digging up Dirt on Daddy Vladdy

    Episode 76: Digging up Dirt on Daddy Vladdy

    We've made the executive decision to start Spooky Season early on EBC, because let's face it, it's always Spooky Season around here! We're kicking things off by getting down and dirty with one of Halloween's OG monsters : the vampire! He's hungry for blood, shape shifting on the reg and can't help but count grains of rice...? There's a lot we don't know about these creatures of the night, and we're going to dig into it all. We'll draw inspiration from vampiric queens like Sekhmet and Lilith, and unearth bloody tales from around the globe. The strigoi from Romania, adze from Africa and nukekubi from Japan are sure to turn heads (and maybe even fly away with them!) Of course we'll get into Bram Stoker's Dracula and uncover the blood thirsty tyrant who inspired it all : Vlad the Impaler, aka Daddy Vladdy. Who knows what horrors await us in year's first Halloween episode. Hold on tight, Spider Monkey! You're in for a real treat. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 72: Witches are Snitches : Solving the Murder of Martha Brailsford

    Episode 72: Witches are Snitches : Solving the Murder of Martha Brailsford

    Witches on broomsticks and true crime, we're smitten. Historical coastlines and testimonies rewritten. Guilty ol' verdicts all tied up in string, these are a few of our favorite things! And it just so happens they're all in this episode! It's the Sound of True Crime here, folks! We're heading to Salem, MA to uncover the murder of Martha Brailsford, a beloved local artist and interior decorator who befriended neighbor Thomas Maimoni, a man who wasn't who he seemed. Best of all, we'll meet the Official Witch of Salem, Laurie Cabot, who solves the mystery and brings justice to the town of Salem. Hold on to your sails! You just never know when a rogue wave may knock you right overboard. Happy haunting! 

    Episode 63 : The Killer Bear of Sankebetsu

    Episode 63 : The Killer Bear of Sankebetsu

    Bears are scary. Big teeth, sharp claws and a smelly disposition make for bad company. But not all bears are out to get you - sometimes you just get in their way! And then there’s the predatory bears, the kind who watch you from the shadows and stalk your every move. Like Kesagake, the legendary Ussuri brown bear who brutally murdered eight Japanese women and children in 1915. This horrifying story is fit for the big screen with a gunslinging alcoholic bear hunter who seeks revenge against his old furry nemesis after families are torn apart by Kesagake’s sharp claws. Tonight, we’ll uncover the mistakes made in the small village along the Sankebetsu River and follow the snowy trail of the most notorious Ussuri bear to stalk the forests of Hokkaido. We’ll dig into the differences between brown and black bears, discuss what to do if you happen to come face to face with one and learn from Elise’s close encounters with Grizzlies in Alaska. This episode is not for the faint of heart. Grab your wine and your bear spray because this one’s a doozy. Happy haunting!

    Episode 60 : Five Days in the Bush with Kimmy

    Episode 60 : Five Days in the Bush with Kimmy

    We're going down under in this babysode, from the Bush of Australia to the murky depths of the Florida Keys, we're bringing all the latest and greatest news, the spooky and the quirky. We'll discover that it's never too late to have the wedding of your dreams, standing room only can have deadly consequences and you really can survive on wine and candy alone. Hallelujah! We may even prove the existence of Bigfoot. Tune in to find out. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 57 : A Holiday Spooky Hour

    Episode 57 : A Holiday Spooky Hour

    Happy December, coven! This week we share with you a potpourri of delight and horror as we sample some spooky victorian stories, and learn about some real life Bad Santas. Elise also delights us with another original composition from her high school days, this time with a little holiday magic sprinkled in. Join us as we bring back the Victorian tradition of telling ghost stories at Christmas, and tune in for an important podcast announcement. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 56 : A Tale of 23 Pies and Funeral Potatoes

    Episode 56 : A Tale of 23 Pies and Funeral Potatoes

    Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving, Coven! We're taking a little time for ourselves this week and cooling it on the research front. In the spirit of the season, we're chatting about our favorite Thanksgiving foods, traditions and the things we're most grateful for. So as you unwind from your food comas and maybe score a Black Friday deal or two, know that we're so thankful for you tuning in every week. We couldn't do it without you. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 52 : Spooky Hour - Halloween Haunts!

    Episode 52 : Spooky Hour - Halloween Haunts!

    Coven, we can't believe it's been a year! Celebrate Halloween and our very first anniversary during our latest and greatest Spooky Hour! We're covering all kinds of creepy stories for your haunted pleasure - a ghost sitting beside a young girl sleeping, a woman with inexplicable bruises at her mother's new house, a trick-or-treat murder and a ghost who joined a campfire barbecue. If you're looking for some haunting inspiration, tune in to this one-hour tour filled with cookies, candy and a side order of goosebumps. Light your candles, grab your wine and cuddle in for this celebration of our favorite time of year. Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 42 : Elisa Lam & The Infamous Cecil Hotel

    Episode 42 : Elisa Lam & The Infamous Cecil Hotel

    When the bizarrely haunting video of Elisa Lam in the elevator of the Cecil Hotel was released in 2013, folks across the country were intrigued. But the strange and tragic history of the Cecil goes back far beyond 2013, nearly 100 years to its opening in 1924. This week Halee takes us through the storied hotel's very troubling past. From unsolved murders, to serial killer tenants, to douchey ghost hunters... this hotel has seen it all. The hotel's tragic past culminated in the seemingly mysterious disappearance of Elisa Lam in 2013, which we'll try our best to get to the bottom of. Before things get too dark, Elise delights us with a delicious treat- from scratch! Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 40 : Crazy in Love- Jodi Arias & Travis Alexander

    Episode 40 : Crazy in Love- Jodi Arias & Travis Alexander

    It's September 2006, outside the Rainforest Cafe on the strip in Vegas- can you imagine a more romantic setting for love at first sight? Travis Alexander- the young, naive, Mormon- spots Jodi Arias- the alleged 'sex kitten'- for the first time. What followed was a year and half long affair, which can only be described as absolutely bat shit insane. This week we learn a cautionary tale of what happens when you ignore red flags, blindly follow purity culture, and get involved in pyramid schemes. The long and short of it is that it ends badly for everyone! Tune in for the heartbreaking and infuriating story of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander. At the end of the episode, we're joined by a special guest to celebrate an important milestone with a little something sweet. 
    Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 38 : Where Nightmares Come True - A Listener Story

    Episode 38 : Where Nightmares Come True - A Listener Story

    Please ensure your seatbelts are securely fastened, as this week's listener story is about to take you on a wild ride. This week we interview our wonderful friend and listener Alyssa, who worked for a certain *magical* theme park for many years, and saw many strange things. From haunted hotels, to ghostly staff members who never got to clock out from their final shift, she shares the haunted goings on of one of America's favorite destinations. She makes a strong case for getting mixed up in the magic of ouija boards- will Halee be convinced to give it a shot? Before we wrap up, Alyssa shares what we both agree is the most compelling evidence of a ghost we've ever seen... this is one you're not going to want to miss! 

    Happy Haunting! 

    Episode 36 : Fiery Innocence

    Episode 36 : Fiery Innocence

    All's well that ends well, and suffice to say Halee's trip to Scotland did not end well at all. We're coming to you live from across the pond to give some life updates and throw together a half-assed episode to keep your interests piqued. We feel pretty proud we showed up at all as shit pretty much hit the fan. Halee will share her story (the scariest we've ever told on the podcast) and we'll read aloud some listener submissions. To finish it up, Elise will share a spooky short story written in 11th grade. "Fiery Innocence" is sure to be a hit. Watch out Steven King, Elise is coming for you. Happy Haunting! 


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