
    human-animal bond

    Explore " human-animal bond" with insightful episodes like "The Human-Animal Connection 32 Ethical Connections", "The Human-Animal Connection 31 Power Animals and Spirit Guides", "The Human-Animal Connection 30 The Power of Names", "The Human-Animal Connection 29 Animals on Purpose" and "The Human-Animal Connection 28 The Soul of An Animal" from podcasts like ""The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)" and "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)"" and more!

    Episodes (50)

    The Human-Animal Connection 32 Ethical Connections

    The Human-Animal Connection 32 Ethical Connections
    With so many ethical questions relating to how humans treat animals, it can feel overwhelming. We suggest picking one area of interest that speaks to your heart. It could be protecting one species, or it could be animal welfare issues right in your neighborhood. Can you work with others who care about this issue? Can you donate to organizations that are really helping? Can you volunteer or educate lawmakers? No one can save the world alone – but together we can make a difference. This episode explores both some of the issues such as how many farm animals are being raised in terrible conditions, and animal testing – which is 95% INEFFECTIVE with humans – even if they pass animal trials. We explore one important way we can make animal testing more humane. Just thinking about doing one good thing can lift morale and give meaning to your life.

    Can you or your church or school or business plant milkweed to save the butterflies? There is always one thing you can do that touches your heart and gives you a feeling of camaraderie with others – and can have a powerful impact – even for one species.

    EPISODE NOTES: Ethical Connections

    The Human-Animal Connection 31 Power Animals and Spirit Guides

    The Human-Animal Connection 31 Power Animals and Spirit Guides
    I believe that everyone can have a connection with their animal spirit guide or power animal. Often we will have more than one as each brings different wisdom. Black Hawk said that there was a time that we all could talk to animals with the same ease as we speak to other human-animals. Learn how each animal brings its own guidance and connecting with your animal guide can help us navigate the twists and turns of our life with greater ease. Perhaps you would like to learn how to see signs in clouds as is done in the Hawaiian tradition. Or to see signs in all aspects of nature. Life gets easier and richer when we can receive guidance from the animal and nature kingdoms.

    EPISODE NOTES: Power Animals and Spirit Guides

    The Human-Animal Connection 30 The Power of Names

    The Human-Animal Connection 30 The Power of Names
    The spirit of a being is carried in the name. This is why it is important to choose the right name for the animal who shares your life. There are no bad names, but some names do not support the spirit of the animal to express themselves. In some cases (about 15%) when I work with clients who perhaps adopted a shelter dog with the “wrong” name – and they are curious to discover a better name. When we find the right name, much behavior improves. Dogs can easily learn new names, and when we find their “true” name – their spirit blossoms. In this episode we explore some stories of animals who had a name that didn’t serve them – and what changed in their lives when we found their right name.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Power of Names

    The Human-Animal Connection 29 Animals on Purpose

    The Human-Animal Connection 29 Animals on Purpose
    Every animal has a purpose. Not all animals are aware of this purpose, but some are. It is our job as humans to listen to their true purpose and not impose our desires on them. Animals are connected to their true nature and if we share our lives with animals, it is our job to support them – and ourselves – to live as close to our authentic essence as we can. In this episode I tell stories about finding, losing, and re-finding purpose – both for animals and humans. I ask three questions to help people get on track with living their purpose. When we find ourselves in alignment with purpose, which is like having an internal GPS, life gets calmer, more focused, more joyous. Come with us on this journey of cultivating purpose for ourselves and the animals who share our lives.

    EPISODE NOTES: Animals on Purpose

    The Human-Animal Connection 28 The Soul of An Animal

    The Human-Animal Connection 28 The Soul of An Animal
    Do Animals have souls? I give my explanation for my answer and for evidence of continuity of individual consciousness through my hundreds of communications with animals who have passed over. In this episode I tell a few stories that give me confidence that we have more than one life, and so do our animals. Being able to communicate with animals means that we are not limited by space, time, or physicality. Explore the possibility of death as a doorway to a new connection, not an ending. There is great peace to be experienced even as we process deep grief, through connecting with our animals who are no longer with us here and now.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Soul of An Animal

    The Human-Animal Connection 27 Freedom of Choice

    The Human-Animal Connection 27 Freedom of Choice
    How can we give animals who share our lives a greater sense of freedom of choice? This essential ingredient is so important to the well-being of animals. In this episode we explore the major five freedoms that animals need for their well-being. And we also explore the emotional needs for freedom of choice so that we can help animals who share our lives a sense of freedom which leads to greater balance of emotional states. There are many small things we can do to make a big impact on the quality of life for animals.

    EPISODE NOTES: Freedom of Choice

    The Human-Animal Connection 26 The Secret of Balance

    The Human-Animal Connection 26 The Secret of Balance
    Animals have an innate sense of balance. This is the secret to having a good life. We can learn so much by watching how animals balance activity and rest, connection and separation, their desire for touch and not touching. We explore how some dogs are primarily introverts, and others are extroverts. Understanding this primary temperament helps us understand how to create a more balanced life for their individual nervous system. We also explore how some dogs are more attached to routines, and others have a need for newness -- new people, places, and things. Understanding how to provide more balance for your dog improves your life and theirs.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Secret of Balance

    The Human-Animal Connection 25 Animals Can Teach Us About Rhythm, Timing & Distance

    The Human-Animal Connection 25 Animals Can Teach Us About Rhythm, Timing & Distance
    Animals – and all of nature moves to a rhythm we don’t always comprehend. As a species we have lost so much of our sense of natural rhythm. This can result in the tremendous crisis of sleep we humans have, struggling to turn off the mind and surrender to relaxation. Animals have an innate sense of the rhythms of nature – and also a musicality that we are just learning more about. And animals have a sense of the perfect space or distance for any interaction. When we pay close attention to our unique sense of distance, many interactions are smoother because we aren’t violating each other’s sense of space.

    EPISODE NOTES: Animals Can Teach Us About Rhythm, Timing & Distance

    The Human-Animal Connection 24 How Animals Help Us Change Our Relationship to Time

    The Human-Animal Connection 24 How Animals Help Us Change Our Relationship to Time
    Animals have a wonderful wisdom about time. They know how to fully enjoy the present moment – and they can also anticipate joyful events that they know are coming. Animals can teach us to be more flexible about how we relate to time – so we are not limited by our habitual patterns. Having an inflexible relationship to time makes us feel like we are always “losing” time. When we open our sense of “Now Time” we can begin to feel how we have all the time in the world. Being with animals helps us be more in this moment and to let that experience fill all our senses.

    EPISODE NOTES: How Animals Help Us Change Our Relationship to Time

    The Human-Animal Connection 23 The Order of the Senses – Letting the Nose Lead

    The Human-Animal Connection 23 The Order of the Senses – Letting the Nose Lead
    Dogs use their noses first – it is how they get the most information from the world. Of course, they are also using their eyes and ears, but when they are relaxed, it is the nose that gives them the most information. Dogs who are stressed often have their senses out of order, which makes them more reactive to sounds and motion. We can help them get their senses “back in order” which reduces their anxiety, panic barking, and pacing. The power of the nose to help a dog resettle is an amazing way we can help the animals who share our lives to feel safe, calm, and at ease.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Order of the Senses – Letting the Nose Lead

    The Human-Animal Connection 22 Animal’s Shaking Wisdom

    The Human-Animal Connection 22 Animal’s Shaking Wisdom
    You’ve seen your dog “shake it off” – and not just when they are wet. Animals do something very wise – they shake out the stress! We even see this in the wild, when a prey animal escapes a predator’s pursuit, the first thing they do when they know they are safe is “shake off” the cascade of adrenaline, cortisol. and stress chemistry. This is what helps them be more resilient, and to not carry the trauma. This allows them to be in the present time because they are not carrying the chemistry of stress. Humans can learn much from watching how resilient animals are, and we can also help the animals who share our lives to be in present time.

    EPISODE NOTES: Animal’s Shaking Wisdom

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 21 The Natural Impulses of Towards & Away

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 21 The Natural Impulses of Towards & Away
    Animals have a natural sense of moving toward what is good, safe, and desired -- and away from what is bad, unsafe or negative. Unless they have been traumatized – then this alert system gets out of whack! Then this Towards & Away natural guidance system begins to give false messages and interferes with their ability to trust. When we help them to slowly heal their natural guidance system, they can trust safe people and places and this greatly reduces stress and anxiety, because they can trust their own instincts again. Learn how we can help them restore their natural sense of goodness and safety.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Natural Impulses of Towards & Away

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 20 Connectivity and Belonging

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 20 Connectivity and Belonging
    The sense of connection and belonging is essential to feeling that you “fit” in your life. But both people and animals can get separated from this sense of belonging. We are social animals, but everyone has different needs for HOW much social connection they need. If we understand this about the animals who share our lives, the differences in temperament – between introverted and extroverted animals and how to best protect their needs – they will be a lot less stressed. Find out why dogs really are “social geniuses” when it comes to reading human emotions.

    EPISODE NOTES: Connectivity and Belonging

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 19 Trust: The Foundation of Healing

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 19 Trust: The Foundation of Healing
    Trust is the foundation for healthy connections – with people or animals. But life presents many opportunities to lose our sense of trust. I am a certified Trust Technique Practitioner and, in this episode, we explain why trust is so important to help humans and animals move forward with their lives – and to thrive. I will tell a story about a little mouse in the shelter who taught me so much about the circle of trust, and how people and animals can share this exquisite feeling for the benefit of all.

    EPISODE NOTES: Trust: The Foundation of Healing

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 18 Rebuilding a Sense of Safety

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 18 Rebuilding a Sense of Safety
    All beings have a right to feel safe. But not all of us do – humans -- or animals in a human world. When we are doing healing work with animals, the first step in The Human-Animal Connection method is to evaluate the sense of safety that an animal feels. If their “Safety Tank” is low, our first task is to help them raise their sense of safety. In this episode we explain our method, that works with both animals and people and helps us all regain a calm sense of “You’re okay!” This is essential if you are working with shelter animals or your own animals who have experienced trauma or adversity. And we also explain our HAC method of Animal Soul Retrieval for animals who have lost their joy for living.

    EPISODE NOTES: Rebuilding a Sense of Safety

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 17 Healing from Trauma: For People and Animals

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 17 Healing from Trauma: For People and Animals
    Dogs, just like people, can have traumatic experiences. The good news is that trauma can be healed in both animals and people. We talk about how to help shelter animals and other dogs who have experienced tremendous adversity. In The Human-Animal Connection we have methods to help them re-train their nervous systems so that the trauma triggers are not controlling their lives. In some cases, this involves “re-puppying” to help restore a fundamental sense of safety that allows the dog to let go of the burden of carrying the trauma and reengage with life. We tell many stories of dogs who have recovered from tremendous adversity. We work at the animal’s pace and help them to get their senses “back in order.” We show how the sense of choice can help heal the debilitating sense of helplessness.

    EPISODE NOTES: Healing from Trauma: For People and Animals

    The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

    The Connection Between the Canine-Guardian Bond and Dog Behavior

    In this episode, I read my scientific paper from my PhD course (Cognition, Emotion to Improve Animal Welfare - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences).

    No scientific knowledge or prep required. I discuss canine enrichment, street dogs, adolescent dogs, and the guardian-canine bond to bring to light the benefits of human-based approaches, such as Flow, Cognitive Enrichment, and CBT meet the needs of pet parents and dogs. 

    ABSTRACT - "The aim of this paper is to highlight the connection between cognitive processes, affected states (primarily in relation to the guardian-canine bond), and behavior to explore the effects of these factors on the welfare of domestic dogs. I begin by presenting the proven benefits, as well as the limitations, of enrichment activities and training programs. I discuss the importance of stimulating cognitive functions and establishing the guardian-canine bond to prevent and address behaviors leading to surrender, euthanasia, and the implementation of aversive measures, and refer to studies to highlight the benefits of further research into factors affecting behavior. I then move beyond enrichment and the discussion of positive verses negative conditioning methods to introduce strategies borrowed from the human world to heighten cognitive stimulation, enhance bonding, and address behavioral issues as potential suggestions for future exploration to improve the welfare of domestic dogs."

    For a pdf copy of the paper with citations and links to referenced studies, please email me at bgroom@antioch.edu  Thank you

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 16 Animals: Our Partners in Healing

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 16 Animals: Our Partners in Healing
    Animals can help us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Different dogs have different talents and even a specific purpose in life. It is important to recognize an individual dog’s innate talents, opinions, and the ways in which they desire to serve. In this episode we explain the difference between service dogs, emotional support animals, and therapy dogs. We explain the types of work these dogs do and how you can support your dog as they support others. Our high school program, Canines Teach Compassion is powerful and lowers stress by 62% from one-hour of interaction. Dogs can be trained to detect covid, and many other illnesses including cancer. We tell several stories of how dogs can be our true partners in healing.

    EPISODE NOTES: Animals: Our Partners in Healing

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 15 Entering the Language of Silence

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 15 Entering the Language of Silence
    Words have power. And silence has power. There is a saying that “in silence all answers can be heard.” Entering the Language of Silence is what allows you to communicate clearly with animals. I have learned how to listen by entering the Language of Silence. In this way we can communicate in a way that is profound and beyond words. In the realm of silence, we can hear our deepest truths, and the truth of the beings who share our lives. Would you like to communicate with your animals? What is it you most want to hear?

    EPISODE NOTES: Entering the Language of Silence

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 14b Part Two: Opening the Door to Animal Communication

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 14b Part Two: Opening the Door to Animal Communication
    In part two of Opening the Door to Animal Communication we explore how better communication leads to better connections in both the human and the animal world. It is an art to simply observe, neutrally, to be open to hear and feel what the animal is really feeling without projecting or interpreting based on our own perspectives. Animals are very honest communicators, which is refreshing. But I tell the story of how a horse “fooled” me – by telling his version of the story, which was not how his owners saw things! I also tell a story about how a group of captive dolphins outsmarted the researchers. And I also tell the story about Beautiful Jim Key, the horse that learned the alphabet. Once we begin communicating with animals, we can never underestimate their intelligence again.

    EPISODE NOTES: Part Two: Opening the Door to Animal Communication

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