
    lifelong learner

    Explore "lifelong learner" with insightful episodes like "#167 How Lifelong Learner embedded ISO 22301 in just 4 months", "Ignorance and arrogance", "A Lifelong Learner - Mrs. Miley, Part 2", "223.What Could I Do-Not What Should I Do with Deborah Johnson" and "221.How to Change Careers with Angie Callen" from podcasts like ""The ISO Show", "The Craig and Greg Show", "As You Go", "Women at Halftime Podcast" and "Women at Halftime Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (12)

    #167 How Lifelong Learner embedded ISO 22301 in just 4 months

    #167 How Lifelong Learner embedded ISO 22301 in just 4 months

    According to the ISO Survey, there’s been a 82.9% increase in worldwide ISO 22301 certificates issued following 2020.

    Business Continuity is a must have for businesses who want to ensure long-term survivability following a disruptive event. Many turn to ISO 22301 to help put a framework in place, including today’s guest – Lifelong Learner.

    However, what usually takes businesses a minimum of 6 months, Lifelong Learner managed to accomplish in just 4 months across an international organisation! That is no small part due to the tremendous effort of Lifelong Learner’s Manager of Information Security, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Lauren Taylor.

    Lauren joins Mel on this weeks’ episode to share her journey and explains the challenges associated with implementing a Business Continuity Management System in just 4 months.

    You’ll learn

    ·       Who are Lifelong Learner?

    ·       Why did they decide to Implement ISO 22301?

    ·       What did they learn from implementing ISO 22301?

    ·       What was the biggest challenge with Implementation?

    ·       What are the benefits of implementing ISO 22301?



    ·       Isologyhub

    ·       Lifelong Learner

    ·       PSI Testing Excellence

    ·       Talogy


    In this episode, we talk about:

    [00:30] Join the isologyhub – To get access to a suite of ISO related tools, training and templates. Simply head on over to isologyhub.com to either sign-up or book a demo.

    [02:05] Episode summary: Today Mel is joined by guest Lauren Taylor who is the Manager of Information Security, Governance, Risk and Compliance at Lifelong Learner Holdings LLC.

    Lifelong Learner and it’s brands represent a fusion of comprehensive workforce solutions, with a human-first focus of changing lives through assessment. This includes helping people advance in educational and career aspirations, earning or maintaining licensing or certifications, or providing the tools to develop future leaders.

    Lauren has helped Lifelong Learner accomplish a massive milestone, and that’s the implementation of the Business Continuity Standard ISO 22301 across an international organisation, which she managed to do in just 4 months! She’s here to share her journey and lessons learned from implementing ISO 22301.

    [03:30] Not many people know this about Lauren   She had previously trained to be a mental health counsellor.

    [04:05] Who are Lifelong Learner LLC? – Lifelong Learner is the parent company of two subsidiaries:

    PSI Testing Excellence: a leading provider of assessment solutions for the licensing and certification markets, to Educational Testing Services.

    Talogy: A market leader in the talent management space whose core purpose is helping organizations achieve their potential. They manage the talent management side of the business. So what they'll do is they'll put together psychometric tests that help companies find the right person for the right job, and will assist with skills development.

    [05:00] Adding to Lifelong Learner’s ISO Collection: Lifelong Learner already have an impressive ISO Library, being certified to:

    ·       ISO 9001 – Quality Management

    ·       ISO 14001 – Environmental Management

    ·       ISO 27001 – Information Security Management

    [05:20] What was the main driver behind obtaining ISO 22301? – The main driver, as with most companies, is usually a client contractor requirement, but business continuity has been something that we've wanted to look further into for a while, just because there's elements of ISO 27001 that cover the business continuity.

    While we were able to get through the audits with what we had, we just felt that it just needed a little bit more building out. Business Continuity is a requirement in part of ISO 27001, but for Stakeholders that want assurance that a business has robust business continuity plans in place, ISO 22301 is the next step.

    [06:10] The Implementation Timeline   In October 2023, we began with the context workshop where we could kind of get a better idea of the scope of the management system.

    This was followed by a number of SWOT and PESTLE workshops to help identify what the perceived risks would be.

    Next came the Business Impact Analysis (BIA) - So essentially what you're needing to find out from these workshops is, the core activities that each of the teams perform on the day-to-day basis. You also need to understand what their systems are that they use, if they have any dependencies, and essentially it all comes down to understanding that if the business cannot perform those activities, what would be the impact overtime if those activities were to stop.

    Once you have all that information, the next step was to map it across into a risk assessment, which really helps you to understand the granular risks to your business when it comes to business continuity planning.

    This risk assessment helped to highlight some weaknesses that we hadn’t considered before, and gave us a point in the right direction as to what we needed to work on to bridge those gaps.

    Next was the creation and revamping of documentation inline with ISO 22301 requirements. Thankfully, due to the other ISO’s we hold, we already had a lot in place. Same goes for Internal Audits, so this was more a case of integrating ISO 22301 into our existing Management System.

    Once we had all the documentation, we conducted a ransomware test exercise, which we also documented all the findings from. Then we were we were ready for stage 1!

    [09:15] What were the biggest gaps Lifelong Leaner needed to address?: Following the BIA and Risk Assessment, we were able to see where we needed response plans because business continuity is always your Plan B. So in our minds, we had an idea of what kind of response plans we would need in terms of i.e. a malware response plan, a ransomware response plan, those sorts of things. But until we actually looked at the BIA we released we needed a few more.

    [10:25] What difference did addressing those gaps make? – For us it was understanding the real risks to our business.

    We already had ISO 27001 in place, and we figured if there were to be another pandemic for example, that we’d be covered. However, it wasn’t until we did those exercises did we realise that there was a lot we could improve on.  

    [13:25] What did Lauren learn from Implementing ISO 22301? – How much people underestimate the importance of a good business impact analysis.

    After going through this in a very, very short space of time, I realised that it is actually the driving force behind a good business continuity management system.

    Also, it highlighted just how many people believe business continuity is just all about IT and physical security, they completely loft out the human element.

    An example of this is having a single point of failure, which is where if somebody left there would be a gap.

    [14:40] What benefits have Lifelong Learner experienced since implementing ISO 22301? – Lauren has noticed that more clients are requesting to see their Business Continuity Plans.

    It’s helped with the introduction of the latest ISO 27001:2022 controls – as these too also focus on elements of business continuity.

    [15:50] Lauren’s top tips for implementing ISO 22301 – Definitely give yourself longer than 4 months!

    Logically think about how everything links together, the clauses all have purpose and flow in a logical pattern to help create a Management System.

    Your Management Review can be your best friend. It's your opportunity to really engage with senior management and help them understand what your risks are to the business, how your internal audit is coming along, how you manage your nonconformities and it can be all neatly wrapped up in that nice management review bow.

    [18:00] Lauren’s book recommendation – The Matthew Perry Autobiography, Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing.

    [19:30] Lauren’s favorite quote – “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.”

    If You’d like to learn more about Lifelong Learner, check out their website.

    If you’d like to book a demo for the isologyhub, simply contact us and we’d be happy to give you a tour.

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    Ignorance and arrogance

    Ignorance and arrogance

    Periodically, the guys like to revisit the topic of leadership builders and killers. In this episode, you get TWO leadership killers, as they tackle the two-headed monster of ignorance and arrogance. They cover how to deal with these people in your organization and provide actionable advice you can employ if you catch yourself slipping into either of these pitfalls.

    Let us know what you think in the comments!

    Check out the video version of this podcast here

    To receive more information about personalized coaching, and check out all of Greg's other projects, visit https://maximizeleadership.com

    In addition to this podcast, Craig puts out blogs, videos, and his own podcast daily. All of that can be found at https://craigtowens.com

    A Lifelong Learner - Mrs. Miley, Part 2

    A Lifelong Learner - Mrs. Miley, Part 2

    In Part 2 of our interview with Mrs. Lorene Miley, we hear about rough times in her life when she felt her life was over. Her insight into recovering, surviving loss and thriving in each new stage of life will encourage you.

    She also shares 7 aspects of prayer that every Christian should  know. This episode, like her earlier one, is full of wisdom, godly counsel, and inspiration. 

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    223.What Could I Do-Not What Should I Do with Deborah Johnson

    223.What Could I Do-Not What Should I Do with Deborah Johnson

    If you asked yourself the question, “What could I do?” instead of “What should I do?” how would you answer? There are many realms of exploration where we could ask that question such as for problem-solving, personal development, career exploration, relationship dynamics and even personal goals and aspirations. When we focus on the question of “What could I do?” it stimulates one’s imagination and even the ability to dream.

    Many have lost their ability to imagine and dream with time restraints, responsibilities, financial restrictions and the additional stress that life brings. Here, we are going to turn some of the inhibiting restrictions from the question “What should I do?” to the question that brings possibility, “What could I do?” Most of these areas reveal the disparity between a fixed and growth mindset. We’ll approach dependency, fear, exploration and responsibility. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/what-could-I-Do

    221.How to Change Careers with Angie Callen

    221.How to Change Careers with Angie Callen

    When approaching mid-life or mid-career, some start considering making a change, asking themselves the question on how to change careers. The prompt for this inquiry could stem from a lack of fulfillment, limited growth or advancement opportunities in their current situation, job dissatisfaction, change in personal circumstances or simply restlessness and the desire for a different career path.

    This podcast interview with Angie Callen approaches the question of how to change careers as she has not only gone through the change herself but has developed a coaching system to help others through their journey. There are many fields that are more job focused than career focused such as retail and customer service, food service, manual trades or administrative support. Those are all important and validated positions filled by many who are very satisfied at staying within a job position as it is a safe, comfortable place. It can also provide security with additional benefits.

    Callen, as a Carnegie Mellon Civil Engineering grad landed a good job that was developing into a wonderful career, but she wanted a change. Her goal was to pursue a more creative, communicative environment and she obtained that goal. In this article, we expand five important basic principles of how to think, then prepare for change. We then finish with actionable steps on how to make a change. Full article here: https://goalsforyourlife.com/how-to-change-careers

    S1EP156 Keeping An Open Mind

    S1EP156 Keeping An Open Mind

    Today I'd like to share a little something I recently learned about myself...and how I came to learn this new fact.

    I wasn't even looking for anything or do any deep soul-searching exercises, the information just sort of fell into my lap. I could have ignored it, or brushed it off, but I didn't.

    It's really amazing what you can find when you keep an open mind, and I hope that my story will help to inspire you to keep an open mind as well.

    So get up and get out there! Have an adventure, try something new, be open to the possibilities!

    "Anything is possible when you stop telling yourself it isn't" - Jody Myciak

    EP013: Really Seeing Children- Deb Curtis

    EP013: Really Seeing Children- Deb Curtis

    This month, Kisha Reid interviews Deb Curtis, the co-author of many resourceful early childhood books, including "The Visionary Director", "Art of Awareness", and "Children's Lively Minds". Her forty years of experience working with young children informs her work with adult early educators and directors. Together we discuss The Art of really seeing children and the practice of helping them see each other.

    #reallyseeingchildren, #observation, #DebCurtis, #docuementation, #teacherrole #socialsupport #seeingeachother, #intentional, #SEL

    Ep 81 Living into Uncertainty

    Ep 81 Living into Uncertainty

    For many of us, being an adult can sometimes look like trying to have all the answers. We can easily feel foolish to have to say, “I don’t know.” But what if the thing that lies on the other side of “struggle and not knowing” is possibility? What if choosing to live with “the question” is what allows us to evolve and transform? For certain, this requires an internal culture shift. But given the anxiety and stress that comes with feeling like we have to have all the answers, perhaps this freedom to ask and keep on asking can be a welcome divergence into a much larger expanse. Join us as we talk about embracing the journey, not with dread, but with wonder and curiosity. 


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    S4 Episode 20: Tiger Tyagarajan - The CEO of Genpact on being a lifelong learner

    S4 Episode 20: Tiger Tyagarajan - The CEO of Genpact on being a lifelong learner

    We know that technology is rapidly changing and it seems heard to keep up sometimes. We’re told that we need to become lifelong learners and this is hard for most of us that lead busy lives, but how does the CEO of a 100,000 person company valued at over $4Bn keep constantly learning?

    This is a question I posed to Tiger Tyagarajan, CEO of leading professional services company Genpact on the latest episode of the Actionable Futurist® Podcast.

    He is one of the industry leaders who pioneered a new global business model and transformed a division of General Electric (GE Capital International Services) into Genpact, a global professional services firm delivering digital transformation solutions for clients. 

    Genpact has more than 100,000 employees and annual revenues of $4 billion USD as of December 31, 2021. Tiger was appointed as Genpact’s chief executive officer in 2011 after serving as chief operating officer.

    I was a guest of Genpact at the London E-Prix held last weekend at EcCeL London as they sponsor the Envision Racing Team.

    As I learned in part 1 of the series when I interviewed Chief Digital Officer, Sanjay Srivastava this sponsorship goes way beyond having the logo on the car.

    Tiger explains in his episode how the partnership came about, and learnings to date. 

    We also explored a range of other areas in our 35 minute chat including:

    • How has Genpact changed in the 22 years Tiger has been there
    • The story behind Tiger's name
    • Tips for being a lifelong learner
    • Using podcasts to facilitate continuous learning
    • Re-skilling and upskilling at Genpact
    • Empathetic Leadership
    • Building leaders in a remote environment
    • The Future of work - People. Place. Purpose
    • The importance of purpose
    • How the Envision Racing Team partnership came about
    • Using AI within Genpact to help clients
    • Key learnings from the Envision Racing Partnership
    • Learnings from the other Envision Racing sponsors
    • Key learnings from the pandemic
    • What Tiger looks for in new employees & jobs of the future
    • Tiger's involvement in Catalyst & the importance of diversity and inclusion
    • Three actionable things to become a lifelong learner 

    I’ve enjoyed getting up and close with the Formula-E cars, and also seeing how they are literally defining the future of electric vehicles, from energy management, battery design, power., braking, regeneration and overall awareness that there is a path to sustainable transportation.

    Thanks to Judith Schunke - head of Genpact Marketing EMEA and also their CMO, Stacy Simpson for making the day so enjoyable, and Liam Rawson and the team at The Hoffman Agency.

    Resources mentioned in this episode
    Genpact website
    Winning Redefined: Genpact’s involvement with Formula-E
    Crossing data and AI: The Genpact and Envision Racing story
    Envision Racing Team

    More on Tiger
    Tiger on LinkedIn

    Your Host: Actionable Futurist® & Chief Futurist Andrew Grill
    For more on Andrew - what he speaks about and recent talks, please visit ActionableFuturist.com

    Andrew's Social Channels
    Andrew on LinkedIn
    @AndrewGrill on Twitter
    @Andrew.Grill on Instagram
    Keynote speeches here
    Andrew's upcoming book

    Ep 72 Aging and the Contemplative

    Ep 72 Aging and the Contemplative

    Many of us have hopes for what life will look like as we age. The question is: What will it take for us to live well, and even thrive, in our later years? It turns out that those who are in that stage of life often have helpful words of advice – lived experience that we can soak up and benefit from. Join us as we muse about our own aging experiences and take time to embrace the words of wisdom that are coming from the sages who have crossed our paths.  

    Additional Resources
    Falling Upward by Richard Rohr
    TV Series: Lark Rise to Candleford 


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    Beverly "Porky" Pitts - TJ's Reunion Attendance Leader

    Beverly "Porky" Pitts - TJ's Reunion Attendance Leader
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    Why it's Good to Keep Learning

    Why it's Good to Keep Learning

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    In this episode I speak to my old friend Smriti Dhingra, General Manger - Digital Services, Phibious, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam to try and understand what we gain from being constant learners

    In conversation with Smriti Dhingra https://www.linkedin.com/in/smritidhingra85/