
    leading conversations

    Explore "leading conversations" with insightful episodes like "Life is Awe. Inspired.", "Let Surprise Be Your Muse!", "A Story Worth Telling: Shock Incarceration", "A Visual Revolution" and "Does Your Voice Matter?" from podcasts like ""Leading Conversations", "Leading Conversations", "Leading Conversations", "Leading Conversations" and "Leading Conversations"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Life is Awe. Inspired.

    Life is Awe. Inspired.
    Our friend Neal Rogin passed away last week. Neal’s brilliant wit, compassionate heart, and gift for bringing wisdom in the form of humor, made him a one-of-a-kind human…and one of the kindest humans to walk the earth. Neal's mastery at combining wordplay with insight made him a bit of a “coyote shaman”. We will miss you dear Neal. May you rest and play in the eternal consciousness of love. Cheryl Esposito welcomes Neal Rogin, a multi-award winning writer & filmmaker. Neal's compassion for life & human connection led him to bold projects, such as LIVE AID Concert for African Famine Relief; The Pachamama Alliance; Spaceship Earth; and his film, The Awakening Universe. Neal says we are experiencing an extraordinary shift in consciousness of what it means to be a person. We are on the edge of a breakthrough as a species, from arrogance to humility, understanding that we are all one. He sees compassion as the great connector that will move us from competition to cooperation. Neal's film, The Awakening Universe, is based upon the book The Universe Story by Brian Swimme & Thomas Berry, & The Cosmic Narrative by Drew Dellinger. It explores how the New Cosmology is changing the very definition of what it means to be a human being. Join Cheryl Esposito and Neal Rogin to explore life...it's awe. Inspired.

    Let Surprise Be Your Muse!

    Let Surprise Be Your Muse!
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Deirdre Hade & Will Artnz. Deirdre is a poet, modern day mystic, spiritual teacher. Radiance Healing & Radiance Meditation is her mindfulness system combining spiritual & practical to connect deeply to self & the possible. William Arntz began his career as a research laser physicist (think: the real Star Wars for the U.S. gov’t). He wrote a systems management software system AutoSys, & sold his company. Then he focused on “the nature of time.” This road expanded the possibilities beyond science. He decided to make a film on Spirit & Science, & “surprise!”- it became the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? - a global phenomenon, & 100 million+ viewers. The (not so) Little Book of Surprises is the brainchild of Will Arntz, merging poetry & wisdom of Deirdre Hade, & photos & images of award winning photographer Endre Balogh. The result is a wondrous trip of perception & mystical vision. Join Cheryl Esposito with Deirdre Hade & Will Artnz & let surprise be your muse.

    A Story Worth Telling: Shock Incarceration

    A Story Worth Telling: Shock Incarceration
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Dr. Cherie Clark & James Redmond, creators of the film Shock Incarceration, a program developed & directed by Dr. Clark for NY State Department of Correctional Services, readying inmates for a successful life on the outside. What if prison reform was about human beings & not politics?And the intention was to cultivate self-respect, self-discipline & life skills, & provide intensive substance abuse treatment to non-violent felony offenders in a six-month program? Since its inception in 1987, 50,000 + have graduated & NY state has saved $1.5 Billion: the 3-year recidivism rate for graduates is about 28%; for the general prison population it’s 65-70%. A story worth telling. Cue James Redmond whose passion is using video media to facilitate transformation. Together they invite us into the human experience & life-changing results of Shock Incarceration.Join Cheryl Esposito with Dr. Cherie Clark & James Redmond for the story worth telling called Shock Incarceration.

    A Visual Revolution

    A Visual Revolution
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes David Sibbet, President & Founder, The Grove Consultants International. He is a pioneer of visual facilitation—the use of large-scale, interactive graphics to support group process in meetings, teams, and organizations. David is the author of a three-volume Visual Leadership series, his most recent: Visual Leaders:New Tools for Visioning, Management, & Organization Change. How many times have you been asked, “Can you picture the future?” When David Sibbet asks the question he is immersing leaders and their teams into a creative and collaborative journey that allows the future to reveal itself via the use of interactive graphics. Don’t consider yourself to be an artist? No problem! He has made it easy- David shares with us his 7 tools to get you, your team, and your organization going on the road to your own visual revolution! Join us!

    Does Your Voice Matter?

    Does Your Voice Matter?
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Cynthia James, inspirational leader in the field of personal transformation, international speaker, coach, and best-selling author. Her newest book Does My Voice Matter? A Journey of Self-Discovery, Authenticity and Empowerment, captures our imagination as we explore “what if’s” of our own story, name the signature moments of our life, and vision what else is mine to do with this life?” Cynthia's experience of great successes and what felt like epic fails, catalyzed her to transform her pattern. She decided that no situation has the power to hijack your life - unless you let it. Cynthia began to understand that those fails - they typically were prefaced with part of her shutting down. “...my entire life had been about silencing my voice to be safe.” Join Cheryl Esposito with Cynthia James … your voice matters more than you know!

    The Birth of Caring Societies

    The Birth of Caring Societies
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Riane Eisler, bestselling author of The Real Wealth of Nations: Creating a Caring Economics; The Chalice & the Blade; Nurturing Our Humanity; & The Power of Partnership. Riane recognizes, Our nation and our world are hungry for new ways of thinking. She sees opportunity for a sympathetic world by creating caring societies working through the economic system. And as long as caring is off the economic scale, it's not realistic to expect more caring government and business policies. Riane emphasizes bringing a new type of cooperation into politics. Partnership politics takes us outside the box of the conventional political conversation. Instead of arguing about religious versus secular, right versus left, Eastern versus Western, capitalist versus socialist, and so forth, we focus on the long-term policies foundational for the more peaceful, equitable, and environmentally sustainable world we all want and need. Join in the conversation!

    The Real Magic of Surrender

    The Real Magic of Surrender
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Kute Blackson, inspirer, best-selling author, transformational teacher, & wisdom leader to a new generation of spiritual seekers. Kute’s mission is simple: To awaken and inspire people across the planet to access inner freedom, live authentically and fulfill their true life’s purpose. His recent book, The Magic of Surrender I Finding the Courage to Let Go challenges us to take a new look at surrender. “Surrender isn’t giving up. It’s not about breaking you down; it’s about breaking you open – breaking your heart open to all that is possible for you. It’s tapping into a source that is bigger than your own personal power.” Kute Blackson was born in Ghana, the child of a Japanese mother and a Ghanaian father and has lived his life on four continents. Kute’s gift of oration was cultivated at an early age as he watched his minister father teach and inspire congregations throughout Africa and London. It was expected that Kute would continue his father’s legacy – except Kute wanted something more in his life. He knew that what everyone wanted for him was not what his heart wanted for him. This was one of Kute’s first (of many) opportunities to surrender to his truth. When he spoke his truth, he empowered himself to take a step forward into the unknown of potential. He had to let go. It was Kute’s mother who quietly practiced surrender as a life principle – everything is as it should be; every moment is a learning, and an opportunity to live one’s truth. Kute lives this everyday. Are you ready...to surrender to what life wants for you? Join Cheryl Esposito & Kute Blackson to explore the Magic of Surrender!

    Living Awareness: Patterns of Connection

    Living Awareness: Patterns of Connection
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Peter Wrycza, founder of the Nirarta Centre for Living Awareness in Bali. Peter says: “In 1995 I stood in a grove of clove trees overlooking a river in a serene valley between the sea and the mountains and realized that this was my moment of choice. I could stick with my familiar work and territory in Europe. Or I could take the risk of buying land in a far-off place, and create a centre for people to connect with the core of their life.” Balinese philosophy emphasizes harmony between one's own 'small world' and the wider world around us. Perfect for the transformational experience offered here for those in search of renewal and inspiration for life and purpose. Peter is co-author of Living Awareness: Awakening to the Roots of Learning and Perception; and When Performance Meets Alignment: A Compass for Coaching and Mentoring. He coaches and consults to leaders around the world. Join the conversation for a taste of the Nirarta experience!

    Feminine Power: The Evolving Wisdom

    Feminine Power: The Evolving Wisdom
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Claire Zammit, co-creator of Feminine Power courses for women; co-founder Evolving Wisdom; co-creator & co-host of Women on the Edge of Evolution; & co-author Feminine Power: Awakening to the Creative Force of Life. Claire Zammit has figured out the collaboration secret, using feminine principles & values to create a successful life. Before you think this is a male vs. female bandwagon, consider that it’s not about gender. Claire co-founded Evolving Wisdom, listed as #83 in Inc. Magazine’s 2013 500 fastest-growing, privately held companies in the nation. Claire says masculine principles are not “bad.” It’s not the only approach to create our world. Human nature wants intimacy, relatedness, creative expression, community & meaningful contribution. We have cultivated a masculine version of power, & it’s time to awaken the feminine in all of us. Join Cheryl Esposito & Claire Zammit to hear this perspective on Feminine Power.

    Infinite Possibilities

    Infinite Possibilities
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Mike Dooley, author of the New York Times bestseller Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams and Manifesting Change: It’s That Easy. He was one of the featured teachers in the international phenomenon, The Secret. Mike is a former PriceWaterhouseCoopers international tax consultant, turned entrepreneur. He founded a philosophical Adventurers Club and tours the globe giving lectures and hosting workshops on the nature of reality, the law of attraction, creative visualization, the power of thought, and how to create major life changes by leveraging the Universe and engaging life's magic.He teaches that by setting yourself into motion, toward the realization of ANY dream, you also set into motion the entire Universe and all its wisdom, which will then conspire tirelessly on your behalf (even taking you off course if need be) to avail you of treasures & rewards beyond your greatest expectations. Join Cheryl Esposito & Mike Dooley to master the keys to infinite possibilities!

    Leadership Endeavor: Working for Good

    Leadership Endeavor: Working for Good
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Jeff Klein, CEO of Cause Alliance Marketing where he designs and facilitates collaborative cause-related marketing programs. He wrote his book, Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living, to support conscious entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, leaders, and change agents at work. “My intention with Working for Good is to provide a meaningful context and essential tools to support people in deeply expressing their humanity through their work.” Wearing many hats, Jeff serves as Executive Director and Chief Integration Officer for the Conscious Business Alliance and Conscious Capitalism, Inc.—a nonprofit dedicated to “liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for good” co-founded by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market. Join us as Jeff lays out key skills and actions designed to unleash passion, shared purpose, great energy and deep engagement for yourself and the stakeholders in your business.

    The Leadership of Possibility

    The Leadership of Possibility
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Deirdre Hade, a spiritual teacher and visionary leader in the ancient arts of the wisdom traditions. She is founder of the Foundation for Radiance, a non-profit center dedicated to healing those who have suffered from trauma, pain, and loss. It is time to bring to life the wisdom traditions and ancient truths of sages and prophets, and make them new again. We have much to learn, and Deirdre wants us to begin with our self. A teacher of peace, Deirdre believes that to end all war, we have to end the war within; make peace with our self; understand that we are connected to all beings, to the earth, to the stars; to shift our view of blame, to one of compassion. It is from here that leaders can truly see possibility, shape the future, make a true difference in the world. Is it time for you to step into your own leadership of possibility? Join Cheryl Esposito and Deirdre Hade to begin the journey!

    The Art of Aliveness: It’s All About Potential

    The Art of Aliveness:  It’s All About Potential
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Stewart Emery, best selling author, internationally acclaimed educator, and considered one of the most influential people in the human potential movement. He was the first CEO of est (Erhard Seminars Training) and cofounder of Actualizations in 1975. His books include Success Built to Last: Creating A Life That Matters; Who’s In Your Room? The Quality Of Your Life Depends On The People In Your Life; Actualizations: You Don’t Have To Rehearse To Be Yourself; and his current project, What Ever You Are Be A Good One. Stewart’s work is about potential – and not just human potential as his friend Alex Mandossian pointed out. It’s about bringing forth everything a resource has potential to be – albeit a person, an experience, an object, or even a food source. The path to our full potential awakens us to enjoy aliveness. Want to know more? Join Cheryl Esposito and Stewart Emery and travel the path to Aliveness!

    This is Your Brain on Awareness

    This is Your Brain on Awareness
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Lisa Garr, author of Becoming Aware: How to Repattern Your Brain and Revitalize your Life. Lisa has defied the odds. “… I suffered a brain injury during a California State Championship Mountain Bike race, where I was in 2nd place, about to take over 1st. I fell down a long mountain to the bottom, cracking my helmet in 13 places.” At the bottom of the mountain that pummeled her brain, she experienced near-death consciousness & expanded awareness beyond her realm of the possible. The brain injuries left her unable to speak or rely on short-term memory. EEG techniques, visualization & mental exercises, repatterned her brain to find her voice. Lisa created a multi-media platform, is a radio host & internet success story. Her mission: inspire positive growth for others to move beyond “going through the motions in life” to living purpose-driven lives. Join Cheryl Esposito & Lisa Garr to peer into your brain…on awareness.

    To Become a Leader, You Must First Become A Human Being…

    To Become a Leader, You Must First Become A Human Being…
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Peter Senge, PhD., a Senior Lecturer at MIT, & founding chair of the Society for Organizational Learning (SOL). He is author of many books including The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of the Learning Organization; Presence: Human Purpose & the Field of the Future; and Necessary Revolution: How Individuals & Organizations are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World. As a systems thinker, Peter sees the world as a plethora of possibility for collaboration and co-creation. He sees deep connection to self and to nature as key to successful and sustainable organizations that make a difference to our future. How do we do this in a world that values short-term results and immediate gratification? A world where we are told to leave our emotions outside of work and focus on killing the competition? Join Cheryl Esposito & Dr. Peter Senge as they explore leadership and the field of the future!

    Leadership in the Age of Meaning: Power or Trust?

    Leadership in the Age of Meaning: Power or Trust?
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Dawa Tarchin Phillips, CEO, Empowerment Holdings and former Director of Education,Center for Mindfulness and Human Potential,University California Santa Barbara. Is your leadership about Power or Trust? Dawa says 'we are moving from the Age of Information to the Age of Meaning'- the requirements of leadership have transformed. Leaders who over-invest in their power are destined to fail. Their currency is fear. Showing vulnerability risks power loss. Leaders for the Age of Meaning know: power and influence comes from strength and flexibility. They invest in inspiring the trust and confidence in others. They develop people and create meaning in work: they are comfortable with uncertainty. Self-awareness is paramount. Dawa says “…your leadership stands and falls with the quality of your presence, the clarity of your mind, the health of your relationships and your courage in taking skillful action.” Join Cheryl Esposito and Dawa Tarchin Phillips exploring Leadership in the Age of Meaning!

    Does Your Voice Matter?

    Does Your Voice Matter?
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Cynthia James, inspirational leader in the field of personal transformation, international speaker, coach, and best-selling author. Her newest book Does My Voice Matter? A Journey of Self-Discovery, Authenticity and Empowerment, captures our imagination as we explore “what if’s” of our own story, name the signature moments of our life, and vision what else is mine to do with this life?” Cynthia's experience of great successes and what felt like epic fails, catalyzed her to transform her pattern. She decided that no situation has the power to hijack your life - unless you let it. Cynthia began to understand that those fails - they typically were prefaced with part of her shutting down. “...my entire life had been about silencing my voice to be safe.” Join Cheryl Esposito with Cynthia James … your voice matters more than you know!

    Leaders: Want to Amplify Success? Get In Tune!

    Leaders: Want to Amplify Success? Get In Tune!
    Congratulations to Freddie Ravel on receiving the GWEN Global Luminary Award! The GWEN (Global Women’s Empowerment Network) is awarded to individuals who are making a difference in the world through acts of kindness, leadership, mentorship, community building, and human rights activism. Indeed, he is. Listen to our Leading Conversations replay in honor of his achievement. Way to go Freddie! Cheryl Esposito welcomes Freddie Ravel, Grammy-winning producer and jazz keyboardist, and creator of “Life In Tune” to engage business leaders in discovery of the power of rhythm to drive business. His concert performances, productions & recordings span three decades around the world with icons Sergio Mendes, Al Jarreau, Madonna, Prince, Quincy Jones, the Boston Pops, & Carlos Santana. Captivated by music since age 5, Freddie trained as a youth, graduated with a Bachelor's degree in music, & began performing worldwide with Brazilian master Sergio Mendes by age 23. His career soared & he experienced the power of music to affect the energy of the human spirit around the world. Using music as a lens to view business, Ravel's programs are peak performance systems to enhance leadership, innovation & collaboration, with rave reviews from Apple, NASA, Citi, and others. Your leadership score isn't a number. It's the result of your ability to influence the melody, harmony, & rhythm of your organization to create great music - the score. Can you use actual music to learn how to do this? Yes! Want to know how to unlock people's greatest potential? Join Cheryl Esposito & Freddie Ravel to Tune Up To Success!

    Leadership Relevant for Our Times

    Leadership Relevant for Our Times
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Nina Simons, a social entrepreneur, and co-founder of Bioneers, writer and thought leader in women’s leadership. Her previous roles include President of Seeds of Change and Director of Strategic Marketing for Odwalla. Nina says that we are operating with an inherited definition of leadership that does not serve us in the 21st century. It carries with it assumptions that play out in actions, structures of organizations, implicit as well as explicit agreements of societal norms. Nina implores us to develop a new practice of leadership: “It is the correlations between inner awareness and outer work, and celebrating the interconnectedness of environment, health, social justice and the sacred” that are key to this evolution in leadership. What are the unspoken assumptions in your own leadership? Join the conversation to explore your own shift in consciousness!

    Imagine All the People…Living Life in Peace…

    Imagine All the People…Living Life in Peace…
    Cheryl Esposito welcomes Jerilyn Brusseau, a cook, baker, restaurateur, businesswoman, humanitarian and cultural diplomat. She is founder of PeaceTable and co-founder of PeaceTrees Vietnam. Her story begins in her grandmother’s kitchen and takes her globetrotting in the spirit of peace and diplomacy. Jerilyn passionately advocates warm-hearted, soul-connected food as the most common language spoken around the world. She founded PeaceTable to create shared culinary experiences between people of the United States and the former Soviet Republics as a tool for building cultural understanding. Her citizen diplomacy did not stop there. In 1995, she co-founded PeaceTrees Vietnam, a humanitarian organization that sponsors the removal of land mines and sends volunteers to plant trees and build homes in their place. To date, there have been 13,000 bombs removed and 32,000 trees planted. Jerilyn can imagine…all the people…living life in peace… Join us for a beautiful conversation!