
    journal prompt

    Explore " journal prompt" with insightful episodes like "Magic Monday: Unravel Your Year - How To Make 2024 The Best Year Ever", "The Most Secure Fortress", "A Different Way To Pray", "Discovering Your Own Path to Healing with Amy Stein" and "Try The Other Handle" from podcasts like ""Dream Life Connection", "Navigate The Day", "Navigate The Day", "Nectar: Sweet musings for your creative soul" and "Navigate The Day"" and more!

    Episodes (49)

    Magic Monday: Unravel Your Year - How To Make 2024 The Best Year Ever

    Magic Monday: Unravel Your Year - How To Make 2024 The Best Year Ever

    It's almost 2024 - so it's time to reflect on 2023, as well as imagine what 2024 will look like. In this episode, I share the best prompts for reflection and how 'unraveling your year' reveals so much about you as a human being. Like listing out monthly highs and lows, as well as selecting one word to represent the upcoming year - there are so many creative ways to make our year magical!

    Mentioned in the episode:
    Unravel Your Year Workbook


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    The Most Secure Fortress

    The Most Secure Fortress

    In today's episode, we delve into the profound wisdom of Marcus Aurelius, a Stoic philosopher who reminds us that our minds can be the most secure fortress we possess. Drawing from his timeless words in "Meditations," we explore the idea that our rational minds, when cultivated and resolute, can be impervious to external turmoil.

    Aurelius compares our mental strength to an unassailable fortress, highlighting the importance of emotional self-mastery and reasoned judgment. When we rely on our rational faculties and make thoughtful decisions, we fortify this inner stronghold even further.

    Join us as we reflect on the journey of self-improvement, facing life's challenges with resilience, and striving for emotional balance. Discover how practicing Stoic principles can transform your mindset, making you more unshakable in the face of adversity.

    In today's journal prompt, we'll explore our progress in training our minds to become this unyielding fortress. Are we mastering our emotions, especially those that tend to flare up unexpectedly? Are we actively working on our triggers and cultivating patience and composure in the face of life's challenges?

    Remember, the path to becoming an Olympian of the mind takes time and effort. Let's navigate this journey together, embracing difficulties as opportunities for growth, and forging a stronger, more resilient self.

    Join me in this episode, and let's continue to navigate the day with enthusiasm, inspiration, and a steadfast mind.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    A Different Way To Pray

    A Different Way To Pray

    Welcome to another episode of Navigate the Day! Today, we're diving into a different way to pray, inspired by the timeless wisdom of Marcus Aurelius.

    In a world that often encourages us to seek personal gain or harm others in our pursuits, Marcus Aurelius offers a profound perspective shift. Instead of demanding outcomes that serve our desires, he invites us to embrace a more virtuous and self-improving approach to life.

    What does it mean to pray differently? It's about moving from a mindset of egocentricity to one of self-control, emotional resilience, and ethical behavior. It's a call to cultivate inner virtue and wisdom through prayer and self-reflection.

    Today's journal prompt asks us a crucial question: Are you praying—or demanding? It's easy to fall into the trap of demanding things from the universe, believing that reality should bend to our will. But Marcus Aurelius reminds us that true happiness comes from within, not from external sources.

    As we navigate the complexities of life, we must learn to frame our perspectives and impressions of events in a way that serves our inner growth and contentment. Instead of wishing ill for others, we can seek ways to release negative feelings, fostering inner peace and resilience.

    Rather than demanding that reality conforms to our desires, let's aspire to be better equipped to meet reality on its terms. Embracing life's challenges allows us to forge a path towards a more meaningful and purposeful existence.

    By shifting our focus from trying to prevent fear and anxiety to building the strength to overcome them, we regain control of our lives. We can choose which thoughts to entertain and which ones to dismiss, ultimately shaping our own destinies and living fulfilled lives.

    So, dear listeners, let's explore this different way to pray, one that leads us on a journey of self-discovery, emotional well-being, and empowerment. Join me on this inspiring episode of Navigate the Day as we uncover the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius and chart a course toward a more meaningful life.

    Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes of Navigate the Day, where we explore the wisdom of ancient philosophers to navigate the challenges of modern life.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    Discovering Your Own Path to Healing with Amy Stein

    Discovering Your Own Path to Healing with Amy Stein

    In this episode I dive into alternative healing methods with herbalist and energy medicine educator Amy Stein.  Amy shares how we can work with the intelligence of Mother nature and our body to come back to a place of harmony. She believes that when we are open to hearing the body's messages for connection with the mind, body and spirit we can begin to heal. Reminding ourselves that we get to choose what is best for us as each person is unique in their needs and healing. Amy shares her own journey back to health and simple steps you can take to experience more vitality in your life.

    Try The Other Handle

    Try The Other Handle

    Today's episode of Navigate The Day, explores Epictetus' profound wisdom in choosing the right handle to lift life's challenges. Epictetus compares life events to handles, emphasizing that each situation has two perspectives from which it can be approached. Instead of grasping the handle of wrongdoing, we are encouraged to shift our focus to the handle of shared connection and understanding. By doing so, we gain a newfound ability to navigate difficult circumstances with grace and resilience.

    In our journal reflection, we delve into the question of whether we have a hold on the right handle of our own situations. Candidly, we realize that we often cling to negative aspects, hindering our ability to find alternative solutions. We recognize that our self-belief plays a crucial role in overcoming obstacles. By believing in ourselves and embracing the possibilities for growth and progress, we can conquer life's challenges and emerge stronger.

    Examining our current struggles, we acknowledge that our perspective on our appearance has been a heavy burden. We have fixated on the negative, fearing how others perceive us and the financial implications. Yet, we realize the need to pause and view things from a different light. Embracing alternate perspectives, we can focus on cultivating a resolved mindset and practicing mindfulness. By replacing negative thoughts with positivity, we set the stage for exponential personal and external growth.

    Epictetus reminds us that it's futile to lift life's challenges with the wrong handle. Through intentional perspective shifts, we uncover the power to transform our lives and embrace new possibilities. Join us on this transformative journey as we navigate the day with an empowered and enlightened mindset.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Life Is A Battlefield

    Life Is A Battlefield

    Welcome to another episode of Navigate the Day! Today, we delve into the wisdom of Epictetus and explore the battlefield that is life. Drawing upon Epictetus' analogy of life as a military campaign, we discover the profound lessons that can be learned from this perspective.

    Epictetus reminds us that each of us has a vital role to play in this grand campaign of life. Just as soldiers serve in different capacities, we too have unique responsibilities and challenges to face. Our lives are filled with battles, both external and internal, that shape our character and test our mettle.

    The question arises: Are we fulfilling our post in this campaign of life, or are we sleeping on duty? It's an opportunity for introspection and self-reflection. I personally find myself questioning my role and contribution in this vast battlefield. Perhaps like many of us, I have fallen short in fully embracing my purpose and responsibilities.

    Clarity of mind and discipline are essential attributes on this battlefield. I recognize that my lack of clearheadedness and discipline has hindered my progress. It's time to address my weaknesses and impulsive behaviors that hold me back. By organizing my life and establishing a regular routine, I can cultivate discipline and experience the benefits of a clear mind. With clarity, I hope to gain a sense of direction and purpose.

    Selflessness is another quality that plays a significant role in our journey. While I have spent considerable time focusing on being selfless, I now understand the importance of striking a balance. It is not about being a doormat but about finding the right measure of selflessness. By avoiding excessive validation-seeking and setting healthy boundaries, I can achieve a more balanced approach.

    Winning the wars of life requires sacrifice, and I must come to terms with this concept. It won't be an easy road, but my commitment to self-improvement remains steadfast. Journaling has been instrumental in cultivating discipline, and I will continue to use this practice as a tool for personal growth. Courage is another attribute that demands attention and training. Overcoming fears of judgment and failure will allow me to step into my power and unleash my true potential.

    Though the battlefield may seem daunting, I find solace in the fact that I am not asleep at my post. Daily reflection and introspection have become my allies, reminding me of the importance of embracing my thoughts and actions. There is work to be done, but with each step forward, I am confident that I am fulfilling my role in this campaign of life.

    Join us next time as we explore further insights and strategies to navigate the battlefield of life with resilience, purpose, and determination. Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and together, we will conquer every battle that comes our way.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    Plato’s View

    Plato’s View

    Join me in this exciting and inspiring episode of Navigate the Day as we delve into the profound wisdom of Plato and Marcus Aurelius. In their timeless teachings, they encourage us to adopt a bird's-eye view of life, embracing the panoramic perspective that encompasses all aspects of our existence.

    Plato, as beautifully expressed by Marcus Aurelius, invites us to witness the intricate tapestry of human affairs. From the bustling gatherings to the silent spaces, from weddings to divorces, births to deaths, and everything in between. It is through this expansive lens that we can truly grasp the interconnectedness and complexity of our world.

    Today's journal prompt invites us to reflect on a question: Where have I lost the forest for the trees? Personally, I've found myself captivated by the minutiae of my daily life, losing sight of the bigger picture. I get caught up in my own discomforts and complaints, obscuring the grand tapestry that surrounds me. But when I take a step back, I realize the temporary nature of these challenges and their place within the broader journey of life.

    It's often said that the devil is in the details, and I understand the truth behind this saying. However, I've come to recognize that getting hyper fixated on these details can blind me to the vastness of the world and the insignificance of my grievances in the grand scheme of things. As a human being, I have a responsibility to contribute positively to society, to make meaningful contributions that leave a lasting impact.

    But I admit, I've also lost sight of the bigger picture in my relationships. Resentment and an inability to forgive have clouded my judgment, preventing me from seeing the greater harmony and growth that forgiveness can bring. It's crucial that I learn to let go of the past and extend forgiveness not only to others but also to myself. By doing so, I can release negative thoughts that hinder my personal growth.

    The metaphor of steering our houseboats, as described in Campbell Walker's "Your Head Is A Houseboat," resonates deeply with me. It reminds me that choice plays a significant role in our journey through life. While the freedom to choose is empowering, it also comes with the responsibility to navigate wisely. We must resist the temptation to be swayed by fears and distractions that hinder our long-term progress.

    Moreover, I've come to realize that my path is not fixed in stone. The sunk cost fallacy often tugs at my decisions, making it difficult to let go when something no longer serves me. However, the important question arises: If it wasn't already mine, how willing would I be to make it so? This thought challenges me to reevaluate my attachments and the meaning I assign to them.

    Stepping outside of my own head and contemplating the vastness of the cosmos offers a refreshing perspective. It reminds me of the boundless opportunities for growth and the transient nature of our earthly worries. By embracing the bigger picture, I can navigate my days as purposeful steps on my chosen path, with the ability to pivot and grow along the way.

    Join me on this journey of personal growth as we cultivate a broader perspective and a deeper understanding of our place in the world. Together, let's live each day to its fullest, making positive contributions to the lives of those we encounter. Remember, the forest is vast and beautiful, and it's up to us to see beyond the trees.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    Don’t be Inspired, Be Inspirational

    Don’t be Inspired, Be Inspirational

     Welcome back to Navigate the Day, where we explore ways to live life to the fullest and take action towards our dreams. Today's episode, "Don’t be Inspired, Be Inspirational," is all about taking bold action and making a lasting impact in the world.

    We started with a powerful quote from Seneca, reminding us that we must produce bold acts and join the ranks of the most emulated. This led us to today's journal prompt: "What bold thing can I do today?"

    Our host shared their own struggles with fear and limitations, and how it holds them back from doing something truly bold. However, they did take a step towards it by responding to their manager and potentially discussing their return to work. This was a significant move for them, considering they've been struggling with social interactions due to overwhelming embarrassment.

    Our host also shared their difficulties with decision-making and being honest about their weaknesses. They recognize that they need to overcome their fears and focus on virtuous actions, but it's easier said than done.

    Despite the challenges, our host remains hopeful and determined to navigate their days towards a more fulfilling life. They understand that being bold and inspirational requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to take risks.

    So, what bold thing can you do today? Take a cue from our host and step out of your comfort zone. You never know how your actions can inspire others and make a positive impact on the world. Don't just be inspired, be inspirational! 

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Carpe Diem

    Carpe Diem

    Welcome to Navigate the Day, the podcast where we explore how to make the most of each and every day. Today's episode dives deep into the idea of carpe diem, or seizing the day. As Seneca said, "We must seize what flees." This quote emphasizes the importance of living in the present moment and making the most of each day, rather than letting life pass us by.

    In this episode, we explore the idea of seizing the day through a journal prompt: "Will I seize this day?" Our host shares their honest and vulnerable response to the prompt, highlighting the challenges of living with urgency and purpose in today's world.

    Through their reflections, our host realizes that they often feel limited by their past actions and current circumstances, and struggle to believe that every day is worth seizing. They share their experiences with journaling, reading, and pursuing knowledge, highlighting the ways in which these practices can be both helpful and challenging.

    Despite these challenges, our host remains committed to seizing the day and making the most of each opportunity that comes their way. They share a powerful reminder that each day is a gift, and we should strive to be grateful for it and make the most of it.

    Overall, this episode of Navigate the Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of living with intention and purpose, and of the challenges and joys that come with seizing the day. So let's all take inspiration from Seneca's words and make the most of each and every day!

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Good And Evil? Look At Your Choices

    Good And Evil? Look At Your Choices

    Welcome to another episode of Navigate the Day! Today’s episode focuses on the concept of good and evil as described by the Stoic philosopher Epictetus. He argued that what is truly good or evil lies within our reasoned choices and judgments, rather than external circumstances. Our choices determine the morality of our actions, and things outside of our control are neither good nor evil.

    In light of this, our journal prompt for today is: “What evil comes from my own choices?” Upon reflection, I realized that willful ignorance and negative self-talk are two areas where I could improve. By choosing to ignore other people’s experiences and perspectives, I am preventing myself from being empathetic and potentially perpetuating harm. Additionally, expressing my negative thoughts without regard for their impact on others is not fair or kind.

    However, as Epictetus reminds us, our choices and perceptions determine the morality of our actions. By reframing my thoughts and choosing to be more mindful of others, I can create positive change in my life and potentially in the lives of those around me. While it may be a challenge to remain patient and composed, particularly when my vanity is at stake, I am learning to embrace the journey rather than fixating solely on the destination.

    So let us take inspiration from Epictetus and recognize that the power of good and evil lies within our reasoned choices. By choosing to be mindful, empathetic, and kind, we can make positive changes in our lives and in the world around us. Thank you for tuning in to Navigate the Day, and we will see you next time!

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Righteousness Is Beautiful

    Righteousness Is Beautiful

    Get ready to explore the beauty of human excellence in today's episode of Navigate the Day! The passage by Epictetus highlights that true beauty is not just skin deep but lies in the character and qualities of a person. It's not just about how you look but also how you act and treat others.

    The journal prompt asks a profound question: "Am I seeking the beauty of human excellence?" This question challenges us to reflect on our values and actions. As the author of the journal entry notes, they seek self-control and an even-temperament in their life, as these qualities lead to a more beautiful and fulfilling life.

    The author also acknowledges the importance of not being judgmental and recognizing human excellence in others without prejudice. It's essential to observe and praise others who exhibit qualities such as justice, self-control, and an even-temperament.

    The journal entry also touches on the struggle with appearance and the realization that it's not about how one looks but how they carry themselves and their actions. The author recognizes the importance of working on their biases and judgments, striving towards human excellence and making adjustments as they go.

    So, join us on this journey to seek the beauty of human excellence, and let's navigate our way to a more fulfilling and beautiful life together!

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    Washing Away The Dust Of Life

    Washing Away The Dust Of Life

    Welcome to Navigate the Day, where we explore ways to live intentionally and find joy in the everyday. Today's episode is all about washing away the dust of life and gaining perspective through contemplation and reflection.

    We start with a passage from Marcus Aurelius, encouraging us to look to the stars and think about the interconnectedness of all things. When we contemplate our place in the universe, our earthly problems seem small in comparison. So, our journal prompt for the day is, "What do I feel when I look up at the sky?"

    Looking up at the sky can evoke many emotions and thoughts. For some, it brings feelings of insignificance and mortality, while for others, it provides a peaceful escape from the burdens of daily life. Our thoughts may be focused on regrets, feelings of worthlessness, or the overwhelming nature of the world around us.

    However, taking the time to step back and contemplate can also bring new perspectives and ideas. By clearing our minds and creating space for reflection, we can manage our thoughts and find gratitude in our lives. We can also gain a sense of purpose by acknowledging our place in the larger scheme of things.

    So, let's take some time today to wash away the dust of life and gain perspective through contemplation and reflection. Join us next time on Navigate the Day as we continue to explore ways to live intentionally and find joy in the everyday.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

    Please if you enjoy this content checkout Ryan's work

    Turn It Inside Out

    Turn It Inside Out

    Hey there, welcome to today's episode of Navigate the Day! I'm excited to dive into a topic that I think is important for everyone to consider: the fleeting nature of praise.

    Marcus Aurelius once encouraged us to turn things inside out and see them from different perspectives. When we do this, we can recognize the transience of human life and achievements. We can remember that even those who are praised and remembered will ultimately be forgotten in time. It's important to keep in mind the insignificance of individual human lives in the grand scheme of things.

    I can relate to this personally, as I used to chase compliments from my friends and peers, especially when it came to my appearance. But I've come to realize that praise is not eternal, and everyone will be forgotten one day. Placing too much worth on my looks led to struggles with humility and handling the loss of them, which I'm currently experiencing as I heal from recent dental work.

    But I've also realized that focusing on past praise can lead to stunting my own growth. The only person I owe it to is myself, and I need to make sure that the things I'm chasing are worth it, and not just some fleeting impulse for approval.

    In the grand scheme of things, our experiences may seem small in comparison to the vastness of the universe, but that doesn't mean they're insignificant. It's important to stay humble in the face of challenges and recognize the role we play in the world, even if it's forgotten by others.

    So, let's turn it inside out and explore the fleeting nature of praise. I hope this episode inspires and motivates you to focus on personal growth and value beyond external validation. Thanks for tuning in! 

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    The Marks Of A Rational Person

    The Marks Of A Rational Person

    Welcome to Navigate the Day, where we explore ways to cultivate a purposeful and fulfilling life. In today’s episode, we explore the marks of a rational person, as described by Marcus Aurelius in his book Meditations. According to him, a rational soul embodies three key characteristics: self-awareness, self-examination, and self-determination. By practicing these traits, we can achieve a fulfilling and purposeful life, and reap the rewards of our own efforts and actions.

    The journal prompt for today is, "Am I self-aware, self-critical, and self-determining?" The concept of purpose can be daunting, but it is something that we must actively decide for ourselves. Self-awareness is the first step towards becoming rational, as it involves recognizing and understanding one's own thoughts and emotions. Self-examination means regularly reflecting on our own actions and beliefs, and considering how they align with our values and goals. Self-determination means having control over our own choices and actions, and being able to direct our life in a purposeful way.

    The speaker shares their own struggles with self-awareness, especially when it comes to understanding their thoughts and emotions. Practicing self-examination can also be overwhelming, as it reveals how much needs to change to align our actions with our goals. However, it is important to remember that purpose comes from practice. By creating a plan without limitations and taking pride in learning and becoming better, we can cultivate purpose in our lives.

    The weakest point for the speaker is self-determination, as they struggle to believe that they have the power of choice. However, they recognize that this is something they need to work on to become a more rational person. Despite setbacks, the speaker chooses to continue with this project, as it helps them better understand themselves and others.

    In conclusion, by practicing self-awareness, self-examination, and self-determination, we can cultivate purpose and lead a fulfilling life. So take a moment to reflect on the journal prompt and start your journey towards becoming a more rational person.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Opinions Are Like…

    Opinions Are Like…

    In this episode of Navigate the Day, we explore the power of our opinions and how they shape our reactions to events in our lives. Using a quote from Epictetus, we learn that bad luck, conflict, blame, and frivolity are not inherently good or bad, but rather our opinion of them determines how we feel about them. The journal prompt asks us to reflect on whether we need to have an opinion about certain things in our lives.

    The host shares a personal story about their dental circumstances, which they have strong opinions about. They are anxious about the upcoming months and years as they have to wear dentures permanently. However, they realize that holding onto these opinions is causing them to react poorly to the situation. The quote from Epictetus reminds them to focus on what's in their control and to let go of opinions that lie outside of their own reasoned choice.

    While some opinions are important, it's important to focus on what's in our control and to let go of opinions that cause us unnecessary stress and anxiety. By sitting with our thoughts and figuring out what we do have control over in a situation, we can navigate challenges with more ease and peace of mind. So let's remember that opinions are like...something that we can choose to hold onto or let go of in order to achieve greater peace and control in our lives.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    No Harm, No Foul

    No Harm, No Foul

    Welcome back to Navigate the Day, where we explore ways to live our best lives and make the most of every day. Today's episode, titled "No Harm, No Foul," is all about the power of perception and how we can change our interpretation of events to eliminate unnecessary suffering.

    We start off with a powerful quote from Marcus Aurelius, reminding us that we have control over our own perceptions and interpretations of events. By changing our perspective and letting go of negative beliefs or opinions, we can free ourselves from unnecessary harm and distress.

    Our journal prompt for today is all about asking ourselves, "Can I stop feeling hurt by every little thing?" It's a question that we can all relate to, and it's one that we need to take seriously if we want to live our best lives.

    As we explore this question, we learn that words hold power, but only if we allow them to have power over us. We also discover the importance of reframing situations, seeing them as obstacles or challenges to overcome, rather than as harm or hurtful experiences.

    We also dive into the topic of judgment, and how it keeps us from achieving happiness. We realize that in order to stop judging others, we first need to learn how to stop judging ourselves so harshly. And we learn that this can be a humbling process, but one that is necessary for our growth and development.

    Overall, today's episode is all about taking control of our perceptions and interpretations of events, and learning how to eliminate unnecessary harm and distress from our lives. So let's take this lesson to heart and start living our best lives today.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Judgments Cause Disturbance

    Judgments Cause Disturbance

     Welcome back to Navigate the Day! Today’s episode is all about the power of our own judgments and how they can cause disturbance in our lives.

    We start off with a quote from Epictetus, a famous Stoic philosopher, who reminds us that it's not external events that upset us, but rather our own interpretations of those events. This is a crucial concept in Stoic philosophy because it suggests that we have control over our reactions to events, even if we can't control the events themselves.

    Moving on to our journal prompt, we are asked to reflect on how our judgments cause us anguish. As I delve into this prompt, I realize that some of my judgments are hard to let go of, even though I know they are unhelpful. For instance, I tend to believe that life is unfair, which can lead to a negative outlook on life and a lack of motivation to improve my circumstances.

    Upon further reflection, I realize that my thoughts and beliefs are influenced by my past experiences, which can make it difficult to let go of negative judgments. However, I am determined to change this pattern of thinking and approach life with a more open mind.

    One hundred days into this journaling practice, I am beginning to realize that my judgments may be based on biases or inaccurate assumptions. In order to grow and improve, I need to stop judging myself so harshly and take more action.

    By dispelling my unnecessary judgments, I can remove the clutter from my mind and navigate my days more eagerly towards my goals. So let's take a step back and reflect on our own judgments, and see how we can improve our outlook on life by changing our interpretations of events. 

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Expect To Change Your Opinions

    Expect To Change Your Opinions

    In this episode of Navigate the Day, we explore how our opinions can hold us back from true happiness and fulfillment. As Epictetus suggests, arrogant opinion and mistrust are two negative traits that can hinder our growth and development. By recognizing and rooting out these traits, we can free ourselves to pursue a more content and fulfilling life.

    The journal prompt for this episode is, "Where are my opinions part of the problem?" The host shares their personal experience with arrogant opinion and mistrust in the face of difficult circumstances. They recognize that these opinions are holding them back and hindering their ability to find happiness and meaning in life.

    The host's therapist advises them to dispel outside noise and make the decision that's best for them. The purpose of today's quote and prompt is to challenge our opinions and negative self-talk, emotions, and thoughts about the world in order to live a better, more fulfilling life. Although it may not be easy, the goal is to come to a place of neutrality and calm, followed by making a plan and taking action.

    By acknowledging the role our opinions play in our lives and being open to change, we can create a path towards happiness and fulfillment. So let's expect to change our opinions and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Don’t Let This Go To Your Head

    Don’t Let This Go To Your Head

    Welcome back to Navigate the Day, where we explore the art of living through the lens of philosophy. Today's episode, "Don't Let This Go To Your Head," inspired us to reflect on the corrupting influence of power and the importance of maintaining a virtuous life. Marcus Aurelius advises us to fight to remain the person that philosophy wants us to be and to live a life of integrity and virtue.

    In our journal prompt today, we asked ourselves if we can fight to be the person philosophy wants us to be. We acknowledged that it's not an easy task, but by aligning our actions and mindset with the principles of philosophy, we can make progress. We shared our struggles with anxiety and fear, and how we are taking steps towards self-improvement by seeking therapy and reflecting on our values.

    We discussed how philosophy is the exploration of the art of living and encourages us to question ourselves and cultivate positive character traits. We acknowledged that we don't always do a good job of being reasonable, but we're taking steps towards improvement and need to remember to be patient and compassionate with ourselves.

    Overall, today's episode reminded us of the importance of staying true to our values and striving for virtuous living. We hope this episode inspired you to reflect on your own values and take steps towards living a life of integrity and virtue. Thanks for tuning in, and we'll see you next time on Navigate the Day.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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    Deceived And Divided

    Deceived And Divided

    Hey there, welcome back to Navigate the Day! Today's episode is all about being discerning in our circumstances and learning to be mindful of our thoughts and actions. We're diving into a passage from Seneca's Moral Letters that highlights how easily we can be deceived by circumstances and our own desires.

    Seneca reminds us that we have a tendency to embrace evil before good, and that our desires can change quickly and drastically. This inconsistency can lead to conflict within ourselves, such as when our plans or prayers conflict with each other. But by being mindful and discerning, we can approach circumstances with wisdom and make choices that align with our values and principles.

    Today's journal prompt asks, "Are my plans at war with my other plans?" This is a common struggle for many of us, especially when we have a plethora of plans and can't seem to choose one path. We may be afraid of choosing the wrong one or of failing, leading to stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts.

    But as Seneca suggests, we need to be discerning and approach our plans with wisdom. We can't have everything we want, but we can choose the path that aligns with our values and desires. It's important to be mindful of our fears and insecurities, and to challenge negative thoughts that hold us back.

    Remember, you have the power to choose your path and to make choices that align with your values and principles. So take a deep breath, stay mindful, and let's navigate the day with discernment and wisdom.

    Thank you for listening and joining me on my journey of self-discovery!

    Mediations and Prompts influenced from The Daily Stoic Books

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