

    Explore "forschungsberichte" with insightful episodes like "Selbstevaluation als Ansatz der Qualitätsverbesserung von E-Learning-Angeboten", ""... und es wird immer und immer schlimmer!" – Zur Unterscheidung von Bullying und Viktimisierung in der weiterführenden Schule", "Blended Learning: Forschungsfragen und Perspektiven", "Bildungscontrolling in der Schule? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Prozess-, Output- und Transfercontrollings am Beispiel eines innovativen Unterrichtsprojekts" and "Computer support for collaborative learning environments" from podcasts like ""Psychologie und Pädagogik - Open Access LMU - Teil 02/02", "Psychologie und Pädagogik - Open Access LMU - Teil 02/02", "Psychologie und Pädagogik - Open Access LMU - Teil 02/02", "Psychologie und Pädagogik - Open Access LMU - Teil 02/02" and "Psychologie und Pädagogik - Open Access LMU - Teil 02/02"" and more!

    Episodes (55)

    Selbstevaluation als Ansatz der Qualitätsverbesserung von E-Learning-Angeboten

    Selbstevaluation als Ansatz der Qualitätsverbesserung von E-Learning-Angeboten
    Self-evaluation is one of the most popular approaches to quality improvement in the domain of e-learning. Here, the evaluation is carried out by the same indi-viduals or institutions who are also responsible for planning, realizing or imple-menting the evaluated e-learning product. Our paper reviews typical constella-tions and scenarios where self-evaluations are applied in the context of e-learning and discusses goals and questions which are often pursued with self-evaluations. A case example is used to propose a general procedure for using self-evaluations to improve the quality of e-learning products. Three potential problems in self-evaluations are credibility, evaluation competence, and re-sources and motivation. These problems are discussed in depth together with possible solutions for alleviation. Concluding, we present a practical tool for planning self-evaluation projects and discuss the future potential for the self-evaluation of e-learning.

    "... und es wird immer und immer schlimmer!" – Zur Unterscheidung von Bullying und Viktimisierung in der weiterführenden Schule

    "... und es wird immer und immer schlimmer!" – Zur Unterscheidung von Bullying und Viktimisierung in der weiterführenden Schule
    Studies of children who are the frequent targets of peers’ aggressive acts have been guided by two differing research traditions, namely the “bully/victim” and the “general victimization” traditions. Although the terms “bullying” and “victimi-zation” are often used interchangeably, we argue, that the underlying constructs differ substantially. Bullying is characterized by systematic, repeated attacks and the asymmetry of power between bully and victim. For general victimization such features are irrelevant. Moreover both concepts differentiate by focussing on group- verses individual-level phenomena. In order to contrast both con-structs empirically, we investigated 2750 pupils from 7th and 8th grade in 89 schools in Munich and Southern Bavaria. Our results showed that bully/victim experiences were correlated to both, relational victimization and physical vic-timization. The non overlapping properties of the constructs, however, are best understood in the context of gender differences.

    Blended Learning: Forschungsfragen und Perspektiven

    Blended Learning: Forschungsfragen und Perspektiven
    In recent years, a new kind of virtual learning has established itself in schools, universities and further education additionally to traditional forms of teaching and learning. But so far, it could not meet the high expectations like for example demands for flexible learning and it is therefore that blended learning became increasingly important. This term, however, has not yet been defined differentiatedly enough and has hardly been considered by research so far. The survey presented here defines blended learning as a variation of face-to-face phases and virtual phases of a learning environment, which uses the advantages of both of these kinds of teaching and learning for an optimal knowledge acquisition. Furthermore, the survey expounds a moderate constructivist approach of teaching and learning ideally forming the theoretical basis of a didactic concept of blended learning scenarios. Finally, five research perspectives on blended learning are specified: Evaluation research, field research, experimental research, Design-Based Research and an integrative research approach. Evaluation research tries to investigate the use and effects of learning environments mainly by working with questionnaires. Such research can be carried out in university seminars which have a “blended” didactical concept. In field research the researcher generates data by incorporating himself into this field of research. Suitable in this context is further education realized with blended learning. Experimental research investigates the influence of different learning environments on learning in a controlled setting. Experiments which in a blended learning scenario investigate the effect of the structuring of the computer on knowledge acquisition could be part of such research. Design-Based Research aims at designing learning environments in a practical context in order to get results for the development of new theories. Educational reforms related to blended learning can be an adequate object of such research. The integrative research approach studies the interdependency between theory and practice. Blended learning scenarios are investigated in an experimental setting as well as in practice like for example the education of pedagogues in statistics.

    Bildungscontrolling in der Schule? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Prozess-, Output- und Transfercontrollings am Beispiel eines innovativen Unterrichtsprojekts

    Bildungscontrolling in der Schule? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Prozess-, Output- und Transfercontrollings am Beispiel eines innovativen Unterrichtsprojekts
    Educational controlling (Bildungscontrolling) is an economically influenced concept of quality development in educational institutions, which originated in the context of corporate further education. This article asks to what degree approaches of process, output, and transfer controlling are suitable for adaptation in publicly financed education, and what kind of adjustments are necessary in contexts such as schools. As a case example the article presents the evaluation of the innovative school project “Tatfunk”, which aims at fostering students’ entrepreneurial skills and thinking. Methods and results of the educational controlling process within the project are reported and analysed in regard to the goals of the evaluation. The results show that the innovative concept of the project was successfully implemented in practice and that the central project goals could be achieved. Concluding, the article discusses which main premises of process, output, and transfer controlling need adjustment in the context of publicly financed education. Additionally, it is shown which surplus value can be derived from the perspective of educational controlling for the overall educational quality discourse

    Computer support for collaborative learning environments

    Computer support for collaborative learning environments
    This paper deals with computer support for collaborative learning environments. Our analysis is based on a moderate constructivist view on learning, which emphasizes the need to support learners instructionally in their collaborative knowledge construction. We will first illustrate the extent to which the computer can provide tools for supporting collaborative knowledge construction. Secondly, we will focus on instruction itself and show the kinds of advanced instructional methods that computer tools may provide for the learners. Furthermore, we will discuss the learners’ prerequisites and how they must be considered when constructing learning environments.

    Aspekte didaktischen Handelns von Lehrenden in der Weiterbildung

    Aspekte didaktischen Handelns von Lehrenden in der Weiterbildung
    The synopsis at hand focuses on the teacher’s role in further education. It concentrates on six main aspects, which characterize didactical actions: understanding learning, arranging teaching, creating communication, designing basic conditions, reflecting on one’s own actions, using experience and applying theories.

    Projekt Tatfunk: Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation im Schuljahr 2003/04

    Projekt Tatfunk: Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation im Schuljahr 2003/04
    The project “Tatfunk“ (“doing radio”) is an innovative school project which aims at fostering entrepreneurial thinking and action in schools. The project consists of a voluntary course in Gymnasiums (college preparatory high schools) for students at age 17-18. Their task is to produce and market a radio show working collaboratively and self-dependently. If required, they can engage the assistance of professional “media coaches” (i.e. journalists) or their course teachers. According to its didactical concept, the course is to be realized as a problem oriented, self-directed, and cooperative project learning environment. This report comprises the project’s evaluation results for the school year 2003/04. The evaluation aimed at investigating the realization and effects of the course as well as identifying possible improvements for the optimization of the course concept. The evaluation is based on interview and survey data from students and teachers in eight Gymnasiums. The results suggest a positive evaluation of the course since it succeeded in realizing the project’s concept and in reaching its main goals.


    Schemata are a main antecedent, means and target of knowledge acquisition. For knowledge acquisition and permanent knowledge representation it is necessary to build adequate schemata within the relevant knowledge domain. As antecedent for comprehension constructing a schema on the one hand proceeds unconsciously, yet on the other hand can be fostered and made conscious by adequate schema induction. This means in particular that experts provide schemata for learners in a certain domain, thus using them as a learning strategy. This can either be effected via trainings, in which learners are taught how to use the schemata, or via pre-settings, which are directly implemented into the learning environment and which pre-structure the work processing. Different kinds of schemata as conscious learning strategies are among others representational schemata, problem solving schemata or case solving schemata. Several studies in different settings could show the positive effects of knowledge schemata for knowledge acquisition.

    Führungsfrauen im Management: Erfolgsmerkmale und Barrieren ihrer Berufslaufbahn

    Führungsfrauen im Management: Erfolgsmerkmale und Barrieren ihrer Berufslaufbahn
    Despite increased efforts in politics and business to promote equal opportunities, women remain underrepresented in management positions within large German companies. This article summarizes selected results from empirical studies about agency traits of women in management positions. The study was based on 100 interviews with successful female business managers. The study investigated the professional development barriers which confront women in managerial positions and the resources which help them meet their professional challenges. It was revealed that the majority of women in the survey had experienced gender stereotyping. On the other hand, internal resouces helped women move up the career ladder (high self-efficacy expectations, active coping strategies and a mix of masculine and feminine characteristics) as well as active networking and social support.

    Akzeptanz, Lernprozess und Lernerfolg in virtuellen Seminaren - Wirkungsanalyse eines problemorientierten Seminarkonzepts

    Akzeptanz, Lernprozess und Lernerfolg in virtuellen Seminaren - Wirkungsanalyse eines problemorientierten Seminarkonzepts
    This study deals with the learning effects of a problem oriented virtual seminar concept that is part of the regular study program of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and of the Bavarian Virtual University. First, we describe the design principles of problem-based learning environments and their possible implementations in virtual seminars. Two virtual seminars designed according to this concept and with different contents, „The Design and Evaluation of Virtual Learning Environments“ and „Introduction to the Knowledge Management from Educational and Psychological Perspective“ are being evaluated. Therefore acceptance, learning process and learning outcome are investigated. It is shown that the seminar concept takes full advantage of the problem-based learning: The learners accept the virtual seminars to a high degree; their high motivation and their perceptions of the discussed problems correlate highly with each another; they evidently acquire domain knowledge and skills. However, as known from research literature, problem-based learning seems to support the acquisition of skills more than the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, which raises questions about the further development of the seminar concept.

    Supporting Collaborative Learning in Videoconferencing using Collaboration Scripts and Content Schemes

    Supporting Collaborative Learning in Videoconferencing using Collaboration Scripts and Content Schemes
    Studies have shown that videoconferences are an effective medium for facilitating communication between parties who are separated by distance. Furthermore, studies reveal that videoconferences are effective when used for distance learning, particularly due to their ability to facilitate complex collaborative learning tasks. However, as in face-to-face communication, learners benefit when they receive additional support for such learning tasks. This article provides an overview of two empirical studies to illustrate more general insights regarding some effective and less effective ways to support collaborative learning with videoconferencing. The focus is on content schemes as content-specific support and task-specific support as collaboration scripts. Based on the results of the two studies, conclusions can be drawn about support measures that promote learning. Conclusions can also be reached about the need for employing both content schemes and collaboration scripts to provide learners with the most benefit.

    Die Bedeutung von Merkmalen des Individuums und Merkmalen der Lernumgebung für die Akzeptanz von E-Learning in Unternehmen

    Die Bedeutung von Merkmalen des Individuums und Merkmalen der Lernumgebung für die Akzeptanz von E-Learning in Unternehmen
    Due to the increasing need for training, more and more companies employ new communication and information technologies in the context of e-learning for further education. However, many firms are confronted with a lack of acceptance of e-learning at the workplace, which is mirrored in insufficient usage (see Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). This study tries to examine the influence of both the learner’s characteristics and the characteristics of the learning-environment on the acceptance of e-learning. Acceptance models which focus attitudinal and behavioral aspects are the background of this study (see Davis, 1989). Acceptance thus includes attitudes towards the usage of new technologies and the behavior itself. However, the models rarely offer any clues referring to the influence of context factors. This study focuses on the impact of aspects of the learner and aspects of the learning-environment on attitudinal and behavioral acceptance. Cognitive as well as motivational factors are examined as indicators for the learner’s characteristics. As indicators for the learning environment the didactical and the medial design are examined. The results show a direct relation of some examined factors on attitudinal acceptance and an indirect relation on usage (behavioral acceptance). This outcome suggests a special consideration of these aspects to foster acceptance of e-learning at the workplace.

    Kooperationsskripts als Lernstrategie

    Kooperationsskripts als Lernstrategie
    This article deals with cooperation scripts as a method of collaborative learning. The particular focus lies on cooperation scripts, which aim at the improvement of individual text comprehension in the classroom. In this context, different approaches and strategies applied were illustrated. Furthermore, this article presents recent trends for the implementation of cooperation scripts in CSCL scenarios.

    Effects of individual prior knowledge on collaborative knowledge construction and individual learning outcome in videoconferencing

    Effects of individual prior knowledge on collaborative knowledge construction and individual learning outcome in videoconferencing
    This paper deals with collaborative knowledge construction in videoconferencing. The main issue is about how to predict individual learning outcome, in particular how far individual prior knowledge and the collaborative knowledge construction can influence individual learning outcomes. In this context, the influence of prior knowledge and two measures of instructional support, a collaboration script and a content scheme were analyzed concerning the collaborative knowledge construction. An empirical study was conducted with 159 university students as sample. Students learned collaboratively in groups of three in a case based learning environment in videoconferencing and were supported by the instructional support measures. Results show that collaborative knowledge construction had more impact on individual learning outcome than individual prior knowledge.

    Implementation von E-Learning in Unternehmen - Akzeptanzsicherung als zentrale Herausforderung

    Implementation von E-Learning in Unternehmen - Akzeptanzsicherung als zentrale Herausforderung
    Due to the increased need for training, more and more companies employ new communication and information technologies in the context of e-learning for further education. However, many firms are confronted with a lack of acceptance of e-learning which is mirrored in insufficient usage (see Venkatesh & Davis, 2000). This study tries to identify factors which have an influence on the employees’ acceptance of e-learning. Acceptance models which focus attitudinal and behavioral aspects are the background of this study (see Davis, 1989). Acceptance thus includes attitudes towards the usage of new technologies and the behavior itself. However, the models rarely offer any clues with regard to the influence of context factors. Insights from research on implementation can serve as theoretical background for the selection of possible context factors (Joshi, 1991; Tarlatt, 2001). In this study personnel-related as well as organizational measures and technical conditions are examined as factors for securing acceptance. The results show a direct relation of the examined factors on attitudinal acceptance and an indirect on usage (behavioral acceptance). This outcome suggests a special consideration of these aspects during the implementation of e-learning in companies.

    Lernen unternehmerisch denken: Das Projekt Tatfunk

    Lernen unternehmerisch denken: Das Projekt Tatfunk
    One of the competencies that is believed to be of growing importance in the context of a developing knowledge society is the concept of intrapreneurship. In education, the normative aspect of that concept is of major relevance, since it contains the demand on individuals to act like entrepreneurs inside their organizations. On the basis of an analysis of these demands, we sketch a competence model of intrapreneurship that comprises cognitive, motivational, social, and organisational competencies. To foster the acquisition of these competencies, learning environments should follow a moderate constructivist view of learning and instruction, and implement the design principles of problem oriented learning. For organizing this in school, the project method seems especially suited. To demonstrate how such learning environments can be realized, we describe and discuss the concept of the innovative school project “Tatfunk”. In the conclusion we discuss the significance of intrapreneurship in educational contexts.

    Akzeptanz von E-Learning in Unternehmen

    Akzeptanz von E-Learning in Unternehmen
    In recent years, many companies have started training their employees using E-Learning solutions. But current studies indicate that companies have not been utilizing E-learning solutions to an acceptable degree. These studies do not address the question regarding which factors promote an employee's acceptance of E-learning solutions. There is a lack of theoretically based findings in this area. To counter this shortfall, this paper will discuss various acceptance models against the background of the relevance in the field of acceptance of E-Learning in companies. The goal of the analysis of the acceptance model is to identify both personal and contextual factors that influence an employee's intention to use E-Learning and behavioural acceptance of E-Learning solutions. These factors shall provide the subject matter for future investigations on this topic.

    Virtuelle Communities – Kennzeichen, Gestaltungsprinzipien und Wissensmanagement-Prozesse

    Virtuelle Communities – Kennzeichen, Gestaltungsprinzipien und Wissensmanagement-Prozesse
    Discussions on the topic of virtual communities are increasing in theory and practice. But the description of the phenomenon virtual communities is still quite diffuse. In this contribution characteristics and design criteria of virtual communities are described. On the basis of the characterization of knowledge management processes in virtual communities three examples of virtual communities are described briefly.

    Unterstützung kooperativen, fallbasierten Lernens in Videokonferenzen: Der Einfluss von sozio-kognitiven Skripts und Wissensschemata

    Unterstützung kooperativen, fallbasierten Lernens in Videokonferenzen: Der Einfluss von sozio-kognitiven Skripts und Wissensschemata
    The study deals about the support of cooperative case-based learning in videoconferencing. In particular, the effects of socio-cognitive scripts for supporting the naming of case information and content schemes for supporting the application of theoretical concepts on a special case were analyzed. 53 triads were set up and randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2x2-factorial design. The factors socio-cognitive script (with/without) and content scheme (with/without) were varied. The learners had to familiarize with a theory individually and then to solve a case cooperatively. To measure the effectiveness of the intervention, an individually and cooperatively compiled case solution were analysed. Results show a strong effect of the content scheme which can be improved by giving a socio-cognitive script additionally.

    Bullying Roles in Changing Contexts: The Stability of Victim and Bully Roles from Primary to Secondary School

    Bullying Roles in Changing Contexts: The Stability of Victim and Bully Roles from Primary to Secondary School
    The present study was conducted to predict bullying roles over a six years time period and across contexts differing in the degree of peer hierarchies. Out of two representative data sets from primary (N = 1525) and secondary school (N = 2958), 282 children (156 boys; 126 girls) were followed up longitudinally. Self reports on bullying experiences and peer reports about social status were assessed by a structured individual interview (in primary school) and by questionnaire given classwise (in secondary school). Risk analyses showed, that only a bully role in primary school yields a risk to be sustained in secondary school. However, victims in primary school classes with a more pronounced degree of hierarchical structuring proved stable in their role while the victim role was unstable from primary school classes with low hierarchical structuring. This interaction did not apply to bully role stability. Differential characteristics of the victim and the bully role in primary school and secondary school settings are discussed.

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