
    el shaddai

    Explore " el shaddai" with insightful episodes like "Vayechi: God's Hidden Hand", "A Blessed Morning Prayer For God To Provide All That You Need and More (From Want To Plenty)", "Ein 'unglaubliches' Versprechen", "The attributes and character of God" and "God's Blessings Are Always On Time | A Daily Prayer For Provision That Will Bless You | El Shaddai" from podcasts like ""Into the Verse - A Parsha Podcast", "Daily Effective Prayer", "CGA Audio Podcast", "Core of the Bible" and "Daily Effective Prayer"" and more!

    Episodes (24)

    Vayechi: God's Hidden Hand

    Vayechi: God's Hidden Hand

    In Parshat Vayechi, Jacob remembers when the God of his ancestors, “El Shaddai,” appeared to him and promised a bright future for his descendants. But what about the times when his life didn’t seem to be going according to God’s plan? Is God still present in times of suffering? Join Rabbi David Fohrman and Beth Lesch as they explore the question of God’s presence in our lives.

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    Into the Verse is a project of Aleph Beta, a Torah media company dedicated to spreading the joy and love of meaningful Torah learning worldwide. If you’re enjoying this podcast, help support our work by subscribing to Aleph Beta.

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    A Blessed Morning Prayer For God To Provide All That You Need and More (From Want To Plenty)

    A Blessed Morning Prayer For God To Provide All That You Need and More (From Want To Plenty)

    A Blessed Morning Prayer For God To Provide All That You Need and More (From Want To Plenty)

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    The attributes and character of God

    The attributes and character of God

    1 - Creator of all. I believe that in the beginning of what we consider the universe and time, God created all things, and that all existence is therefore dependent upon God who is the Source and End of all things visible and invisible. He created man in His own image, which set man apart from the animal creation. 

    2 - Righteous and holy. God's commandments and laws define God's righteousness (that which is morally and truly right), and by obeying those laws we are imitating him and becoming more like him.

    3 - Compassionate, forgiving, and just. Exodus 34:6-7 Then Yahweh passed by in front of him [Moses] and proclaimed, "Yahweh, Yahweh God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave [the guilty] unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations."

    4 - The Most Powerful. The word Almighty literally means "most-powerful." Two of God's titles in Hebrew are El Shaddai, which is translated "God Almighty," and El Yon meaning "the Uppermost or Most High God."  The Bible has declared from ancient times that Yahweh is the Almighty and most powerful God of all, and the events outlined throughout the Bible relate how he demonstrated that by calling a people to himself, delivering them from their enemies, and fulfilling all that he had promised them through his own Son, the Messiah.

    5 - All-knowing and All-wise. God's wisdom is so far removed from our ability to comprehend its depths, we can only glean the revealed wisdom of God through the teachings of his prophets and his Messiah, the Anointed One.

    6 - Present everywhere at once. Since God is spirit, his presence is not limited to any one specific location. He has the innate ability to be present at all places at all times. Within his physical Creation, all things are limited by space and time, but the Bible hints to us that in the spiritual realm of God's existence, those limits do not exist.

    7 - His Name defines who he is. The root of the proper name for God comes from a Hebrew word meaning "(the) self-Existent" or "Eternal." In English, it roughly translates out to "I am" or "I always have been and will always be".

    8 - The Ultimate Authority. God truly is the sovereign power over everything that was created by him. We have already seen one of his titles, El Yon, means that he is the Most High God. He can rightfully expect complete loyalty, reverence and obedience.

    9 - Most importantly, God is love. Love really gets to the root of God's nature, and love is what He most wants to see in the character of His children. Therefore, it's no surprise that his greatest commandments are to love—to love God and to love people.


    Well, I hope this overview of the character of God brought you some concepts and ideas to meditate on and to study out further on your own. But remember, if you have thoughts or comments that you would like to explore further with me, feel free to email me at coreofthebible@gmail.com.

    Once again, thanks for joining me today! 


    All music in today's episode: Brittle Rille by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


    Visit the blog articles and full podcast archive at: coreofthebible.org

    Email questions or comments to Steve at: coreofthebible@gmail.com



    All music in today's episode: "Brittle Rille" by Kevin MacLeod

    Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3460-brittle-rille

    License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

    God's Blessings Are Always On Time | A Daily Prayer For Provision That Will Bless You | El Shaddai

    God's Blessings Are Always On Time | A Daily Prayer For Provision That Will Bless You | El Shaddai

    God's Blessings Are Always On Time | A Daily Prayer For Provision That Will Bless You | El Shaddai

    SUBSCRIBE to catch all the latest prayers uploaded to the Daily Effective Prayer Podcast!

    For more powerful daily prayers and to connect with the ministry visit:


    © Copyright DailyEffectivePrayer.com

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    001 My Story

    001 My Story

    Welcome to my new podcast, Cancer Connection! I'm Sarah and I'm excited you have stopped by.  This being my first episode, I am introducing myself and telling you my story of aggressive breast cancer in 2020. God brought me through that until fall 2021 where my treatments ended. Cancer is terrifying when it hits close to home, but God is the Great Physician and He can work some miracles! 

    Send me your story and prayer requests so I can add you to my prayer wall!

    PO Box 2286 Kansas City, Kansas 66110

    Climate Change, True Evil, & El Shaddai

    UFOs, Jesus and a Plea to Vote

    UFOs, Jesus and a Plea to Vote

    Moose offers a song of praise to kick off Episode 31 which leads us into El Shaddai and the other names of God. Kat had a moment this morning listening to her life song on a windy road to Moose’s house, probably because her chakras are out of whack or perhaps because Cathy broke out a Jamaican Me Happy drink at a therapeutic dance party. Moose highlights Kat’s Imogene & Willie t-shirt. Moose shares her excitement about Phenomenon thanks to Harry Reid and her past fascinations with Roswell and other UFO stories. Kat rabbit trails about the names of hurricanes and Moose keeps us on track with her recurring dream and respect for ufologists and suspicions about the government. Are we voting for policy or the person? Either way, please VOTE! Be careful of the dangers of putting people on a pedestal.

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    Ep. 6 How does God work in the difficulties of our lives? Part 6 of 7: Interview with Richard Spann

    Ep. 6 How does God work in the difficulties of our lives? Part 6 of 7: Interview with Richard Spann

    Dr. Richard Spann relates a miraculous and remarkable story of how God arranged his schedule one morning to allow him to learn more about His nature: El Roi: He has complete knowledge, El Elyon: He has complete control and El Shaddai: He loves perfectly. God has a purpose and plan of infinite love. Dr. Spann relates that this experience allowed him to know God not only intellectually but also experientially. 

    2018-12-02 – Revelation 19 – Part 2

    2018-12-02 – Revelation 19 – Part 2

    In the beginning of chapter 19 we saw the three hallelujahs showing that God is God and there is no other. They started right before the final battle. At the end of the hallelujahs it was so beautiful that John fell down and worshiped the angel. But the angel stopped him. We are not to worship angels. We are to worship the creator and not the created. Jesus accepted worship because He is God.

    In our modern world we are enticed to worship all sort of things and people. Rock stars, sports stars, money, cars. Even ourselves. That is the ultimate sin. We are constantly tempted to worship anything but God. Throughout the old and new testaments we are told not to worship idols. We get confused because we don’t have “idols” but the devil is so crafty that he has created all sorts of idols for us to worship that don’t look like idols.

    In chapter 19 Jesus comes out of heaven to fight the devil. He is riding a white horse. He is referred to as faithful and true. Why would Jesus do that? He already dies for our sins. In the old testament the messiah comes as a lion and as a lamb. One messiah that comes two times. First as a lamb and then as a lion. He comes to bring justice.

    He doesn’t come alone. He comes with the host of heaven and they are all dressed in white. Pure, clean and white. 

    He is the Word of God. With a sword coming out of His mouth. The sword is His word. A two edged sword that cuts us to separate what is good from what is bad. He is carrying something in His hand. An iron scepter that symbolizes ruling. This one is made of iron instead of gold. Iron is a hard metal. He is not messing around.

    Why do wars start? Sometimes it is because of greed. Sometimes it is for revenge. This final war has another reason. To bring justice on the earth. Every sin that has been done against you will be paid for in one of two ways. Either by the person who committed it or by Jesus himself.

    We need to get serious about God. We need to tell others!

    The final battle comes in verse 21. The devil has three parts. There is the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. The beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire. This happens so fast. It shows how powerful God is. But it makes you wonder what God is waiting for. He is waiting for His people to come to Him. God is patient and kind and doesn’t want anyone to go to the lake of fire but He won’t force you against your will. 

    Whats in a Name - Audio

    Whats in a Name - Audio
    - Genesis 17:1-27; - Pastor Peter Franz ; - We are given names by our parents at birth. These names may be significant within the family or to the parents. In the Old Testament God change Abram’s name to Abraham and Sarai’s to Sarah to indicate a covenant with them that they would have a son, in their old age, and would make Abraham the father of many nations. They were to call their son Isaac and God would make an everlasting covenant with him and his descendents. Thank God for the name above all names. That is the name of Jesus by which we are saved and called to be sons of God.