

    Explore " ilt" with insightful episodes like "Hvad er mitokondrier?", "Hvad er nordlys?", "Helping Instructional Designers Embrace New Learning Strategies With Becky Willis #IDIODC", "Learning Experience Design is the New Instructional Design With Jeff Tillett #IDIODC" and "Tracking Mobile Content & Interactions: SCORM & xAPI - Pick one, the other or both? With Robert Gadd" from podcasts like ""NATURLIGVIS - historiefortællinger om videnskab og teknologi", "NATURLIGVIS - historiefortællinger om videnskab og teknologi", "#IDIODC Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee", "#IDIODC Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee" and "#IDIODC Instructional Designers In Offices Drinking Coffee"" and more!

    Episodes (6)

    Hvad er mitokondrier?

    Hvad er mitokondrier?

    Vi skal bare være super glade for, at også vores celler indeholder mitokondrier. Det er nemlig herfra, vi får den energi, vi skal bruge, når vi går, står, løber, når vores hjerte slår; ja selv når vi sover…
    Mitokondrierne kaldes også derfor cellens kraftværker. De producerer den ATP  dvs. adenosintrifosfat, som er den kemiske energi, vi bruger, når vi f.eks. sætter gang i vores muskler. 

    Uden mitokondrier ville der ikke være mennesker eller andre hvirveldyr på jorden. For da mitokondriene blev en del af en celle for ca. 2 milliarder år siden, opstod muligheden for at forbrænde med ilt og dermed også flercellede organismer – som f.eks. den meget senere art homo sabiens.

     Som Søren Laurentius Nielsen, der fortæller om mitokondrier i podcasten, også er inde på, er de en organel.
    Han fortæller også om planternes grønkorn dvs. organeller, hvor der sker den stik modsatte proces. Her produceres de sukkerstoffer, samt den ilt som mitokondrierne siden omsætter til energi og CO2. Ligesom du kan høre om, hvordan det er fra kvinderne, vi får vores mitokondrier. Noget der kan bruges til at spore alle menneskers ophav – helt tilbage til bl.a. Lucy (Australopithecus).

    Et mitokondrie måler ml. 0,5 og 1,0 mikrometer i diameter. Ud over energiproduktion er mitokondrier involveret i en række andre processer såsom cellesignalering, celledeling samt apoptose der også kaldes programmeret celledød -jf. vores podcast om CELLERS SOCIALE SELVMORD.  Antallet af mitokondrier i en celle varierer; røde blodlegemer har ingen, nogle celler har ét, men en række celler indeholder flere tusinde mitokondrier. Disse er desuden opdelt i specialiserede funktionelle områder. 

    Medvirkende: Søren Laurentius Nielsen, cand.scient. & ph.d. og lektor, Institut for Naturvidenskab og Miljø  såvel Miljødynamik.
    Interview, klip, og sounddesign: Nalle Kirkvåg.  Musik: Motorpsycho: A K9 Suite (fra: Roadwork Vol. 1 – Heavy metal iz a poze, hardt rock iz a leifschteil) og Kevin Macloud: As I Figure.

    Også denne NATURLIGVIS podcast er produceret

    Nalle Kirkvåg har interviewet, klippet, lyddesignet osv. på vegne af Polykrom Media 🤓

    Hvad er nordlys?

    Hvad er nordlys?

    Hvad er nordlys egentlig? Netop det, forklarer astrofysiker Tina Ibsen her på ca. 1 minut. Du kan læse mere om nordlys her, hvor det også fremgår, at der både findes nordlys om natten og om dagen.

    Hvis du vil vide mere om Tina Ibsen, så tjek hende her: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Videnskab.dk og på Facebook.
    Musik: Pink Floyd: Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V, VII) samt Kevin Macloud: As I figureNATURLIGVIS  er produceret af Polykrom Media i samarbejde med RU Radio.  

    Nalle Kirkvåg har interviewet, klippet, lyddesignet osv. på vegne af Polykrom Media 🤓

    Helping Instructional Designers Embrace New Learning Strategies With Becky Willis #IDIODC

    Helping Instructional Designers Embrace New Learning Strategies With Becky Willis #IDIODC

    Technology advancements are rapidly forcing corporate learning leaders to rethink their internal L&D strategies. Retooling the technology infrastructure is a big part of that strategy in many cases because past systems have not kept up. Learning Experience Platforms are a perfect example. But how does this impact you, the instructional designer or elearning developer with little influence over those strategic decisions?


    In this episode of IDIODC Becky Willis joins us to shed some light on strategic decision-making at higher levels within the enterprise. She'll share her experiences helping large companies transition to Learning Experience Platforms and implementation issues all instructional designers should understand. Transitioning to new technologies is never easy. But rest assured we will all experience it more than once in our careers. Join us and prepare yourself for how you can make these transitions easier and more successful.


    Becky Willis is a former sales and business executive with over 20 years in Learning and Development.  Known for her strategic and creative thinking and quick decision making abilities, Becky is an organizational leader with solid strategy and execution in innovative learning.


    Most recently, Becky was VP of Engagement at EdCast.  Previously, she was the Learning Strategist for the Hewlett Packard Enterprise L&D organization, and in Executive, Leadership and Organization Development.  Her prior experience includes Director of Sales, VP of Sales and Marketing at large and startup firms. Within learning, Becky is known as a Learning Strategist who know how to successfully implement digital learning in enterprises.


    Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:


    Becky: @2BeckyWillis - https://twitter.com/2beckywillis

    Brent: @BSchlenker - https://twitter.com/bschlenker

    Chris: @Chris_V_W - https://twitter.com/Chris_V_W

    IDIODC: @TeamIDIODC - https://twitter.com/TeamIDIODC


    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.


    Want to join us live? Follow us on Crowdcast: https://www.crowdcast.io/dominknow


    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.


    Interested in learning more about dominKnow? Sign up for our next live platform demo to learn why we do powerful eLearning-authoring best. (And get a free 14-day trial after you watch the demo!) https://www.dominknow.com/demonstration.html

    Learning Experience Design is the New Instructional Design With Jeff Tillett #IDIODC

    Learning Experience Design is the New Instructional Design With Jeff Tillett #IDIODC

    You've probably heard about Learning Experience Platforms but have you ever thought about being a learning experience designer? It's not a new term or title, but we often blend conversations about experience design into instructional design. Perhaps it's time we talk about it as something different. Instructional design served us well for over 50 years and perhaps it should be replaced by Learning Experience Design.


    None of us have all the answers, but it's going to be a fun conversation to have with Jeff Tillett.  Jeff is experienced with technology, and solving business problems through the training function within the Fortune 500. But don't ask him about instructional design because he's having more success being a Learning Experience Designer.


    We'll be talking with Jeff about how he defines Learning experience design and how thinking differently helped him transition training programs from old traditional methods to new learning experiences that support the modern worker.


    "I am a native of the Pacific Northwest and grew up in central Washington. As a young man, I worked on orchards and farms around the Yakima Valley. I learned to work hard and cultivated my “maker” skills set. In high school I explored architecture, fine arts, audio engineering. I also earned a certificate in Radio and TV Broadcasting. I am an Instructional Designer, Learning Experience Designer. I have a background in graphic design, media development and production.


    I have worked with computers and Internet technologies for over 20 years; a survivor of the Internet boom, I assisted many startups in successfully building business and eCommerce ventures. In the late 90’s my focus turned to interactive content for learning when I was part of a distance-learning Internet start-up. Since then I have worked for various companies as an interactive developer and Instructional Designer, including Adobe, T-Mobile USA, Microsoft, Entirenet, Float Mobile Learning, Apple. Most recently, I helped Amazon Machine Learning University move from classroom only to a blended model in order to scale their program. I help organizations leverage video, interactive media and mobile technology to create high performance engaging learning." - Jeff Tillett


    Jeff: @MojoTillett https://twitter.com/mojotillett?lang=en

    Brent: @BSchlenker https://twitter.com/bschlenker

    Chris: @Chris_V_W https://twitter.com/Chris_V_W

    IDIODC: @TeamIDIODC https://twitter.com/TeamIDIODC


    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.


    Want to join us live? Follow us on Crowdcast: https://www.crowdcast.io/dominknow


    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.


    Interested in learning more about dominKnow? Sign up for our next live platform demo to learn why we do powerful eLearning-authoring best. (And get a free 14-day trial after you watch the demo!) https://www.dominknow.com/demonstration.html

    Tracking Mobile Content & Interactions: SCORM & xAPI - Pick one, the other or both? With Robert Gadd

    Tracking Mobile Content & Interactions: SCORM & xAPI - Pick one, the other or both? With Robert Gadd

    The eLearning industry has had mobile learning, or mLearning, for well over 15 years now. Wow! Has it really been that long? Yep.


    So, are you creating mLearning? Have you moved to a mobile first methodology? What about your SCORM packages in your LMS are they mobile ready? And don't forget about xAPI...




    It can all feel a little overwhelming. But thankfully we have Robert Gadd with us on this episode of IDIODC. He's going to help us clear the air, and make sense out of the confusion. As one of the earliest proponents of mLearning, Robert has seen it all. He's developed many, many mLearning solutions and understands the frustration instructional designers have.


    When we're done, you'll have a much better idea of how to proceed with mLearning in your organization. And we'll sort out the big question: SCORM? xAPI? or both?


    Robert is an experienced technologist with demonstrable experience designing, developing and leveraging next generation technologies while building successful companies. Currently leading OnPoint Digital, an ISV/services firm specializing in training and organizational development solutions for private and public sector customers. OnPoint markets an enterprise Learning Engagement Platform supporting formal and informal learning in both online and mobile modalities. Core offerings include an LMS/LCMS, an enterprise mLearning platform, adaptive testing engine, a portal architecture with SSO, integrated social networking and game mechanics, advanced reporting/analytics all wrapped in flexible, responsive custom UX. OnPoint's award winning CellCast Solution platform provides support for content authoring, gamification, transcoding and delivery via an installed applet to all major smartphones and tablets including Apple iOS, Google/Android, Microsoft Windows 10 and other popular digital devices. Responsible for technical vision and corporate direction as well as system design, app development, implementation and delivery. OnPoint is self-funded and cash flow positive since our second year.


    Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:


    Robert: @RobGadd4 https://twitter.com/robgadd4

    Brent: @BSchlenker https://twitter.com/bschlenker

    Chris: @Chris_V_W https://twitter.com/Chris_V_W

    IDIODC: @TeamIDIODC https://twitter.com/TeamIDIODC


    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.


    Interested in learning more about dominKnow? Sign up for our next live platform demo to learn why we do powerful eLearning-authoring best. (And get a free 14-day trial after you watch the demo!) https://www.dominknow.com/demonstration.html


    Better Faster ILT Design for Everyone With Brian Washburn

    Better Faster ILT Design for Everyone With Brian Washburn

    You want to get into designing better instructor-led training events, yes? You have the drive and the need, but you're just missing one key ingredient to making it happen - the time... So, you sigh at the clock and go back to your old friend PowerPoint to get in some basic bullet points and clip art into your presentation. Oh c'mon, we've all been there.

    This week on IDIODC, show hosts Brent and Chris are talking with expert ILT designer, Brian Washburn. He's had many many years of experience designing and delivering ILT sessions in many different environments. Over those years, he has collected a substantial library of outlines, frameworks, activities, slide designs, workbook/handout templates, and more. Brian is here to share the secrets of cutting your design time in half... or more while also keeping the content engaging for learners!

    Brian Washburn is the co-founder and CEO of Endurance Learning, a boutique instructional design firm that creates instructor-led and elearning courses with the vision that every training program should be engaging and lead to change. Brian has been preaching the merits of effective, participant-centered training design for two decades and his company recently launched an online tool named Soapbox to help people put together engaging training sessions within minutes.

    Brian has led training departments in several nonprofit organizations where he has worked on initiatives to improve the foster care system and to cure blindness. He was named a top young trainer by Training magazine in 2011, holds a masters degree in Organizational Development and currently serves as the President-elect of ATD Puget Sound.

    Become virtual friends with the IDIODC gang on twitter. Remember you can always stay in the loop by searching through the #IDIODC tag:

    Brian: @FlipChartGuy https://twitter.com/flipchartguy?lang=en
    Brent: @BSchlenker https://twitter.com/bschlenker
    Chris: @Chris_V_W https://twitter.com/Chris_V_W
    IDIODC: @TeamIDIODC https://twitter.com/TeamIDIODC

    Brent Schlenker is dominKnow's Community Manager. Chris Van Wingerden is dominKnow's Sr. VP Learning Solutions.

    Interested in learning more about dominKnow? Sign up for our next live platform demo to learn why we do powerful eLearning-authoring best. (And get a free 14-day trial after you watch the demo!) https://www.dominknow.com/demonstration.html


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