

    Explore " impressive" with insightful episodes like "It's A Terrible Thing To Wait", "Kyle Dammann And Growth Factor Network (1 of 3) On The Cycles Of Complexity", "Get The Thing Done", "Don't Find Your WHY. Choose it." and "Elephant Bites - Life Accumulates. (The Compound Effect)" from podcasts like ""Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life", "Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life", "Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life", "Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life" and "Second Mix: Reflect, Revise, and Remix your life"" and more!

    Episodes (34)

    It's A Terrible Thing To Wait

    It's A Terrible Thing To Wait

    The Ideas and Concepts Mastermind (Facebook Group)

    You will not grow in your comfort zone. We need the challenge of life in order to get stronger. I spent years doing only what was comfortable to me, and as soon as things became uncomfortable, I would bow out and say, “that’s not for me.” All the while, I wasn’t growing. I was staying the same in money, in value, in experience. 

    My Favorite Hugh Laurie Quote is 

    “It's a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you're ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now. And you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.”

    Hugh Laurie

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    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Kyle Dammann And Growth Factor Network (1 of 3) On The Cycles Of Complexity

    Kyle Dammann And Growth Factor Network (1 of 3) On The Cycles Of Complexity

    This week features Kyle Dammann, the owner and entrepreneur at Growth Factor Network.

    Kyle and Matt talk about health, education, business, and the mental game of starting and running a business.

    The Cycles of Complexity graphic (referred to in the episode) can be found at secondmix.net/kyle. And Kyle can be found at GrowthFactorNetwork.com.

    Continue the conversation in the Second Mix Ideas and Concepts Mastermind group on Facebook - we would love to see you there. 

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Get The Thing Done

    Get The Thing Done

    In the Ideas and Concepts Facebook Group, let me know one of your goals and why you want it! I'll go first - join the conversation. 

    (Also, I meant I'd be back on Thursday!)

    Here’s why most people don’t set goals: It’s hard. It takes a long time. It really could take ten or twenty hours over a week of your life, and a couple hours a week spending time looking over  and revising them. It’s easy to sit down and start writing down what you want for a couple hours the first night. But you get to the point where it’s boring, or too complex, and you don’t exactly know what to do. And you have to do a lot of thinking. 

    It’s easier not to think, and the difference between those who achieve their goals and those who don’t - is mainly this process of thinking. 

    You choose goal X, you write down all the steps you know of that it will take to get there. You end up with ten steps. Then you realize that you have to do step 7 before you can do step 2, and you learn that there’s actually three more steps that you didn’t know about. 

    It’s taxing. And that’s why the majority of people won’t do it. That’s why they decide it’s too hard, or they are just not good enough or smart enough to get it all done. 

    None of that is true. But it’s easy – it’s easy to say, “I can’t do it.” It’s easy to say, “I’m not smart enough or good enough.” Most people stop in the planning stages of their goals, because that’s where the complexity lies. And that’s the obstacle you need to move. Or get through. Or get over. Or get around. This is where “Never Quit!” comes in. If you can’t get it one way, then find another way. 

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Don't Find Your WHY. Choose it.

    Don't Find Your WHY. Choose it.

    I call on James Clear, Jim Rohn, Victor Frankl, and Oliver Wendell Holmes to find out what my purpose is in this life. 

    Purpose and meaning are the most difficult parts for me. Everything is so arbitrary – nobody is there to tell you if you are right or wrong. There’s no single path laid out for you except the one you’re going for, right now. So where are you headed right now? Where are your current habits and labor taking you five or ten years from now?

    So many people are, as I heard Zig Ziglar say once, people are wandering generalities instead of meaningful specifics. 

    God hasn’t chosen a perfect career for you – he gave you the personality and desires to find one. The universe hasn’t chosen a perfect spouse for you – it gave you the personality and desires to find them. I don’t want to get into spirituality here – it works no matter what you believe. 

    In his book “Man’s Search For Meaning,” Victor Frankl has an answer that I think will satisfy most people, even though the answer is difficult. He says, “Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather must recognize that it is he who is asked. In a word, each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life; to life he can only respond by being responsible.” End quote.

    Don’t try to find out what the meaning or purpose of your life is. We have the power to decide the meaning, to decide the purpose. 

    We get caught up in looking for our purpose as if it’s out there somewhere– as if our purpose already exists. But it’s not out there. It’s not a tangible thing that you are going to find. It’s not even an ethereal thing you are going to find. 

    It’s not out there until we put it out there. But because of media, and education, and society, we have this thought that the answer exists and we have to find it. 

    Then we do one of two things. We search for it, this thing that’s not out there until we put it out there. Or, we wait for the answer to come to us. Wasting time. Oliver Wendall Holmes said, “Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it time runs out.” 

    It is my opinion that searching for our purpose is an excuse to put things off. We are scared of making the wrong decision, so we search – or wait around - for some enlightenment, and this is sad because enlightenment isn’t coming until we realize that we write our own story. 

    For me, I could never come up with a story satisfying enough, or big enough, or one with enough meaning. So I waited for that enlightenment. From God, from the universe, no matter what I was waiting for, I wasted a good 30 years doing what I needed to do to get by while I waited. I wanted meaning, and I searched for it. That didn’t work. So I waited for it, and that didn’t work. 

    All the while, during this 30 years I was filled with unbearable angst because I deeply wanted meaning, I wanted a purpose. 

    I never found one. A few years ago, I read Frankl’s book, and I made my purpose. I designed it. I created it. I told life what my purpose was. 

    The beautiful thing about this process is that since that time, my purpose has changed maybe 100 times. Sometimes tiny edits to the wording, sometimes large sweeping changes to reorganize and edit the direction of my life, after much reflection. The point was that I

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Elephant Bites - Life Accumulates. (The Compound Effect)

    Elephant Bites - Life Accumulates. (The Compound Effect)

    You might remember hearing phrases like these from time to time:

    You can eat an elephant one bite at a time. 

    Do it step by step. 

    If you’re like me you’ve heard these hundreds of times, they are in popular culture and we’re acclimated to them, and they can even get a little annoying. But the reason these phrases have stood the test of time is because they are true – that’s how it works. 

    One of the wisest things you can do is to learn how the world works, and then begin to operate based on how the world works. The great thing is, we don’t have to like the way it works in order to follow the system. All we need to understand is HOW it works. Not whether we like it or not. If I want to get where I want to go, all of that has to be irrelevant. 

    Let’s face it – if incremental steps didn’t work, we wouldn’t still be sharing these phrases. And it’s tiresome, because it’s obvious. Because we’re numb to these proverbs, they don’t grab our attention like they should. Maybe because we’re impatient. 

    But the truth is, if you lost two pounds a month, in one year you would be 24 pounds lighter. If you saved $100 a month, in one year you would have $1200. 

    So why don’t we always do it? Why don’t we act like it? I think it’s about 50/50 between these two problems. 

    We don’t trust incremental change will work the way we want it to. 

    Or we don’t trust ourselves to keep taking the steps (we think, why should I start doing this, I’d be wasting my time because I’ll probably quit before I’ve reached my goal.) 

    I used to get inspired to practice the piano, and I’d take a weekend, and practice for six hours that weekend. All proud of myself. Then 45 days later, I’d get inspired again. In those middle 45 days, I’d question my commitment to learning, and question my ability. Then it would fester and make me feel a little bit bad about myself every day, until that six weeks or so came around and I’d do another marathon practice. 

    I did not make leaps in progress until I began to sit down every day for 10 to 15 minutes and consistently work on the techniques I want to have, the skills I wanted to have. 

    I did the same thing learning Spanish. I’d get excited about the language, buy a new book, download and print 50 worksheets, then spend a few hours learning, until the excitement was all burned off, worked off. Then six months later I’d get the bug again. I didn’t make progress until I said “at least one lesson a day, every day. 5-10 minutes a day.” Such a small bite, but that elephant is getting eaten now. 

    I have a similar pattern with everything I’ve done. It’s easy to work when you’re feeling inspired, it’s harder to work when you’re not feeling anything. It’s fun to spend hours setting up a new business, it’s harder to look for clients, make the calls and experience the rejection. 

    The great new of the day is that you don’t have to trust yourself. You only have to put faith in incremental change, and take those small bites, those small steps. And then, only work on TODAY. Take the biggest step you can, TODAY towards your goals and desires. Doesn’t matter if it’s small. Doesn’t matter if it seems like much. 

    Little steps in the right direction. 

    As long as you keep taking even these little steps, you will begin to see progress – and that will inspire you to take larger steps sometimes. 

    Jim Rohn defined failure this way:

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Pouring It In - Your Input Equals Your Future

    Pouring It In - Your Input Equals Your Future

    If you only change this one part of your life, it will change everything else. Zig Ziglar said, "Your input determines your outlook, your outlook determines your output, and your output determines your future."  My life is proof that this is true. The people and media you are around are absolutely influencing your life. Here's how to filter this information in a way that builds your life. 

    Partial Transcript Below:

    Two years ago at this time, I was constantly fighting a losing battle with negativity. I had heard all of that “think positive” stuff before, and I tried, but I thought it just didn’t work for me. 

    Things did not change until I realized – I couldn’t watch the negative shows that I’d been watching, I couldn’t read all of the negative things I was reading, I couldn’t be addicted to the podcasts and the news that were constantly spewing out information that was making me feel mad, depressed, helpless – I couldn’t be constantly taking in all of this information, and then try to have a positive outlook on life. 


    For me, in order for things to change, there had to be a sacrifice. And hiking in the woods one fateful day, instead of listening to things that would have made me depressed or mad, I listened to a Zig Ziglar seminar. And I did it the next day, and the next. And something started happening to me that I hadn’t experienced for a long, long time. I thought at first it was happiness, because it felt so good. But what it really was, was hope. I now had hope for the future, hope for my relationships, for my life – I knew in just a couple of days that I had been swimming in a swamp of negativity all my life, and now I could climb out, get cleaned up, and get on with my real life. 


    I had years of negativity under my belt. I thought there was something wrong with me – I tried to go to sleep at night, and just as I was fading off, I would imagine something horrible happening to my wife, my kids, myself – I’d wake up shaking, having a physical reaction to the fear, a panic attack. I thought this is what my life was going to be like. 


    Here was the sacrifice that I had to get through. I had reasons for all of my negative input. Good reasons – I was a writer – I’ve had my sci-fi and horror stories published in a few books, and I wanted to hone my craft, get better, and write a best-selling horror novel.  In order to do that, I had to read novel after novel of the best horror and sci-fi writers out there, constantly filling my head with terrible scenarios well thought out by great writers. A constant barrage of hopeless situations. I was trying to read 100 books a year back then, so I really was filling my head with it. I also listened to political podcasts – each one made me angrier than the last, and my head would be swimming pretty constantly with solid arguments about why the other side was wrong, and why the other side was destroying our country. 


    To top that off, I binge-watched horror shows and other shows that filled my head with murder, crime, betrayal, and all other manner of atrocities that the writers could think of to keep my interest. 2-3 hours a night, just pouring it in. 


    And then, a couple days listening to Zig Ziglar, hearing that phrase that my input is what is determining my outlook, I examined it and believed it. And I made the decision to put an end to it. No more binge watching, no mor

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    The Most Impressive Accomplishments in Combat Sports

    The Most Impressive Accomplishments in Combat Sports
    Patreon subscriber Evan Lee asked us, "What are some of the most impressive things you've seen in combat sports?" Our staff narrowed down the question to career-centric or event-centric accomplishments and weighed in! Hear from our analysts about great careers in wrestling, boxing, and muay thai! Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FightSitedotcom Check out our written content on the website: https://www.thefight-site.com/ Support us directly on Patreon for exclusive content and access to the discord: https://www.patreon.com/fightsite We now have exclusive merchandise at teespring.com/stores/the-fight-site-shop

    Are You Impressive?

    Are You Impressive?

    The secret to being impressive is counterintuitive. Join me for the first-ever Second Mix podcast where we reflect, revise, and remix our lives. 

    Support the Show: Buy Me A Coffee!

    Website: SecondMix.net

    Email Me: matt@secondmix.net

    REFLECT, REVISE, and REMIX your life and business with the MONTHLY Second Mix Newsletter covering GOAL MASTERY for Real Estate Professionals. Your business gets better as YOU get better! Sign Up Now

    Zingerman's Ari Weinzweig

    Zingerman's Ari Weinzweig

    The great Ari Weinzweig about visioning, anarchy and building systems, food, persistence, starting, writing, running, reading and growing together - not necessarily in that order.

    Find out more about Zingerman's community of businesses at https://zingermans.com

    Check out the The 2pt5 website for all the links and extras mentioned in the episode - show notes: https://the2pt5.net/zingermans-ari-weinzweig 


    Innovators from around the globe share the highs and lows of an innovator's life, their motivation and creative passions as well as their favorite methods, tools, conferences and ideas - https://the2pt5.net

    The 2pt5 - conversations connecting innovators podcast is hosted in Baden-Württemberg in the Southwest of Germany by Innovation Coach Klaus Reichert - https://www.klausreichert.de

    You Don't Have to Be Impressive

    You Don't Have to Be Impressive

    Evangelist Bobby Bosler is still on the road reaching teenagers for Christ all across the country. Today he gives a report of the war in Lisbon, Ohio that proves God’s desire to use unlikely teenagers in unbelievable ways!

    If you would like to follow The War team week by week, you may read their weekly ministry updates or follow their competition highlights on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. For information about scheduling The War at your church, please click here.

    If you’ve been encouraged by this podcast, please take the time to give us a five-star rating and write a brief review. That would help tremendously in getting the word out and raising the visibility of the Thee Generation for others. 

    For more faith inspiring resources and information about joining Thee Generation, please visit theegeneration.org.