
    host: sammie gallo

    Explore "host: sammie gallo" with insightful episodes like "Episode 80: Navigating Beyond Roe in Life-Affirming Ministry (With Abby Johnson)", "Episode 75: Equipping the Pro-Life Generation Through Authentic and Real Conversations (With John and Catherine O’Neill)", "Episode 74: The Heart of Foster Care (With Johnston Moore)", "Episode 73: OneVoice D.C. and the March for Life (With Sammie Gallo)" and "Episode 71: Intentional, Not Intense (With Sammie Gallo)" from podcasts like ""You Were Made for More", "You Were Made for More", "You Were Made for More", "You Were Made for More" and "You Were Made for More"" and more!

    Episodes (39)

    Episode 80: Navigating Beyond Roe in Life-Affirming Ministry (With Abby Johnson)

    Episode 80: Navigating Beyond Roe in Life-Affirming Ministry (With Abby Johnson)

    As a former Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson shares her testimony and discusses how we as a movement can better serve the needs of pregnant women amidst the new realities of living beyond Roe in America. She talks about how you can model God’s mercy to those who seem undeserving, and respond with grace when others err or offend, while bearing witness to God’s unrestrained compassion so that others may know Him.

    Abby Johnson has always been fiercely determined to help women in need. This desire is what led Abby to a career with Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider, and caused her to flee the organization, becoming an outspoken advocate for the pro-life movement.

    During her eight years with Planned Parenthood, Abby quickly rose through the organization’s ranks and became a clinic director. However, Abby became increasingly disturbed by what she witnessed. Abortion was a product Planned Parenthood was selling, not an unfortunate necessity they were fighting to decrease. Still, Abby loved the women that entered her clinic and her co-workers. Despite a growing unrest within her, she stayed on and strove to serve women in crisis.

    All of that changed on September 26, 2009 when Abby was asked to assist with an ultrasound-guided abortion. She watched in horror as a 13 week baby fought for, and ultimately lost, its life at the hand of the abortionist.

    At that moment, she fully realized what abortion actually was and what she had dedicated her life to. As it washed over Abby, a dramatic transformation had occurred. Desperate and confused, Abby sought help from a local pro-life group. She swore that she would begin to advocate for life in the womb and expose abortion for what it truly is.

    Planned Parenthood did not take Abby’s departure sitting down. The organization is fully aware the workers who leave are their greatest threat. They took immediate action to silence Abby with a gag order and brought her to court. The lawsuit was quickly seen as the sham it was and it was ultimately thrown out of court.

    The media was, and continues to be, intensely interested in Abby’s story as well as her continued efforts to advocate for the unborn and help clinic workers escape the abortion industry. She is a frequently requested guest on Fox News and a variety of other shows. She is also the author of the nationally best-selling book, Unplanned, which chronicles both her experiences within Planned Parenthood and her dramatic exit.

    Today, Abby travels across the globe sharing her story, educating the public on pro-life issues, advocating for the unborn, and reaching out to abortion clinic staff who still work in the industry. She is the founder of And Then There Were None, a ministry designed to assist abortion clinic workers in transitioning out of the industry. To date, this ministry has helped over 630 workers leave the abortion industry. Abby lives in Texas with her husband and eight precious children.

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    Episode 75: Equipping the Pro-Life Generation Through Authentic and Real Conversations (With John and Catherine O’Neill)

    Episode 75: Equipping the Pro-Life Generation Through Authentic and Real Conversations (With John and Catherine O’Neill)

    In today's episode of the You Were Made for More podcast, Sammie chats with husband and wife duo, John and Catherine O'Neill from Students for Life! John serves as the Diocesan and Church Outreach Coordinator at Students for Life of America, while Catherine spent a few years as the Executive Assistant to the President, Kristan Hawkins, and now works in development for SFLA while pursuing her master's degree. Both John and Catherine have different stories that led them to not only be pro-life but to commit their lives to advocating for life. John and Catherine got married this past April 15th and are expecting their first baby in March of 2024! What I love about their stories is how God has woven them together - individual and unique, but yet together and one.

    We talk about how to speak up about your pro-life beliefs in today's culture - all while giving you practical resources to get equipped and go have those conversations in your own communities. 

    You'll hear us say this in the episode, but we truly believe it is so much more authentic to be living the Truth than to go along with what is popular or accepted - that's our hope for you after listening to this episode - that you would feel empowered to believe the Truth and communicate it well. Each and every one of you is called to MORE.

    Here are some things we mentioned in this episode:

    • www.StudentsforLife.org/Start: This page features a step-by-step guide to starting a Students for Life group, beginning with an introductory email to Start@StudentsforLife.org.
    • www.StudentsforLifeHQ.com: A digital pro-life resource library, Students for Life HQ is an excellent starting place for students and adults alike to become virtually educated on a wide range of pro-life topics. All of SFLA’s trainings, webinars, and many more videos are uploaded to this site and available by making a free account.
    • www.StudentsforLifeHQ.com/FreeTraining: This is the digital form to request a free, in-person (or virtual) pro-life speaker through Students for Life.

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    Episode 74: The Heart of Foster Care (With Johnston Moore)

    Episode 74: The Heart of Foster Care (With Johnston Moore)

    On this episode of the podcast, we welcome Johnston Moore, who serves at Anglicans for Life as the Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant. He joined us last year on the podcast to discuss adoption, but this year, we're going to focus more on foster care ministry.

    We talk about the current state of the foster system and the heart behind why pro-life ministries and foster care should inherently be linked. We even discuss how students can become involved. 

    Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

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    Episode 73: OneVoice D.C. and the March for Life (With Sammie Gallo)

    Episode 73: OneVoice D.C. and the March for Life (With Sammie Gallo)

    Hey, friends and listeners - we’re so glad you’re here joining us on the You Were Made for More podcast! On today’s episode, I really wanted to pop in and tell you about our January plans this year to honor and protect Life. We’re switching it up from previous years and excited for the new opportunity that we’ve been given to partner with another pro-life organization to really understand why God Himself values life. 

    This year, in conjunction with the March for Life, we’re inviting youth groups and families to join us at OneVoice D.C. on January 18, 2024 at the Westin, D.C. Downtown Hotel.  Unsure of what OneVoice D.C. is? Join us on your favorite listening platform for today's conversation and learn more about how you, your family, and your youth group can get involved with The Radiance Foundation, Anglicans for Life, and the March for Life.

    Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

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    Episode 71: Intentional, Not Intense (With Sammie Gallo)

    Episode 71: Intentional, Not Intense (With Sammie Gallo)

    “Dating intentionally.”

    If you are a single Christian, it’s something that you’ve probably heard mentioned at some point, and held up as the right way to go about dating. But what does it mean, and how do you go about dating intentionally? Even on our podcast, we talk about that phrase a lot… because as Christians, we should be super intentional - or thoughtful - about the way we interact with others. On this episode of the podcast, we're going to take the time and dissect what it can look like to be INTENTIONAL, without being INTENSE while you're navigating dating.

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    Episode 69: Motherhood is a Gift (With Sydney Alleyne)

    Episode 69: Motherhood is a Gift (With Sydney Alleyne)

    Today's episode focuses on one of our favorite topics: motherhood! 

    In a culture that continually discusses motherhood as a “less than” role in society and oftentimes makes it difficult to think of motherhood as the sacred role that it is, it can be even more challenging to truly live out the pro-life ideals that you may have. One of our staff members at Anglicans for Life, Sydney, experienced this first hand as she faced an unplanned pregnancy as a teenager; here’s what she says about how becoming a mom has impacted her life and faith: 

    “Patience and understanding are mercies I experience every day as a mom. Before Lydia, I had neither, but motherhood forces you to slow down and look at all angles of a situation. My kids ( Lydia and Manny) teach me something about myself every day.

    (When it comes to my oldest) The Lord has blessed me with my best friend. At the time, when I found out I was pregnant, I thought my life was over. But when Lydia came into the world — everything changed for the better. She gave me a completely different perspective on life that I am genuinely grateful for. God always knows what we need, and Lydia is proof of that.”

    Sydney has years of experience within the communications and digital marketing space. She has worked in various industries such as government contracting, private security, and healthcare. She has helped organizations reach their target audiences and grow their online presence through purposeful content. In her spare time she coaches girls’ soccer and enjoys spending time with her family.

    Despite all of the negative aspects you’ll hear from the culture about motherhood, our goal today is to highlight some of the positives. The organization ZERO TO THREE conducted a study with 2,200 parents and found that...

    1. 91% say parenting is their greatest joy.
    2. 70% say they feel their life started when they became a parent.
    3. 90% of dads say being a parent is their greatest joy.
    4. 73% of those men say their lives began when they became a dad.

    It’s completely possible to LOVE being a mom of small children. But it takes intentionality - our prayer is that this episode would convict OR  encourage you about what motherhood in today’s world is meant to look like.

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    Episode 68: Relationships and Gender Roles (with Juan and Sammie Gallo)

    Episode 68: Relationships and Gender Roles (with Juan and Sammie Gallo)

    On today's episode of the podcast, Sammie sits down with her husband to talk a little bit about what it looks like to follow the Lord in a Christian marriage. While no relationship is perfect, our hope is that by sharing our story on the podcast that it will allow other couples to apply what Scripture says about marriage to their own relationships in order to create healthy communication and systems to thrive as God intended male and female to do.

    This is Ephesians 22-33. It says:

    “Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, his body in his himself its Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way, husbands should love their wives as their own bodies, he who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body. Therefore, a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I’m saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

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    Episode 67: Living It Out: The Gospel Through Medicine (With Dr. John Bruchalski)

    Episode 67: Living It Out: The Gospel Through Medicine (With Dr. John Bruchalski)

    "In a world where we are so polarized… We ought to be really pro-options." - Dr. John Bruchalski

    Dr. John Bruchalski is the Founder of Tepeyac OB/GYN, a pro-life, faith-based practice in Fairfax, Virginia serving women in the D.C. metropolitan area for over 25 years. Tepeyac’s unique model is the first of its kind to provide patients, including those who are uninsured or low income, with quality medical care of the highest life-affirming standards.

    With many patients crossing state lines to receive care from Tepeyac’s team of board-certified physicians and midwives, Dr. Bruchalski and his team at Divine Mercy Carehelped create the Pro-Women’s Healthcare Centers (PWHC) network in 2018, which now consists of 12 certtified PWHCs in the United States.

    Dr. John Bruchalski received his M.D. from the University of South Alabama College of Medicine in Mobile, AL in 1987. He completed his residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Eastern Virginia Medical Center and the Jones Institute for Reproductive Medicine in Norfolk, Virginia in 1991. He received board certification in 1993.

    During his training, Dr. Bruchalski performed abortions believing he was helping women. After a spiritual awakening, he realized abortion was not achieving freedom, health, and happiness for women. Dr. Bruchalski stopped performing abortions, returned to faith, and felt God’s call to start a medical practice that truly helped women.

    Dr. Bruchalski’s story represents the struggle many Christian medical professionals face: the decision to go along to get along or to boldly stand out. His journey reveals the dark side of getting caught up in the OB/GYN status quo, the evils hidden in plain sight, and the dangers of remaining lukewarm in your faith. His memoir, Two Patients: My Conversion from Abortion to Life-Affirming Medicine (Ignatius Press) was released in October 2022.

    Dr. Bruchalski is the proud recipient of the 2017 Life Hero Award and the 2022 Notre Dame Evangelium Vitae Medal. He now believes that there are two patients in the line of work that he does, and in our conversation we'll hear how he went from performing abortions to practicing life-affirming medicine.

    Here are some things we cover in our conversation:

    • What is perinatal hospice and what is its purpose? 
    • How do we partner with those experiencing infant loss? 
    • Resources for those seeking life-affirming OB care 

    Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

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    Episode 66: Love is An Expertise (With Tiffany Justice)

    Episode 66: Love is An Expertise (With Tiffany Justice)

    "Parents have the constitutional and God-given rights to direct the moral, ethical, and religious upbringing of our children. Parents are the first and most important teachers. We simply want a seat at the table, and for our principles to be treated with the same respect as all others." - Julia Page

    In this episode of the podcast, Sammie interview Tiffany Justice, one of the cofounders of the organization, Moms for Liberty. Tiffany is a wife and mom of four school-aged children. In 2016 she stepped up to serve for 4 years on the School District of Indian River County, FL School Board. She and Tina Descovich founded Moms for Liberty with the main goal of unifying parents and addressing concerning issues and hold people accountable at all levels of government. They firmly believe in fundamental rights, stand for truth, empower others, and build relationships.

    You'll hear us discuss what the mission of Mom's for Liberty is, what kids are facing culturally when they're in school, and why standing up for our children is a core element that is needed to keep families thriving, as well as what to do if you want to get involved. Tiffany encourages parents listening to this episode that "love is an expertise," and we have a responsibility to stand firm in what we believe for the sake of our children and their best interest.

    Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

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    Episode 61: The Why (AND HOW) Behind Adoption (With Johnston Moore)

    Episode 61: The Why (AND HOW) Behind Adoption (With Johnston Moore)

    November is Adoption Awareness Month!
    On this episode of the podcast, we welcome Johnston Moore, who serves at Anglicans for Life as the Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant. 

    Johnston has been married to his wife, Terri, since 1988, and together they have seven children, all of whom were adopted through the Los Angeles County foster care system. He is a strong believer in and vocal advocate for permanency and justice for children, having witnessed the impact that both have had on his children. John enjoyed a career in Hollywood in film/TV production and as a screenwriter before becoming fully immersed in adoption and foster care ministry, first through his employment at Hope for Orphans, and then at Home Forever.

    Currently, Johnston is living with his family in Virginia, where he is a regular speaker at Focus on the Family’s Wait No More Adoption Conferences. They attend Redeemer Anglican Church in Richmond, VA and are passionate about seeing the greater Church be a part of what God is doing through the foster care and adoption movement.

    In this conversation, we talk about the "in's and out's" of adoption and creative ways in which you can get involved depending on where God is calling you to use your time, resources, and gifts.

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    Episode 60: All About the ySUMMIT🥳

    Episode 60: All About the ySUMMIT🥳

    What does it look like to be marching into the post-Roe America?

    I wanted to pop into your feed this month and personally invite you each to join us this January for the 50th annual March for Life and our event, the ySUMMIT!

    The ySUMMIT is the event Anglicans for Life holds every year in conjunction with the March for Life. Through worship, fellowship, and engaging speakers, we’ll connect the Gospel with how to affirm life, so that we can make a difference for His Kingdom here on earth by being the light in the post-Roe world.

    While the Dobbs decision in June was a historic milestone for those who believe that every life is sacred, we will not rest until legal protection is provided from conception to natural death for every human being. Since 1983, Abundant Life’s parent organization, Anglicans for Life has worked to uphold the Sanctity of Life by working to make abortion unthinkable and unnecessary, and we won’t give up until we have that victory.

    Here is how to find out more about the ySUMMIT registration: 

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    Episode 59: Roe v. Wade & Lifesaving Pregnancy Care (With Dr. Christina Francis)

    Episode 59: Roe v. Wade & Lifesaving Pregnancy Care (With Dr. Christina Francis)

    We're so excited to have Dr. Christina Francis with us on the podcast today! Dr. Francis is a board-certified Ob/Gyn who currently works in Fort Wayne, Indiana, after completing medical school at Indiana University in 2005. She is chair of the board of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG) and a board member of Indiana Right to Life. As a professional speaker, Dr. Francis offers her medical expertise, knowledge of bioethics, and pro-life reasoning both here in the U.S. and around the globe. She has always had a passion for human rights, spending a significant portion of the past 10 years in various countries working tirelessly on behalf of women and children. Dr. Francis spent time working with orphans in Romania and Burma, discussing the importance of life issues with university students in Israel, and working for three years as the only Ob/Gyn at a mission hospital in rural Kenya. Dr. Francis left Kenya in 2014 to work on behalf of women and children in the United States who are often victims of the abortion industry, and to educate people on the greatest social injustice of our time.

    This episode is all about debunking some myths you may have heard since Roe v. Wade was overturned in June. Since abortion rights have been sent back to the states to decide, there has been a ton of misinformation circulating that women facing high-risk pregnancies and ectopic pregnancies will not be able to receive care for life-threatening conditions if abortion is illegal in that state. Dr. Francis shares her expertise with us, and trust me, you do not want to miss this! We answer questions like:

    • Is abortion really essential to healthcare? 
    • What are ectopic pregnancies? 
    • Does post-Roe state legislation outlaw/criminalize treatment for ectopic pregnancies?

    We hope this episode encourages you to speak up against the false narrative that abortion is healthcare and to educate yourselves about women's health before posting or sharing.

    Here are some things we mentioned in this episode:

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    Episode 58: Being Proactive About Our Own Healing and Mental Health (With Alexa Baily)

    Episode 58: Being Proactive About Our Own Healing and Mental Health (With Alexa Baily)

    In this episode of the You Were Made for More Podcast, Alexa (or Lex as her people call her!) is joining us today for a conversation about being proactive about creating a healthy marriage relationship. Lex is a wife, mom, and has a background as a mental health counselor who is dedicated to promoting client welfare, dignity, and wellness. Through her education, she has been trained in individual therapy, group therapy, managing cases, and treatment planning, as she holds a Masters of Arts Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Waynesburg University and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Political Science from The Ohio State University. I asked Lex to join us for this conversation because I know her professionally AND personally, and I’ve seen her live out her values in her own relationships as well as helping clients walk through tough relationships and navigate hardships. 

    As we mentioned, this episode will focus on a how to be proactive about creating a healthy marriage & what it looks like to heal from and confront our own trauma to make our relationships better. God created marriage and it is good, but there can be so much brokenness surrounding the idea of being with another broken person forever - but through hard work, humility, and honesty, marriage can be one of the most life-giving gifts we’re given on this side of Heaven. 

    Be sure to stay up to date with Abundant Life: You Were Made for More by visiting our blog - and if you're loving the podcast, send guest recommendations to us or leave us a star-rating/review on your favorite listening platform to spread the word about the you were made for more message.

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    Episode 57: Dating Well (With Brooke Farrell)

    Episode 57: Dating Well (With Brooke Farrell)

    In this episode, Brooke talks to us about what it looks like to have healthy relationships and how we can date "well," even though the Bible doesn't explicitly talk about the topic of dating. Sammie met Brooke when they were both serving on the Pittsburgh Essential Speakers team in high schools around the city of Pittsburgh! They both have a passion for helping teens navigate through the tricky waters of dating in today's culture, while also trying to be faithful and follow the Lord.

    Brooke Farrell currently serves as the Middle School Director at North Way Christian Community in Wexford, PA. Brooke grew up in the Pittsburgh area and is a graduate of Geneva College with a degree in Communications and a concentration in Public Relations. She enjoys time with her two small kiddos and husband, and enjoys her side business of impersonating the Disney character, Elsa, from "Frozen" at birthday parties! You will regularly find Brooke with her nose in a book or laughing with her four sisters.

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    Episode 56: Trusting God, Contentment, and Singleness (With Sarah Parker Mounce)

    Episode 56: Trusting God, Contentment, and Singleness (With Sarah Parker Mounce)

    Contentment. Contentment is trusting that God has the best in mind for you no matter where you are in life.

    Sarah Parker is a 34-year-old professional living in Columbia, South Carolina. She graduated from Clemson in 2011. She owns a small business and loves serving her hometown! Covenant Services is a female-owned and led business, with a fully-female staff. She is an aunt to three nephews and a niece who she adores. Sarah Parker is passionate about Jesus and showing others that the “not yet married” life is not second best. She loves people, all things Clemson, her German Shepard Attila, and her double name! This conversation with Sarah discusses topics like singleness, living out God's call on your life, and how to trust God in seasons where you can't really see Him working. We loved having Sarah Parker on the #YouWereMadeForMorePodcast and we're so excited for you to hear our chat!  

    Here are some things we mentioned during this episode: 

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    Episode 45: What's Happening With Women's Reproductive Rights (With Missy Giles)

    Episode 45: What's Happening With Women's Reproductive Rights (With Missy Giles)

    Melissa Giles is the Marketing and Development Coordinator for Human Life Alliance, a nonprofit, pro-life informational organization dedicated to creating a culture in which all human life, from the moments of fertilization to natural death, is respected and cherished. Distribution of HLA’s compelling materials have reached 232.4 million people over the past 31 years in all 50 U.S. states, 88 different countries, and all seven continents.

    Missy graduated from Eastern Michigan University with BA in Entrepreneurship. She founded a professional wedding photographer company and most recently served as a missionary for a non-profit Christian organization at the University of Michigan.

    She also has a diverse background working as a professional wedding photographer, and nonprofit mission work with college students. Currently in her role at HLA, she leads students through asking hard questions like... “If you’re pro-life, why? If you’re going to take the stance of being pro-choice, can you back that up?” These are all important questions to ask ourselves, and we have to be able and willing to ask tough questions in order to be educated about cultural issues that can so easily divide us. We’re going to chat with Missy about what it looks like to become educated on these issues and why we should be passionate about them. What I love about Missy’s story is that she’s able to see now how various jobs aren’t “lost” - that there was purpose in her faithfully going where God called her for a certain season because there was purpose in each one. Let’s dive into this conversation!

    Here are some things we mentioned in the podcast:

    • Human Life Alliance Website (remember, they produce materials that can teach you 99% of the info you need to know about the culture of life! check it out today!)

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    Episode 44: For Moms, About Moms, and Honoring Moms

    Episode 44: For Moms, About Moms, and Honoring Moms

    “...now that I am a mother, I understand what Mother's Day is about: it's about looking through our lives and recognizing the act of mothering everywhere we see it, and more than that, recognizing that when any of us mother-- when we listen, nurture, nourish, protect--we're doing sacred work.” 
    -Shauna Neiquest 

    This episode is FOR moms, ABOUT moms, and HONORING moms. We're so grateful for all the mommas who mother us. I pray this episode encourages you no matter what your emotions about this day are - my goal is to honor everyone's story, to spur you on in healing, and to remind you that the Gospel is for you.

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    Episode 39: The Radiance Foundation and The Truth About Abortion (With Ryan Bomberger)

    Episode 39: The Radiance Foundation and The Truth About Abortion (With Ryan Bomberger)

    Ryan Bomberger is an Emmy® Award-winning creative professional, international public speaker, columnist, factivist, and author of the powerful book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. He is also the co-founder of RadianceFoundation.org, a life-affirming organization based on the belief that every human life has purpose. Ryan has a rather unique perspective of the innate nature of purpose. He is one of ten children who were adopted and loved in a racially diverse family of fifteen. Today, as an adoptee and adoptive father with his wife Bethany, he enjoys boldly illuminating the intrinsic worth we all possess.

    He and his wife, Bethany, founded The Radiance Foundation to extensively research and creatively present challenging social issues through ad campaigns, multimedia talks, fearless journalism, and compassionate community outreaches.

    What I love most about Ryan is that his life really does defy the myth of the “unwanted” child – his birth mother was raped yet courageously gave him a chance to live. Today on the podcast we are sharing Ryan's talk from the ySummit 2021 (which we held in conjunction with Anglicans for Life and the March for Life, virtually!). Ryan is one of the best of the best and we couldn't help but share his talk with you all, about exposing lies that are rooted in what we believe about humanity and the worth of all human beings.

    Here are some things we mention in this episode:

    Be sure to stay up to date with Abundant Life: You Were Made for More by visiting our blog - and if you're loving the podcast, send guest recommendations to us or leave us a star-rating/review on your favorite listening platform to spread the word about the you were made for more message.

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    Episode 31: Relationships Matter (With Toni McFadden)

    Episode 31: Relationships Matter (With Toni McFadden)

    This episode contains an abortion testimony and description that may be triggering to some women or men who have not went through healing. For more information on abortion recovery and finding resources near you, please visit
    https://anglicansforlife.org/2018/05/10/anglicans-action-abortion-healing/, or reach out to Toni personally as she invites you to do in the episode.

    Today, we’re going to have the opportunity to hear a conversation that I had with Toni McFadden. Toni is someone who believes in the power of relationships, and is passionate about sharing that with the next generation. She is vulnerable and real when sharing her own story of relationships, sex, and how God has redeemed her past - but something I love about her story is the fact that she doesn’t overlook the hard work of the healing that she needed to put in to set a new foundation for herself. Toni first and foremost wants to make sure that every person knows how to handle forgiveness, receive redemption, and look mistakes in the face without allowing them to hold us back. I’m excited for you to hear my conversation with Toni - give the episode a listen and let us know how her story has encouraged you!

    Here are some things we mentioned in this episode: 

    Be sure to stay up to date with Abundant Life: You Were Made for More by visiting our blog - and if you're loving the podcast, send guest recommendations to us or leave us a star-rating/review on your favorite listening platform to spread the word about the you were made for more message.

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    Episode 27: An Alternative To Birth Control That All Women Should Know About (With Robin Turner)

    Episode 27: An Alternative To Birth Control That All Women Should Know About (With Robin Turner)

    Today, we’re going to have the opportunity to hear a conversation that I had with Robin Turner, who serves as the director of children’s ministry at St. Stephen’s Church in Sewickley, PA, about birth control, alternatives to traditional birth control, and what her husband and she have implemented in their own marriage.

    I think this is an important conversation to have because women's health is an important topic to be informed on and testimonies can be powerful! Women’s health is so important, and unfortunately, we are getting a wide variety of messages about what is “best” when it comes to our bodies. If you’ve never heard of natural family planning, or you’ve heard of it and you feel like it’s some outdated idea where you just count the days between your menstrual cycles, this episode is for you! Natural family planning is proven to be a great alternative to hormonal birth control, involves putting no chemicals and hormones in your body, and doesn’t interrupt the natural work of ovulation that God has created our bodies to do. Women’s health is a complex arena, but the earlier you get informed about what’s out there, the sooner you can start praying and discerning about what is best for you! If you've had issues with hormonal birth control like many women have, and you feel like there is no real option, there is - and that’s what today’s episode is all about.

    Here are some things we mentioned in this episode: 

    Be sure to stay up to date with Abundant Life: You Were Made for More by visiting our blog - and if you're loving the podcast, send guest recommendations to us or leave us a star-rating/review on your favorite listening platform to spread the word about the you were made for more message.

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