
    jim rogers

    Explore "jim rogers" with insightful episodes like "Was einen Millionär ausmacht", "投资大师罗杰斯:「中文是世界探索未来的钥匙!」|| 沙視界", "Interview with Billionaire Jim Rogers", "Motorcycles, International Intrigue, and Investing Featuring Jim Rogers" and "Decades of Tech Leadership for Agents" from podcasts like ""financial health", "沙視界 - 每天10分鐘,聽聽時政、分析心理、瞭解金融。", "Justin Mohr Show", "Unlock Your Wealth Today" and "On Point - Insurance Journal"" and more!

    Episodes (11)

    Was einen Millionär ausmacht

    Was einen Millionär ausmacht
    Hallo hallo, heute geht's wieder einmal um die gute alte Finanzpsychologie. Denn die Psychologie spielt eine große Rolle bei deinem Vermögensaufbau, die leider immer wieder unterschätzt wird. Hier bekommst du wertvolle Tipps, wie du deine Gedanken für einen erfolgreichen Vermögensaufbau ausrichten kannst. Viel Spaß beim Hören. --- --- --- Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei financial health, dem Podcast mit spannenden Inspirationen zu deinem privaten Finanzmanagement. Du bist neugierig? Hier findest du mehr noch über uns: - Email: team@financial-health.de - Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/julian-kr%C3%BCger-25358b204 - Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/amelie-lider-a97960208 - Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Julian_Krueger2 - Xing: www.xing.com/profile/Amelie_Lider - Instagram: www.instagram.com/julian.krueger_germany - Instagram: www.instagram.com/amelie_lider - Facebook: www.facebook.com/julian.kruger.338 - Facebook: www.facebook.com/amelie.lider Bei Fragen, Wünschen und Anregungen nehmen wir uns gerne Zeit für dich. Komm einfach auf uns zu. Wenn dir diese Folge gefallen hat, dann freuen wir uns, wenn du den Podcast abonnierst und eine Rezension auf iTunes hinterlässt. Damit hilfst du uns, dass noch mehr Menschen diesen Podcast finden und das Thema Finanzen eine positive Kraft in ihrem Leben wird. Viel Spaß & Erfolg beim Hören und Umsetzen der heutigen Folge wünschen dir Amelie & Julian. Die Inhalte dienen inspirativen Zwecken und ersetzen keine individuelle, professionelle Finanzberatung. Die Speaker übernehmen keine Haftung. ___________________ Mit ♥ produziert von Klangmagneten & beraten von uncover. www.un-cover.de www.klangmagneten.com

    投资大师罗杰斯:「中文是世界探索未来的钥匙!」|| 沙視界

    投资大师罗杰斯:「中文是世界探索未来的钥匙!」|| 沙視界
    罗杰斯给孩子留下大量中国股票? 据澎湃新闻的报道,“量子基金”前合伙人吉姆·罗杰斯(Jim Rogers)在接受澎湃新闻记者采访时表示,过去40年中,没有一个国家能像中国一样发展得如此迅速、如此强劲、如此稳健,“所有的国家在发展过程中都会出现问题,但中国会是最成功的。中国有人口、有教育事业、拥有一切条件。但我暂时看不到中国之外的其他国家,成为最成功发展的国家的可能性。” 罗杰斯曾参与创立“量子基金”,以投资商品期货闻名,有“商品大王”之称,与巴菲特和索罗斯并称为世界三大投资人。而他与中国的渊源极为深厚。 罗杰斯也曾不止一次提到会将所持中国股票留给自己的孩子,在此次接受澎湃新闻记者采访时,他再度提到自己的孩子们会拥有大量的中国股票,“我的想法是50年后的某一天,他们会看着股市感叹:‘瞧瞧这些中国股票!他(指罗杰斯)真聪明!我们很富有!’” 在谈到持股逻辑时,罗杰斯指出,中国的旅游、运输、航空、农业、娱乐业都会有很好的机会。罗杰斯特别提及自己持有中国的葡萄酒股,“大部分外国人一开始不喝葡萄酒,但他们现在正逐渐开始喝,这种现象不仅发生在美国,也出现在了许多国家,所以我持有中国的葡萄酒股。”

    Interview with Billionaire Jim Rogers

    Interview with Billionaire Jim Rogers

    Interview with the legendary billionaire investor, Jim Rogers. His insights on the economy and life in Singapore and why he's had his daughters learn Mandarin. Instead of panicking with the rest of the crowd, Jim likes to sit back and let things unfold and buy when there's free money in the corner of the room just asking to be picked up.  His simple advice works but emotionally can be very hard to do and it's why most investors fail. 

    Motorcycles, International Intrigue, and Investing Featuring Jim Rogers

    Motorcycles, International Intrigue, and Investing Featuring Jim Rogers
    Motorcycles, International Intrigue, and Investing Featuring Jim Rogers
    Unlock Your Wealth Starring Heather Wagenhals
    On today's episode, American investor and financial commentator Jim Rogers joins Unlock Your Wealth from Singapore to discuss his Guinness World Records as an international adventurer, his best-selling books and investing.
    You'll Learn:
    How he came up with the idea of seeing the world on motorcycles
    What it was like seeing the world from two wheels
    What black markets tell you about a country's economic picture
    How to spot an emerging market investment opportunity
    FreedomFest and why you need to attend the Global Financial Summit as an investor
    And so much more!
    If you are experiencing financial challenges this year, DM Heather in IG or FB @unlockyourwealth for a complimentary discovery session to explore a new path for you financially.

    Remember to bookmark this show and share it in your stories, feed, or timeline on social media. The late Jim Rohn said you are an average of the top 5 people you hang around with so help them achieve financial freedom along with you!
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    Jim Rogers' speaking schedule
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    Also Check Out:

    #286 Inside Wirtschaft - Investor Jim Rogers: Debt - Bitcoin will disappear - USD will come to an end - Gold

    #286 Inside Wirtschaft - Investor Jim Rogers: Debt - Bitcoin will disappear - USD will come to an end - Gold
    Salah Bouhmidi (Head of Markets IG) and Manuel Koch (Inside Wirtschaft) talk with the legendary investor Jim Rogers (78), who lives in Singapore today. On IG Trading Talk Rogers said: Covid19 consequences: "We have never in world history had so much money printed, borrowed and spent as we're having now. Somebody has to pay the price for this. Politicians worry about the next election, they're not worried about my kids. Of course there is an alternative. I would not do it the easy way." Currencies: "I can see down the road that the US Dollar is gonna come to an end. It will still be there but not what it is now. The Euro is good but will it survive? I don't know." Gold: "I own Gold, but I am not buying it now and I haven't bought it for a while. The way things are now I would buy more Silver than Gold." Bitcoin: "My view is if Bitcoin becomes successful as a currency - and that's what the supporters say - governments will say no, you must use our money as currency. Governments work on their own computer money now, they don't want competition." Interesting stocks: "I tell you one I just bought. It's called Lufthansa." President Biden: "Mr. Biden's friends will now make money and Mr. Trump's friends won't make money. That's what happens." More information on https://www.ig.com

    Top Ten Finance Books For Traders - Best Finance Books

    Top Ten Finance Books For Traders - Best Finance Books

    Today's episode is a list of my top ten books for traders, or the best finance books to read to learn about the financial industry.  I decided to come up with a list of books that are not just filled with knowledge, but that are also really enjoyable reads – the kind of book that it is hard to put down.  There are no university textbooks on this list, no Random Walk Down Wall Street or The Intelligent Investor.  To make the list the books had to be interesting, educational, and a lot of fun to read.  Many of these books are investment classics, and so people who have worked in markets for any length of time will possibly have read at least a few of these.  I have put time stamps below, so you can skip ahead to the books that you are most interested in in case you have already read some of my selections.  

    Let me know  what books you feel I left out.

    Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/PatrickBoyleOnFinance

    Roger Lowenstein - When Genius Failed - https://amzn.to/2Jp0pwj
    Edwin Lefevre - Reminiscences of a Stock Operator - https://amzn.to/3mnfXz8
    Victor Niederhoffer - Education of A Speculator - https://amzn.to/3mlWNKc
    Jack Schwager - Unknown Market Wizards - https://amzn.to/3mleolt
    Michael Lewis - Liars Poker - https://amzn.to/39sSFEn
    Frank Partnoy - Fiasco - https://amzn.to/3lliWHc
    Richard Thaler - The Winner's Curse - https://amzn.to/3lkrdex
    Edward Thorp - A Man For All Markets - https://amzn.to/3mkfZI8
    Emanuel Derman - My Life As A Quant - https://amzn.to/36kdhwM
    Jim Rogers - Investment Biker - https://amzn.to/2JdCoc2

    Patrick's Books:
    Statistics for the Trading Floor:  https://amzn.to/3eerLA0
    Derivatives for the Trading Floor:  https://amzn.to/3cjsyPF
    Corporate Finance:  https://amzn.to/3fn3rvC 

    Visit our website: www.onfinance.org
    Follow Patrick on Twitter Here: https://twitter.com/PatrickEBoyle

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    Moin Zukunft! #11 mit Investor Jim Rogers

    Moin Zukunft! #11 mit Investor Jim Rogers
    Jim Rogers dürfte an der Börse schon alles erlebt haben. In den 1970er-Jahren gründete er den Quantum Fund mit George Soros, machte ein Vermögen. Er fuhr mit einem briefkastengelben Mercedes um die Welt, schrieb Bücher, bloggt inzwischen – immer mit einer klaren Botschaft. "Ride the Bull“, kritzelte er mit Kugelschreiber in ein Buch, das er mir am Ende eines Interviews in die Hand drückte. Reite den Bullen. Das ist mittlerweile mehr als zehn Jahre her. Der ­„Bulle“ rennt allerdings noch immer, und Rogers ist weiterhin dabei. Denn der Bulle, das sind für ihn ­Rohstoffe, vor allem Gold. Sie haben seit jener Widmung deutlich an Wert gewonnen – von rund 800 US-Dollar die Feinunze Gold bis zuletzt um 2.000 US-Dollar. Der 77-Jährige kann aber nicht nur Rohstoffe. Rogers investiert weltweit, ohne Berührungsängste und mit einer klaren Meinung. Unter anderem deshalb findet der Mitgründer des Quantum Fund, eines Hedgefonds, weiterhin Gehör.

    The Path to Dow 7,000!

    The Path to Dow 7,000!
    This episode features a startling collection of predictions from David Stockman (Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Reagan Administration), Mohammed el-Erian (chief economic adviser at Allianz), Jim Rogers (Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests), Donald Trump. These are just a few of the experts, the "Smart Money" if you will, that are pointing to the same future predictions for the Global Markets.

    Talk to Bruce by visiting https://www.straighttalkwealth.com

    The Path to Dow 7,000!

    The Path to Dow 7,000!
    This episode features a startling collection of predictions from David Stockman (Former Director of the Office of Management and Budget - Reagan Administration), Mohammed el-Erian (chief economic adviser at Allianz), Jim Rogers (Chairman of Rogers Holdings and Beeland Interests), Donald Trump. These are just a few of the experts, the "Smart Money" if you will, that are pointing to the same future predictions for the Global Markets.

    Talk to Bruce by visiting https://www.straighttalkwealth.com

    Jim Rogers Explains Why He Is Looking More Favorably Towards Russia

    Jim Rogers Explains Why He Is Looking More Favorably Towards Russia
    Jim Rogers and Eric Coffin return. World renowned investor, traveler and author Jim Rogers returns to discuss the current Anglo-American Empire’s conflict with Russia. Having traveled in that country numerous times over the past few decades, Russia had until recently been one of his least favored countries but his view is now turning more positive. He will explain why. As fierce advocate of limited government and free market economics Rogers offers a blistering critique of current policies of the West that are sewing the seeds of its own destruction. He tells why he is happy he sold his mansion in Manhattan and moved to Singapore where he and his wife are raising their two daughters. Rogers also will tell us where he is putting his money as we head into 2015. Eric Coffin, one of the most astute junior exploration newsletter writers talks about prospects for making money in that beleaguered sector and names his top penny stock pick for 2015.

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