
    human-animal bond

    Explore " human-animal bond" with insightful episodes like "The Human-Animal Connection Ep 14a Part One: Opening the Door to Animal Communication – Animals Are Always Communicating", "The Human-Animal Connection Ep 13 Honoring Animal Wisdom – Makes Us More Loving People", "The Human-Animal Connection Ep 12 Relationship Training – The Secret to Better Behavior", "The Human-Animal Connection Ep 11 Canines Teach Compassion – Empathy for Animals Makes Us Better People" and "The Human-Animal Connection Ep 10 Animals Have Opinions – What that Means for Sharing our Lives Together" from podcasts like ""The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)", "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)" and "The Human-Animal Connection - Pet Life Radio Original (PetLifeRadio.com)"" and more!

    Episodes (50)

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 14a Part One: Opening the Door to Animal Communication – Animals Are Always Communicating

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 14a Part One: Opening the Door to Animal Communication – Animals Are Always Communicating
    In part one of this episode, we explore the Seven Steps to Opening the Door to Animal Communication. Begin by letting go of self-doubt that you can communicate with animals. How to begin to trust that YOU can communicate with animals. This is a natural process that many cultures accept, and many young children feel they can communicate until someone convinces them it is not real. Listening is not just an auditory process, it is peaceful receiving, it is very different from thinking. Learning to communicate with animals takes practice to refine your ability to hear clearly, and to be able to send messages. Animals have an emotional fluidity that is very tender and fun to engage with. The joy of being with animals increases significantly when you open the door to animal communication.

    EPISODE NOTES: Part One: Opening the Door to Animal Communication – Animals Are Always Communicating

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 13 Honoring Animal Wisdom – Makes Us More Loving People

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 13 Honoring Animal Wisdom – Makes Us More Loving People
    ‘I have studied many philosophers and many cats. The wisdom of cats is definitely superior’. That comment from Hippolyte Taine reflects the fact that animals have a wisdom that we humans would be wise to honor. From animals who can sense impending natural disasters like earthquakes and storms to animals’ innate sense of who they can trust, by paying attention to what they perceive, our lives are greatly enriched. I have heard so many stories of animals who alerted their person to illness or responded to their emotional needs. When we recognize that animals have a unique wisdom and pay attention to their signals, our lives are greatly improved. Simply recognizing that animals have a special wisdom helps us behave in more loving ways toward them.

    EPISODE NOTES: Honoring Animal Wisdom – Makes Us More Loving People

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 12 Relationship Training – The Secret to Better Behavior

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 12 Relationship Training – The Secret to Better Behavior
    If you can communicate with an animal, you can understand any behavior. All behavior is done to get a desired result – sometimes the desire of the human and the animal don’t match. The Human-Animal Connection’s philosophy is that if we focus on relationship training – obedience is the result. If you only focus on obedience, you run the risk of undermining trust and connection. The good news is that relationship training (which is 75% teaching the human how to connect) is 300% more effective than fear-based and coercion training styles. Positive training is good for the relationship, results in faster learning, and longer retention than dominance styles. Learning what your dog considers rewarding makes training fun, easy and reliable. Your dog will show you how they want to be treated -- if you are paying attention.

    EPISODE NOTES: Relationship Training – The Secret to Better Behavior

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 11 Canines Teach Compassion – Empathy for Animals Makes Us Better People

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 11 Canines Teach Compassion – Empathy for Animals Makes Us Better People
    Canines Teach Compassion is the name of The Human-Animal Connection’s class where we bring therapy dogs into high school classrooms to teach kids to treat themselves – and each other -- better. You can’t be compassionate towards others if you are constantly judging or criticizing or comparing yourself to others. Students learn how to train therapy dogs and at the same time come to appreciate how each dog learns a little differently, as do they. Students see the differences in the dogs (who are all shapes, sizes, colors, and breeds) but also come to see what unites them – they are all dogs. In this way students learn to support their own need to be unique as well as to fit in. Dogs teach lessons in love that are beyond words in the Canines Teach Compassion class.

    EPISODE NOTES: Canines Teach Compassion – Empathy for Animals Makes Us Better People

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 10 Animals Have Opinions – What that Means for Sharing our Lives Together

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 10 Animals Have Opinions – What that Means for Sharing our Lives Together
    Jane Goodall once said, “You cannot share your life with a dog or cat and not know perfectly well that animals have personality, and mind, and opinions.” What does it mean to consider that the animals who share your life have opinions? In my work as an animal communicator, I find it essential to consider that animals have opinions, and they often surprise me. When I listened to Charlotte the donkey, she solved a problem that her human couldn’t see. And cats have had surprising insight into “house politics and fairness.” We can learn to communicate with animals. This is especially valuable for those people who volunteer at shelters, where the dogs are just so grateful to have someone really listen. This episode shows you how your relationship with your animals is transformed when you consider their opinions.

    EPISODE NOTES: Animals Have Opinions – What that Means for Sharing our Lives Together

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 9 The Power of Focus – Mastering Your Emotions and Your Dog’s Mind

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 9 The Power of Focus – Mastering Your Emotions and Your Dog’s Mind
    Eckhart Tolle once said, “I lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.” If you have shared your life with a cat, you know how they can focus on something with all their being – often something we can’t see. This ability to focus with all their senses in alignment is something we can all benefit from. So many things split our focus – that we don’t even know what feels right and we don’t feel like ourselves anymore. Animals can teach us a lot about the healing power of aligning your focus with the singularity of a laser beam. We can help shelter dogs be more quickly adopted by teaching them how to focus, to make eye contact with humans, It’s hard to walk away from the loving gaze of a dog who knows how to connect. And we teach our high school students this same power, in our Canines Teach Compassion class. Find out how you can use an animal’s power of focus to harness your life force for more good in your life.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Power of Focus – Mastering Your Emotions and Your Dog’s Mind

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 8 The Healing Power of Play – How Play restores the Spirit of People & Animals

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 8 The Healing Power of Play – How Play restores the Spirit of People & Animals
    “All animals except for man know that the principal purpose of life is to enjoy it,” according to Samuel Butler. Play is truly an essential element of a balanced life. This is as true for people as it is for animals. It is one of the reasons it is so healing to spend delightful time with the animals who share our lives. They remind us to enjoy the simplicity of the moment, the curiosity about new smells, new things and experiences. When I do healing work with shy and traumatized shelter animals, the moment they begin to play, I know we have turned a corner, and have entered the power of present time. Did you know that rats love to be tickled? Now that we have advanced audio equipment, we can hear their laughter in the laboratory. And when the designated tickler enters the room, the rats laugh in anticipation of being tickled. Is there time for play in your life? Find out about the healing power of play for animals -- and human animals to make life worth living.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Healing Power of Play – How Play restores the Spirit of People & Animals

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 7 The Language of Touch Connection – How Cuddles Combat Isolation

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 7 The Language of Touch Connection – How Cuddles Combat Isolation
    No matter how crappy your day is, if you have a dog, there is always a happy face waiting for you to come home and cuddle. In today’s world many of us are touch deprived and the hunger for kind and loving touch is very real. And so many people have experienced unwanted touch, that they have shut down the desire to have gentle touch. While gentle touch with animals doesn’t replace the need for human touch, it is a very healing experience, for the animal and for us. That is of course if the touch is what I call “giving touch.” In giving touch, it feels just as good for both sides. In “taking touch” it is like petting on auto pilot, unconsciously, repetitively, and only takes into consideration one side’s desire. Giving Touch is a balanced experience that brings us into a kind and loving state. Just a few minutes of loving touch releases positive feel-good brain chemistry. Touch is a form of communication that can touch the soul.

    EPISODE NOTES: The Language of Touch Connection – How Cuddles Combat Isolation

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 6 Love Beyond Words – How Sharing Love with Animal Changes Us Both

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 6 Love Beyond Words – How Sharing Love with Animal Changes Us Both
    Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Many people will walk in and out of your life. But only the true friends will leave footprints on your heart.” What is it about animals that elicit pure love? Sometimes we have an ache that only an animal can heal. This is because words can fool us, but animals love in a way that is beyond words. Jeffrey Mason wrote a book called Dogs Never Lie About Love. He speaks about how a dog loves you without any ambiguity. They don’t love you -- but secretly want to change you in a hundred ways. They see your essence. And what is more fulfilling and delightful than to be seen as who we really are? This episode explores our spiritual relationship with animals and how loving an animal transforms us.

    EPISODE NOTES: Love Beyond Words – How Sharing Love with Animal Changes Us Both

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 5 Animal Presence – How Animals Are Masters of the Present

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 5 Animal Presence – How Animals Are Masters of the Present
    This episode explores how animals can teach us to be more present. It is a curious thing about being human that being present is the most pleasant experience there is – yet it is so hard for humans to resist the temptation to race into the future or dwell in the past. Animals are thus our partners, or guides showing us the way back home, to being right here, right now. In this episode I speak about how a wild rabbit taught me the power of presence. Being present leads to a state of inner peace and contentment. It is one of the reasons it is so pleasing to be in the presence of animals. We can learn this through loving animals. In fact, Mis Betsy, a traumatized horse taught me so much about how healing is possible through choosing to be right here, right now. As Meister Eckhart said, “The most important hour is always the present. The most significant person is precisely the one sitting across from you right now. The most necessary work is always love.”

    EPISODE NOTES: Animal Presence – How Animals Are Masters of the Present

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 4 Sense-Sational Awareness – How Intuition is Your Path to the Wisdom of the Senses

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 4 Sense-Sational Awareness – How Intuition is Your Path to the Wisdom of the Senses
    When you deepen your connection to animals, you awaken your intuition. This is because connecting with animals encourages us to pay attention to our intuition. By sensing the world, as animals do, we become reattuned to the realm of the senses, which will not lead us astray. Logic, while essential to humans, can also lead us to not know what is really true for us, if it is not working in tandem with our “gut sense.” It is the wisdom of the senses that connects us to our animal nature, our sense of what is good and true for us. Animals know instantly if they can trust another being or not. When we connect with this part of ourselves, we know what we need to do, who to trust and where to turn. This episode helps you find your inner sense of safety through listening to your senses. By paying honest attention to your senses, you will know who to trust. As William Ralph Inge quipped, “A cat can be trusted to purr when she is pleased, which is more than can be said for human beings.”

    EPISODE NOTES: Sense-Sational Awareness – How Intuition is Your Path to the Wisdom of the Senses

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 3 Coming to Your Senses – Awakening Your Sensory Intelligence

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 3 Coming to Your Senses – Awakening Your Sensory Intelligence
    The secret to having more pleasure in your life is to come to your senses. Pleasure is something you can only experience in present time. So, if you are dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, your sense of pleasure will be diminished. Animals help us come into the present time because they are grounded in their sensory nature. That is why it is so nice to pet a dog or cat or horse or any animal you love. Sharing sweetness and love with an animal brings us into our sensory nature. Logic is useful, we need it – but it is not the pathway to pleasure. To feel “better” you need your sensory system, to awaken your “animality,” This is your sensory intelligence -- to see, hear, feel and smell the roses of life. In this episode you’ll learn how to awaken your animal senses – and enjoy your life that much more.

    EPISODE NOTES: Coming to Your Senses – Awakening Your Sensory Intelligence

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 2 Connecting to Your Animal Nature – We Are All Animals

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 2 Connecting to Your Animal Nature – We Are All Animals
    We are all animals. Sometimes we forget that. And we pay a huge price for forgetting. When we are disconnected from our animal nature, it is harder to access our intuition, our sense of what is true for us, and the ability to instantly know what the right decision is, who to trust, what path to take in life. Our animal nature keeps us connected to our innate sensibility – what feels truly “right” for us.

    Some people try to avoid their animal nature, assuming that it leads to “lower” impulses. But the truth is your animal nature is what helps you navigate, to find your “True North” which is like your inner GPS guidance system. When we embrace our animal nature, we feel more at home in our own skin. As Gretel Ehrlich said, “Everything in nature invites us to be constantly who we are.”

    EPISODE NOTES: Connecting to Your Animal Nature – We Are All Animals

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 1 What Dogs Can Teach Us About Being Good – The Medicine of Good

    The Human-Animal Connection Ep 1 What Dogs Can Teach Us About Being Good – The Medicine of Good
    Do you gaze into your dog’s eyes and say, “Good Doggie!” Not only do those words make them feel good – but they lift your spirits also. This sweet moment creates a circle of good feelings between you. Dogs often feel good, and when we let ourselves be affected by their positive energy, it makes us feel happy too. In this way we can keep our emotional “Goodness Tank” full, making us more resilient and better prepared to face life’s challenges.

    We can learn from our dogs how to feel this “Sense of Goodness” in our lives. It is not just an emotional feeling; it is actually a sensation – and it feels good. This episode teaches us everything we need to know about how to have more goodness in our life – and with the animals share our world. In the words of Gregory Maguire, “Animals are born who they are, accept it, and that is that. They live with greater peace than people do.”

    EPISODE NOTES: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Being Good – The Medicine of Good

    0401: Author and Veterinarian Dr. Doug Mader

    0401: Author and Veterinarian Dr. Doug Mader

    Author Dr. Doug Mader discusses the amazing human-animal bond in his wonderful book The Vet at Noah’s Ark: Stories of Survival from an Inner-City Animal Hospital. If you buy it through AmazonSmile, we would be very grateful if you choose Rosie Fund as the charity.

    From the Dog Words archives:
    0129: The New Human Animal Support Services Initiative at KC Pet Project
    Learn more about Keep ‘Em Together, KC and other programs at KCPetProject.org.
    0130: Harrowing Tale of Parvovirus with Jesse Shroyer
    0212: Estate Planning for Pet Owners with Tricia Lincoln

    Music for this episode is provided by alternative string duo, The Wires. Visit them at TheWires.info. Learn fiddle and cello-fiddle online — even if you've never played before — from Laurel Morgan Parks and Sascha Groshang at FiddleLife.com. Join The Wires as they explore new music on their show Sound Currents.

    Make a donation at RosieFund.org or through our Facebook page. You can contribute by making a purchase from the store on our website or buying a t-shirt at Bonfire.com. Also check out our page on BarkYours, the online mall with gifts for people who love their dogs.

    Rosie Fund online:

    Senior Dogs - What to Expect, with guest Dr. Cristina Diaz Madronero. Snippet: Best training method based on life stage

    Senior Dogs - What to Expect, with guest Dr. Cristina Diaz Madronero. Snippet: Best training method based on life stage

    Cristina is a Veterinary Surgeon. Author. RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Dermatology.  She shares with us her vast knowledge on senior dogs in respect to health issues, changes, and what to expect.

    This fun, casual conversation ventures into chatting about adopting mature dogs, and, well, just how great they are!

    I follow our chat by introducing the topic I spoke on at the Animal Behavior Society Conference 2022. You may have heard me say, multiple times, "There is no one right way to work with a dog," and in this episode I explain what I mean. Not only should the method match the reason for the behavior and the personality of the dog, but also, because of brain development in different life stages, some methods are simply more effective than others at different ages.  Find out why!

    Thanks for your interest, and as always, feedback and questions are welcome.

    Link to Cristina's book:
    THE NEW PET PARENT BOOK: Dog edition : Diaz-Madronero, Dr Cristina: Amazon.ca: Books

    Dr Cristina Diaz-Madronero PgC(SAD) MVB MRCVS | LinkedIn

    Here is the link to my presentation at the Animal Behavior Society Conference, as referred to in the Snippet piece

    ABSConference1.mp4 - Google Drive

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT

    UPWARD Dogology (@upwarddogology) • Instagram photos and videos
    Billie Groom | LinkedIn

    Dog Training - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Thanks again to the musicians
    Jeff Mertick | Facebook

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Dominance, Alpha and Pack Leader - The Good, the Bad, and the Useless (not in that order).

    Dominance, Alpha and Pack Leader - The Good, the Bad, and the Useless (not in that order).

    Hello and thanks for joining me!

    I am guessing most of you are not proponents of methods that take a "dominance" approach. What does this really entail? And how is it different from Alpha and Pack Leader?

    There are common exercises in dominance training that may not seem as though they would have a negative effect, and, in fact, are part of mainstream dog training.  Is going through a door first harmful or simply counterproductive? Can this routine lead to dominance, and will that achieve the goal of addressing unwanted behavior? How do dogs perceive these exercises and the theory of dominance?

    This episode raises some interesting thoughts on how mainstream dog training can, unintentionally, decrease the bond between you and your dog, and effect the success of your training routine.  Or perhaps your dog simply thinks you are not very bright!

    I then provide some suggestions for exercises to try at home to improve the bond and increase your communication with your dog.

    For more links to social media, interviews, and press releases, pls visit my websites.
    Upward Dogology
    Dog Dog Trainer | DogLogic Behavioural Rehabilitation | Regina (doglogicregina.com)

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Thanks again to the musicians
    Jeff Mertick | Facebook
    Danielle Bourjeaurd | Facebook
    Open Strum | Facebook
    Brian John Harwood | Facebook

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Water Rescue Dogs - the story of Al, by guest, Lynne Cox

    Water Rescue Dogs - the story of Al, by guest, Lynne Cox

    Welcome to Dog Training DisrUPted, by UPWARD Dogology

    This episode features animal lover, professional swimmer, writer, speaker, and creator of peace, Lynne Cox.

    Lynne's new book, Tales of Al, The Water Rescue Dog, is a heartwarming story about a dog expected to be an "easy train" by the elite Italian Water Rescue Dog Team. Lynne recounts her visit to Italy, meeting all the dogs, and sharing the story of Al, (well, not the end of the story!)

    Lynne is an American long-distance open-water swimmer, who is best known for being the first person to swim between the US and the Soviet Union in the Bering Strait, a feat which has been recognized for easing the Cold War tensions between Ronald Reagan  and Soviet Leader, Mikhail Gorbachev. She still swims every morning, preferably with dogs, and she is such an inspiration for so many people. I have the utmost respect for Lynne. 

    Following our chat, I talk about cognitive skills, and they are harnessed differently for different activities, and the importance of adapting to dog's personalities.

    You can purchase Lynne's book here Tales Of Al: The Water Rescue Dog, Book by Lynne Cox (Hardcover) | www.chapters.indigo.ca Learn more about Lynne and all her accomplishments here Lynne Cox - Wikipedia

    For more info on Canine Cognitive Behavioral Therapy,
    Upward Dogology
    Dog Dog Trainer | DogLogic Behavioural Rehabilitation | Regina (doglogicregina.com)

    Interview with Marc Bekoff in Psychology Today Magazine
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Social Media
    Billie Groom | LinkedIn
    UPWARD Dogology (@upwarddogology) • Instagram photos and videos
    Upward Dogology | Facebook

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Thanks again to the musicians

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Habits, Cues, Triggers - How do they effect behavior in humans and dogs?

    Habits, Cues, Triggers - How do they effect behavior in humans and dogs?

    Does your dog run to the door when you pick up your car keys? Or run to the door with the sound of your partner's car pulling? Or jump off the couch when you click off the tv?

    These are triggers that create habits - good habits!  But what about habits our dogs have that are not what we perceive as "good" or "wanted".  These habits lead to unwanted behavior, but mainstream dog training addresses these as "good vs bad behavior", using conditioning methods to change them, which can often fail.

    Canine CBT views all behaviors as driven by emotional intelligence and a self-perceived need to do a behavior to achieve a goal. The behavior becomes a habit based on cognitive skills. To change that behavior, we must change perception.

    My guest (or, more accurately, me as a guest on his podcast) , Ian Tolson, is an expert in habits - why we have them, how we can change them, and how they effect our behavior.  This episode unfolded from a chat intended to be an episode for Ian's podcast, and turned into a chat on how habits form behaviors, and how we change these behaviors by changing perception. 

    Is there much difference between humans and dogs in relation to cognitive skills, emotional intelligence, and behaviors stemming from these?  Find out in this off-the-cuff chat.

    I follow this chat with exercises that change a dog's perception of you and your ability to calmly manage situations.

    Enjoy Your Learning Journey!

    Find Ian Tolson on LinkedIN
    Ian Tolson | LinkedIn

    For more links to social media, interviews, and press releases, pls visit my website.
    Upward Dogology

    Billie Groom | LinkedIn
    UPWARD Dogology (@upwarddogology) • Instagram photos and videos
    Upward Dogology | Facebook
    Billie Groom with a rescue | Linktree

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Thanks again to the musicians
    Jeff Mertick | Facebook
    Danielle Bourjeaurd | Facebook

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    "Why Won't My Adopted Dog Eat?" Solutions Based in Logic and CCBT (no, not handfeeding)

    "Why Won't My Adopted Dog Eat?" Solutions Based in Logic and CCBT (no, not handfeeding)

    Welcome! Adopting a dog over the age of six months is rewarding and fun. When initially integrating dogs into a family, we can expect some challenges. As with humans, change in eating habits is a common reaction to stress caused by change in environment or physical ailments.  When physically healthy dogs who are adapting well to their new environment refuse to eat, it can be scary and a bit of a mystery for many adopters. Fortunately, their are quick solutions grounded in logic, creativity, and the ability to think like a dog, as well as long-term solutions grounded in Canine CBT which address the root of the problem.

    As discussed in the conclusion, here are the links to a few of the many shows I am a featured guest on:

    Let's Find Out About Upward Dogology! - YouTube (the Science and Magic of the Human-Animal Bond hosted by Psycologist and filmmaker, Diane Soloman)

    Episode 55: Retrain your (and your dog’s) brain with canine CBT (dvm360.com)  Hosted by Veterinarian and CEO of DVM 360, Dr. Adam Christman

    The Dog Connection Show, Season 6. Episode 6 - YouTube
    The Dog Connection Show, Season 6. Episode 7 - YouTube
    Hosted by long time pro's Kathy Tarochione, Gaetan Charest, and Roman Gottfried

    For more links to social media, interviews, and press releases, pls visit my website.
    Upward Dogology

    Billie Groom | LinkedIn
    UPWARD Dogology (@upwarddogology) • Instagram photos and videos
    Upward Dogology | Facebook
    Billie Groom with a rescue | Linktree

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca

    Thanks again to the musicians
    Jeff Mertick | Facebook
    Danielle Bourjeaurd | Facebook
    Open Strum | Facebook

    Find all the episodes on Feedspot, where Dog Training DisrUPted is rated in the top 5 shows in the dog category in Canada: https://blog.feedspot.com/canadian_dog_podcasts/

    For more info on Billie Groom and Canine CBT, and links to social media:

    Dog Training, Canine Behavior and Cognition (upwarddogology.com)

    My Linktree with all my media, presentations, shows, articles

    Billie Groom - UPWARD Dogology | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

    Here is the link to the recent article in Psychology Today Mag by Marc Bekoff on Canine CBT
    Dog Training: Perception, Cognition, and Emotions | Psychology Today

    Buy My Book! Winner of the 2019 American Best Book Fest Award (pets/narrative/non-fiction)
    The Art of Urban People With Adopted and Rescued Dogs Methodology: Rescued Dogs: The Misunderstood Breed: Groom, Billie: 9781525547287: Books - Amazon.ca


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