

    Explore "longe" with insightful episodes like "06/07/23. Medo", "LA LONGE : Les erreurs à ne pas commetre !", "Train Your Horse in Twenty Minutes or Less", "01/07/22 Respondendo e-mail - Conclusão" and "Calmly Introducing Canter While Working Your Horse on the Lunge" from podcasts like ""Cante Sempre a Alegria", "Bande de Chiens !", "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians", "Cante Sempre a Alegria" and "Daily Strides Podcast for Equestrians"" and more!

    Episodes (20)

    LA LONGE : Les erreurs à ne pas commetre !

    LA LONGE : Les erreurs à ne pas commetre !

    Comment bien utiliser une longe ? Est-ce qu'on peut s'en servir pour toutes les balades ? Et surtout, quelles erreurs ne pas commetre lors de l'utilisation d'une longe ? 

    Aujourd'hui Tony et Romaric parlent de la longe ! 

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    Train Your Horse in Twenty Minutes or Less

    Train Your Horse in Twenty Minutes or Less

    Time, or the lack thereof, is often the number one thing that keeps riders from training their own horses.  And while time is an essential part of the puzzle in order to develop and grow your horse successfully, often we overestimate how much of it we actually need.

    In fact, one of the reasons riders often don’t have enough time to work with their horse has more to do with a lack of planning and less about a lack of time.

    So, if you are currently in a season of your life where time seems to always be against you and your horse working together… I have a solution.  Firstly, plan your sessions (more on that just now). And then begin looking for more ‘quality’ and fewer quantity ways to train. 

    Lunging is the perfect solution for riders who want to use the little time they have available to continue working with their horse.


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    More on this Topic

    Calmly Introducing Canter While Working Your Horse on the Lunge

    Calmly Introducing Canter While Working Your Horse on the Lunge
    If you have even been at the other end of a lunge line to a horse who is adamant to show you exactly how fast he can go on a circle… You will know all about ‘that’ feeling!  The one where every fiber of your being is screaming at you to ‘stop the horse’.  And yet, it feels like there is absolutely nothing you can do!
    Intentionally mixing cantering and lunging together is not for the faint of heart!  It often requires nerves of steel – especially at the beginning of the journey…
    The good news is that, for those who persist and persevere, the reward is being able to truly use lunging as a tool to develop the canter.  And being able to do so from this wonderful, and unique, vantage point of ‘trainer’.

    057 - Was ist Voltigieren?

    057 - Was ist Voltigieren?

    Hanna fragt mich als Vater öfters Löcher in den Bauch. Statt von den Fragen genervt zu sein oder das Kind wegen Unwissenheit abzuwimmeln haben wir (Hanna und ich) uns gemeinsam entschlossen diese Fragen so einfach und plausibel wie möglich via Podcast zu beantworten und somit die Neugierde des Kindes zu erhalten und das Allgemeinwissen von uns allen zu verbessern. Dieser Kinder Podcast ist eine Art Kinderhörspiel für die Fragen der Kids. Wir versprechen hier keine Kinderwissenschaft sondern versuchen alles mit Hausverstand zu erklären.

    Friend or Foe? Your Lunging Whip when Lunging Your Horse

    Friend or Foe? Your Lunging Whip when Lunging Your Horse

    Have you been using your lunging whip incorrectly? Have you decided not to use it at all?

    Your lunging whip is one of the best aids you have to help you clarify your communication when it comes to lunging your horse. However, in order for it to be of benefit, it must be used correctly.

    And, unfortunately, the lunging whip can often be misused, and often, therefore, misunderstood when it comes to aids in lunging and riding.

    Lunging Whip; What’s in a Name?

    For many riders, their resistance to and incorrect use of the lunging whip is caused by the name we have given this piece of equipment. I have a feeling that if a lunging whip was called a pointer or a demonstrator, it would ‘feel’ different for many riders to incorporate it into their conversation with their horse.



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    Additional Resources:-

    Loose Lunging versus Lunging...

    Loose Lunging versus Lunging...

    Do you know that, contrary to popular belief, lunging is not ‘running in circles’? That, when done right, lunging is one of the most beneficial, easy to use, and low barrier to entry tools you can work with your horse to improve your riding.

    True and good quality lunging improves both horse and rider; and can be used by all horses and riders, regardless of where they are in their riding journey.

    Yes, it is that good… This is why I feel a little passionate when people confuse loose lunging for actual lunging! In fact, I don’t believe that loose lunging should even be called lunging. What it should e called depends on what you are using it for… But it is not lunging.


    Connect with Lorna

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    Additional Resources:-

    Working Towards Self Carriage with Your Horse on the Lunge

    Working Towards Self Carriage with Your Horse on the Lunge

    Self carriage is something a lot of riders have on their ‘goals’ list for their horse. As though it is something that can be achieved once and ‘ticked off'. Done and dusted. If only…

    I believe that self carriage is a sign of development and growth in both horse and rider. A start in the sharing of responsibilities that lead to the desired outcome. Each team member realizing that it truly does take a team effort in order to make real and lasting progress.

    And yet, so often, the rider can get in the way and actually hinder the horse's training when it comes to self carriage.



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    Learning to Handle Your Lunge Line to Avoid Tangles & Enhance Contact

    Learning to Handle Your Lunge Line to Avoid Tangles & Enhance Contact

    How many times have you been working with your horse on the lunge, only to have your line end up a tangled mess? Or perhaps your horse did something unexpected. Maybe he turned in or went from 0 to 60 in .5 of a second, and you couldn’t respond quickly enough because of a loopy, knotted, or twisted lunge line?

    Your lunge line is an important artificial aid that you can use to actively encourage contact and connection with your horse.  However, that is pretty much impossible if it is a tangled up mess!  The good news is that with a little practice, you can begin making your lunge line work for you and your horse, rather than against you in your lunging.

    The Type of Lunge Line

    Not all lunge lines are made equal. Before we even begin here, I want you to consider the quality of your current lunge line. Ideally, you want one that has a little weight to it, rather than a flimsy, flappy about one.

    That being said, you also don’t want one that is so heavy, gravity is having a greater influence than you in the conversation! There is a happy medium, play with what you like and what works best.


    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Developing Contact on the Lunge Using Your Lunge Line

    Developing Contact on the Lunge Using Your Lunge Line

    Your lunge line is not there to keep your horse on the circle while lunging. I would love for you to take a moment just to consider this statement. Is it at all possible that you have been using your lunge line, in some shape way or form to do this for you?  If lunging is not enjoyable, a tug of war, or just too darn difficult, this could be why.

    Have you been using your lunge line to keep your horse on the circle, rather than to develop contact and connection with your horse?

    Here is my step by step system to turn that around for you in your lunging...

    Embrace Artificial Aids

    Your lunge line is an artificial aid. And artificial aids are fantastic if used correctly. The keyword is "correctly". Many riders have allowed themselves to be led down a path where the use of artificial aids, such as lunge lines, lunge whips, or lunging arenas, is frowned upon.

    Artificial aids are there to back up or support your natural aids.

    And, you can always refine your natural aids, over time, to the point where artificial aids are no longer needed or used all the time. In fact, this is one of your responsibilities as a rider. Doing the work to refine your aids.


    Additional Resources for Equestrians:-

    Re-Training Your Horse Using Lunging

    Re-Training Your Horse Using Lunging

    Did you know that almost anything you can do from the saddle, with your horse, you can do from the end of the lunge line? And the words lunge line there are important. I often chat with riders who believe in free lunging or loose lunging. They are not lunging! Lunging is when you are using your aids, both natural and artificial, to actively improve your conversation with your horse through your aids.

    And correct lunging is one of the best ways to begin re-training or re-schooling your horse, regardless of your abilities (or lack of abilities) when in the saddle.

    So many riders struggle with re-training because their aids lack consistency when riding. They ‘think’ they are saying one thing to their horse, but meanwhile, their horse is hearing something completely different! Lunging removes this challenge.

    When you lunging, you can clearly see - in real-time - how your horse responds to your aids. Not how you think he is responding. You take on the perspective of a trainer.

    And you can do this in a few simple steps...


    Additional Resources:-

    Improving Your Riding Coordination And Aids While Lunging

    Improving Your Riding Coordination And Aids While Lunging
    As a rider, it can be easy to think that the only way you can improve your skills is to ride.  And yes, riding is important; obviously! However, you can also use lunging as a way to develop your coordination and aids. And not just on the ground, but also to benefit you and your horse when you’re in the saddle as well.
    Lunging gives you a different perspective when you ride.  And often, this one simple change can be enough to burst through limitations in your riding.  You see, when you are riding, it is easy to believe that things are happening a certain way.  That things ‘look’ a certain way.  However, if you have ever watched a video of yourself riding, you will know that this is often not true.
    Lunging gives you second by second feedback on how your horse is actually responding to your aids; not how you ‘think’ your horse is responding to your aids. 
    And it is so easy to get started with, even if you have never lunged before. I have a step by step system HERE you can use.
    Additional Resources & Information:-

    Vibe Music Vol.20

    Vibe Music Vol.20
    Hi Fellow Listeners, Complements of the new year :)

    Vibe Music Vol.20 is out I Would like to thank everyone for the continued love & support and also welcome all the new listeners to Vibe Music Show

    About Vibe Music: Vibe Music Show was established in 2011 to serve its purpose of showcasing music all around the globe. A platform for every artist to display their craft to best effect and serving the music lovers with mind-blowing mixes without taking into account of the genre or the release date of tunes. From producers , musicians and DJ's

    Vibe Music Vol.20 brings you music to compliment the first month of the year, where the scenario is slow and everyone is recovering from the festive and wants to clear their head. Vibe Music Vol.20 elevates from lounge, urban RnB into disco vibey sound. This selection is guaranteed to relax your mind and inspire you.

    With music from: Osunlade, Larry Head, Nubiyan Twist, Keth Brow, DoctorSoul and more incredible artist

    Take It Easy And Vibe :)

    Contact Details
    Mobile: 074 337 6995
    Email: Enigmaticlerato@gmail.com
    FB: Lerato Shibambo

    Zauberwaffe Bodenarbeit

    Zauberwaffe Bodenarbeit
    Heute habe ich eine Zauberwaffe für dich, die dir und deinem Pferd noch mehr Glitzer ins Training zaubern kann. Vielleicht benutzt du sie schon und kannst mir mit einem lauten JA zustimmen - vielleicht nutzt du diese kraftvolle Zauberwaffe noch nicht - dann wird es ganz ganz ganz schnell Zeit ;-) Die Zauberwaffe und DAS Trainingsding, das ich dir ans Herz legen kann ist: Bodenarbeit! Sie kann dir helfen eine wunderschöne Verbindung zu deinem Pferd aufzubauen. WEIL: Das ist Training auf Augenhöhe und mit ganz viel Kommunikation! Dabei reichen nur 10 Minuten am Tag – vor dem Reittraining zum Beispiel, um Bindung und Vertrauen immens zu fördern. Nur 10 Minuten, damit du und dein Pferd euch besser versteht.

    Episode 7 Das Imperiale Wien, Teil 4a/6 Spanische Hofreitschule

    Episode 7 Das Imperiale Wien, Teil 4a/6 Spanische Hofreitschule
    Die Spanische Hofreitschule ist eine im Michaelertrakt der Hofburg in Wien ansässige Reitinstitution, die ursprünglich der reiterlichen Ausbildung der kaiserlichen Familie diente. Sie ist einer der wichtigsten Orte zur Erhaltung der klassischen Reitkunst, wobei ausschließlich Lipizzaner ausgebildet werden. Sie gehört zum Immateriellen Welterbe - Österreichisches Nationales Kulturgut lt. Unesco Achtung - Wichtig während den Sommermonaten Mitte Juni bis Mitte August ist die Spanische Hofreitschule geschlossen, es gibt keine Vorführungen. Die Pferde sind auf Sommerfrische Nähre Informationen findest du unter www.wiencityguide.com Servus und Baba Eva

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