

    Explore "gracious" with insightful episodes like "Jesus is Compassionate", "Finding the Uniqueness or Your Brand with Andrea Barrera", "Attribute: The Patience of God, Merciful and Gracious, Slow to Anger", "God is Gracious, Luke 15 - Audio" and "TLP 285: The Experience of a Righteous Parent, Part 1" from podcasts like ""2ND Baptist Conway/Greenbrier", "Pinkafé - The Podcast", "Bethel Baptist Church", "Church of the Apostles- Dawsonville, GA" and "Truth.Love.Parent. with AMBrewster"" and more!

    Episodes (46)

    Finding the Uniqueness or Your Brand with Andrea Barrera

    Finding the Uniqueness or Your Brand with Andrea Barrera

    Our guest on this episode stands behind the philosophy of “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” Andrea Barrera, the founder of Gracious Om, who dedicatedly worked in the mental health field for nearly a decade then quit her full-time job to start her own business, turned to hemp, crystals and ancient herbal remedies as a self-care practice and found a way to motivate others to jump on this journey of self-love. How did she do it!?

    Attribute: The Patience of God, Merciful and Gracious, Slow to Anger

    Attribute: The Patience of God, Merciful and Gracious, Slow to Anger

    Attribute of God: Patience

    Not all books on the attributes of God have a separate section or chapter on the patience of God, but Stephen Charnock (1628-1680) in his massive classic The Existence and Attributes of God dedicates 52 pages to the subject.  Repeatedly in the Scriptures we see the description of God that is found in Exodus 34:6;7.  This is, by the way, God's own description of Himself.

    When Moses was on Mt. Sinai, conversing with God the following account is given.  "The Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the Lord.  The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, 'The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.'"

    The phrase 'slow to anger' is a reference to God's withholding His final judgment from rebellious sinners.  God's patience is as "that power of control which God exercises over Himself, causing Him to bear with the wicked and forebear so long in punishing them" (Arthur Pink, The Attributes of God, 62).

    God does bring final judgment on the wicked, but only after a period of mercy, beckoning them to repentance.  "Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God's kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? But because of your hard and impenitent heart you are storing up wrath for yourself on the day of wrath when God's righteous judgment will be revealed."

    That God is patient before He metes out His righteous judgment displays His power of control and His willingness to forgive.  In light of God's patience, to reject His mercy is to increase the penalty due on the great judgment day.

    TLP 285: The Experience of a Righteous Parent, Part 1

    TLP 285: The Experience of a Righteous Parent, Part 1

    What can a righteous parent expect for doing a good job? Obedient, successful children? Prosperity? Join AMBrewster as he guides Christian parents through Psalm 112 and unwraps its glorious promises.


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    Listen to the following episodes on Apple Podcasts by clicking the titles.

    "Merest Christianity" series (stars in episode 95)

    The Sufficiency of Scripture in Parenting” (episode 174)

    The All-Bible Family” (episode 181)

    "Teach Your Children to Learn, Part 2 | the Circle of Learning” (episode 208)

    Parents Who Joy” (episode 70)

    Rock, Bread, and Donut” series (starts in episode 106)


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    Click here for Today’s Episode Notes and Transcript.


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    Need some help? Write to us at Counselor@TruthLoveParent.com.

    Ep.31 - Accepting Compliments

    Ep.31 - Accepting Compliments

    On this week's episode of the New Glam Gal Podcast, we discuss:

    - How women deflect and reject compliments

    -Why women deflect and reject compliments

    -How to graciously accept compliments

    -How to say Thank You and move along

    -Some stylish Thank You's that will leave your brain feeling like it has both completed the social contract

    To learn more about Style & Confidence, try the free 5 Day Style Challenge and learn how to create an outfit.

    Music by www.bensound.com

    1 Peter in HD (Part 22) -- Peter's (and Paul's) Impassioned Plea (Which BTW Echoes My Own)

    1 Peter in HD (Part 22) -- Peter's (and Paul's) Impassioned Plea (Which BTW Echoes My Own)

    Twitter has become the bane of my daily existence.

    (You’ll discover why as you listen to this PODCAST.)

    How I LONG—with every fiber of my being, with every beat of my hyperactive heart—for a kinder, gentler Christianity.

    So did Peter.

    So did Paul.

    Please remember that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.

    God bless you richly as you listen.

    Episode 8: The Gift of Apology

    Episode 8: The Gift of Apology

    Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

    Proverbs 16:34

    I wish that I could say my words have always been gracious but they haven’t been. My words have torn others down and shamed them in moments of my anger. Today, I discuss how the gift of apology frees you and the person receiving it.

    Resources Mentioned

    Want to contact me? Email me at danielle@unashamedandfree.com

    Gracious Living

    Gracious Living
    Jesus taught us (and showed us) what gracious living looks like. As God is merciful to the unjust, we are merciful. He is good to those who are not good to Him. He died a death that included all those who were enemies of His. The gracious life begins with an awareness of how good, gracious and loving God is. Without that awareness, your graciousness towards others will be limited. A gracious life is built on rock not sand. In other words, it does not ebb and flow depending on what is happening around you and regardless of how other people treat you. You are walking in the flow of abundant life. The Father loves the Son. Jesus knew that in the depth of his heart, so it did not matter what the Pharisees accused Him of. He knew the Truth. As we listen to and see and believe in this Truth, we become established in it and can grow healthily.Support the show

    Firm Foundations (Pt. 3) The Attributes of God – Paul M. Williams

    Firm Foundations (Pt. 3) The Attributes of God – Paul M. Williams

    Part 3 - The Attributes of God

    When speaking of the attributes of God, what we are really referring to are the characteristics of God, those qualities that describe who God is. The God of the Bible is unique and His characteristics define His very nature. By studying the attributes of God as defined by the Bible, we gain an understanding of who God is and what He is like. Sadly, the tendency of many in our current day towards theology (the study of God) is one of apathy and even scorn. Theology is seen to be too technical and unnecessary for the common Christian who hasn’t the time or care to pursue such academic matters. Instead, what we see generally is that theology has been sacrificed on the altar of experience. However, without the sound foundation provided by sound theology, one cannot truly experience God aright. Thus it is essential that we grasp the character and nature of God which will inform a proper biblical experience!

    In this important teaching, we shall look at thirteen core attributes of God and shall draw practical relevancies for each which shall serve to build our faith in the pursuit of drawing near to God.

    Download teaching notes (pdf)

    The Agenda of Grace

    The Agenda of Grace

    First Russian collaboration rumors and now witchcraft being used against President Trump. Major retailer, Target, gets reminded there’s a boycott going on, in case they hadn’t noticed. Christian high school in Maryland decides to “love” one of their own by publicly shaming her for immorality, and we’re gonna rehearse a bunch of agendas today here on Radical Grace Radio.

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    Celebrating Thanksgiving with Power

    Celebrating Thanksgiving with Power

    Today is great day to think about celebrating thanksgiving with power.  Enjoy this short Thanksgiving Day message from Pat Council on Designing Your Life, Today.  Showing gratitude and keeping a spirit of giving and sharing will guarantee your success and you will win in ways that you never imagined.  

    Be sure to take a moment to connect with family and friends in anyway possible.  Even if it is a phone call to say "hello", that counts.  It is about the thoughts and taking the steps to release your most powerful, success energies.  Start sharing the best of who you are by showing most gracious self through gratitude and giving.  Thanksgiving Day is a great reminder of all the wonderful things that life has to offer.  In spite of everything that is going on in the United States and other parts of the world, take a moment to give thanks for this day.  Giving thanks is something everyone can participate in regardless of where you are located.  Can you imagine the powerful energy that goes out when people collectively give thanks?  It can create a stream of peace and goodwill that extends far and wide.  Be encouraged to open to your hearts on this day and everyday give thanks.  Get in the attitude of gratitude.  Remember it takes no discipline to whine and complain.  

    Also, after family time, take some to listen to some of our episodes about gratitude, grace, and giving and be inspired to "do life with power".  Celebrating Thanksgiving with power is what taking life to the next level is all about.


    Register for the “Power Up Today” newsletter. Click here.

    Book: Thank and Grow Rich 

    Book: The Power of Intentional Goal Setting

    Book: The Go-Giver Leader: A Little Story about What Matters Most in Business 

    Book: Miracle Morning

    Blog: Don’t Deny Your Destiny

    Product: Matcha Green Tea Powder

    Audio: Choosing Gratitude: Your Journey to Joy

    Freebies and Discounts: Great holiday gift discounts. Click here.

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    187: Gracious words are sweet to the soul | Proverbs 16:24

    187: Gracious words are sweet to the soul | Proverbs 16:24

    In a time of intense negativity, it is time for us to embrace a new boldness with our words: being gracious and kind.

    In our culture today, especially in the middle of this election season, using kind and gracious words would actually be one of the most radical things you could do. I vote that we start a movement with our words: a movement of grace. A movement of kindness. Do you want to stand out? Do you want to make an impact? Sadly, you can do that today just by using kind words and showing respect for others. Why should we respect others? Because they were also made in the image of God. We are all His children, made in His image. That, alone, requires kind, gracious, and respectful words. Show grace in your speech today.

    About One Verse

    One Verse is a short, free podcast devotional designed to help you grow closer to God through less than 5 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

    Consistency trumps intensity. When it comes to working out, eating healthy, or managing our finances, consistency always trumps intensity. We reach our major life goals through small, purposeful steps taken daily. The same is true in our spiritual lives. I truly believe you will grow closer to God by spending just 5 minutes a day with Him versus cramming in an hour once a month. The One Verse Devotional is here to help take away the barriers of spending time with God. Now, during your workout, drive to work, or even shopping for groceries, you can invest in your spiritual life.



    Jesus in HD (Encore Podcast) -- THE Definitive Word on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

    Jesus in HD (Encore Podcast) -- THE Definitive Word on Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

    While I am away speaking at one of my all-time-favorite places on Earth (Hartland Christian Camp), the topic of this encore PODCAST is one of those subjects that touches us all, deeply and profoundly. The ripples of any divorce, every divorce spread their concentric circles far and wide.


    Which compels us to take a sober look at exactly what Jesus DID SAY HERE in Matthew 5:31-32, as well as -- and perhaps especially -- what Jesus DID NOT SAY HERE.


    Because once again, this is one of those passages which, when lifted out of its context -- both Scriptural and Cultural -- is so often and so tragically made to say something other than what Jesus intended for it to say. Heaping truck loads of unnecessary grief and guilt upon poor precious people who are just trying by God’s grace to rebuild their broken lives.


    Trust me! Over the years, having dealt up close and personal with many, many people, I have heard some of the most atrocious applications of this passage. This to the point where emotionally and spiritually fragile individuals, whose lives have just been rocked by their own tragic divorces, now have whatever fragments they have left of their broken lives crushed by well-meaning, but grossly misinformed, Christians errantly and judgmentally spouting this passage. And then in fine Pharisee-esque style, walk away from them, leaving untold wreckage in their wakes.


    Not here. Not in this PODCAST. No way!


    Jesus doesn’t do that.


    Please note that depending upon your web browser and connection speed, it may take up to 60 seconds for this podcast to begin to play.


    God bless you as you listen.



    And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE share this podcast with your friends.