
    jewish studies

    Explore " jewish studies" with insightful episodes like "America's Roundtable with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson | Revitalizing American Exceptionalism | US-Israel Partnership | Biden's Executive Order Targeting Israeli Jews | The Abraham Accords", "Chapter 10: Aftermath", "Chapter 9: Judgment and Revenge", "Chapter 8: Nazi Defeat" and "Chapter 7: Liquidation" from podcasts like ""America's Roundtable", "Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust", "Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust", "Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust" and "Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust"" and more!

    Episodes (38)

    America's Roundtable with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson | Revitalizing American Exceptionalism | US-Israel Partnership | Biden's Executive Order Targeting Israeli Jews | The Abraham Accords

    America's Roundtable with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson | Revitalizing American Exceptionalism | US-Israel Partnership | Biden's Executive Order Targeting Israeli Jews | The Abraham Accords
    Join America's Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio co-hosts Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy with Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson who serves at the Temple Menorah in Miami Beach, Florida. This weekend on America's Roundtable, the conversation with Rabbi Eliot Pearlson will include the following key topics: Is “American exceptionalism” fading? The agenda to re-write America’s unique role in advancing freedom and the rule of law. Socialism in Latin America and lessons for America’s citizens. How October 7, 2023 changed Israel. The call to free Americans and Israeli hostages still held captive in Gaza. The significance of remembrance. The future of the Abraham Accords. Is Biden’s new executive order targeting Israeli citizens and politicians ⏤ a departure of US support for the Jewish state? Brief biography | Rabbit Eliot H. Pearlson In 1989, Rabbi Eliot H. Pearlson succeeded Rabbi Meyer Abramowitz ז”ל, who had served Temple Menorah since its founding in 1949. Rabbi Pearlson was no stranger to Temple Menorah, having served as our Director of Education before leaving for a pulpit in Asheville, North Carolina. Born in upstate New York, he is the youngest of eight children. His parents, Sylvia and Ben ז”ל were farmers near Buffalo until moving to Miami Beach in 1963, where they entered the Hotel and Hospitality industry. Within months of assuming his duties, Rabbi Pearlson followed in the footsteps of his predecessor, affirming the well-deserved notoriety of Temple Menorah by opening the institution to hundreds of Russian Jews escaping from the Soviet Union. Along with the survivors of the Holocaust and the refugees of Castro’s Cuba, another generation of Jewish refugees were guaranteed a spiritual home and place to worship. Education Rabbi Pearlson’s Jewish education is varied and diverse. Although serving in a Traditional synagogue, Rabbi Pearlson has studied in “Litvishe” Yeshiva programs such as the Greater Miami Mesifta, The Talmudic University , Lubavitch Yeshiva-Tomchei Tmimim, and Yeshiva University. In addition to his religious studies, Rabbi Pearlson has undergraduate degrees in Jewish Studies and Biochemistry, a Masters Degree in Rabbinic Literature, and graduate studies in Microbiology at the University of Florida. He was granted his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) degree in Community Leadership by The Florida Center for Theological Studies in 2010. Rabbi Pearlson received Orthodox Rabbinic Ordination at the Diaspora Yeshiva on Mt. Zion-Jerusalem. Community Among Rabbi Pearlson’s community outreach efforts has been the ‘adoption’ of an African American Church. ln addition to a pulpit exchange with its minister, Temple Menorah also sponsored its Afternoon Computer Lab for Children at Risk. As a Jewish activist, Rabbi Pearlson has been arrested defending Jewish causes in Auschwitz-Birkenau, New York City and Miami—as his supporters note: “Arrested, but never convicted.” Further reading: Is America Exceptional? By Norman Podhoretz | Author, My Love Affair with America (https://imprimis.hillsdale.edu/is-america-exceptional/) Brief excerpt: "We have excelled by following our Founding Fathers in directing our energies, as our Constitution exhorts us to do, to the preservation of the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, as well as to the pursuit of happiness tacitly understood by the Declaration of Independence to require prosperity as a precondition. (In his original draft of the Declaration, of course, Jefferson used the word “property” instead of “pursuit of happiness.”) By remaining faithful in principle—and to a considerable extent in practice—to the ideas by which the Founders hoped to accomplish these ends, we and our forebears have fashioned a country in which more liberty and more prosperity are more widely shared than among any other people in human history. Yes, even today that holds true, despite policies unfaithful both to the letter and to the spirit of the traditional American system that have resulted in a series of political and economic setbacks." Victor Davis Hanson: America's Exceptional Role in the World (https://www.hoover.org/research/victor-davis-hanson-americas-exceptional-role-world) Fox News | American exceptionalism 'running on fumes' as woke ideology stifles creativity and meritocracy, scholars say (https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/american-exceptionalism-running-fumes-woke-ideology-stifles-creativity-meritocracy-scholars) With individual initiative discouraged, US could identify as mediocre, insist scholars "We're running on fumes," said Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, when asked if American exceptionalism still exists. "We still have more talent and wealth than any other nation. We're still the freest nation. americasrt.com (https://americasrt.com/) https://ileaderssummit.org/ | https://jerusalemleaderssummit.com/ America's Roundtable on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/americas-roundtable/id1518878472 Twitter: @ileaderssummit @AmericasRT @NatashaSrdoc @JoelAnandUSA @supertalk America's Roundtable is co-hosted by Natasha Srdoc and Joel Anand Samy, co-founders of International Leaders Summit and the Jerusalem Leaders Summit. America’s Roundtable (https://americasrt.com/) radio program - a strategic initiative of International Leaders Summit, focuses on America’s economy, healthcare reform, rule of law, security and trade, and its strategic partnership with rule of law nations around the world. The radio program features high-ranking US administration officials, cabinet members, members of Congress, state government officials, distinguished diplomats, business and media leaders and influential thinkers from around the world. Tune into America’s Roundtable Radio program from Washington, DC via live streaming on Saturday mornings via 65 radio stations at 7:30 A.M. (ET) on Lanser Broadcasting Corporation covering the Michigan and the Midwest market, and at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk Mississippi — SuperTalk.FM reaching listeners in every county within the State of Mississippi, and neighboring states in the South including Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Tennessee. Listen to America's Roundtable on digital platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon, Google and other key online platforms. Listen live, Saturdays at 7:30 A.M. (CT) on SuperTalk | https://www.supertalk.fm

    #424 פרופ' רות וייס - האנטישמיות - כלי פוליטי אפקטיבי (חלק ב')

    #424 פרופ' רות וייס - האנטישמיות - כלי פוליטי אפקטיבי (חלק ב')

     מומלץ להאזין לחלק א הנקרא -

    #82 פרופ' רות וייס - כוחו של העם היהודי הוא גם מקור חולשתו הפוליטית (חלק א בסדרה)


    🎙️ בפודקאסט החדש שלי, אני חולק עמכם ראיון מרתק עם פרופ' רות וייס, אחת הדמויות המובילות במחקר ובניתוח של אנטישמיות והשפעותיה הפוליטיות.

    ✨ מה הקשר בין אנטישמיות לפוליטיקה העולמית? כיצד אנטישמיות משתנה ומתפשטת בעידן המודרני? ומה ניתן לעשות כדי למנוע את התפשטות השנאה הזו?

    "לפני כמה שנים צלצל אליי ידיד ועמית ישראלי, שהיה לי ויכוח ארוך איתו על הסכמי אוסלו. הוא אמר - ״את צדקת ואני טעיתי״. ומיד תהה: איך קרה שצלחתי לדייק אפילו יותר ממנו, החי בישראל ועוסק בחקר 

    הפוליטיקה שלה, להבין את מצבה הפוליטי של ישראל? 

    עניתי - ״זה מפני שאני מכירה את ספרות היידיש״, ורק אחר כך הבנתי את תשובתי זו. 

    ההתמחות הרלוונטית ביותר שלי לכתיבה על הנושא היא מחקריי על ספרות יידיש במאתיים השנים האחרונות, בהקשרה האירופי ועל רקע המודרניזציה של העם היהודי. תהליך זה האחרון חולל שיח שהוא מן התוססים והחכמים שהתרבות היהודית הניבה אי פעם – שיח שבו מוחות שחודדו בישיבה והוספגו בסוגיות תלמוד מתפזרים לאלף כיוונים, מהקומוניזם המהפכני עד לתנועת המוסר או לפרישות הדתית נוסח ברסלב. הרעיונות החדשים שבעבעה היידיש רבים אפילו מחברות ההזנק בישראל של ימינו.

     לדעתי, דורנו הוא הדור בר המזל ביותר בתולדות עם ישראל. בתנ״ך מופיעים כמה וכמה נסים המיוחסים לכוח עליון מפני שאי אפשר להסבירם על פי חוקי הטבע וידיעות המדע. גדול מכל הנסים הללו הוא בעיניי חידוש הריבונות היהודית בארץ ישראל, באותו עשור שמיליוני יהודים הובלו למוות באירופה. יסודותיה של מדינת ישראל הונחו בידי אותו עם שנפל קרבן לנאציזם, ואף כי יד הנאציזם גברה הציונות נותרה אחריו וקוממה רבים מניצוליו. בעידן המודרני מצליחים היהודים לחולל נסים אנושיים"

    📣 בראיון הזה, פרופ' וייס חושפת את המשמעויות הרחבות של אנטישמיות בקרב החברה ומדברת על דרכים להתמודד עם האתגר הזה. אנחנו חוקרים את הגורמים הפוליטיים והחברתיים שמזיקים לערכים הדמוקרטיים שלנו, ומתמקדים בכלים ובאמצעים שיכולים לשמש להתמודדות איתם.

    👂 אל תחמיצו את הראיון המלא בפודקאסט שלי. הצטרפו אלינו לדיון עמוק ומעורר מחשבה, המציע הבנה חדשה ורעננה על אחד הנושאים הכמה וכמה רלוונטיים וחשובים בעולמנו היום.

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    Violent Revolutionary Jesus? Conspiracies, historical issues and contradictions from Rabbi Tzadok

    Violent Revolutionary Jesus? Conspiracies, historical issues and contradictions from Rabbi Tzadok

    In this week's episode we discuss Rabbi Ariel Tzadok post called "The Torah of Yeshu HaNotzi versus the Gospel of Jesus Christ." He is featured on the History Channel's Ancient Aliens program and spearheads www.koshertorah.com working with Noachides, Jews and Christians teaching them Jewish concepts. In his post he discusses the following book:
    "The Jesus Scroll is a best-selling book first published in 1972 and written by Australian author Donovan Joyce. A forerunner to some of the ideas later investigated in The Da Vinci Code, Joyce's book made the claim that Jesus of Nazareth may have actually died aged 80 at Masada[4] near the Dead Sea, site of the last stand made by Jewish zealot rebels against the Roman Empire, after the Fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Second Temple. Joyce, an Australian journalist, claimed to have seen a scroll stolen from the Masada excavations. He wrote that it was one of fifteen scrolls discovered during the dig there. His book states that the stolen autobiographical scroll was signed Yeshua ben Ya’akob ben Gennesareth, who described himself as eighty years old and added that he was the last of the rightful kings of Israel. The name when translated into English became Jesus of Gennesareth, son of Jacob. Joyce identifies the author as Jesus of Nazareth. Joyce's book further suggests that Jesus may have survived the crucifixion, was present during the Roman siege of Masada during the Jewish Revolt of 66-74 AD, and that he had married Mary Magdalene and fathered a child with her. Joyce claimed that he attempted to visit Masada in 1964 during the archaeological excavation but was prevented by Yigael Yadin. Joyce further claimed that an anonymous and corrupt archaeologist, "Dr. Grosset", asked him to help smuggle the 'Jesus Scroll' out of Israel that had been discovered during that dig. Joyce says in his book that the scroll was sneaked aboard an airplane by Dr. Grosset, who then most likely took it to Russia to strike a deal with Soviet leaders. Joyce proposed controversial theories concerning the historicity of Jesus that caused outrage among many Christians, and for which he received numerous death threats."(Source: Wikipedia)

    Mystic-Skeptic Radio produces programs such as Uncensored & Raiders of the Unknown. Some of the ongoing series are: Jesus The Israelite, Anti-Semitism Rising & Paul's Legacy (all available on our YouTube channels). In the past 8 years we have featured academics (Amy Jill Levine) , presidential candidates( Howie Hawkins), Commentators (Jay Michaelson) , Advocates (Vanessa Guillen), Scholars(John Dominic Crossan) and Holistic Healers (Rosemary Gladstar). We have taken deep dives on the topics of human trafficking, ancient civilizations, demonology and the occult, social movements, controversial topics and many of the current affairs affecting our society. Join us as as we explore the mystic-skeptic mind space…

    Bearing Witness: Galicia Jewish Museum

    Bearing Witness: Galicia Jewish Museum

    One of the first locations Dr. Stephanie Arel visited when she began research for her book Bearing Witness: The Wounds of Mass Trauma at Memorial Museums was the Galicia Jewish Museum in Krakow, Poland. She went there to understand how they were memorializing the Holocaust and the impact this work had on the museum's workers. In this episode, we have the opportunity to catch up with Samantha McLaughlin, one of the first interviewees, about how her work at the Galicia Jewish Museum deepend her dedication to the subject and how she has evolved and expanded her work in the field. 

    This episode is brought to you by Dr. Stephanie Arel and produced by Shrine13.

    Preview: Into the Stacks at the YIVO

    Preview: Into the Stacks at the YIVO

    Join co-producers Nahanni Rous and Eric Marcus on a research trip to the YIVO Institute in preparation for the upcoming season of Those Who Were There that focuses on the city of Vilna—a once thriving center of Jewish life and culture. Their guide on this exploratory dive into YIVO’s archives is Eddy Portnoy, YIVO’s Academic Advisor and Director of Exhibitions. Among the documents they’re in search of is a rare, typewritten diary of life in the Vilna Ghetto during World War II kept by Herman Kruk. Join Nahanni and Eric on what they found to be a revelatory and moving journey through time.

    Jewish Education and the "Gift of Thinking", Season 2, Episode 13

    Jewish Education and the "Gift of Thinking", Season 2, Episode 13

    For decades Dr. Barry Chazan has sought to answer a humble question, what is it about informal Jewish education, like camp and travel, that is so powerful? David Bryfman reflects with Dr. Chazan, founding international director of education at Taglit-Birthright Israel, about his quest to understand informal Jewish education, and his new book, Principles and Pedagogies in Jewish Education. The book summarizes insights and unanswered questions from Dr. Chazan’s career. He reads aloud his charge for 21st century educators, a reminder of the impact educators can have on students, like the one Dr. Chazan had on his student, David Bryfman. 

    Additional Resources:

    Principles and Pedagogies in Jewish Education Free Kindle

    The Philosophy of Informal Jewish Education by Dr. Barry Chazan — 2003

    The Subject Of Israel Education Is Not Israel

    A response to Barry Chazan: the philosophy of informal Jewish education by Dr. Joe Reimer

    Adapting: The Future of Jewish Education is a production of The Jewish Education Project. Be sure to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts and be the first to know when new episodes are released. 

    This episode was produced by Dina Nusnbaum and Gabriel Weinstein.  The show’s executive producers are David Bryfman, Karen Cummins, and Nessa Liben. This episode was engineered and edited by Nathan J. Vaughan of NJV Media.  If you enjoyed the show please leave us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts or even better, share it with a friend. Be sure to subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and be the first to know when new episodes are released.

    To learn more about The Jewish Education Project visit  jewishedproject.org where you can find links to our Jewish Educator Portal and learn more about our mission, history, and staff. We are a proud partner of UJA-Federation of New York.  


    Political Families & Lifting Immigrant Voices featuring Hadassah Lieberman

    Political Families & Lifting Immigrant Voices featuring Hadassah Lieberman

    Hadassah Lieberman’s new book is called Hadassah: An American Story and she joins us for a heartfelt conversation about her life as an immigrant, a daughter of Holocaust Survivors, a wife of a U.S. Senator (almost Vice President!), blended families and her advocacy for public health and a better understanding of our shared humanity. Plus, Fritz and Weezy are recommending Live at Mr. Kelly’s and Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal and Greed.

    Path Points of Interest:

    Hadassah: An American Story by Hadassah Lieberman

    Additional books by Haddasah and Joe Lieberman

    Live at Mr. Kelly's

    Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal and Greed

    Episode 31: An Intercultural Friendship in the Context of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict, with Daniel Weishut

    Episode 31: An Intercultural Friendship in the Context of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict, with Daniel Weishut

    Amidst the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Dr. Daniel J.N. Weishut, psychologist and lecturer at Hadassah Academic College in Israel, developed a cross-cultural friendship with a Palestinian Bedouin man. 

    In Brill’s new In this podcast episode, Dr. Weishut assesses the vast cultural differences that he observed through this close friendship, which he describes as a ‘life-changing experience’, from the perspective of the psychologist Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Further, he provides interesting insights into this intercultural bond from a sociopolitical context. This discussion is an extension of his book titled “Intercultural Friendship: The Case of a Palestinian Bedouin and a Dutch Israeli Jew,” published in the International Comparative Social Studies series of Brill.

    Guests: Dr Daniel Weishut and Ahmad Abu Galia 
    Host: Leigh Giangreco 


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