

    Explore "ican" with insightful episodes like "Former MP Melissa Parke to lead anti-nuclear weapons campaign", "Ep. 34 - Il diritto internazionale dello spazio", "ICAN: "Solange wir Atomwaffen haben, so lange ist das Risiko eines Einsatzes da"", "10-5-22 The Dam's Gonna Burst -- ICAN Gets The Receipts -- There's A Saint For Everyone" and "Settimana per il disarmo, ma in Italia arriva un nuovo F-35 che trasporta armi nucleari" from podcasts like ""Saturday Extra - Separate stories podcast", "AudioConsenso", "Auf den Punkt", "15 Minutes Ov Flame With Robert Phoenix" and "Diritti e Rovesci"" and more!

    Episodes (22)

    Ep. 34 - Il diritto internazionale dello spazio

    Ep. 34 - Il diritto internazionale dello spazio
    La genesi del diritto dello internazionale dello spazio risale all'epoca che precede il primo conflitto mondiale. Fu il sorvolo della Manica compiuto nel luglio del 1909 dall'aviatore Louis Bleirot a far emergere la questione della normazione giuridica dello spazio aereo sul piano internazionale, a fronte dell'assenza di un quadro vincolante in materia.

    Visto l'argomento molto affascinante, abbiamo deciso di scambiare due chiacchiere con Valentina Chabert, professionista esperta in questo settore.

    Buon ascolto!

    Episode 3321: Twitter Suspends Organization for Announcing They Will Release More Fauci Emails

    Episode 3321: Twitter Suspends Organization for Announcing They Will Release More Fauci Emails
    The Informed Consent Action Network was suspended by Twitter on Thursday after they announced that they will soon be publishing more emails from Anthony Fauci.

    ICAN, an organisation dedicated to increasing informed consent regarding vaccinations, tweeted on Thursday that following the release of thousands of pages from emails from Anthony Fauci that had been revealed through Freedom of Information Act requests from the Washington Post and Buzzfeed, that they would be “dropping 3000 new pages of FOIA’d Fauci emails” that evening, “providing further insight into Anthony Fauci’s actions on Covid, Vaccine Safety, and more.”

    11 - Véronique Christory, la femme qui a contribué à l’interdiction des armes nucléaires

    11 - Véronique Christory, la femme qui a contribué à l’interdiction des armes nucléaires

    La mission de Demain N’attend Pas est de donner à entendre la voix de personnes inspirantes qui ont choisi de s’engager, de dédier leurs journées, et parfois leurs nuits, pour rendre le monde un peu meilleur. 💪🔥

    Vous ne savez pas ce que le prochain épisode vous réserve, vers quoi il vous amène. Mais vous savez qu'il vous fera découvrir une personne passionnée et passionnante qui s'attaque avec sincérité à un enjeu de société majeur. 

    🎧 Pour ce 11ème épisode, vous allez être servi en terme d’engagement et de découverte ! On va se parler de DESARMEMENT NUCLEAIRE -rien que ça ! 

    J'ai l'honneur de recevoir VERONIQUE CHRISTORY, Conseillère Principale du Comité International de la Croix Rouge (le CICR) à l’ONU pour les questions liées au DESARMEMENT, qui a particulièrement travaillé sur le sujet DES ARMES NUCLEAIRES, DES ARMES CONVENTIONNELLES, DU CYBER ET DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES.💣

     🎤 Dans cet épisode pas comme les autres, Véronique nous raconte :
    - ce que veut dire être une femme dans ce monde très masculin des négociations internationales et des militaires,
    - comment on vient à passer ses journées à négocier des limites humanitaires à la guerre,
    - ses convictions sur le rôle des institutions internationales pour circonscrire les souffrances endurées par les civils.

    Et bien sûr, Véronique revient sur le moment historique qu’a représenté l’attribution du PRIX NOBEL DE LA PAIX à la Campagne Internationale pour l’Abolition des Armes Nucléaires (ICAN) en 2017. Et elle partage l’émotion incroyable qui a saisi les membres de l’ONU lors de l'entrée en vigueur du traité d’interdiction des armes nucléaires en janvier 2021. 75 ans après Hiroshima et Nagasaki. 🙌

    Ecouter Véronique, c’est pénétrer dans les salles de négociation de l’ONU et participer à ces moments historiques. Absolument passionnant ! 🔥

    Je vous souhaite une très bonne écoute !🎧 


    POUR SUIVRE VERONIQUE : Véronique Christory | LinkedIn ; (13) Veronique Christory (@VChristory) / Twitter
    Pour en savoir plus sur le CICR : International Committee of the Red Cross (icrc.org)
    Et pour suivre le CICR : International Committee of the Red Cross - ICRC : Présentation | LinkedIn

    POUR ME SUIVRE : Delphine Darmon | LinkedIn et Demain n'attend pas : administrateur de la Page LinkedIn | LinkedIn

    Et comme toujours, si le podcast vous plait, 
    - vous pouvez vous abonner sur l’application de podcasts que vous préférez (Apple podcast, Spotify, Deezer…) ,
    - le partager en cliquant sur les 3 points,
    - laisser un avis 5 étoiles ou un commentaire sur l’application iTunes et en parler autour de vous (vive le bouche-à-oreille),
    Ca m’aide vraiment ! Bonne écoute ! 


    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 100 / Del Bigtree

    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 100 / Del Bigtree
    Emmy winning producer of The Doctors, film producer and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network, Del Bigtree joins us for episode 100 of ABR. In addition to his show The Highwire, Del is best know for his film 'Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe' the film that covered Dr. Andrew Wakefield's research into the link between the MMR v@cc!ne and autism.

    Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Investigates the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public of their right to “informed consent.”

    Stay Connected!!!

    The Airey Bros.
    IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/

    Premium Content : AB/DC Programming / B-Role & Mix Tapes / Accountability Coaching

    Value for Value


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    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 100 / Del Bigtree

    Airey Bros. Radio / Episode 100 / Del Bigtree
    Emmy winning producer of The Doctors, film producer and CEO of the Informed Consent Action Network, Del Bigtree joins us for episode 100 of ABR. In addition to his show The Highwire, Del is best know for his film 'Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe' the film that covered Dr. Andrew Wakefield's research into the link between the MMR v@cc!ne and autism.

    Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) Investigates the safety of medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, and vaccines while educating the public of their right to “informed consent.”

    Stay Connected!!!

    The Airey Bros.
    IG @aireybros / https://www.instagram.com/aireybros/

    Premium Content : AB/DC Programming / B-Role & Mix Tapes / Accountability Coaching

    Value for Value


    Handmade in Longmont, Colorado, 42% of every Honey Bunchies Gourmet Honey Bar is pure honey with peanuts, pecans and sunflower kernels. Our bar contains simple, clean ingredients and are gluten-free, grain-free and soy-free. A perfect salty-sweet combination packed with all-natural energy that will make your tastebuds jump for joy! Use ABR1512 at check out for 10% off your next order https://honeybunchies.com/

    Do you enjoy a well made pour over but don't have the time for set up, brew time and clean up? Check out Mount Hagen Coffee. Organic, Fair Trade, instant, freeze dried.

    Have you tried Keto Soups from Kettle and Fire they are delicious and they are essential for any ultra marathon crew. Don't get stuck using powdered broths and top ramen at your next ultra, use Kettle and Fire, you won't regret it. Order now and save up 30% on your order


    People always ask us about supplements my answers vary from time to time with what using at any given moment but one constant since 2013 has been Cordyceps Mushrooms from Onnit. Shroom TECH Sport helps you turn up your training volume. Whether you’re a recreational exerciser or a dedicated athlete, this means MORE: reps, circuits, miles, laps, more of the hard work you love to hate. Best of all, Shroom TECH Sport delivers improved performance all without the use of stimulants like caffeine. It's designed to be used before exercise or for a daily energy boost.


    Verso il trattato Onu contro le armi nucleari - Intervista a Lisa Clark

    Verso il trattato Onu contro le armi nucleari - Intervista a Lisa Clark
    La scorsa settimana è entrato in vigore il trattato Onu che vieta le armi nucleari. Ratificato da 50 Paesi, entrerà in vigore tra 90 giorni. L'accordo mira alla soppressione delle armi nucleari toccando il loro intero ciclo di vita. Saranno infatti vietati lo sviluppo, i test, la produzione, l'immagazzinamento, il trasferimento, l'uso e perfino la minaccia dell'uso.
    Dal 2007 diverse organizzazioni internazionali che si occupano di disarmo hanno spinto per dare il via a negoziati per giungere a questo punto. Ben presto ci si è resi conto che il tema sul tavolo non era solo la non proliferazione delle armi nucleari, ma le conseguenze sull'intera vita umana, e non solo, dell'uso di questi dispositivi. Da qui il bisogno, espresso con la ICAN (International Campain to Abolish Nuclear Weapons), di abolire le armi nucleari così come è stato fatto in passato con le altre armi di distruzione di massa.
    Malgrado la ratifica dell'accordo Onu susciti un certo ottimismo, restano ancora dei segni preoccupanti. Ad esempio, la mancanza della firma degli Stati Uniti, che anzi stanno prendendo una direzione opposta a quella indicata dal trattato.
    L'Italia è nel gruppo di Paesi che non hanno firmato, e mancano al momento risposte dalla politica.
    Ne parla Lisa Clark, copresidente dell'international Peace Bureau, organizzazione internazionale premiata con il nobel per la pace nel 1910 e rappresentante italiana di ICAN - campagna internazionale per l'abolizione delle armi nucleari.

    Folge 17: Klimakiller Krieg

    Folge 17: Klimakiller Krieg
    Daniel und Julian waren für diese Spezialausgabe des Vorlesungspodcasts auf einem Vortrag von "Students 4 Future - Mainz". Die ICAN (Was das ist erfahrt ihr im Podcast) Mitarbeiterin Heidi erzählt warum Krieg der größte Klimakiller ist! Bei diesem ernsten Thema sind die Pausenclowns vom Dienst dann am Ende auch relativ ernst geblieben. Geht protestieren am 17.01. und an allen anderen Freitagen #fridaysforfuture

    Born To Speak - Episode 3 - When do our communication challenges begin?

    Born To Speak - Episode 3 - When do our communication challenges begin?

    Many of us struggle with communication from an early age. This can impact our education, relationships, career and emotional well-being. How do we overcome these challenges to fulfil our true potential? Mary Hartshorne has dedicated her career to helping people develop better communication skills from a very early age, through ICAN. This organisation helps over 5,000 schools ensure that children develop their communication skills fully. You can apply the lessons she teaches much later in life to ensure you connect with the people around you and communicate with confidence.

    Episode 53: Seth Shelden on his work for Nobel Peace Prize winner ICAN

    Episode 53:  Seth Shelden on his work for Nobel Peace Prize winner ICAN

    This episode of the en(gender)ed podcast was taped live at the NYU College of Global Public Health in association with the Community Preparedness and Response Group at NYU and is the first in our series of international feminism.

    Seth Shelden is an attorney, and law professor, an activist, and a performer. He also currently is the United Nations Liaison for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN). ICAN won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, and Seth was in Oslo to be part of the momentous honor. ICAN won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work in drawing attention to the humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons and for advancing a new treaty prohibiting such weapons. Seth is here with us today to speak about his journey as a scholar and activist, his work as ICAN's United Nations Liaison, and what we can do to help build an awareness and join the movement to promote nuclear disarmament in the United States. We will also ask about his observations on gender justice in the humanitarian sector.

    During our interview, Seth and I referenced the following resources:


    Following our interview, there is a bonus segment of Q&A with audience participants.


    Thanks for tuning in to the en(gender)ed podcast!

    Be sure to check out our en(gender)ed site and follow our blog on Medium.

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    #328 - Del Bigtree - Vaccine Truth

    #328 - Del Bigtree - Vaccine Truth
    Interview Starts at 37:00
    Del Bigtree joins us to chat about the latest on Informed Consent and the Vaccine debate, or should I say lack thereof. Del is the host of HighWire, Producer of Vaxxed, founder of the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network, investigative medical journalist and filmmaker. We chat about some of the most important aspects of the vaccine problems. Where are the studies? and why are the studies that are out there, just plainly ignored? Where is the debate? 
    Del talks about the latest initiative with Robert Kennedy and how that was shut down, and some of the stats that are also glossed over or ignored. This latest measles outbreak is getting completely overblown and the reality is fewer people are buying into the massive vaccine schedule. The scary part for the establishment is that the body of this movement is made of by old vaccine advocates. No Safety Studies, No choice, and No Liabilities.
    In the intro, we read some unintended listener synchros and emails about feedback. We chat about Contact at the Cabin in May with Randall Carlson and of course some social media and UFO quotes of the week. 
    See the links below for stuff we chatted about during the show and the intro:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5hj5zlJV4k Stanley Plotkin under oath example
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    Thanks to Wayne Darnell for help with the website.
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    #111: I CAN. I WILL. I MUST. - Daily Mentoring w/ Trevor Crane #greatnessquest

    #111: I CAN. I WILL. I MUST. - Daily Mentoring w/ Trevor Crane #greatnessquest


    #111: Daily Mentoring with Trevor Crane on GreatnessQuest.com


    I wanted to share something with you that inspires me today. It’s an inspirational video by Eric Thomas, or “ET The Hip Hop Preacher.” It’s called, “I can. I will. I must.”

    I love this video.

    I think he shares this from the standpoint of someone who feels like they need to get “out” of something. To break free. To escape, if you’re feeling held down.

    I’m more “pulled” by it. Pulled forward towards getting my BIG goals.

    I don't know whether or not you feel like you're “underneath” something you’ve got to get out of… or you're feeling “pulled” forward. Either way, I think you’re gonna like this.


    GET THE APP: Text: TREVOR To: 36260
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