

    Explore "ipt" with insightful episodes like "Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Developing Australian HPA Story.", "Rencontre avec participants et organisateurs d'Alternative Théologie 1/2", "Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Low Cost HPA story in Western Australia." and "Rencontre avec le professeur Marc Boss depuis l'assemblée du Conseil Oecuménique des Eglises à Karlsruhe J6" from podcasts like ""Coffee with Samso", "Tour de France des paroisses et des régions", "Coffee with Samso" and "Tour de France des paroisses et des régions"" and more!

    Episodes (4)

    Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Developing Australian HPA Story.

    Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Developing Australian HPA Story.
    In Episode 186 of Coffee with Samso, Dr Mike Jones, the Managing Director of Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT), educates us on the ins and outs of the HPA business.
    The HPA (High Purity Alumina) story for Impact Minerals is now all about the economic process of making HPA. There are no longer any questions on the tonnage or the grade. In simple terms, the company is at the business end of the mineral resource sector.
    One of the key aspects of understanding Impact Minerals is to have a clear view of the company's business. Impact is in the business of HPA and what that means is that it needs to deliver High Purity Alumina in the 3N or 4N level (Figure 1).
    The HPA business detailing the different products and the potential income. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited). | Coffee with Samso | Samso
    When considering companies like Impact Minerals, the initial association is often with mineral exploration. However, it is important to view Impact from a fresh perspective. In this episode, Dr. Mike Jones discusses the company's current focus on the Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) phase, which aims to determine the profitability of the Lake Hope HPA project. This shift in focus highlights Impact's commitment to reaching a stage of financial success, distinguishing it from the negative reputation often associated with mineral exploration companies.
    Samso's Conclusion
    Impact Minerals is a company that often goes unnoticed despite its promising projects. Currently, they are actively promoting the Lake Hope project, which has been discussed extensively by Mike during the past two Coffee with Samso sessions. It is evident that the Lake Hope HPA project holds significant value for the company.
    It is worth mentioning that Impact Minerals' Broken Hill project was among the six projects worldwide selected for the prestigious BHP Xplor program. On 17th of January 2023, the company issued a release providing further details about their participation in the BHP Xplor program.
    BHP Xplor, an accelerator program introduced by BHP in August 2022, is designed to help provide participants with the opportunity to accelerate their growth and the potential to establish a long-term partnership with BHP and its global network of partners.
    Impact received up to US$500,000 in cash payments from BHP over the next six months and gained access to a network of internal and external experts to help guide development in the technical, business, and operational aspects of the company.
    This means that the management of Impact demonstrated credibility by successfully participating in and gaining acceptance for the Broken Hill project. This is a significant achievement, as only six recipients were chosen for this program, indicating a high level of quality.
    While the market trader may perceive Impact Minerals' market capitalisation of 34.37M as high, there is an underlying value that will yield positive results in the future. The Arkun project, which we discussed in a recent episode of Coffee with Samso, is located in a jurisdiction occupied by Tier-1 resource companies like Anglo-American. This provides strong evidence of its prospectivity (Figure 2).
    The Arkun project and its neighbours. ( Source: Impact Minerals Limited)| Coffee with Samso | Samso
    The Lake Hope project is currently in the "Feasibility" stage, and the initial excitement surrounding it has diminished in the market. However, this does not undermine the value that Impact Minerals is creating for its shareholders.
    There are two aspects of Impact Minerals that I appreciate. Firstly, the Lake Hope project is undeniably the company's flagship at the moment. Secondly, there is potential for significant growth from the Arkun and Broken Hill projects.
    Tune in to Mike's thoughts here.
    00:00 Start
    00:20 Introduction
    01:20 Updates from IPT
    02:16 Economical parameters that make an HPA project viable
    05:56 All about High Purity Alumina
    07:54 The Cost Curve Analysis
    11:23 Discussion about entry into the HPA market
    12:43 The HPA space after the commodity market softening
    14:07 The market for HPA
    16:04 The Arkun Project
    20:51 The Forward Plan
    24:52 Is Lake Hope is still the Perfect Orebody?
    25:33 How should investors view Impact?
    26:55 Why should investors believe that Impact will deliver the end story?
    29:00 With the current interest rate trend, is it a good time for companies like Impact Minerals?
    30:55 Why should investors invest in Impact Minerals?
    31:48 Conclusion

    Rencontre avec participants et organisateurs d'Alternative Théologie 1/2

    Rencontre avec participants et organisateurs d'Alternative Théologie 1/2

    En deux épisodes du Tour de France faites connaissances et découvrez ce qui s'est vécu à Paris à l'Institut Protestant de Théologie dans le cadre du camp Alternative Théologie du 25 au 30 août 2023. Dans ce premier épisode vous rencontrerez Erwan, Victoire, Emmanuelle, Jeanne, Elian et Christine qui nous présentent ce vécu collectif de partage théologique autour du thème "Résister aux injustices"...

    Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Low Cost HPA story in Western Australia.

    Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) - A Low Cost HPA story in Western Australia.
    Dr Mike Jones, the Managing Director of Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT), is talking about a Western Australian High Purity Alumina project in a Coffee with Samso 175.
    The HPA (High Purity Alumina) story has so far eluded the Samso journey. but now Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT) is sharing. The HPA story require an understanding of a whole different pool of facts.
    Although the HPA story is not something new, it does bring a whole different complexion to Impact Minerals. If you hear Dr Mike Jones describing the story, you may feel that this is a simple project.
    You are not wrong, but to me, it is far from simple but this is one of those projects that is niche enough to make it work.
    Impact Minerals is now embarking on a different journey. This new project is almost ready for the production story. They are finalising the drilling to produce the all important JORC Mineral Resource which will be the first step in cultivating a production story.
    Get to know Impact Minerals Limited (ASX: IPT)
    Impact Minerals have been around for a long time. Impact is a company that has projects that would a major project in any other ASX companies. The Broken Hill and the Arkun project especially.
    The Broken Hill project is a Ni-Cu-PGE project (Figure 1 and Figure 2) is located with 20km from the world class Broken Hill silver-lead-zinc mine in New South Wales.
    The geology at the Broken Hill project is one that has a lot of possibilities which is what you want from a project. I have looked at their projects from afar for a while.
    Figure 1. Location of the Broken Hill Ni-Cu-PGE Project. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited)
    Impact has shown that the very high grade palladium and platinum mineralisation at the Red Hill, Platinum Springs and Moorkaie Prospects and the Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) mineralisation at the Copper Blow Prospect (ASX:SCI) are hosted by and related to alkaline magmatic rocks (Figure 2), (ASX Announcement 13th December 2018).
    Figure 2: Location of alkaline magma trends in the Broken Hill area. The Little Broken Hill to Moorkaie Trend contains rocks of potassic ultramafic to alkaline gabbro composition. The Copper Flat to Staurolite Ridge Trend contains rocks of alkaline gabbro to carbonatite composition. An offset of the Copper Blow Trend is interpreted to the south of the Thackeringa Fault Zone. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited)
    The Arkun project (Figure 3) which covers about 850 square kilometres is between York and Corrigin, which is approximately 100 km east of Perth. The project was first identified as an area of anomalous nickel-copper-gold anomalies in publicly available regional geochemistry data sets.
    What I like about this project is that it is now considered to be in a mobile belt that is prospective for "Julimar" type mineralisation. The discovery of Julimar has now opened up this whole region.
    Figure 3: Location and Regional Geology of the Arkun Project and showing key nickel-copper-PGE deposits and recent discoveries. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited).
    A subsequent interpretation of regional magnetic data by Impact has identified the area as lying within a major deformation zone or mobile belt that trends NW-SE from the Moora-Julimar-Yarawindah area through Arkun and which may contain deformed and metamorphosed equivalents of those rocks .
    This belt is generally not recognised in many regional geology maps and yet is self-evident in the magnetic data. This is a significant breakthrough in understanding for Impact.
    The BHP Xplore Program
    Impact Minerals was recently chosen to participate in the BHP Xplore program with their Broken Hill project. The participation is a recognition of the quality of the project and the amount of good work completed by the company.
    Think about the amount of projects that would have been submitted and to be selected is a testament of something positive.
    The Lake Hope HPA Project will change the future of Impact Minerals Limited.
    The Lake Hope Project covers numerous prospective salt lakes between Hyden and Norseman in southern Western Australia ,a Tier One jurisdiction (Figure 4). The project covers about 238 sqkm and are all owned by the vendor, Playa One.
    Figure 4: Location of the lake Hope project.
    The Lake Hope area has unique climatic and geological characteristics that have resulted in the formation of what is probably a globally unique deposit of aluminium-rich material within the surficial clay layers of two small salt lakes, or “pans”, in the Lake Hope playa system.
    The lake clays, which are only up to a few metres thick, have unique chemical and physical properties and consist almost entirely of aluminium-bearing minerals that are plasticine-like in consistency and can be easily sampled with hand-held augers and push tubes (Figure 5).
    Figure 5: Lake Hope showing the push tube sampling method (!) and an example of the lake clay from the push tube. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited)
    In addition, particle size distribution analysis demonstrates that virtually all the minerals are less than 16 microns and 60% to 80% occur at grain sizes of less than 5 microns (Figure 6).
    Figure 6: Particle size distribution analysis for four samples. Sample LP0040 contains sandy particles at the base of the deposit. (Source: Impact Minerals Limited)
    These unique characteristics have produced a near-perfect mineral deposit: a very high-value end product whose parent ore is:
    • Very soft and shallow, allowing for extremely cheap free-digging with limited infrastructure requirements, no pre-stripping, no selective mining, a tiny environmental footprint, and limited rehabilitation requirements.
    • Naturally fine-grained with no need for crushing and grinding, allowing for transport to an offsite processing facility that can be built on existing industrial sites (Figure 4). In essence, this is Direct Shipping Ore (DSO).
    • Comprised of a few minerals that require only simple washing before acid leaching, thus allowing for low-cost straightforward metallurgical processing.
    Samso's Conclusion
    The change in business for Impact makes a lot of sense. The introduction of the Lake Hope project will move Impact Minerals into the production part of the industry very quickly. As we all know, in the exploration game, discovery of an economical resource is very difficult. The path to production is another hurdle many small juniors will never cross.
    What I like with Impact are their "Other" projects. There is a lot I like about the new HPA label. However, one cannot discard the potential of the Broken Hill and also the Arkun project. There is hard to measure value in the potential of these projects.
    I have always considered the HPA as too hard. However, now listening to Mike sharing his thought and strategy with the Lake Hope project, I am changing my narrative. To be honest, I have not really looked into the details but I have got some idea now.
    Simplistically, the HPA story appear to be about processing. The mining part seem to be easy. This is what I take away from listening to Mike and his confidence, I feel, comes from the fact that Lake Hope is a unique deposit. It is one of those projects that tick the boxes that we all dream about.
    When you look at this project, Lake Hope, what I see is that, at this stage of the game, Impact has been lucky. They got this project which appears to have all the hallmarks of a "Perfect Project". Yes, we all know about the things that can and will go wrong with the path to production, but I think when you listen to Mike speak about the ups and downs, you will come to the same thought Could this be true?
    When the time comes where we get the answer to that question, I would rather be the group that have the position to lose than the group that is fighting for a position. My philosophy has always been that I rather lose something than regret not being able to win. Welcome to the Mineral exploration game..... DYOR.
    Tune in to Mike's thoughts here.
    00:00 Start
    00:20 Introduction
    01:37 The Impact Minerals Limited story
    06:28 HPA - Potential big player in the industrial minerals market
    09:19 The deposit and metallurgical process of extracting HPA
    12:13 What is special about the Lake Hope Project?
    18:49 The assay results in Lake Hope
    21:15 What is 4N high purity alumina?
    23:50 Advantages and challenges of the alumina deposit
    28:07 The chemistry consistency of alumina grades
    31:27 The competitive advantage of Lake Hope area
    32:45 The challenges of being in the HPA space
    35:06 A low cost producer of HPA
    37:29 News flow
    40:29 The advantage of leapfrogging the discovery phase
    44:32 Why Impact Minerals Limited?
    47:26 Conclusion

    Rencontre avec le professeur Marc Boss depuis l'assemblée du Conseil Oecuménique des Eglises à Karlsruhe J6

    Rencontre avec le professeur Marc Boss depuis l'assemblée du Conseil Oecuménique des Eglises à Karlsruhe J6

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