

    Explore " evangelists" with insightful episodes like "La Sagrada Familia one step closer to completion", "Kevyan: From Teenage Convert to Helping Train Church Planters - Planting Churches E3", "Ephesians 4... And More (Richard Jones)", "June 10 — God’s Gift to Your Church" and "Sustaining Atmospheres" from podcasts like ""Saturday Extra - Separate stories podcast", "Jesus Speaks Farsi", "Living Rock Podcast", "Declaring His Glory Among the Nations" and "Seated Above"" and more!

    Episodes (49)

    Kevyan: From Teenage Convert to Helping Train Church Planters - Planting Churches E3

    Kevyan: From Teenage Convert to Helping Train Church Planters - Planting Churches E3

    In this third episode of our “Planting churches in Iran and Beyond” series, Dara Lynn talks with Keyvan, an Iranian man who came to faith as a teenager and now plays a significant role in helping train church planters in the Iranian church. If you’ve ever wondered how church planting works in the Iran region or how church planters become church planters, this is the episode for you.

    For more information about the recent history and incredible growth of the Iranian church, please visit elam.com/iran-story.

    And for more information about our organization, please visit elam.com.

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    June 10 — God’s Gift to Your Church

    June 10 — God’s Gift to Your Church

    Are you feeling unequipped for the task? Seize the opportunities your church provides for you to be equipped. Seek to be discipled. As God grows you, then seek opportunities to disciple others. And pray for the missionaries who have gone out to raise up pastors and churches who will continue the model of Ephesians 4:11–12.

    Thank you for listening to this episode of Declaring His Glory Among the Nations: Daily Scripture Meditations from Pastors Around the World.

    This show is from The Master’s Academy International.

    If you like this podcast, please subscribe, and leave a review on your favorite podcast app. 

    The Master’s Academy International is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by training indigenous church leaders worldwide.

    For more information and to learn how to get involved, visit www.tmai.org.



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    Sustaining Atmospheres

    Sustaining Atmospheres

    What if the body of Christ could sustain an atmosphere that then established a climate in the Spirit? What if the 5-fold is key to this and the power of collaboration between pastors, evangelists, teachers, prophets, and apostles could fruitfully affect regions? In this Seated Above Podcast, I re-frame the 5-fold with different language and connect them to the 5 layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

    What do go deeper in this type of content and access some of Brian's private podcasts as well as other exclusive resources? Make sure to become a member of Brian's Patreon, which you can do here: https://www.patreon.com/brianorme

    You can also find more information about Brian, current courses, mentorships, coaching and more at www.iborme.com

    Interested in Christ-centered wellness retreats? Make sure to check out the retreats my friend Arun and I are doing: www.triscendretreats.com

    website: www.iborme.com
    facebook: www.facebook.com/theascendedlife
    instagram: @borme
    twitter: @blondboybrian

    #6 Spiritual Gifts: The Equipping Gifts of the Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists

    #6 Spiritual Gifts: The Equipping Gifts of the Apostles, Prophets and Evangelists

    As Pastor Harris continues to walk us through the Spiritual Gifts, in the last episode he completed his teachings of what he refers to as the Motivational Gifts, or in the Greek, these are referred to as the CHARISMATA.  In this episode he will get into the Equipping Gifts, or in the Greek, these are referred to as the DOMATA. Being equipped, as we are all becoming very aware, is one of three things we all need to be successful in any task.  To help with any confusion you may have as we all try to keep these many gifts straight, I will point out that Pastor Harris also uses the term “Ministry Gifts” synonymously with what he calls Equipping Gifts.

    Pastor Harris will break down these 11 equipping gifts or ministry gifts in two groups.  There are some he will refer to as “major gifts” and others he will refer to as “minor gifts”.  I love Pastor Haris admits he doesn't really like how he uses the word “minor” here to describe a gift as they are all so crucial.  This just goes to show how his teachings were continually evolving.  I guarantee if he were given a chance to iterate this teaching one more time he would have adjusted that aspect for sure, but given where we are today, I think we can all let that one slide. Now, in this teaching Pastor Harris will specifically discuss the gifts of the apostles, the gift of the prophets, and the gift of the evangelists.

    One final note before we dive into this teachings.  Please pay special attention to how Pastor Harris opens this teaching. If you are like me, as you have been going through this study you are wondering what gifts you have.  What is your dominant and subdominant gift?  Well, Pastor Harris walks us through a very simply exercise to understand a little more clearly what our gifting truly is. I hope this helps get you hone in on your specific God given gifts as it did for me.

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    Marketing #7 - Influencer Marketing & FRED

    Marketing #7 - Influencer Marketing & FRED

    The term “influencer marketing” is on the lips of many business and nonprofit executives. The social media giant Instagram, for example, hosts famous people who reportedly have over 300 million followers! So, what’s your workplace doing with celebrity or social media influencers and the helpful FRED principle? And just what’s your church doing with its influencer strategy as directed by the Word of God? Join Kevin for a fascinating unfolding of influencer marketing!  // Download this episode's Application & Action questions and PDF transcript at whitestone.org.

    Gifted Part 9: Evangelists and Pastor-Teachers (1 Cor 12:27-28, Eph 4:11-13)

    Gifted Part 9: Evangelists and Pastor-Teachers (1 Cor 12:27-28, Eph 4:11-13)

    God has given evangelists and pastor-teachers as gifts to the church. An evangelist shares the good news about Jesus and the kingdom of God, equips others to share His story, and helps the church to become an evangelistic people. A teacher or pastor-teacher is a shepherd who looks after God's people, guiding, guarding, and instructing the people. Teachers help the church learn to instruct others in the faith as well. God has given all of us influence with someone and desires for us to use that influence to care for them and help them find their place in God's salvation story.

    What Do You Need to be Happy?

    What Do You Need to be Happy?
    • Yes!  You are in!  This one is for the versed.  For the ones that complain that maybe this podcast isn't Deep enough.  You want a challenge?  This is the deep, deep, deep end.  As for the skeptics, keep your wallet in your pocket.  Here you go...
    • Wow!  That is a mic drop moment.  Thank you once again to Francis Chan.  I only know of two preachers on this earth that claim to give 90% of their earnings away...Francis Chan and Rick Warren.  And some of you, including me, question 10%?
    • Looking back, I grew up as an 80's kid in suburbia.  A lot like those 80's movies and Netflix Stranger Things, without Hawkins Laboratory and weirdness.  I grew up fearing the Soviets and a nuclear strike.  We practiced sheltering that vs. shootings.  I also grew up fearing TV evangelists.  I still don't trust them.  So many falls within that group.  Where money took center.  The most notorious may be Jim and Tammy Faye Baker.  Okay, pump the brakes.  You know I'm flawed.  We are all flawed.  Just know you are normal if your guard goes up when you see someone that is a full-time preacher riding the tithes and giving into mansions and private jets.  On the flip side, you have a Francis Chan and Rick Warren, also flawed, yet living on 10%.  That's fascinating to me.  If you are versed, if you call yourself a believer this is a looking in the mirror moment. For me too!  What do you truly need to be happy?  If you really believe in Jesus and your versed than you know this exchange that I bet makes most of you uncomfortable...
    • Mark 10:17-31

    • New Living Translation

    The Rich Man

    • 17 As Jesus was starting out on his way to Jerusalem, a man came running up to him, knelt down, and asked, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?”
    • 18 “Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked. “Only God is truly good. 19 But to answer your question, you know the commandments: ‘You must not murder. You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not testify falsely. You must not cheat anyone. Honor your father and mother.’[a]”
    • 20 “Teacher,” the man replied, “I’ve obeyed all these commandments since I was young.”
    • 21 Looking at the man, Jesus felt genuine love for him. “There is still one thing you haven’t done,” he told him. “Go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
    • 22 At this the man’s face fell, and he went away sad, for he had many possessions.
    • 23 Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God!” 24 This amazed them. But Jesus said again, “Dear children, it is very hard[b] to enter the Kingdom of God. 25 In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God!”
    • 26 The disciples were astounded. “Then who in the world can be saved?” they asked.
    • 27 Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

    • Confession, I was terrible at giving and savings.  A lethal combination.  If you like dirt, all that direct can be found during the 'Every Marriage is Flawed' series back in the summer of 21.
    • YouTube, CrazyLove Channel, "Francis Chan:  What Do You Need To Be Happy?", Minute 36:20 - 40:20

    Are There Modern-Day Apostles and Prophets?

    Are There Modern-Day Apostles and Prophets?

    In Ephesians 4:11, the apostle Paul lists five ministerial offices: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Most modern churches and Christian organizations recognize pastors, teachers, and even evangelists, but are hesitant to use the labels apostle and prophet. Are these two offices no longer relevant to the operation of the church?

    In this episode, Dr. David K. Bernard examines each office in the five-fold ministry and explains how these roles function in the modern Apostolic church.

    For more on this topic, see Dr. Bernard's book Spiritual Leadership in the Twenty-First Century, available at PentecostalPublishing.com. The United Pentecostal Church International's official position paper on church government is available at UPCI.org.

    If you enjoy this podcast, leave a rating and a review on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform. We also greatly appreciate it when you share Apostolic Life in the 21st Century with your family and friends.

    Thank you for listening!

    If you enjoy this podcast, leave a five-star rating and a review on iTunes or your preferred podcast platform. We also appreciate it when you share Apostolic Life in the 21st Century with family and friends.

    Ep42 SoA - News From The Pews

    Ep42 SoA - News From The Pews

    Over the last few 40 or so episodes we have covered an array of topics but never have we ever turned our attention to the people we are called to lead. That's right everyone, we're picking on you today! Okay, not really picking on you. 

    What we wanted to do for the next few episodes is cover the idea of being a worshipper. What is it like from the pews, seats, bleachers, or lawn chairs?  Basically worshipping from the congregation point of view. This week we talk a little about a heart condition that can prevent us from entering into worship when we are with others in fellowship and while in that secret (quiet) place. How are we possibly stealing the glory of God?

    But don't worry, this episode is packed full of useless banter as well. Like being models of inconsistency, bad evangelists, bottled baptism water aka. people tea, Sundays, sporty sports in the Lympics, and Dad bods in speed skater attire aka sausages on skates. 

    Thanks for joining in on the conversation. As always we hope that you might find something helpful within the mania. Feel free to check out our Facebook group where we truly do model how inconsistent we are at this whole podcasting stuff. 


    As always always, Blessings!

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    Improving the Adoption Rate of New Tech

    Improving the Adoption Rate of New Tech

    A common question we often hear is, “How to improve our adoption rate of new technology?” 

    SHOW: 524




    DevRel, Advocates, Evangelists, Strategists. We’ve all heard about these job titles, but what do people in those roles actually do? And are they necessary?  


    1. Every project, every market, every new technology has both short-term and long-term goals. Companies need to find a way to balance both goals.
    2. Successful teams, in every industry, have excellent in-between people. 
    3. In-between roles are a great way to learn the business, and build varied career paths. They usually aren’t career paths on their own. Many people don’t understand this. 
    4. DevRel / Advocate / Evangelist
    5. Technical Marketing
    6. Strategy


    Ep 28 Dr. Robert Turrill: Equipping Ministers Around the World Through ECA

    Ep 28 Dr. Robert Turrill: Equipping Ministers Around the World Through ECA

    President and CEO of Evangelical Church Alliance, "Dr. Bob" was a football star in high school, became a physics and engineering specialist, and then was called to the ministry later in life.  He has an amazing story full of supernatural experiences as God called and raised him up in order to support and strengthen ministers from around the world especially chaplains who serve the military forces. 

    Since its beginning in 1887, ECA has made a large impact on ministers of the gospel in 48 countries. It currently serves members in all 50 states and lends a great deal of support to over 250 chaplains serving in the armed forces.  

    They are steadfastly dedicated to honoring the Word of God as truth. Katherine and I have been blessed many times over by being a part of ECA and we are so honored to have Dr. Bob on today to share with you. 

    Thank you for listening! Please subscribe to this podcast and visit www.mkhop.org to hear the latest from us & sign up for our newsletter.  If you are being impacted by the podcast and feel led to support us in this endeavor so we can bring you more life-changing, truth-speaking interviews like this one, please click here

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    Defending Truth with Charity

    Defending Truth with Charity
    How do we fraternally correct people within and outside the Church who are preaching ideas contrary to Church teaching, or spreading theological errors? Dave “Tactical Pants” VanVickle and I, tackle this difficult issue many evangelists encounter today. We give you practical advice so you are prepared to navigate these confusing situations and defend the truth in a humble and charitable way. Ascension is proud to partner with authentically Catholic institutions and organizations committed to spreading the Gospel. Learn more about the sponsor of this episode, Ave Maria University. (https://tinyurl.com/y7jgf8wj) Snippet from the Show “We have a fundamental justice to our creator, and when God gives us a moral command we cannot soften the command because it offends us.”c We want to hear from you! Email us at eksb@ascensionpress.com with your questions/comments Don't forget to text “EKSB” to 33-777 to get the shownotes right to your inbox! You can also find the full shownotes at www.ascensionpress.com/EveryKneeShallBow

    Live Broadcast-The Five Fold Ministry Part 1.

    Live Broadcast-The Five Fold Ministry Part 1.

    Thank you for tuning in to Faith Over Fear with Pastor Vance Mansfield. Today’s episode is called Live Broadcast-The Five Fold Ministry Part 1.

    During our live broadcast at 3:00 am Central Time Zone, the ministers have a round table discussion. They describe the 5 fold ministry and how you can take the office God has given you to fulfill. Ephesians Chapter 4:11-15 is explained in detail as well as 1st Corinthians chapter 12:28. The ministers include: Pastor Vance Mansfield, Minister Brandon Horton, Prophet Imelda Horton, Crystal Mansfield, and Andrew Raso. Visit our website www.pastorvancemansfield.com to learn about our ministry and connect with us.

    Do you want a copy of Willlie Daniel's Cd? The cost is only$5! e-mail us at vmansfield@pastorvancemansfield.com and we will get one to you.

    Do you have Testimonies/comments/prayer request/ questions? email us: vmansfield@pastorvancemansfield.com 

    Or call the office phone number (682) 207-7505

    We are building an app! If you would like to become a partner with us to help us spread the kingdom message to the world, click below: https://www.pastorvancemansfield.com/donate

    Study Tool: We study with e-Sword free downloadable link with most devices! https://www.pastorvancemansfield.com/resources-1

    Check out our website for more information and resources:  www.pastorvancemansfield.com

    Join us on our Podcast Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/FaithOverFearBroadcast 

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