
    effective communication skills

    Explore " effective communication skills" with insightful episodes like "Delivering Bad News To Staff - Make Difficult Conversations Easier", "‫‫المهارات المنسية لتنمية حياتك المهنية‬‎ الحلقة السابعة", "Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies to Manage Stress & Take Control | Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 4 Pt. 1", "Level Up your Career – Building your Project Management career" and "What Are We Hiding Beneath Our Abstractions?" from podcasts like ""Enhance.training", "قهوة عصام", "Taiwanica", "Level Up Your Career with APMG International" and "Monologues By Hasi"" and more!

    Episodes (8)

    Delivering Bad News To Staff - Make Difficult Conversations Easier

    Delivering Bad News To Staff - Make Difficult Conversations Easier

    Delivering bad news to staff is definitely one of the hardest jobs of being a manager. There is nothing nice about delivering bad news to employees and team members

    I explain exactly what to do when giving bad news to employees - during and after sharing bad news.

    Delivering bad news to your team at work is going to provoke an emotional response from multiple people. Before delivering bad news get your own emotions under control and rehearse how you are going to handle emotional outbursts. 

    How to deliver bad news starts with what not to do. Don’t go through pleasantries, take time for small talk, or take ages building yourself up to deliver bad news. 

    Research from the medical profession shows that the number one factor to how your message will be received is the news-giver’s attitude. Focus on making giving bad news to employees all about them not about you.

    Exactly how to deliver bad news to employees I explain in the video in three simple steps. A critical part of communication skills is how you manage your tone of voice and body language. To have effective communication skills, you must be aware of these and be able to control them appropriately. 

    Before you give bad news understand why you are giving the bad news. Then you are able to answer questions effectively, openly, and honestly. All key when having difficult conversations.

    Another big part of how to deliver bad news at work is to manage the emotions of the receipts of the bad news. Allow them to vent and show their emotions. Be empathetic by showing your emotions but stay neutral. Don’t allow those you are giving bad news to start debating decisions they can’t change or influence. 

    Another vital part of giving bad news to staff is what happens after the bad news. Bad news usually creates uncertainty. How are you going to create as much certainty in the situation going forward. What is your vision for future and how are you going to share this.

    If  you have any questions on “Delivering Bad News To Staff - Make Difficult Conversations Easier”, please eamil me at enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles



    ‫‫المهارات المنسية لتنمية حياتك المهنية‬‎ الحلقة السابعة

    ‫‫المهارات المنسية لتنمية حياتك المهنية‬‎ الحلقة السابعة
    1. **التعلم والتطوير:** - يُركز النقاش على أهمية الجهد الذاتي في التعلم، مع التأكيد على أن الفرد يجب أن يكون مبادرًا في البحث والاستفادة من الموارد المتاحة لتحقيق التطور الذاتي. 2. **أهمية الإقناع:** - يتم التأكيد على أن الإقناع مهارة ضرورية في جميع جوانب الحياة، وليس فقط في السياقات الكبيرة، مشيرًا إلى أن الإقناع ينطوي على القدرة على تقديم الأفكار بطريقة تحفز الآخرين على الاستجابة بإيجابية. 3. **التعاطف والفهم:** - يُشدد على أهمية القدرة على وضع النفس مكان الآخرين لفهم وجهات نظرهم واحتياجاتهم، مما يُعد عنصرًا أساسيًا في تحقيق الإقناع الفعّال. 4. **اختيار الوقت المناسب (كيروس):** - يُناقش الأهمية الحاسمة لاختيار اللحظة المناسبة في تقديم الأفكار أو الطلبات، موضحًا أن التوقيت يمكن أن يؤثر بشكل كبير على فعالية الرسالة. 5. **أدوات الإقناع:** - يتناول النص الأساليب والتقنيات المختلفة التي يمكن استخدامها لإقناع الآخرين، بما في ذلك الاستفادة من المنطق (لوغوس)، الصدق والأخلاق (إيثوس)، والعواطف (باثوس). ### ملخصات النقاط: 1. **التعلم والتطوير:** - يُعتبر الجهد الذاتي والمبادرة في البحث واستخدام الموارد المتاحة حجر الأساس للتطور والنمو الشخصي. 2. **أهمية الإقناع:** - تُعد مهارة الإقناع ضرورية للتأثير بشكل إيجابي على الآخرين وتحقيق الأهداف، سواء في الحياة الشخصية أو المهنية. 3. **التعاطف والفهم:** - يُعد القدرة على فهم الآخرين والنظر إلى الأمور من وجهات نظرهم أساسيًا لبناء التواصل الفعّال والإقناع. 4. **اختيار الوقت المناسب (كيروس):** - تُظهر أهمية الاختيار الدقيق للوقت في تقديم الأفكار، حيث يمكن للتوقيت المناسب أن يعزز بشكل كبير من فعالية الرسالة ويحقق نتائج إيجابية. 5. **أدوات الإقناع:** - يُوضح النص كيفية استخدام أدوات الإقناع المختلفة بطريقة متوازنة وفعّالة لتحقيق الأهداف المرجوة، مع التأكيد على أهمية الأخلاق والصدق في الإقناع. هذه الخريطة الذهنية تعطي نظرة عامة على المواضيع الرئيسية المناقشة في النص وتسلط الضوء على أهمية الإقناع والتعلم المستمر في تحقيق التطور الشخصي والمهني.

    Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies to Manage Stress & Take Control | Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 4 Pt. 1

    Overcoming Overwhelm: Strategies to Manage Stress & Take Control | Taiwanica Podcast S2 EP 4 Pt. 1


    Feeling overwhelmed by the daily grind? Join Anita and Eric on Taiwanica Podcast as they share invaluable strategies to conquer stress, prioritize tasks, and regain control. Discover practical advice and expert insights to navigate overwhelming situations effectively! Tune in now for actionable tips and a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

    感到日常生活壓力重重?快來收聽台灣探索 Podcast 最新一集,Anita 和 Eric 將分享無價的策略,幫助您克服壓力、優先處理任務,重新掌控生活。即刻加入,探索可行的建議和專家見解,有效應對壓力情境!現在就收聽,獲得可行的貼士,追求更健康、更平衡的生活方式。

    Taiwanica Podcast's latest episode is about Anita and Eric discussing practical strategies to overcome overwhelm in daily life. Discover key takeaways, including tips on managing stress, prioritizing tasks, and achieving a work-life balance. Learn how to combat overwhelm with actionable steps and insightful discussions on maintaining mental clarity. 

    在Taiwanica Podcast 最新一集中,Anita 和 Eric 將討論實用的策略,幫助您克服日常生活中的壓力。發現五大關鍵要點,包括管理壓力、優先處理任務和實現工作與生活的平衡。了解如何以可行的步驟應對壓力,以及如何保持心智清晰。加入我們,探索專家見解,以及如何有效地應對壓力的實用建議!

    Join us for expert insights and practical advice on navigating overwhelming situations effectively!

    Here are 5 Key Takeaways:

    1. Practical strategies for managing overwhelm in daily life.
    2. Tips on prioritizing tasks and achieving a work-life balance.
    3. Insights on combating stress and maintaining mental clarity.
    4. Expert advice on taking control and overcoming overwhelming situations.
    5. Actionable steps to tackle stress and anxiety effectively.

    這裡有 5 個主要要點:

    1. 日常生活中管理壓力的實用策略。
    2. 關於優先處理任務和實現工作與生活平衡的提示。
    3. 對抗壓力並保持心智清晰的見解。
    4. 控制局面和戰勝壓力的專家建議。
    5. 應對壓力和焦慮的可行步驟。
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    W/ Eric

    W/ Anita

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    Level Up your Career – Building your Project Management career

    Level Up your Career – Building your Project Management career
    APMG International presents our popular weekly panel Q&A show. Episode 196 is about building your Project Management career. Hosted by Nick Houlton and Question Master Charlotte Miller. Answering your questions are Sian Ferguson, Richard Campbell, Luca Gambetti, John Millar, and Nick Dobson.

    What Are We Hiding Beneath Our Abstractions?

    What Are We Hiding Beneath Our Abstractions?

    Want to listen to more episodes? Visit **https://www.monologuesbyhasi.com/** or subscribe on your favourite podcast app.

    To get in touch and leave me your 2c or ideas you'd like me to discuss in a future episode email me at hasi@monologuesbyhasi.com or reach me on twitter @realHasinthaA.

    My intro and outro music are courtesy of Max Maikon and the Youtube Audio Library. Full credits are as follows:

    Track: Equilibrium — Max Maikon [Audio Library Release]

    Music provided by Audio Library Plus


    *Free Download / Stream:**https://alplus.io/equilibrium***

    Episode 28 - You Are Not Alone

    Episode 28 - You Are Not Alone

    In today's episode, we delve into the real-life experiences and challenges that come with relationships. 

    Whether you're in a romantic partnership, a friendship, or any other type of relationship, it's normal to experience struggles from time to time. 

    In this episode, I will be sharing my personal story of how I navigated through difficulties with my partner and family.

    But that's not all! I'm also going to be talking about one specific thing that made a huge impact on our relationship and helped us overcome these struggles. 

    This tool has been transformative for my family and I believe it has the potential to do the same for you. 

    So, whether you're looking to strengthen your current relationship or just want to improve your communication skills, this episode is a must-listen!

    So grab your headphones and get ready to learn, grow, and take your relationships to the next level. 

    It's time to dive deep into the struggles of relationships and discover the one thing that can move us one step into the right direction.

    Hope you enjoy!

    Support the show

    Follow Us Here:

    Web: https://elatedyou.com.au
    Instagram: @elated_you
    Facebook: @elatedyou
    Tiktok: @elated_you

    S1 Ep. 10: Communication & Dealing With Sensitive Issues

    S1 Ep. 10: Communication & Dealing With Sensitive Issues

    Do you sometimes find yourself in difficult conversations where the other person disagrees with what's true for them? You can improve your communication skills by learning to convey your thoughts and read expressions when dealing with sensitive issues or difficult people.

    Tune in if just like us - having these types of discussions can be nerve-wracking! We talked about personal experiences wherein we struggled to verbalize our feelings and what we have found helpful when talking things over.


    Reference Material: Three Steps for Effective Communication and Dealing with Sensitive Issues by Steven G. Mehta, ESQ.


    Have questions or concerns? We’d love to hear from you. Email: taraletstalkpodcast@gmail.com

    If you enjoyed this episode, please give us some love by rating or reviewing our show on iTunes or Spotify.

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    Taralets Talk is sponsored by Disenyo.co LLC | DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent or reflect the official policy, opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Disenyo.co LLC and its employees. 

    Taralets Talk is sponsored by Disenyo.co LLC:

    DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints expressed by the hosts and guests on this podcast do not necessarily represent or reflect the official policy, opinions, beliefs, and viewpoints of Disenyo.co LLC and its employees. 





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    09. Part 2. Healthy co-creative relationships. Co-create a life by design!

    09. Part 2. Healthy co-creative relationships. Co-create a life by design!

    So glad you're here. Welcome to part two of healthy co-creative relationships.

    In this episode we expand and deep dive into our personal experiences  and the power of healthy relationships. We are passionate about CREATING A LIFE BY DESIGN in the relationships of our life.

    Jessica and Amanda share a whole wheelhouse of tools to use on a daily basis AND questions for you to ask yourself and go within to create or expand your healthy relationships.

    Often in finding who we are, a good place to start is to learn who we are not!  We share our beliefs that a good friendship is an important foundation to a healthy marriage/relationship. 

    Going through painful experiences with those we love are in fact painful, hard and  can be  very challenging; AND once you get to the other side of those times you can often bring out the best in each other.  When we can hold space for each other in a safe and loving way we create a container of safety and non-judgement. Don't know how to hold space for someone? We share how from our experiences.

    How are you showing up in your relationships? Are you giving what you want to receive?  What does your communication look like? Are you committed to listening to your partner vs. committed to misunderstanding them?  What brings you joy in your relationship? These are just a few areas we touch on. 

    This conversation was one of our favorites, as we are both passionate about healthy co-creative relationships.

    Where can you connect with us outside of this podcast?


    Amanda Joy Loveland
    Jessica Carnesecca Devenish
    Group: What is personal is universal
