

    Explore "hakka" with insightful episodes like "EP06 2023文化自信講座-雙峰山下話客家", "EP05 推動客語為客庄通行語", "Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人", "EP01 Hakka Tonghua Festival in Taiwan 2023" and "EP79:以Tagliatelle麵條的發展觀點,探討客家粄條國際推廣的可能" from podcasts like ""今晡日客家新聞", "今晡日客家新聞", "Hakka Dialogue", "今晡日客家新聞" and "徐仲說食話"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    EP06 2023文化自信講座-雙峰山下話客家

    EP06 2023文化自信講座-雙峰山下話客家
    今天我要向大家介紹位於苗栗縣銅鑼鄉新興路18號,銅鑼灣一八九五文化生活館的最新活動!苗栗縣府文化觀光局與銅鑼灣創生發展協會,共同將銅鑼火車站旁的銅鑼灣北側倉庫改造為「一八九五文化生活館」,自去年正式成立以來,銅鑼灣一八九五文化生活館一直以來發揮著文化廚窗的功能,吸引了各界高度關注,成為客庄另類新傳奇。銅鑼灣一八九五文化生活館重要的目標是講好銅鑼的故事,找出銅鑼灣的精神,建構台灣未來心願景。為了實現這個目標,銅鑼灣一八九五文化生活館在六月份推出了一系列的講座活動。這些講座邀請了專研一八九五的專家學者以及在地詩人,為我們持續解構一八九五的核心意涵,帶領我們一起看見不一樣的乙未新未來。 https://tinyurl.com/tonglong1895 封面照片來源:1895文化生活館

    EP05 推動客語為客庄通行語

    EP05 推動客語為客庄通行語
    新竹市客家諮詢協會組團赴汶萊及馬來西亞進行國際客家文化及地方產業交流。另外,客委會頒發百萬獎勵金,鼓勵客庄區公所推動客語為通行語。在苗栗縣,9家青創店家營造客語友善環境,讓客語成為生活中不可或缺的一部分。同時,桃客家局邀鄉親創作百變粢粑,將客家美食推廣至全台。客家小炒爭霸賽也在全國各地舉行,苗栗縣即將舉行中區初賽,讓各地高手一較高下。客委會也力推圖書館新價值,承載地方記憶,讓客家文化更加精彩。 新竹市客家諮詢協會組團赴汶萊及馬來西亞進行國際客家文化及地方產業交流。另外,客委會頒發百萬嘉獎金,鼓勵客庄區公所推動客語為通行語。在苗栗縣,9屋下青創店頭營造客語友善環境,分客語成為生活中毋做得或缺个一部分。共時,桃客家局邀鄉親創作百變粢粑仔,將客家美食𢱤廣至全台。炒肉爭霸賽乜在全國各地舉行,苗栗縣臨將舉行中區初賽,分各地高手一較高低。客委會乜力𢱤圖書館新價值,承載地方回憶,分客家文化更至精彩。

    Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人

    Hakka Dialogue EP.16-王萬沂 Mr.one cajon 創辦人
    人稱「Mr.One小萬」的王萬沂,在2015年創立自己的木箱鼓品牌「Mr.One Cajon」。小萬不僅精通木箱鼓,也擅長爵士鼓以及編曲, 他曾經跟多位音樂人合作,例如:黃子軒(Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān)、曾仲瑋(Robin Tseng)、魏士翔(Wèi-Shì-Xiáng)。除此之外,小萬更受邀多場音樂會演出,擁有豐富的演出經驗。 同時,他也熱衷於木箱鼓的教學,曾在多個學校、公益團體等地方舉行講座,在社會上不遺餘力的推廣木箱鼓,希望讓更多人認識木箱鼓有趣的地方。 Mr. Wáng-Wàn-Yí, otherwise known as “Mr. One, Xiǎo-Wàn”, he actually founded cajon brand called "Mr.One Cajon" in 2015. Xiǎo-Wàn collaborated with many hakka musicians, like: Huáng-Zǐ-Xuān, Robin Tseng, Wèi-Shì-Xiáng. In addition, Xiǎo-Wàn has been invited to perform cajon in concerts and has a rich performance experience. At the same time, Xiǎo-Wàn is also enthusiastic about the teaching of cajon and has held workshops in schools and NGOs. He promotes cajon to the public, making people interested in the cajon.

    EP01 Hakka Tonghua Festival in Taiwan 2023

    EP01 Hakka Tonghua Festival in Taiwan 2023
    Today, the Hakka Tonghua Festival in New Taipei City and the fun activities of Yunlin Ancient Pit Tongju Lotus Tong were started.Zhou Jiangjie, vice chairman of the Hakka committee, said that in recent years, the Tonghua Festival has been transformed from a large-scale event to a multi-ethnic culture that combines sustainable tourism local creation with Hakka indigenous people and activities with local characteristics.Invite everyone to come and enjoy the flowers, experience the new flower drinking culture, and feel the beauty of daily life. In addition, the second romantic Taiwan third-line art season also held the main visual release and sharing meeting of the art season today.The main visual design team defines the unique selling point of the third-line art season of romantic Taiwan with road travel, and will most represent the terroir elements of the third-line of romantic Taiwan with road travel as the main axis of design thinking.Zhou Jiangjie, vice chairman of the Hakka Committee, shared the transformation experience of the Tonghua Festival, hoping that this art season can bring new impressions and thoughts to everyone.


    主持人:飲食文化研究者 徐仲 特別來賓: 身段柔軟如面帕粄的王嘉平 客家小清新范僑芯 - 義大利不同寬度的麵條各有名稱,這對於行銷文化是好事? - 台灣的粄條要如何區分,才能進行國際推廣溝通? - 南北客家粄條的差異與南北義大利刀切麵的差異? - 米與水的比例,是可以區分粿仔條、河粉和粄條?

    Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒

    Hakka Dialogue EP.15-2023桐花祭主辦單位-洄游創生 邱子軒
    本集DJ Caitlin將訪問 洄游創生 邱子軒執行長,來聊聊今年「2023桐花祭」究竟有哪些好去處?有哪些有趣活動可以參加?讓我們在或白、或黃的桐花瓣紛紛飄落的浪漫季節裡,一起探訪桐花秘境吧! In April and May forests in the country turn white with the popular Tung Blossoms that line mountains and hillsides around the country. The Tung blossom season comes shortly after the cherry blossom season, and the white flowers are often referred to as "April Snow" or "May Snow" depending on when they are in full bloom. Moreover, the floral event is closely related to Hakka culture and lifestyle as many Tung trees were mainly planted at places where Hakka people live. This episode, our guest Chiu-Zǐ-Shiuan, CEO of Migratory Creation, will share the best places to see flowers, activities are held and more others fun to do during "2023 The Tung Blossom Festival".

    Hakka Dialogue EP.14-客家俳句詩人 彭碧珠

    Hakka Dialogue EP.14-客家俳句詩人 彭碧珠
    本集DJ Caitlin將訪問 客家俳句(三行詩)詩人、《客俳風》作者 - 彭碧珠 Péng Bì-zhū 。 現在住在南非德班的彭碧珠老師,不僅是一位傑出的俳句詩人,在南非當地也致力於推廣、傳承客家文化,她曾經是 南非夸祖魯那他省 台灣中華文教中心 德班中文學校的校長、現在任職於非洲客屬聯誼總會 副會長、南非 德班 客家會 創會長,近期更出了《客俳風 第二集》書籍。現在就來聽聽彭老師跟大家分享「客家俳句」迷人的地方。 Today, we have our Hakka Dialogue guest, Ms. Péng Bì-zhū, who lives in Durban, South Africa, to tell us what’s Hakka haiku. Ms. Péng was the principle of Taiwan Cultural & Education Centre in KwaZulu-Natal Mandarin Teaching Institution. Now, Ms. Péng is vice president of the African Taiwanese Hakka Federation, and president of South Africa Durban Hakka Federation. Recently, she published the new book named《kè-pái-fēng dì-èr-jí》.

    The Saisiyat People Of Taiwan & The Navajo of America

    The Saisiyat People Of Taiwan & The Navajo of America

    In this episode, The Yank tells of his time spent with Taiwan's Indigenous people the Saisiyat. He details their fascinating history and traditions, involving a 4-day festival every 2 years that consists of drinking their homemade rice wine and slaughtering and feasting on a wild boar. The Yank also tells of his time spent with the Navajo Indians of New Mexico and Arizona and how unbeknown to him he would have to slaughter a goat. 

    Featuring original music from Taiwan's: Lucy


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