

    Explore "gettingover" with insightful episodes like "Episode 20: Building Trust After Loss ... with a Business Lens", "Episode 16: Estate Planning — A Candid Conversation with Attorney Michael Geoghegan", "Episode 15: What is Anticipatory Grief, and do I have it?", "Episode 14: Grief Recovery for Lawyers with Heather Horton" and "Episode 13: Scars — Physical, Emotional, and Non-Surgical Treatments" from podcasts like ""Heart Healing from Loss", "Heart Healing from Loss", "Heart Healing from Loss", "Heart Healing from Loss" and "Heart Healing from Loss"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    Episode 20: Building Trust After Loss ... with a Business Lens

    Episode 20: Building Trust After Loss ... with a Business Lens

    It's Episode 20, and we're so thankful to have made it this far! Thank you for listening and sharing the podcast and helping others work through their grief and loss.

    Erin MacCoy

    In this episode, Erin MacCoy of Erin MacCoy Coaching spoke with me about how she helps business owners manage connection, vulnerability, risk, and building trust. 

    As we all navigate and hopefully emerge from this time of loss, grief, and change, what is a "heart-centered business" and how can it help us all integrate our humanity with our work?

    Have a listen, then come talk with me at Heart Healing from Loss to learn more about heart-centered healing and moving forward.

    Episode 16: Estate Planning — A Candid Conversation with Attorney Michael Geoghegan

    Episode 16: Estate Planning — A Candid Conversation with Attorney Michael Geoghegan

    Coping with a death can be so very difficult. One of the greatest gifts you can leave behind is having your affairs in order. 

    Michael Geoghegan of Northwest Strategy and Planning helps individuals and families through the will and probate process. Removing uncertainty from end-of-life decisions can make it so much easier on the family that remains. 

    If you've been putting off creating or updating your will and making end-of-life decisions, we get it — your own passing is not the most pleasant thing to think about. But you'll love the relief when it's accomplished and you know loved ones are taken care of.

    In this episode, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker and attorney Michael Geoghegan talk about the ways their work overlaps, how each approaches the subject of death with respect, empathy, and a little gentle humor, and how being prepared with the right resources before and after a death can make such a crucial difference for those left behind.


    Episode 15: What is Anticipatory Grief, and do I have it?

    Episode 15: What is Anticipatory Grief, and do I have it?

    Change is coming — big change. It might even be a happy change. But any change can bring grief with it. And that unsettling feeling of knowing something big is coming can jump start the grieving process before the reason for the grief has even occurred.

    Watching a beloved parent or friend or pet getting older, reaching the end of our time at a job, packing up and saying goodbye to a neighborhood and home, dreading a day of work that can be fraught with its own kinds of loss — they hurt. Can we manage the hurt we have now and the hurt that's to come?

    We can. In this episode, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks us through the signs and symptoms that we may be grieving already, in anticipation of loss that hasn't happened yet. And she provides tools to help us manage the process and the pain.

    Have a listen, then find Wendy at HeartHealingFromLoss.com for more help, health, and healing.

    Episode 14: Grief Recovery for Lawyers with Heather Horton

    Episode 14: Grief Recovery for Lawyers with Heather Horton

    Can a person's struggle to move past grief impact their work?


    And if your work involves helping people through their own difficult times, like, say, being a lawyer or attorney, you may not be the asset to your client that you want to be.

    In this episode, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker invites in Heather Horton, who does Grief Recovery with lawyers.

    Once a practicing lawyer herself, Heather has an intimate understanding of the ways grief can show up in work that's already stressful and high-pressure.

    Have a listen, and if you're struggling with grief or want the tools to be prepared for any of the 40 (yes, forty) ways grief can be triggered, visit Wendy at Heart Healing from Loss or Heather at Heather D Horton

    Resources mentioned in the podcast:

    DC Bar Spring Wellness Fair, May 6, 2021
    How do you know if you're grieving? and 10 simple truths about grief for lawyers (PDF)

    Episode 13: Scars — Physical, Emotional, and Non-Surgical Treatments

    Episode 13: Scars — Physical, Emotional, and Non-Surgical Treatments

    Scars are more than a marker of where an injury has healed. Physical and emotional scars often extend much deeper into the body and psyche than we understand. And not dealing with them can mean carrying unnecessary pain, restriction, and grief.

    In this fascinating conversation, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks with Naturopathic Physician Sierra Storm about the scars we bear and how liberating it can be to finally be released. 

    Dr. Storm uses a unique therapy to release adhesions from surgical and other scars that cause pain and limit range of motion. Her patients often experience immediate relief, so if you've had a Cesarean section, knee surgery, appendix removal, or accident — even if it occurred years or decades ago — take advantage of her free consultation to see if scar therapy might be a good option for you.

    Have a listen and check out Dr. Storm's page on scar therapy. Then scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to get access to The Scar Solution Masterclass, a mini-dive into scar injection therapy.

    Episode 12: Grief Clutter with Katrina Hamilton

    Episode 12: Grief Clutter with Katrina Hamilton

    Piles of pictures, newspaper cuttings, postcards, silverware, a doll collection or stamps or coins.... All of these can end up in your home after a loved one passes.

    But you don't collect stamps, and the silverware will likely never get used. So what do you do with the items an important person in your life has left behind? Shove them in the attic and make them the next generation's problem? Feel guilt over your neglect of those photo albums full of people you don't know?

    Or do you figure out how to deal with it in a way that frees up your space AND honors the person they belonged to?

    Katrina Hamilton helps people work through their "grief clutter." It is, after all, your relationship with the person that matters; not your relationship with their high school yearbooks. 

    Listen to Wendy Sloneker, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist, and Katrina Hamilton, owner of Katrina Consults, talk through how we can be burdened by objects that aren't our own. And how we can find our way out from under all that stuff.

    Episode 11 Eldercare: Emotions when a parent's life changes drastically

    Episode 11 Eldercare: Emotions when a parent's life changes drastically

    Aging is tough; watching a parent get older and knowing how and when to help can be nearly as challenging.

    There is a possibility of grief, anger, misunderstanding, and family conflict all through the process, so how do you make sure you're working through it as healthfully as possible? How do you make sure your parent is receiving the necessary help to deal with losing independence, health, strength, their own home, and so on?

    One way to keep challenges manageable is to start preparing now, says Patricia Throop, owner of Eldercare Consulting LLC. Start talking about arrangements: What happens when they can no longer safely drive? When it's time for them to have more care, where will they live? 

    In this podcast, Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks with Patricia Throop about all the ways families can prepare in advance so everyone is comfortable with how things will proceed later.

    If you have or will have family who need your help as they age, you can get help and advice from Patricia Throop. Find her at EldercareNW.com.

    You can learn more about Wendy and how she can help you navigate grief at her website, HeartHealingFromLoss.com.

    Episode 10: How the body holds grief

    Episode 10: How the body holds grief

    The body knows. The things you may have pushed from your consciousness, the things you've dampened down, the things you've ignored, sometimes for years or even decades -- the body has its own memory, and it doesn't forget.

    In this episode of Heart Healing from Loss, Chad Kelderman of SOMA Bodywork talks with Grief Recovery expert Wendy Sloneker about how the body holds grief, even grief you may think you put behind you.

    We know that touch can release deep emotions: think of the power of a hug on a bad day, or a high five in celebration, a kiss, an arm around the shoulders. Now imagine the healing power of touch and manipulation by someone who understands that connection.

    Do your joints burn? Is your chest tight? Do your neck and shoulders just ache? Of course there can be physical reasons for all these feelings, but discounting the emotional causes can mean locking yourself in for suffering physical and emotional pain longer than you should. 

    Have a listen to the episode, then find relief with Chad Kelderman at SOMABodywork.net and Wendy Sloneker at HeartHealingFromLoss.com

    Episode 9: Nikole's Take: Results from the Grief Recovery Method

    Episode 9: Nikole's Take: Results from the Grief Recovery Method

    We don't talk about grief and loss. We might be willing to grumble about a lost cell phone or wallet, but when it comes to the kind of loss Grief Recovery expert Wendy Sloneker means, well, we'd rather not think about it, thanks very much.

    Nikole Stanfield has experienced loss in her life. The loss wasn't "recent," but it was still painful. And, she realized, unresolved grief was holding her back from fully experiencing life and feeling empowered to meet the next loss event life might hand her.

    So she went through Wendy's program and developed tools that help her deal with losses present, past, and future. If you're ready to move beyond a loss, whether that's a loved one who has died, loss of a job, loss of a friend, loss of a marriage, you owe it to yourself to find a way past it.

    Be sure to look into Wendy's program and all the ways she can help you at WendySloneker.com

    Unrequited Love

    Unrequited Love

    I know... It's been a long time since I came with new content. Gotta hand it to the famous youtubers/podcasters who can come up with content every single time, because I got into a new rut. My audience reach hasn't been picking up, and I do wanna reach a bigger audience. Took me some realization that my podcast's purpose is beyond that, to hopefully offer you new perspectives, and broaden your views <3 Anyway, this podcast is a topic that is super close to my heart, was hard for me to open up, but I know many of you are struggling like how I was, and I wanna be there for you guys! Tell me what you guys think! DM me at instagram.com/insyismail for your thoughts, or collabs, perhaps?HAHA Love yall!!! Have a blessed Sunday or Monday wherever you are!

    Episode 8: Still not over 2020

    Episode 8: Still not over 2020

    Yes, it's 2020 and time has moved on, but have you?

    Grief doesn't end according to arbitrary human markers like New Year's Eve, and if you're not quite recovered from 2020 yet, that's OK.

    Acknowledging that you're still dealing with residual effects - big or small - is part of the healing process.

    In this episode, Wendy checks in with us to see how we're doing as 2020 rolls up and 2021 rolls on.

    So... how are you?

    Also, don't forget to check Wendy's website to find out about courses in helping children with grief. If you have kids in your life who could use some adult help to recover from loss, be sure to check out the calendar and register. 

    If you're enjoying the Heart Healing from Loss podcast, please subscribe, rate, review, and share so others can find this resource more easily. 

    Episode 7: Finding yourself amidst grief

    Episode 7: Finding yourself amidst grief

    We all grieve differently, but the only truly wrong way to grieve is to try and shortcut the process.

    Culturally, we are taught that there's a "right" way, and that for grown ups, we should probably do it quietly, with dignity, and preferably quickly.

    But can grief -- for whatever reason we're experiencing it -- be dealt with so quickly? Or do we suffer if the healing is rushed or incomplete?

    In this podcast, Advanced Grief Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks with Life and Relationship Coach Kathy Clayton about how knowing yourself and your needs and respecting those needs will allow for a healthier grief process.

    Episode 6: A surprising, pervasive, & undiscussed grief event — Moving

    Episode 6: A surprising, pervasive, & undiscussed grief event — Moving

    You wouldn't think moving to a new home would "qualify" as a grief event, but it really does make sense.

    You're leaving behind a space that was yours for a while, where important things happened. Maybe there's a nook where you liked to read, or a growth chart that marks the major changes of childhood to adulthood, or maybe a beloved pet left a scratch on the wall that you just couldn't bring yourself to paint over.

    Buying a new home can have significant emotional ups and downs, too: if you live where houses go fast, you can lose the bid over and over until you're reluctant to ever get excited about a prospective home again. 

    And kids can have their own challenges — losing their yard, their school, their friends can all bring their own flavor of grief. We don't talk about it because we think we're not supposed to feel grief in an exciting time, but that doesn't mean the loss isn't there.

    In this episode Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist Wendy Sloneker talks with realtor Ericka Hardwick about the ways grief can come up, and some creative ways both have seen people manage it.

    Find more about Wendy at wendysloneker.com
    Find more about Ericka at erickahardwick.com or lambandcompany.com/realtors/ericka-hardwick/ and check out the growth chart ideas: https://pin.it/2Da8yKk

    Episode 5: Learning the Grief Recovery Method — Meet Nikole

    Episode 5: Learning the Grief Recovery Method — Meet Nikole

    Like learning CPR or how to use a fire extinguisher, maybe it's best to learn how to deal with grief BEFORE it happens?

    Nikole Stanfield hasn't really worked through the grief from her grandmother's passing three years ago. And with the loss of a close friendship, the grief was compounded. She decided to be proactive and learn the skills she needed to manage grief while she was in a good position to take on the task.

    With guidance from Grief Recovery Specialist and End-of-Life Doula Wendy Sloneker, Nikole is looking forward to healing from her loss.

    Episode 4: Quick tips for the holiday season when you're grieving

    Episode 4: Quick tips for the holiday season when you're grieving

    The holidays look great ... on paper. And they can be a truly wonderful time. But they can also be a time of pressure and stress, and if you're grieving, you really may not be feeling festive.

    Wendy Sloneker, Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and end-of-life Doula, has some great ideas on giving yourself grace at this time of year. How do you gauge your actual desire to attend that Zoom party? What do you do if sitting and staring out a window is all you can bring yourself to do?

    If those questions are haunting your holidays, tune in and get some answers.

    Episode 3: Food, Grief, and Freedom

    Episode 3: Food, Grief, and Freedom

    The holidays are fast approaching, and while it can be a wonderful time full of family and fun, it can also be a challenging time. With the holidays comes holiday food, and with it all the stress, guilt, and resentment.

    For many, holidays are also times of sadness — and with COVID limiting our ability to gather with family and friends and enjoy our usual traditions, many more are experiencing some grief this year. When we feel sad and stressed, one of our major comforts can be ... food.

    If you're feeling challenged to stay healthy and make good choices for your body and spirit, Holistic Health Coach Catherine Dickson can help. In this podcast, Wendy and Catherine talk about how intimately entwined food is with the holidays and with grief, and how we can learn to enjoy food, enjoy the holidays, honor those things that we're feeling sad about, while still making the right choices.

    Catherine Dickson is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Certified Personal Trainer who teaches women how to break free from their food and body image issues, so they reclaim their health and enjoy more freedom and fun in life. Catherine leads a virtual group coaching program, called The Food Freedom Method, and also hosts cooking classes twice a month on Zoom! Learn more about her at riseholistichealth.com or on Instagram @theholisticbiscuit.

    Episode 2: Sussing out unresolved grief

    Episode 2: Sussing out unresolved grief

    Grief is about things ending — a life, a marriage, a job. But what happens when you don't truly work through that grief in a healthy way?

    Certified end-of-life grief counselor Wendy Sloneker explains what unresolved grief is, and how it can disrupt your life, even years later. Get the tools to talk through the pain and finally find peace.

    This podcast was produced by PugetSounds.com.

    Episode 1: Heart Healing from Loss - Death is not required

    Episode 1: Heart Healing from Loss - Death is not required

    In this episode, Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and End-of-Life Doula Wendy Sloneker takes us through some critical definitions: What is grief? What is loss?

    Everyone's experience of grief and loss is different and unique to them, and what causes these feelings and how we respond to them is different and unique. 

    If you're not crying, are you truly grieving? Yes. 

    As a society, we don't talk about loss because it is such an uncomfortable topic. But we lose out on knowing how to navigate those feelings in a way that works for us and our experience.

    Join Wendy and learn about how to experience loss — and heal from it — in a healthy way.

    Heart Healing from Loss - Welcome

    Heart Healing from Loss - Welcome

    This is episode 0 of the Heart Healing from Loss podcast, hosted by Wendy Sloneker, certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist and End of Life Doula. 

    What does it mean to grieve or feel a sense of loss, and how do we move beyond it?

    Wendy gives us stories to educate us about grief, loss, and the process of healing. We don't talk enough about loss events to understand them well or get through the process in a healthy way, and Wendy is out to change that.

    So if you feel a sense of loss, if you're having difficulty moving beyond a loss event, subscribe to the podcast, and reach out to Wendy at hearthealingfromloss.com.

    This podcast was produced by pugetsounds.com.


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