

    Explore "financialtrauma" with insightful episodes like "Why It's OK To Want More Money", "The Steps You Can Take to Secure Your Financial Future", "How to Increase Your Income by Focusing on Outcomes Not Tasks", "How to Feel Deserving of Money" and "The Key Steps To Get Out of Debt For Good" from podcasts like ""It's Not About The Money", "It's Not About The Money", "It's Not About The Money", "It's Not About The Money" and "It's Not About The Money"" and more!

    Episodes (51)

    Why It's OK To Want More Money

    Why It's OK To Want More Money

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I am revisiting a previous episode where we talked about why it is ok to want more money.

    As with everything, you need to understand the emotion before you can take action and when wanting more money, it is no different. When you own your story and your experience it enables you to step into a much more positive mindset. It enables you to make great strides forward and step into wealth® from a place of deserving.

    This is another episode of our #MoneyMoments series and it is going to bring you some top bitesize tips from our favourite full episodes.


    In this episode:

    • The power of somatic work in processing emotion
    • Why you need to create safety around your finances
    • Key questions to ask yourself when creating a safe space
    • Why you need to feel all of the emotions and why they are all valid
    • What you can learn from an experience that will help you step into wealth®



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    The Steps You Can Take to Secure Your Financial Future

    The Steps You Can Take to Secure Your Financial Future

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I want to dive a little deeper into the steps that you can take to secure your financial future.

    Securing your financial future is a goal that many women have on their vision board. I want you to step back from that goal and look at the bigger picture - what is your life’s purpose? Having a life vision and life purpose that, at times, feels unattainable is key to helping you secure your future. It is what helps you to keep the needle moving forward.

    This is another episode of our #MoneyMoments series and it is going to bring you some top bitesize tips from our favourite full episodes.

    In this episode:

    • Identifying what your feel passionate about
    • Why you should think about the change that you want to see in the world and your communities
    • How the fear of success and fear of failure can often prevent you from even getting started
    • Why you need to focus on both the emotional benefits as well as the tangible assets
    • Increasing your emotional balance sheet alongside your net balance sheet


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    How to Increase Your Income by Focusing on Outcomes Not Tasks

    How to Increase Your Income by Focusing on Outcomes Not Tasks

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes Podcast, I will be sharing some top tips on how you can increase your income by focusing on the outcomes rather than the tasks.

    Often in business we take on all of the tasks and quickly step into the role of Chief Everything Officer even when we may not be the best person for that task. When I started to look at outcomes rather than tasks in my business, I saw a greater increase in my income and you can too.

    This is another episode of our #MoneyMoments series and it is going to bring you some top bitesize tips from our favourite full episodes.


    In this episode:

    • Why you need to start asking yourself who not how when it comes to task management
    • Identifying your support structure
    • The power of asking yourself if a task is a distractor or whether it helps you move forward towards your vision
    • How strong boundaries will help you to achieve your goals
    • Why you should hire people for results and not for tasks



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    How to Feel Deserving of Money

    How to Feel Deserving of Money

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I am going to talk to you about how to feel deserving of money so that you can step into wealth®.

    I realised some time ago that we often get stuck in something that I call the self-deserving loop. We feel like we deserve more money but then our subconscious reminds us of a money narrative that moves us back into a place of undeserving. What we need to do is to break that loop and change the beliefs that affect the behaviours.

    This is another episode of our #MoneyMoments series and it is going to bring you some top bitesize tips from our favourite full episodes.


    In this episode:

    • Why our money beliefs can affect how deserving we feel of money
    • The importance of bringing awareness to the core beliefs to help break the self-deserving cycle
    • How to replace existing money narratives to better serve you
    • Safety around money is affected by previous financial trauma
    • How to use affirmations to help you feel more deserving of money



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    The Key Steps To Get Out of Debt For Good

    The Key Steps To Get Out of Debt For Good

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast we are exploring the key steps that you need to take to get out of debt for good.

    Actions for getting out of debt are important but our behaviours are dictated by our beliefs around money and this can have an impact on the actions, and sometimes inactions, that we then take. Before we look to change the behaviours, we need to go two steps back.

    This is another episode of our #MoneyMoments series and it is going to bring you some top bitesize tips from our favourite full episodes.


    In this episode:

    • Why you need to understand what you think and feel about money before we even start to take actions steps to get out of debt
    • Research around why it is easy and comfortable to be in debt
    • Are you operating on autopilot when in debt
    • Questions to ask yourself to identify important beliefs around money
    • How your money habits are linked to your values



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    What Are The Reasons For Overspending and How To Overcome Them

    What Are The Reasons For Overspending and How To Overcome Them

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast we are excited to be celebrating our 200th episode!

    Starting my podcast was the best decision I made in my business and such a great part of my life. It has given me the chance to connect with so many amazing people. It has been a really powerful way to get my voice out into the world. To celebrate this milestone for the podcast I have a special series coming for the next four week. 

    #MoneyMoments is going to bring you some top tips from our favourite episodes and in this episode I want to share with you my top tips for how to overcome overspending after exploring the reasons behind the action.


    In this episode:

    • What to do if you are overspending
    • Why the brain keeps you stuck in patterns that feel safe
    • How to focus on the healing process
    • How to identify the emotions that are present when you overspend
    • Why planning can be such a powerful tool



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    What is a Money Date and Why You Should Have One

    What is a Money Date and Why You Should Have One

    On this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I am going to be exploring money dates - what are they and why you should have one.

    A money date is one of the most important meetings in your diary. A money date is all about connection and awareness. You connect with you money in such a way that will give you complete clarity around your finances. From here, you can begin taking small and nurturing steps forward towards wealth.

    Take this time for yourself to empower your relationship with money and move forward to a wealthier you.


    In this episode:

    • What is a money date
    • Setting the scene for success in your money date
    • How to prepare your mind and remove disempowering beliefs
    • What information you will need for your money date
    • How to best set intentions to create a 1% improvement in your financial situation



    How To Overcome Money Blocks When Paying Tax

    How To Overcome Money Blocks When Paying Tax

    On this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am diving into the topic of tax.

    I know, I know. It is a topic that people say fills them with dread, that paying tax feels unfair and some women in my community even expressed their dissatisfaction with how tax is spent by the government. 

    However, by reframing our mindset around tax and how we feel about paying tax could be the difference between you playing small with your income versus being abundant and stepping into the millionaire mindset.


    In this episode:

    • The limitations that we place on ourselves by not wanting to pay tax
    • Reframing how we feel around paying tax to remove money blocks
    • Why loss aversion will be affecting our mindset around paying taxes
    • The money blocks that are keeping you playing small within your business
    • Why being organised throughout the financial year can ease the negative emotions around tax



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    Listen to my episode about VAT with Accountant Wendy Tetley – When Should I Go VAT Registered As A Small Business?

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    How Can I Be Enough?

    How Can I Be Enough?

    On this week’s episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am joined by Ted Wilmont.

    Ted is an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practiticioner. With 15 years experience, Ted is also a mentor to practitioners to help them integrate these powerful modalities into their own communities.

    After qualifying in EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, we are seeing these modalities in action in our own community and the transformations taking place are extraordinary. 

    This week we are exploring the topic that we all ask ourselves often – how can I be enough? Our core beliefs infer how we feel about money and then how we behave around money. Listen in as we dig deeper on this topic and find out how you can transform your beliefs around whether you are enough.


    In this episode:

    • How EFT and Matrix Reimprinting can help correct wrong beliefs, particularly around money
    • Why bringing awareness to beliefs can be so powerful
    • Tools we can use to regain your power
    • Realigning your body and your mind
    • How to explore the future and bring it into your present



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    Do You Need Money To Make More Money?

    Do You Need Money To Make More Money?

    Is it really true that you need money to make more money?

    In today’s episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast we are exploring this very topic of whether you need money to make more money. We are going to debunk this myth and instead I am going to show you what you do actually need to increase your wealth.

    Money is more accessible than it has ever been so it is the ideal time to make more money and grow your money. There are some key things that do need in order to make more money. Listen in as we dig deeper and get your stepping into your new position as a wealthy woman.


    In this episode:

    • Investments that you do need in your business
    • The money blocks and beliefs around this
    • What do you need in your business to make more money
    • Why qualifications are not as important as you may think



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    Read our blog about the Numbers To Focus On In Your Business

    3 Shifts To Get You Into The Mindset of a Wealthy Woman

    3 Shifts To Get You Into The Mindset of a Wealthy Woman

    This week on the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I will be exploring the 3 shifts that you need to make to get you into the mindset of a wealthy woman.

    Many perceived negative emotions are just that – they are a perception often stemming from and anchor either in the past or the future. The feelings that you are experiencing often don’t belong in the present. Making small shifts and changing some of your behaviours will help you get into the mindset of a wealthy woman which is going to take you through your next financial uplevel.


    In this episode:

    • A powerful heart breathing exercise
    • How paying attention to the past and future will help you to focus on the now
    • How affirmations can provide safety for you to take steps forward
    • What upgrading your current lifestyle can do for the future you
    • 1% growth in the right direction is better than 50% growth in the wrong direction



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    How To Run A Successful Retreat

    How To Run A Successful Retreat

    In this week’s episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am talking retreats.

    I have been on many retreats myself and they can only be described as transformational. But why is attending a retreat such a powerful experience? Retreats give you the opportunity to step away from the normal day-to-day and step into your CEO mindset. Spending dedicated time working on not business not just in it and help you with much needed clarity – not to mention the power of connecting with like-minded people.

    A week ago we ran our first retreat and it was the most amazing experience. Today I want to share our experience of planning a retreat, some of the key things to consider and how a retreat can really enhance you – both personally and professionally.


    In this episode:

    • What is a retreat
    • How to use retreats to build great relationships with customers
    • Learnings from putting together a 3 day retreat
    • How I ended up in hospital after attending a retreat
    • What these experiences have done to shape my business



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    What Money Blocks Are Keeping You Stuck

    What Money Blocks Are Keeping You Stuck

    On this week’s episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am joined by Financial Educator, Martha Lawton. Martha, who was also previously a Financial Advisor, has been helping people understand and use money better for over 15 years.

    We will be talking about why willpower can both support and sabotage you when creating more wealth and financial freedom in your life. Martha shares with us her experience with creating awareness of her money blocks and conflicting beliefs, sharing how she went about healing her own relationship with money.

    In this episode:

    • Why bringing awareness to the emotional attachment we have to money can create powerful transformations
    • How money blocks and conflicting beliefs can leave you feeling paralysed
    • The next steps to take after identifying areas that you need to be aware of with your money blocks
    • How automation can help your will power
    • Why removing temptation can remove the need for willpower



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    How To Start A Pension For A Child

    How To Start A Pension For A Child

    This week on the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am exploring how you can make how you can make your child a mini-millionaire with the use of pension investments for children.

    In 2017, Age UK conducted some research that showed 74% of people rely on the state pension for their sole income in retirement. A report conducted by 7IM showed that most people rely on a lottery win to ensure their comfort on retirement.

    Pensions are a topic very close to my heart and after changes in pension legislation in the early 2000s, access to pensions is a lot more flexible, making it a better consideration for investment. It is hard for children to understand why they need to think about the future so join me today and find out how we can set them up for retirement from birth.


    In this episode

    • How to set up and start a pension for a child
    • Why we need to take one step today to make your child a multi-millionaire by the time they reach retirement age
    • Busting myths and self-limiting beliefs around pensions
    • Why pensions are not just a retirement vehicle but can also be used to start investing and utilising the compound effect to grow long-term sustainable wealth
    • The benefits of helping children understand investments from a young age



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    My Pension Mini-Course Pensions Made Simple

    Get impartial financial information at Boring Money

    How to Create More Freedom in Your Business When Moving From 6 to 7 Figures

    How to Create More Freedom in Your Business When Moving From 6 to 7 Figures

    This week on the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am joined by multi 6 figure international business coach, Skye Barbour.

    Skye is a best-selling author, podcast host, all while being a dedicated wife and mummy. Skye’s mission is to transform the lives of evolving female leaders by helping them to step into a place of alignment by leveraging their time, their team, and their talent.

    How we spend our time is a conscious decision and there is a power in taking time to think about how you are using your time. Join us as we talk about how you can move from a 6 to 7 figure income while creating freedom and living the life you love.


    In this episode:

    • The journey from corporate management to successful business owner
    • How to create more time, spaciousness in business and personal life
    • The Full Freedom™ framework
    • Why you don’t have to choose between either being a good mum or a good earner
    • Why the strengths and talents of others can help you leverage your time
    • Hire for the outcome not for the task



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    The 5 Love Languages Quiz

    How You Can Overcome Extreme Trauma and Still Thrive

    How You Can Overcome Extreme Trauma and Still Thrive

    This week on the In Her Financial Shoes Podcast, I am joined by Rachel Watkyn. Rachel is the most successful contestant to date from the UK BBC series Dragon’s Den. A very successful business owner, Rachel shares her story and we dig deeper into how you can stay resilient and overcome extreme trauma to still go on and thrive.

    After spending time in Sierra Leone and experiencing her own level of feast in famine as a child, Rachel set about building a sustainable fair trade business that gave back to those in need. Join us as we discuss how financial and money trauma has an impact on the decisions we make in life and our relationship with money.


    In this episode:

    • Using your challenges for positive change
    • Why money is only a tool for freedom and won’t bring happiness
    • Ways to overcome negativity from others in your journey
    • How to manage the chimp on your shoulder when imposter syndrome hits
    • The damage that over giving causes to others



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    Connect with Rachel on Instagram or on her Website

    Find out more about Rachel’s businesses Chief & Turtle and Tiny Box Company

    The Mindset Behind Becoming a Successful Property Developer

    The Mindset Behind Becoming a Successful Property Developer

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am joined by Journalist and Property Developer Richard Black. Richard is a brand expert for home interiors on the global shopping channel QVC. He also has his own property portfolio and is host of the Home:Work Property podcast.

    This episode is part 2 of 2 where Richard and I talk about the practical tips for getting started in property investment.

    There is a mindset shift involved in renting out a property, particularly when it is also your family home. In part 1 we talked about how it is easy to think that we should all be investing in property and in this episode, we explore that a little more fully to help you decide if property investment really is the right thing for you.

    In this episode:

    • Is property investment the right thing for you or is it something that you desire based on what other people are doing
    • Top tips for buying a property in 2022
    • The impact of low housing stock in high profile areas on house prices
    • Owning a property mindset vs investment property mindset



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    Listen to part 1 of this series here

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    Find Richard's Podcast here

    How to Become a Successful Property Developer

    How to Become a Successful Property Developer

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast, I am joined by Journalist and Property Developer Richard Black. Richard is a brand expert for home interiors on the global shopping channel QVC. He also has his own property portfolio and is host of the Home:Work Property podcast.

    This episode is part 1 of 2 where Richard and I talk about property investment and the mindset shifts involved in that.

    IIt is easy to think that we should all be investing in property because we are told it is a good thing to do and we see many people around us doing that same thing. However, there is more to property investment than what it perceived. Join myself and Richard in our 2-part series as we deep dive into this topic.


    In this episode:

    • The change in mindset required when renting out your own home
    • What makes a good investment property
    • Why property investment is not as easy as it looks and dealing with the anxiety it creates
    • How perception influences the decisions we make around investing



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    How Feminine Energy Helps Attract More Love and Money

    How Feminine Energy Helps Attract More Love and Money

    In this episode I am joined by leading international dating and relationship expert, Sami Wunder. Join us as we talk about how feminine energy and embodiment really helps us to attract more love and money into our lives.

    Making money has traditionally come from a place of very high masculine energy. If you wanted more money, you had to work harder. In shifting my energy to more of a feminine energy, I have been able to focus on the end result to my clients rather than on the money. My relationship with money has therefore experienced a shift as I step more into a balanced energy.

    If we want change and to make changes that last, we need to step into a place of trust and give ourselves time and space to allow it to happen.


    In this episode:

    • What is feminine energy
    • Getting the correct balance between feminine and masculine energy
    • How to change your relationship with money by balancing your energy
    • Why we hold fear around vulnerability



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    Get Sami’s Free Gift Training on Feminine Energy Practices for High-Achieving Women

    The 4 Systems Business Owners Need to Scale and Grow

    The 4 Systems Business Owners Need to Scale and Grow

    In this episode of the In Her Financial Shoes podcast I am joined from across the pond by Courtney Elmer, CEO and Founder of the EffortLESS Life® Company and the Systems Made Simple™ Podcast. Courtney is on a mission to help visionary leaders bring systems, structures and processes into place so that they are able to spend more time in their zone of genius.

    Systems and processes generally generate one of two responses from people – they either love them or they hate them. Bringing these into place however can really help you to step into your CEO mindset.

    Today Courtney and I will be talking about the 4 systems that every business owner needs to grow and scale their business.


    In this episode:

    • Courtney’s story of surviving cancer in her 20s
    • What is the difference between a system and a process
    • The 4 essential systems that every business needs
    • How to align your values with your systems
    • Courtney’s free gift to you to help you keep your audience warm during launches



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    Listen to my previous episode 10 Simple Steps to Get Into the CEO Mindset

    Get Courtney’s Free Gift: Automated Call to Action (CTA) Sequence

    Connect with Courtney on Instagram or listen to her Podcast


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