

    Explore "lem" with insightful episodes like "Gör mindre och må bättre! Varning för sköna killar och en styv lem – ett gott tecken på lång livslängd", "Saison 2 #3 Réalisation et montage de l'after-movie ARIEL sur Jan Carson", "[TEASER] BONUS 03 - Le POD N°3 - Rencontre avec Alexandre Héraud", "126 - Opowiadania nominowane do nagrody Zajdla 2023" and "ChatGPT: czy sztuczna inteligencja zbawi, a może zniszczy świat? (odc. 94)" from podcasts like ""Spanarna", "ARIEL: Le podcast", "Podcast Magazine", "Dyskusje o Książkach" and "Dobra Podróż"" and more!

    Episodes (23)

    Gör mindre och må bättre! Varning för sköna killar och en styv lem – ett gott tecken på lång livslängd

    Gör mindre och må bättre! Varning för sköna killar och en styv lem – ett gott tecken på lång livslängd

    Gör allt till 80 procent så lever du längre. Varning för sköna killar som plockar lågt hängande frukter och så kan även en styv lem vara ett gott tecken på lång förväntad livslängd. Spanarna i P1 bjuder på klarsynt underhållning. I panelen Maja Aase, Niklas Källner och Camilla Lif. Programledare är Per Sinding-Larsen.

    Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play.

    Maja Aase, Niklas Källner och Camilla Lif ser framtiden i vitögat i Spanarna

    Till denna veckas framtidsbetraktande symposium har vi bjudit in frilansjournalisten Maja Aase, författaren Niklas Källner och prästen Camilla Lif för att höra vad de ser i sina spåkulor.

    För den som vill överleva längst finns här mycket att hämta ... om än med en nypa salt. Programledare och futuristisk dirigent för mötet är skåndinaven Per Sinding-Larsen ...

    Veckans panel i Spanarna i P1:

    • Maja Aase: 80 procent osminkade ritualer

    • Niklas Källner: Sköna killar under lupp

    • Camilla Lif: Styvna och överlev längst!

    Programledare är Per Sinding-Larsen och musiken väljs av Berit Nygren.

    Producent för Spanarna i P1 är Ronnie Ritterland.

    Tekniker: Hanna Melander.

    Spanarna sänds i P1, fredagar klockan 15.04 och med repris på lördagar klockan 9.03. Programmet släpps som podd, fredagar i Sveriges Radio Play.

    HÄR kan du lyssna på alla program som finns publicerade i vårt arkiv

    svOctober 27, 2023

    Saison 2 #3 Réalisation et montage de l'after-movie ARIEL sur Jan Carson

    Saison 2 #3 Réalisation et montage de l'after-movie ARIEL sur Jan Carson

    Interview de Victoire Noë et Cédric Fuhrer (Log Studio) réalisée le vendredi 13 octobre 2023

    Lien de la vidéo YouTube ARIEL réalisée par Victoire et Cédric : youtu.be/P4p8yyu_b0E?si=SsTdT_PwD1HS_90L

    Retour d'expérience sur la réalisation et le montage d'une vidéo after-movie de 5 minutes sur la résidence ARIEL avec tournage par Victoire et Cédric dans six lieux du Grand Est (LEM, Nancy; La Parenthèse, Nancy; Jardin Botanique Jean-Marie Pelt, Villers-lès-Nancy; médiathèque Gérard Thirion, Laxou; Lieu d'Europe, Strasbourg et Gallimard du Monde Entier, Strasbourg).

    Voix: Céline Sabiron 

    Participants: Victoire Noë (Master Bilangue-Biculture) et Cédric Fuhrer (Log Studio) 

    Montage : Victoire Noé 

    Jingle : Jean-Baptiste Batogé (Licence Musicologie) et Justine Touzeau (Licence Musicologie)   

    [TEASER] BONUS 03 - Le POD N°3 - Rencontre avec Alexandre Héraud

    [TEASER] BONUS 03 - Le POD N°3 - Rencontre avec Alexandre Héraud

    Un autre Alexandre est arrivé dans le numéro 3 du POD. Alexandre Héraud. Le Pod Village et le POD 2 ont été très bien accueillis, on s’est dit qu’il fallait continuer … mais … le covid nous a tous obligés à changer nos habitudes … on pensait que ça ne durerait pas… et ça a duré. Mais on a tenu. Alexandre Héraud était passé en 2019 au salon avec son LEM en main (un micro français super solide) et son Zoom pour faire un sujet sur le salon dans son podcast « en roues libres ». J’ai trouvé sa manière d’interviewer tellement naturelle que j’ai voulu en savoir plus sur lui. Il avait une présence de petite souris. Il était là sans être là et nous faisait parler d’une manière simple et humble. J’ai tellement aimé son univers, que je lui ai demandé de produire des pastilles micro-trottoir pour le salon de la radio 2020 et il l’a fait de manière exemplaire. Je vous en ferai écouter une. J’ai suivi son parcours depuis et le confinement nous a fait enregistrer un échange à distance. Je lui ai parlé d’une application gratuite que les radios utilisaient pour leurs directs et qui était idéale pour les podcasts distants. Cleanfeed. Si vous ne connaissez pas, c’est Cleanfeed.net C L E A N F E E D. Codec gratuit qui enregistre en Wav sur chrome en mutlipiste… pour plus de deux personnes c’est payant … et voilà de quoi nous avons parlé… écoutez-bien … je lui avais dit que je publierais cette interview un jour, mais que je ne savais pas quand .. il était temps …

    Découvrez tous les bonus et la genèse du POD et de Podcast magazine en vous abonnant à Podcast Magazine et à ses bonus : http://www.podcastmagazine.fr/boutique/ ou simplement aux bonus sur notre plateforme communautaire COOL en cliquant ICI.

    126 - Opowiadania nominowane do nagrody Zajdla 2023

    126 - Opowiadania nominowane do nagrody Zajdla 2023
    Michał Cholewa -Na granicy
    Michał Cholewa - Zwycięstwo
    Agnieszka Hałas - Potwór i nić
    Łukasz Kucharczyk - Drogi do raju
    Łukasz Kucharczyk - Ostatni płatek
    Łukasz Kucharczyk - Skracaj albo giń
    Łukasz Kucharczyk, Kacper Kotulak - Kamień z lilii
    Magdalena Świerczek-Gryboś - Być martwym jest srebrem, nie istnieć złotem
    Paula Wanarska - Zawsze

    Beata Beti Karbownik

    Rafal Jasinski

    ChatGPT: czy sztuczna inteligencja zbawi, a może zniszczy świat? (odc. 94)

    ChatGPT: czy sztuczna inteligencja zbawi, a może zniszczy świat? (odc. 94)
    Poprosiliśmy najbardziej przebojowy program tego tysiąclecia, żeby zaplanował nam parę wycieczek. Jak sobie poradził? Co już zmieniła, a co jeszcze zmieni w naszym życiu sztuczna inteligencja? I czy ChatGPT to naprawdę inteligencja? Dzisiejszy podkast prowadzi razem z nami czatbot. Ładnie się przedstawi, pożebrze o pieniądze, opowie parę czerstwych dowcipów i odpowie na pytanie, czy maszyny nas zabiją.

    Film z dziełami sztuki przerobionymi na kotkowo przez AI: https://youtu.be/m8ks9z_78E8
    Film, o tym jak ChatGPT zaplanował Kasi wycieczkę po Albanii: https://youtu.be/8oFr8dnrYFE


    ⭕️ Filmy z Albanii już wkrótce na YouTube:
    Subskrybuj nasz kanał!

    ⭕️‍ Social media:
    Instagram: instagram.com/dobra_podroz/
    Facebook: facebook.com/tudobrapodroz/

    What should we do about social mobility?

    What should we do about social mobility?

    In this episode, we are joined by Professor Lee Elliott Major OBE who discusses what we mean by social mobility, how we can improve it in the UK, and how we can better support disadvantaged learners in further education.

    Lee is the UK’s first ever Professor of Social Mobility. He has written several books and regularly appears in national broadcast and print media. He is also an example of social mobility himself, having come from a working-class background in West London and dropped out of school at 15, before progressing through college and university to eventually become a professor.

    Who is Professor Lee Elliott Major OBE?

    Lee Elliot Major OBE, is the country’s first Professor of Social Mobility. Appointed by the University of Exeter to be a global leader in the field, his work is dedicated to improving the prospects of disadvantaged young people.

    His Penguin book Social Mobility and Its Enemies, co-authored with Stephen Machin, has attracted attention across the world. In his TEDx talk in 2019, Lee describes an ‘escalating arms race of education’ in which the poorest children are increasingly ill-equipped to fight. His Bloomsbury book What Works?co-authored with Steve Higgins, offers best bets to teachers for improving outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. He also authored What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Social Mobility?.

    Lee was formerly Chief Executive of the Sutton Trust and a trustee of the Education Endowment Foundation. He is an Honorary Professor at the UCL Institute of Education. He is an Associate Member of Nuffield College, University of Oxford, an Associate of LSE’s Centre for Economic Performance, and an Honorary Professor at the UCL Institute of Education.

    Lee regularly appears in national media and gives public lectures. As a Professor of Practice he is focused on the impact of research, working closely with schools, universities, employers and policy makers. He argues that social mobility is about securing decent jobs in local communities not just catapulting a lucky few to the top.

    He has a PhD in theoretical physics and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Sheffield for services to education.  He was an education journalist working for the Guardian and the Times Higher Education Supplement. He is the first in his family to attend university. His OBE was awarded for services to social mobility.


    Stanislaw Lem, La Voce del Padrone

    Stanislaw Lem, La Voce del Padrone
    La Voce del Padrone di Stanislaw Lem è potente già dal titolo.
    E’ un inno a quella maturità che accetta le dinamiche del mondo senza venirne schiacciata.

    Che Libro Regalo è un podcast che nasce dalla necessità di risolvere una serie di problemi atavici: Che libri regalo ai miei cari? Che libri regalo a tutti quei semi-sconosciuti ai quali devo regalare dei libri?
    La risposta a questi ardui problemi potrebbe essere più difficile di quel che si creda!
    Una produzione di Pierpaolo Bonante - www.pierpaolobonante.it

    Hacia el planeta Lem, sus realidades y ficciones

    Hacia el planeta Lem, sus realidades y ficciones
    Enrique Redel, editor de la Editorial Impedimenta, es el piloto a bordo de nuestra segunda parada hacia el planeta Stanislaw Lem.

    Entre novelas y relatos atravesamos las páginas de enigmas, ironía, delirio, laberintos psicológicos y evocaciones al futuro. Nos cruzaremos con novelas y relatos que son un reto para la imaginación, por sus minuciosas descripciones y por los destinos catastróficos. Viajamos seguros acompañados de Impedimenta, de los principales responsables de que sean posibles estas aventuras al planeta Lem.

    Emisora HJUT 106.9 FM Bogotá
    Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

    Nuestro catálogo disponible:


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    #PodcastSiglo #CartografíasEditoriales

    Naveguemos el cohete espacial Stanislaw Lem

    Naveguemos el cohete espacial Stanislaw Lem
    Hernán López Winnie, uno de los editores de Ediciones Godot, nos guía más allá de la comunicación y del cuerpo, de lo extraterrestre y lo terrenal, de la historia y la realidad. Montémonos en la cápsula del cohete espacial Stanislaw Lem y descubramos nuevos fenómenos y planetas de nuestra vida y nuestro pensamiento.

    Viajamos por los 100 años cumplidos del nacimiento de Lem y hacia las posibilidades de un determinado tiempo en el futuro. ¿Cómo nos comunicaremos? ¿Cómo nos van a controlar? ¿Cambiará nuestra naturaleza? ¿Qué tanto poder le daremos a la tecnología? Sigamos los recorridos de un profeta de la tecnología y la sociedad.

    Emisora HJUT 106.9 FM Bogotá
    Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano

    Nuestro catálogo disponible:

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    #PodcastSiglo #CartografíasEditoriales

    #2 « Comment « est-ce qu’on fait pour revenir de l’enfer? » - LEM

    #2 « Comment « est-ce qu’on fait pour revenir de l’enfer? » - LEM

    Dans cet épisode, j'accueille LEM, distillatrice de l’être, auteure, artiste de la parole. Nous avons échangé sur nos parcours de vie et artistiques avec beaucoup de naturel.

    Par ordre d’apparition :

    © Extrait de « La Môme », titre à retrouver sur toutes les plateformes de téléchargement.

    Paroles : Maëvane Royer

    Composition : Maëvane Royer

    Arrangements : Sylvain Picart et Estienne Rylle

    © « L’enfant sans défense » par LEM

    Soutenez-nous !

    CronoCine Extras: Communicating with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. An interview with Dr. Douglas Vakoch, founder of METI

    CronoCine Extras: Communicating with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. An interview with Dr. Douglas Vakoch, founder of METI

    Hi to all Crononauts!

    It is an enourmous pleasure for us to offer you this interview with Messaging ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence (METI) founder Dr. Douglas Vakoch. 

    The interview came along as a part of our episode analyzing the European Sci-Fi masterpiece Solaris, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky and based on the novel by Stanislaw Lem

    Much like in the film, during the interview we discuss with Dr. Vakoch the possibility of intelligent life existing thoughout the universe, and the different options available to us to try and and and communicate with them.

    We are so grateful to Dr Vakoch for the time and patience he dedicated to answer all of our questions and to explain very interesting concepts, that has made us see the film and our universe in a different light.

    The music in this episode has been composed exclusively for Cronocine by musical artist El Arias (you can find his music in Facebook and Soundcloud), we also used other music and sound effects under a  Creative Commons license.

    CronoCine 3x05: Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972) + Entrevista al Profesor Vakoch (experto en comunicación interestelar)

    CronoCine 3x05: Solaris (Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972) + Entrevista al Profesor Vakoch (experto en comunicación interestelar)

    ¡Hola Crononautas!

    Hoy traemos a un mito del cine Europeo, a una leyenda del séptimo arte como Andrei Tarkovsky para analizar una de sus obras más conocidas y que es uno de los títulos más legendarios de la historia de la ciencia-ficción, Solaris (1972), basada en la novela de Stanislaw Lem.

    No solo comentaremos con minucioso detalle todos los aspectos de la cinta junto a Leo y Miguel de Pinkerton Podcast, si no que además contaremos con una edición muy especial de Cine en Probeta con la colaboracion del Dr. Douglas Vakoch, astrofísico, psicólogo, científico del SETI y fundador del METI, una entrevista apasionante.

    En este episodio suena la BSO de CronoCine compuesta por el artista musical El Arias (podéis encontrar su música en Facebook y Soundcloud), y efectos sonoros con licencia Creative Commons.


    Editorial Impedimenta, un equipaje para toda la vida

    Editorial Impedimenta, un equipaje para toda la vida
    Enrique Redel, editor de Impedimenta, junto con la escritora Pilar Adón, empezaron en el 2007 un viaje para construir un catálogo con las obras fundamentales que podrían acompañar a los lectores en su vida.

    La impedimenta era la mochila que llevaban los romanos a la batalla, incluía todos los elementos vitales para la conquista. Pues bien, la editorial Impedimenta representa un catálogo fundamental, un equipaje consagrado a la ficción clásica y contemporánea con autores como Natsume Sōseki, Stanisław Lem, Mircea Cărtărescu y Penelope Fitzgerald.

    #SigloLoTiene #PodcastSiglo

    Más información:

    22 - Mirrors: On the Adaptations of Solaris

    22 - Mirrors: On the Adaptations of Solaris


    We don't want other worlds, but do we want mirrors? Do we need them?

    From the retro-futuristic, wildly open, existentially uncertainty Andrei Tarkovsky version from 1972 to the beige and blue sleekness of Steven Soderbergh's redemptive and romantic 2002 version, David and Eric discuss the two strong adaptations of Stanisław Lem's Solaris. 

    Watch the films; give us a listen. 

    Follows us on Instagram & Twitter: @booksosubstance

    Check out our homepage: www.booksofsomesubstance.com 

    21 - The Time of Cruel Miracles: Stanisław Lem's Solaris

    21 - The Time of Cruel Miracles: Stanisław Lem's Solaris

    Borgesian tropes, 60's pop-psych, the comfort of an infinitesimal self within the endless cosmos, the eternal return of a drunk-dialed jukebox, and livable confusion: ah yes, another episode of the BOSS podcast.  

    Moving on from the fiasco of reading Fiasco, David and Nick discuss Stanisław Lem's Solaris, his most popular science fiction work of failed communication.

    Read the book; give us a listen. 

    Follows us on Instagram & Twitter: @booksosubstance

    Check out our homepage: www.booksofsomesubstance.com 

    20 - Needs More Booster Drive: Stanisław Lem's Fiasco

    20 - Needs More Booster Drive: Stanisław Lem's Fiasco

    Communication breakdown—it's always the same...unless of course you are light years away on a spacecraft with a crew of international and seemingly indistinguishable humans, a deceptive AI system that controls every aspect of the ship, and an unknown reanimated man whose reanimation plays no part in your once in an existence mission to communicate for the first time (ever) with a different intelligent life in the universe, life that is possibly aggressive and certainly intelligent. 

    Welcome to a discussion of Stanisław Lem's brittle-hard science-fiction novel Fiasco. Welcome to another episode of the Books of Some Substance podcast! 

    Joining us from the last telephone booth in Seattle is David's bookish friend Mike. 


    Find yourself a copy of the book (or don't) and give us a listen. 

    If you are interested in joining up and receiving bad-ass artwork and hand-typed invitation letters (or if you want to see what else we have read or check out Nick's novella), go to our website: http://www.booksofsomesubstance.com/ 


    Garrison Brothers Defied the Naysayers to Produce a World-Class Bourbon Whiskey in Texas

    Garrison Brothers Defied the Naysayers to Produce a World-Class Bourbon Whiskey in Texas

    Lem Lewis, aka The Ranch Broker, steps to the mellifluous Monday Morning Radio microphone this week as guest host.

    Lem, who in addition to his duties as a trusted advisor to ranch buyers and sellers, is a certified whiskey sommelier, having earned his credentials from The Whisk(e)y Marketing School – part of Wizard Academy.

    For Lem's popular podcast, RANCHCAST with LEM LEWIS, he recently interviewed Dan Garrison proprietor of the award-winning Garrison Brothers Distillery. When Monday Morning Radio host Dean Rotbart heard Lem’s RANCHCAST interview with Dan, Dean told Lem, “I have to share Dan’s story with my Monday Morning Radio listeners.” Lem graciously consented.

    Dan’s is a great business and whiskey story.

    Headquartered on a ranch in tiny Hye, Texas, Garrison Brothers defied all the naysayers who warned Dan and his loyal crew that quality bourbon was strictly the province of distillers in Kentucky and Tennessee.

    First distributed in 2011, Garrison Brothers bourbons have become so popular that like the best Texas barbecue, they regularly are sold out.

    In fact, Dan’s bourbons have such a cult-like fan base that his wait list for volunteers to help him inspect, seal and box his spirits has grown to 9,000 names and counting. Dan’s secret: those volunteers who agree to spend two days helping out are rewarded with a shot of “courage” every half hour during the workday.

    As you’ll hear, Dan Garrison is overflowing with big-as-Texas swagger and valuable entrepreneurial insights that you’ll want to drink in slowly.

    But be forewarned: Dan’s language, like his prize-winning unfiltered and uncut Cowboy Bourbon, is occasionally 137 proof. If four-letter words offend you, you may wish to skip this week’s episode.

    Photo: Dan Garrison, Garrison Brothers Distillery
    Posted: May 15, 2017
    Monday Morning Run Time: 33 minutes 39 seconds 

    Debunking Common Food Myths & Exposing Pecksniffery

    Debunking Common Food Myths & Exposing Pecksniffery

    Last year, Lem Lewis attended The Wizard Academy’s Reputation Tool Chest workshop taught by our very host Dean Rotbart. The two entrepreneurs hit it off, and earlier this year, with Dean's help, Lem launched his very own podcast – RANCHCAST –  that serves ranchers, farmers, and other rural producers.

    This week DEan and Lem co-host a joint edition of Monday Morning Radio and RANCHCAST featuring special guest Michele Payn, a nationally recognized influencer in the large, growing, and very successful farm-to-table movement.

    Michele is CEO of Cause Matters Corp., a consulting firm that advises companies and individuals on how to influence public discourse surrounding agriculture, health, and nutrition topics. This week is the official publication of Michele’s newest book: “Farm Truths – From Farm to Table.”

    The pairing of Dean and Lem is ideal, especially this week. Lem is a 4th generation Texas Rancher, who knows cattle, crops, wildlife, and rural real estate. Dean, of course, is an award-winning business journalist, small business expert, and reputation coach.

    Dean and Lem: Just one of thousands of productive partnerships and new friendships made possible by Wizard Academy.

    Photo: Michele Payn, Cause Matters
    Posted: March 20, 2017
    Monday Morning Run Time: 37 minutes 52 seconds