

    Explore " intrapreneur" with insightful episodes like "I HATE the New Guy!", "The Tale of Three Envelopes - AMF!", "Resume Breach in Progress!", "Park It in the Sold Line" and "Won't You Be ... My Mentor" from podcasts like ""My Job Here Is Done - Career Success Podcast", "My Job Here Is Done - Career Success Podcast", "My Job Here Is Done - Career Success Podcast", "My Job Here Is Done - Career Success Podcast" and "My Job Here Is Done - Career Success Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    I HATE the New Guy!

    I HATE the New Guy!

    On this podcast episode of My Job Here Is Done, we tread lightly - sorry, no, we stomp on the heart of - that one thing that always has bugged you … about you. 

    Everybody has one, or two or twelve character flaws. But today, we are going to try to narrow in on just the one biggest flaw. We call it your personal FUBAR or your own SNAFU. It’s the one thing that you’ve ignored, suppressed, denied, or feared all of your adult life. It’s holding you back, it won’t let you advance, it hurts inside and you might not even know why. In the end, you will need to figure it out someday, and the sooner the better.

    Ever listen to an old wise person who says something like this to you, “had I known that back then …?” That’s the sound of a person who wished they found their SNAFU much earlier.

    We think your personal SNAFU can be tackled and defeated if we change the game in our favor. Kelli and Dave talk about the exact right point in time to make a change so it sticks and is effective. In the podcast, you’ll hear that fixing the SNAFU problem is not about reinventing yourself, or taking a self-improvement class, or even trying to be a better version of yourself. Those are other challenges that can actually be improved on continuously - and you should be improving on them every day,

    No, the self-owned SNAFU needs proper timing and surgical precision to reverse. Speaking of timing, here are the three break-points we discuss:

    1. At the time you change your job position
    2. At the time you take on a job at a brand new company
    3. At the time you find yourself dealing with a life event

    We then talk about some common SNAFU’s such as fabricating the truth (lying), or purposely creating conflict or having to always have the last word. We offer some suggestions about how to identify your own SNAFU’s by reflecting on your past and focusing on changing things you are already aware of that need work. (you know what these things are) Also helpful is asking for feedback from people who know you well, or acting on the feedback that you received in the past and ignored.  

    Once you figure out the one thing you want to work on, stay on track by checking in with yourself as part of your daily routine, identify if you were successful and congratulate yourself, and take pride in your progress.  

    At the end of the day, you likely know exactly what you’d like to change but you resist for some reason, and usually that reason is that it’s not the right time to make a visible or palpable change. Take advantage of those few times when you DO have that opportunity and work on just one thing, the BIG thing you’ve always wished you could change.  

    You’ll be glad you did and so will everyone else around you.

    Visit the My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, contact us, and sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like.

    Thanks for listening!
    Dave and Kelli


    The Tale of Three Envelopes - AMF!

    The Tale of Three Envelopes - AMF!

    On this podcast episode of My Job Here Is Done, we tell the Tale of Three Envelopes ... this could easily be the most important short story you need to hear as you climb the career ladder of success.

    It's not unusual at all to be in a position to find yourself being quickly promoted as someone else suddenly - and who knows why? - leaves. We talk about our real but not-really-real friend Joe and how he worked for the company for a long time and then suddenly was on his way out. You (yes you) get called into the CEO’s office and are offered the job. I can see how excited you are - but CTFD please - because this might not be as easy as you think it will be. 

    Have you ever tried to lick your elbow? Not so easy! If you actually can do that, please send a video and leave a comment below, we love a good laugh. 

    Anyway, it’s also not so easy to just jump into someone else’s shoes and do a better job. You may think you’re that good, and you may have that level of confidence, but it’s rare. Going into a new position this way, or taking any new position for that matter, is fraught with hidden problems, buried bodies, and ghosts of things gone wrong. 

    You can be prepared, however, and we hope some of the tips we have in this episode will help you, especially if you take your time to fully understand the meaning in The Tale of Three Envelopes. AMF! 😱

    Resume Breach in Progress!

    Resume Breach in Progress!

    Thanks for listening to the My Job Here Is Done podcast, we think it’s one of the best business and career podcasts you can spend your time listening to, so thanks for giving us about 20 minutes of your time.  

    In this episode, we talk about something that most people don’t think about - a leaky resume. So what’s a leaky resume? It simply means that your resume includes so much personal information which allows a person - or new software tools - to find out a lot more about you than you might think!

    By using commonly available software such as Google search, and the myriad of public websites that can do deeper research if specific information is provided about a person, you’d be surprised how much you can dig up about someone.  A resume can expose clues about age, political posture, religious beliefs, info about children, where the kids go to school, the name of a spouse, friends and colleagues, even sexual preferences. 

    But that’s not the end of it. Without knowing, and often unintentionally, you could be profiled to the point where you’re discriminated against in your quest to land that dream job. We talked about some of the so-called Proxy Questions that can be used (illegally in the US) in the episode “Toss THIS Salad Out!” but in this episode, we uncover how software can be used to do much of the same thing by using your resume information as the catalyst.

    So what’s the answer to this problem? We think it’s easy and it involves the employer who also has a ton to gain by changing the way they look for applicants for open positions.  We believe that the first step - a new first step - should be the submission of a Redacted Resume. This is a resume that has no personally identifiable information in it. It only has the facts about what you do, what you're good at, how long you’ve been working in your salient field as it relates to the job opening, a few other tidbits, and how to contact you - via email - to learn more.

    As you’ll hear in the episode, this format also has great benefits for employers because having the option for applicants to initially be anonymous makes it much more comfortable to apply - you will get even more good candidates to put their best foot forward this way.

    So how do you get started as the employer? Try this, post your next job with a leading paragraph that goes something like this:

    “______________________(company name)  knows how important it is for you to feel comfortable not only in starting your next career step, but also when investigating it. So, we do our application process a little differently. We respect your privacy, and we don’t want to know your personal details right off the bat.  First, we want to learn about what you do well, how you do it, what types of work you’ve done in the past, and why a change in your career now is the right thing for you! 

    Send us that in a redacted resume, don’t use your name, address, or anything that could easily identify you. Don’t tell us where you’ve worked or are working now, just tell us what you’ve done, what you’re doing now, and how long you’ve been doing it. If you went to school, where, but not when.  If you have any honors, awards, or other displays of outstanding achievement, let us know that too. Just include a reliable email address so we can respond to you after we take a look at your submission. We can get to know each other better after that.”

    And if you’re going to redact some information from your profile, on say, LinkedIn, here’s a good preamble to help people understand what you’re doing:

    “My profile here helps tell my background story - about what I have done and what I do well. A lot of my personal information is left out for now, for all the good reasons that have to do with privacy and personal information - I’m sure you understand. If you’d like to get to know me better, please feel free to introduce yourself in a private DM and we can kick off a more detailed conversation. Thanks!”

    We also talk about communication and the importance of letting job seekers know the status of their applications. We’re both sticklers on this and feel that it is unfair to ghost people. We also feel all job postings should have salary information in them, and we talk a little bit about those things.

    We hope you enjoy the episode - feel free to leave us comments on our website or on your favorite podcast app!

    Visit the My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, contact us, and sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Park It in the Sold Line

    Park It in the Sold Line

    This is the one about what we call Structured Selling and the reason why businesses use these seemingly weird and often obnoxious sounding programs. STOP! Just because you might not be in sales, you still need to listen to this episode - it explains a lot and we think you'll learn something valuable that you can use to help you better your path to career success.

    So what is Structured Selling?

    Definition: Structured Selling is based on scripted and pre-programmed verbal and physical actions, taken by the selling person, that helps to provide consistency - and likely increased sales - through a selling cycle.

    If you don't know about it right off the bat, just think about most car-buying experiences. You know, the "worksheet" that shows four squares of numbers about trade-in value, car price, monthly payments, etc., written in green pen.  Does this vision invoke a warm and happy buying experience memory or did we just remind you of why you f'in hate buying a car?  It most cases it doesn't need to be such a rigid process.  You can find ways to tailor  the structured selling experience that fit with your company, product/service, or your personal style using tools like a checklist.  A checklist in this case is just a reminder tool to hit on the important questions to ask, themes or pitches to use with each prospect, and reminders so you don't forget to gather the proper information.

    Have you used or been on the receiving end of a scripted selling  experience?  

    Now that we have your attention ... Does this stuff work?  The answer is yes, it works!  Have a listen to this episode of My Job Here Is Done as we dig into various proven methods of selling for both the seasoned and inexperienced salesperson.  

    Bonus material:

    We hope you enjoy the episode - feel free to leave us comments on our website or on your favorite podcast app!

    Visit the My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, contact us, and sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Won't You Be ... My Mentor

    Won't You Be ... My Mentor

    This is the one about mentoring.  Have you ever asked someone if they would be your mentor?  Has anyone asked you to mentor them?  Mentors can be so valuable but both sides of the mentoring equation are delicate and need to be approached in the right frame of mind.  Some people are not comfortable mentoring a friend for a variety of reasons, and on the other hand, some people are reluctant to ask for a mentor.

    So many people have found great advice and inspiration when they found a mentor that inspired them. Often you just need a little push to take the next step in confidence. Other times you just want to run things past a trusted advisor to help you decide something. Regardless of the reason, access to a mentor is a huge asset! But mentoring is an asset that is not used enough, and in many cases, has no internal company support to make a mentoring program flourish.

    We explore both sides of mentoring, the mentor and the mentee, and offer some ideas to help you make the most of your mentoring experience by setting some ground rules, like goal setting, establishing realistic expectations, and creating what we call a No Hard Feelings Contract.  We also talk about ways to ask for a mentor and respond to mentor requests from friends or others. Finally, we touch on the importance of corporate-sponsored programs that encourage mentoring for succession planning.

    Bonus material:

    • If you'd like to dig deeper into the psychology of mentoring, this is from The National Center for Biotechnology Information is a good read.
    • In the podcast we talk about formal mentoring agreements, here are two examples from the State of Maine 1, 2.

    We hope you enjoy the episode - feel free to leave us comments on our website or on your favorite podcast app!

    Visit the My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, contact us, and sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Yikes! It's Time for Your Personality Test

    Yikes! It's Time for Your Personality Test

    On My Job Here Is Done podcast, this is the one about the (dreaded?) personality test. You've all heard about these, and a lot of you have taken one ... or you will soon! 

    Personality tests or assessments are designed to try to get into your head and see what's really in there. They claim to be able to profile you into several different categories or traits to be compared to other people. The original purpose of these tests was to help a person understand themselves better, but lately, they are also being used to determine if you're a good "fit" for a job.

    Did the last part of that sentence scare you? It should have! There is a lot of troubling stuff here, and we discuss that and more in this episode.

    Now don't get us wrong, we are not anti-personality-assessment people - in fact, you'll learn by listening to the show that we took a very popular version of one of these tests, the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, and we found it was spot on for both of us! When these tests are used in the right setting and for the proper purpose, they can be enormously helpful both in a business setting and for personal use. 

    It's using them in the wrong setting, that's got our panties in a bunch. We think, in general, that these tests have no place in pre-employment screening - yet - and we give you the reasons why we feel that way in this My Job Here Is Done podcast episode. We also touch on the new types of video tests that watch your facial expressions and attempt to figure you out by the way you react to questions as opposed to just how you'd answer them.

    We hope you enjoy the episode - feel free to leave us comments on the website.

    Here is where we obtained some of our research into the field of Personality testing for the show:

    A good source of general research
    This is from NBC News
    And this from the New Yorker
    Wikipedia on Myers Briggs
    Harvard Business Review has this take on the subject
    HR Daily Advisor has this to say
    The Univerity Of Pennsylvania UPENN spent some quality time on this

    You can Google "free personality tests online" to get some idea of what you can do for no cost.

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, contact us, and sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Okay Everybody ... Back to the Office!

    Okay Everybody ... Back to the Office!

    This is the one about the possibility of returning to the office, or your place of work, after many months of working remotely, from home, or anywhere. Are you ready to go back? Or are you in what appears to be the majority of people who figured out how to work productively at home, and now see no reason to want to go back? 

    Employers and employees are stressing over this, and there are good reasons why this is not a simple change for anyone.

    In this episode, we talk about the pros and cons of remote work for both the employee and the business. We look at how most businesses survived through Covid because of the hard work, dedication, and resourcefulness of hundreds of millions of employees who transitioned from in-person to remote work all over the world. We analyze the very good reasons why it will be extremely difficult to just snap back to the way it was before Covid.

    We also explore the very bad reasons some businesses are concocting in an effort to not make a change to remote work - even though it's crystal clear that remote work has and will ... well ... work just fine!

    We finish up with a chat about what we and some are calling The Great Resignation of 2022, and why we believe this is a likely event that will be disrupting many businesses that do not adapt quickly or at all.

    This episode is so important that we allowed ourselves to break our "about 20 minutes long" rule for the podcast, so please enjoy a slightly extended 30-minute episode.

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    It's a Marketing Miracle and You Can Eat it Too!

    It's a Marketing Miracle and You Can Eat it Too!

    This is the one about a small red berry that you’ve likely never heard of before, the miracle berry.

    In this episode, we compare ways to create curiosity in your business to Chef Homaro Cantu who created curiosity in his restaurants, delighted his customers, and earned a Michelin Star by utilizing molecular gastronomy and the miracle berry to change the composition and taste of the foods he served.  His food wasn’t always what it seemed (think edible menus!).  You too can create curiosity for your product or service by marketing your business in a unique way that elicits an emotional response from your customers. 

    Learn about the miraculous miracle berry and how to host your own flavor tripping party just for fun, or more importantly, to demonstrate to your marketing team how to think differently and create curiosity for your business.

    Here are some useful links to our research and how to find the Miracle Berry online.

    All about the late Chef Homaro Cantù
    Buy Miracle Berries here
    How to flavor trip!
    A little about Revlon
    The Miracle Berry and Health

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Toss THIS Salad Out!

    Toss THIS Salad Out!

    This is the one about the stupid questions you get (or ask) during a job interview.

    More so, those stupid questions often go along with a less than ideal experience - often illegal - where both the candidate and the employer are not really getting what they need out of the sometimes hours of effort.

    When you interview for a job, how much do you prepare? How much do think the employer has prepared? Both parties to this would be surprised at the answer. Do you know what a proxy question is? Are you conducting a legal interview? If you're in California do you know what AB168 is? But mostly, do you conduct an effective interview as an employer, and are you prepared for some new interviewing styles as a candidate?

    In this episode, Kelli and I dive in and expose the lunacy of the age-old and stale style of interviewing and propose a new approach to help with everyone's career success path. Please enjoy!

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Bernie's Batteries!

    Bernie's Batteries!

    Ummm, Say what? This is the one about how one guy got 5000 people to think small and win big selling things!

    Years ago, I crashed and burned. I had a failed business venture that broke me both in spirit and financially. I was without a job and, for the most part, always worked for myself up until then. I had nothing to go for, no great ideas, no job, and a family to support.

    So what do you do in that case? For me, it was getting out there and getting any bleeping job I could find - fast - to get back on my feet. I landed at Radio Shack as an entry-level sales associate with no retail experience at all.

    I was just thankful to get a job, but it was a hit to my ego at the time. I thought I was tumbling backward instead of having career success forward motion. Boy, was I wrong!

    I learned so many things about business, people, selling, and marketing there. Not only did it help me get back on my feet fast, but I also made a lot of great friends and had a ton of fun. It's where I developed my 1 Percent rule, which is my way of thinking about making significant changes easier to manage and achieve. I owe the basis and idea of that rule to an exceptional leader and great person, Bernie Appel (RIP), and his way of winning big with small change.

     In this episode, Kelli and I dissect a funny-sounding but effective ploy that anyone can use to help with their career success. Please enjoy!

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Lookie here! It's Dunning Kruger in the flesh

    Lookie here! It's Dunning Kruger in the flesh

    This is the one about meeting a "Dunning Kruger" effect person and what to do about it. The world is filled with all kinds of people; thankfully, most of them are genuine and good - these people are wired correctly. 

    However, some are just a bit cross-wired, like the person with Imposter Syndrome, which is part of our story today. I love helping people get over this, and you will, too, because you can (and should) always help someone who is a little cross-wired. 

    But some people are just wired-wrong from the factory, and there's no helping them. They may disrupt, they may con, they might lie, steal, and cheat; they have a trait in common - they're a Poser! 

    Sometimes you can spot them quickly, but most often, they hide in plain sight for quite a while. Anyone who is wired wrong knows it and embraces it for odd reasons, and they use it to take advantage of situations and poison the organization and the culture. You can't help them or re-wire them, and it's not your job anyway. Your job is done when you get rid of them.

    You've all seen them, and you've worked with them; you've had a bad experience with them. You may have even asked: "How did they ever hire that guy!" or as I said once or twice in my career: "How did I ever hire that person?" Posers are good at the game!

    Poser is mostly a slang term, and we've all used it to describe someone who exhibits that behavior. But did you know there is science behind this?

    It's classically known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect, and in this episode, we muse over that and more. Please enjoy!

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Mr. Iacocca! What did you just say!

    Mr. Iacocca! What did you just say!

    This is the one about "Take Down That (bleeping) Sign!"

    I thought I knew everything when I started in business. I've seen that before with others, a lot. It's okay though, most of the time, it's not fatal, and you learn from being arrogant. I'm glad I learned this important lesson the easy way by getting my ass kicked around hard by a business icon who I admired and was lucky enough to meet.

    Lee Iacocca was the Steve Jobs of the 1980s. He was an automobile executive for Ford and Chrysler, where he was CEO. Lee was credited with designing and marketing the Ford Mustang amongst other notable models of cars. He was also famously credited for having the guts to go before congress asking for a loan when Chrysler was in trouble. You can read about that here.

    I ran a small business at the time, and I was offered the opportunity to meet Lee and tell him about my company. As you'll hear, this was a big deal for me, and in the end, it was a game-changer. But it took an unexpected turn quickly in a way I never expected.

    This encounter helped me with my personal career success, and this episode tells that story. Please enjoy!

    Visit the official My Job Here Is Done website to learn more, to contact us, and to sign-up for very infrequent non-spammy tidbits by email if you'd like. 

    Best wishes!
    Dave and Kelli

    Reimagining Corporate Mindset for the 21st Century | Brant Cooper

    Reimagining Corporate Mindset for the 21st Century | Brant Cooper

    Brant Cooper travels the globe speaking with entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs about how to discover and create new value; about empowering individuals to make the change they want to see in the world.

    Brant is the New York Times bestselling author of The Lean Entrepreneur and CEO of Moves the Needle. With over two decades of expertise helping companies bring innovative products to market, he blends agile, design thinking, and lean methodologies to ignite entrepreneurial action within large organizations.

    Brant has a unique take on disrupting our current way of thinking in order to be closer to customers, move faster, and act bolder. He has experienced monumental milestones such as IPO, acquisition, rapid growth, and crushing failure.

    He serves as a global keynote speaker, mentor to entrepreneurs, and trusted advisor to corporate executives. His mission is to teach leaders how to find personal and economic growth through creating new value for fellow humans.

    Learn more at BrantCooper.com. Follow Brant on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.




    John Bates provides 1:1 Executive Communications Coaching, both in-person and online, as well as large and small group training. 

    Sign up for his free weekly micro-trainings at https://johnbates.com/mini-trainings and create a great leadership communications habit that makes you the kind of leader who inspires trust, loyalty and connection.

    #45 - GUEST SUITE : L'importance d'être une "Great Place to Work"

    #45 - GUEST SUITE : L'importance d'être une "Great Place to Work"

    Bonjour et bienvenue dans le podcast MY OWN LEADERSHIP by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et deux fois par mois je vais à la rencontre des managers des Startups les plus impressionnantes pour rentrer dans les coulisses de ce qui leur a permis de construire LEUR Leadership.

    De leurs apprentissages à leurs secrets de management, dans ce podcast, nous rentrons pragmatiquement dans les bonnes pratiques qui construisent jour après jour un Leadership personnel qui tire tout une entreprise vers le haut. 

    Au delà du Leadership, avec Yaniro nous explorons le Facteur Humain sous toutes ses coutures ! De l’alignement entre associés à l’importance d’une organisation d’équipe adaptée. Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les clés pour faire du facteur humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque dans notre livre THE HUMAN FACTOR.

    The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrains des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables sur chacun des réels enjeux du Human Factor.

    Et si vous voulez avoir les idées claires sur ce qu’il se passe chez vous côté HUMAN FACTOR, nous avons pensé à vous et avons construit un test qui vous de savoir quels sont les enjeux humains qui devraient attirer votre attention et ceux sur lesquels vous sur-performez déjà.

    Vous pouvez passer ce test en 10 minutes en allant sur www.yaniro.co/test

    Enfin, pour construire SON Leadership, découvrez la formation MY OWN LEADERSHIP : www.yaniro.co/formation

    Pour l’heure je vous laisse avec l’invité d’aujourd’hui et vous souhaite une bonne écoute

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    How to Establish an Entrepreneur's Mindset While Working Full Time as an Employee

    How to Establish an Entrepreneur's Mindset While Working Full Time as an Employee

    You can subscribe and listen to every episode of the "Unleash the Awesome" podcast at https://gambrill.com/podcast .

    1:05 Dave shares some of his employment background in pharmaceuticals, professional sports, Software as a Service (SaaS), and the United States Navy.

    2:12 Be smart about selecting roles or promotions - look at opportunities that will help you build skills that will transfer to your side hustle or business.

    4:30 Get curious about how the company you work for operates. Pay attention to their metrics or key performance indicators (KPI's). 

    5:55 How can you take what you learn and apply it to your situation?

    7:20 Be intentional about who you network with, go to lunch with, etc.

    9:17 Yet another reason why you should build your email list and audience online.

    Need some help deciding what tech tools to use in your side hustle or business? Check out my new series called "Tech Tools Tuesday" with Dave Gambrill at https://gambrill.com/ttt




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    CONSUMER NOTICE: You should assume that I have an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned in this podcast and may be compensated when you purchase from a provider. You should always perform due diligence before buying goods or services from anyone via the Internet or offline.

    #44 - OCUS : Le rôle du Leader dans la phase de Scale

    #44 - OCUS : Le rôle du Leader dans la phase de Scale

    Bonjour et bienvenue dans le podcast MY OWN LEADERSHIP by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et deux fois par mois je vais à la rencontre des managers des Startups les plus impressionnantes pour rentrer dans les coulisses de ce qui leur a permis de construire LEUR Leadership.

    De leurs apprentissages à leurs secrets de management, dans ce podcast, nous rentrons pragmatiquement dans les bonnes pratiques qui construisent jour après jour un Leadership personnel qui tire tout une entreprise vers le haut. 

    Au delà du Leadership, avec Yaniro nous explorons le Facteur Humain sous toutes ses coutures ! De l’alignement entre associés à l’importance d’une organisation d’équipe adaptée. Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les clés pour faire du facteur humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque dans notre livre THE HUMAN FACTOR.

    The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrains des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables sur chacun des réels enjeux du Human Factor.

    Et si vous voulez avoir les idées claires sur ce qu’il se passe chez vous côté HUMAN FACTOR, nous avons pensé à vous et avons construit un test qui vous de savoir quels sont les enjeux humains qui devraient attirer votre attention et ceux sur lesquels vous sur-performez déjà.

    Vous pouvez passer ce test en 10 minutes en allant sur www.yaniro.co/test

    Enfin, pour construire SON Leadership, découvrez la formation MY OWN LEADERSHIP : www.yaniro.co/formation

    Pour l’heure je vous laisse avec l’invité d’aujourd’hui et vous souhaite une bonne écoute

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    #43 - RAISE SHERPAS : Les 3 étapes du Leadership

    #43 - RAISE SHERPAS : Les 3 étapes du Leadership

    Bonjour et bienvenue dans le podcast MY OWN LEADERSHIP by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et deux fois par mois je vais à la rencontre des managers des Startups les plus impressionnantes pour rentrer dans les coulisses de ce qui leur a permis de construire LEUR Leadership.

    De leurs apprentissages à leurs secrets de management, dans ce podcast, nous rentrons pragmatiquement dans les bonnes pratiques qui construisent jour après jour un Leadership personnel qui tire tout une entreprise vers le haut. 

    Au delà du Leadership, avec Yaniro nous explorons le Facteur Humain sous toutes ses coutures ! De l’alignement entre associés à l’importance d’une organisation d’équipe adaptée. Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les clés pour faire du facteur humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque dans notre livre THE HUMAN FACTOR.

    The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrains des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables sur chacun des réels enjeux du Human Factor.

    Et si vous voulez avoir les idées claires sur ce qu’il se passe chez vous côté HUMAN FACTOR, nous avons pensé à vous et avons construit un test qui vous de savoir quels sont les enjeux humains qui devraient attirer votre attention et ceux sur lesquels vous sur-performez déjà.

    Vous pouvez passer ce test en 10 minutes en allant sur www.yaniro.co/test

    Enfin, pour construire SON Leadership, découvrez la formation MY OWN LEADERSHIP : www.yaniro.co/formation

    Pour l’heure je vous laisse avec l’invité d’aujourd’hui et vous souhaite une bonne écoute

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    [Hors-Série Spécial WILCO] 2/2 : BILBERRY

    [Hors-Série Spécial WILCO] 2/2 : BILBERRY

    Bonjour et bienvenue dans le podcast MY OWN LEADERSHIP by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et deux fois par mois je vais à la rencontre des managers des Startups les plus impressionnantes pour rentrer dans les coulisses de ce qui leur a permis de construire LEUR Leadership.

    De leurs apprentissages à leurs secrets de management, dans ce podcast, nous rentrons pragmatiquement dans les bonnes pratiques qui construisent jour après jour un Leadership personnel qui tire tout une entreprise vers le haut. 

    Au delà du Leadership, avec Yaniro nous explorons le Facteur Humain sous toutes ses coutures ! De l’alignement entre associés à l’importance d’une organisation d’équipe adaptée. Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les clés pour faire du facteur humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque dans notre livre THE HUMAN FACTOR.

    The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrains des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables sur chacun des réels enjeux du Human Factor.

    Et si vous voulez avoir les idées claires sur ce qu’il se passe chez vous côté HUMAN FACTOR, nous avons pensé à vous et avons construit un test qui vous de savoir quels sont les enjeux humains qui devraient attirer votre attention et ceux sur lesquels vous sur-performez déjà.

    Vous pouvez passer ce test en 10 minutes en allant sur www.yaniro.co/test

    Enfin, pour construire SON Leadership, découvrez la formation MY OWN LEADERSHIP : www.yaniro.co/formation

    Premier épisode de notre Hors-Série en partenariat avec WILCO !

    Cela fait longtemps que nous avions envie de rentrer dans les coulisses des pratiques de Leadership de Startups moins médiatisées pour mettre un coup de projecteur sur d'autres types d'enjeux... 

    Un appel à WILCO, notre partenaire de toujours, et le projet était lancé : 2 épisodes avec deux belles Startups accompagnées par WILCO pour un Hors Série WILCO // YANIRO.

    Pour celles et ceux qui ne les connaissent pas encore, WILCO est un accélérateur d’innovation qui accompagne la croissance des startups et la transformation des ETI/Grands Comptes. En quelques chiffres, WILCO accélère chaque année 100 nouvelles startups vers leur 1er M€ de CA en 3 ans, et 40 ETI/Grands Groupes pour répondre à leurs enjeux d'innovation. 

    Pour l’heure je vous laisse avec l’invité d’aujourd’hui et vous souhaite une bonne écoute

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.

    [Hors-Série Spécial WILCO] 1/2 : PREDICTICE

    [Hors-Série Spécial WILCO] 1/2 : PREDICTICE

    Bonjour et bienvenue dans le podcast MY OWN LEADERSHIP by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et deux fois par mois je vais à la rencontre des managers des Startups les plus impressionnantes pour rentrer dans les coulisses de ce qui leur a permis de construire LEUR Leadership.

    De leurs apprentissages à leurs secrets de management, dans ce podcast, nous rentrons pragmatiquement dans les bonnes pratiques qui construisent jour après jour un Leadership personnel qui tire tout une entreprise vers le haut. 

    Au delà du Leadership, avec Yaniro nous explorons le Facteur Humain sous toutes ses coutures ! De l’alignement entre associés à l’importance d’une organisation d’équipe adaptée. Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les clés pour faire du facteur humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque dans notre livre THE HUMAN FACTOR.

    The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrains des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables sur chacun des réels enjeux du Human Factor.

    Et si vous voulez avoir les idées claires sur ce qu’il se passe chez vous côté HUMAN FACTOR, nous avons pensé à vous et avons construit un test qui vous de savoir quels sont les enjeux humains qui devraient attirer votre attention et ceux sur lesquels vous sur-performez déjà.

    Vous pouvez passer ce test en 10 minutes en allant sur www.yaniro.co/test

    Enfin, pour construire SON Leadership, découvrez la formation MY OWN LEADERSHIP : www.yaniro.co/formation

    Pour l’heure je vous laisse avec l’invité d’aujourd’hui et vous souhaite une bonne écoute

    Premier épisode de notre Hors-Série en partenariat avec WILCO !

    Cela fait longtemps que nous avions envie de rentrer dans les coulisses des pratiques de Leadership de Startups moins médiatisées pour mettre un coup de projecteur sur d'autres types d'enjeux... 

    Un appel à WILCO, notre partenaire de toujours, et le projet était lancé : 2 épisodes avec deux belles Startups accompagnées par WILCO pour un Hors Série WILCO // YANIRO.

    Pour celles et ceux qui ne les connaissent pas encore, WILCO est un accélérateur d’innovation qui accompagne la croissance des startups et la transformation des ETI/Grands Comptes. En quelques chiffres, WILCO accélère chaque année 100 nouvelles startups vers leur 1er M€ de CA en 3 ans, et 40 ETI/Grands Groupes pour répondre à leurs enjeux d'innovation. 

    Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.


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