

    Explore "loose" with insightful episodes like "EPISODE 5 - PARTIE 1 - JEANNE & ISÉE", "Episode 358 - 3-Bit Game Genie", "Loose Lips, Small Bits, Male Oppression, Free Will, Mating Strategies, Chess Vs Checkers", "TTM224-Getting-To-The-Place-Where-We-Actually-Forgive-Our Enemies" and "Question Time" from podcasts like ""LA TEHON", "3-Bit Gamer Show", "YMMV Sex Podcast: Your Mileage May Vary", "KeithShealy'sBetweenTheLines podcast" and "WorldAroundEwe's Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)




    Intolérance au lactose, cleptomanie et Pascal Obispo : on a tellement ri dans cette épisode que j'avais 3h15 de rush (elles voulaient pas la fermer !!). Isée et Jeanne ont bien des histoires à raconter et ce, pour notre plus grand plaisir. J'ai donc décidé de faire deux parties de cette épisode, pour deux fois plus de plaisir !

    L'épisode suivant arrivera dans une ou deux semaines. En attendant, rigolez bien et surtout, restez jusqu'à la fin pour un interlude musical nommé "KASSEL", signé Pierre de l'épisode 3 !

    Bisous les petits copains les petites copines !

    Loose Lips, Small Bits, Male Oppression, Free Will, Mating Strategies, Chess Vs Checkers

    Loose Lips, Small Bits, Male Oppression, Free Will, Mating Strategies, Chess Vs Checkers

    Following up on last week's episode, some listeners (primarily female) have taken the position that Mike is misogynistic for his portrayal of the typical woman's strategy for finding a partner and for sex in general.

    To respond to this, Mike provides a steel-manned case that he believes matches what these women believe. This was done in good faith in an effort to produce a convincing argument for how and why his own argument was misogynistic. A discussion then ensues about the quality of this case and whether it's actually a reasonable explanation of how women choose partners and pursue sex.

    We also tackle the subject of a man who is upset because his female partner noticed that his penis isn't very big when flaccid and had some choice words to say about it. And, can a woman really be loose?

    We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:



    Twitter: @ymmvpod

    Facebook: ymmvpod

    Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com

    TTM224-Getting-To-The-Place-Where-We-Actually-Forgive-Our Enemies

    TTM224-Getting-To-The-Place-Where-We-Actually-Forgive-Our Enemies

    TTM podcast about getting the freedom and power to pray for our enemies beginning with overcoming our unforgiveness through our full pursuit of Jesus Christ , from death to Life.

    35 min., 05 sec.

    Key Bible verses:
    1 Peter 5:1-11, "...Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time:... Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world...." and

    Proverb 3:1-6, "...Trust in The Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." and

    Romans 12:9-21, "Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.... Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.... Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith The Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." and

    Matthew 5:38-48, (Jesus said) "Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He maketh His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." and

    Ephesians 4:17-27, " This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.... put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another. Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil."


    Every gift is appreciated, tax-deductible, and helps.
    Mail tax-deductible contributions by check or money order payable to  Toward The Mark, Inc  P.O. Box 1152, Yorktown, VA 23692-1152. 

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     Thanks for listening and sharing this podcast message! May God bless you and your heart's deepest desires!

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    Question Time

    Question Time

    A few years ago a comedian called Jimmy Budd offered me a radio show on an internet radio station he managed at the time, this is one of those shows.


    This episode is about some bits of information that didn't make it into the previous topics before we cover more areas.


    To support the show and to get access to the video versions of these episodes (I’ve already recorded over 100 episodes) go to www.patreon.com/worldaroundewe and sign up for exclusive episodes, taxidermy announcements and more!

    You can buy my Bad Taxidermy, oddities and merch from www.worldaroundewe.com

    All of my social media links are accessible here – www.linktr.ee/worldaroundewe



    Ep.382 Remaking Loose Cannons (1990)

    Ep.382 Remaking Loose Cannons (1990)

    A cop who doesn't play by the book, his partner has multiple personality disorder, and powerful criminals who are looking for Hitler's porn tape. Just another week on Invasion of the Remake. Join IOTR as we remake the action, comedy Loose Cannons (1990) starring Gene Hackman, Dan Aykroyd, and Dom DeLuise along with our own unique fantasy casting.

    Support independent podcasts like ours by telling your friends and family how to find us at places like Apple Podcasts, iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, PlayerFM, Tune In Radio, PodChaser, Amazon Music, Audible, Libsyn, iHeartRadio and all the best podcast providers. Spread the love! Like, share and subscribe!

    You can also help out the show with a positive review and a 5-star rating over on iTunes / Apple Podcasts. We want to hear from you and your opinions will help shape the future of the show. Your ratings and reviews also help others find the show. Their "earballs" will thank you. https://invasionoftheremake.wixsite.com/podcast

    Follow us on Twitter: @InvasionRemake

    Like and share us on Facebook, Instagram & Tik-Tok: Invasion of the Remake

    Email us your questions, suggestions, corrections, challenges and comments: invasionoftheremake@gmail.com

    Buy a cool t-shirt, PPE masks and other Invasion of the Remake swag at our TeePublic Store!

    Quadruple Nut November, Pricing Sex, Sweaty Gym Clothes, Loose Women, 69

    Quadruple Nut November, Pricing Sex, Sweaty Gym Clothes, Loose Women, 69

    Was it even possible to record a piece of media this week without a single reference to the new Taylor Swift album, Midnights? We managed it, but at some point we should perhaps go through the so-called "Gaylor" theories which hold that she is now dropping major hints that she is bisexual or even gay. They're probably just living "for the hope of it all," as they say.

    After establishing that we were not going to observe No Nut November, we discussed the surprising similarity between the monthly cost of a man who visits lots of escorts and men who engage just a single sugar baby.

    Next, we look for a way to view 69 as a compelling sex position, followed by a discussion of multiple ejaculation, a woman who allegedly wears her boyfriend's sweaty gym clothes to masturbate, and another (presumably different) woman who's worried she's too "loose."

    Also, another update on the latest sex talk on TikTok.

    We get a lot of our questions from Reddit, so for our listeners' enjoyment, here are links to some of the questions we discussed this week:







    Twitter: @ymmvpod

    Facebook: ymmvpod

    Email: ymmvpod@gmail.com

    TRANSHUMANIST REVOLUTION: Loose Change's Jason Bermas and Matt Skow Detail New War Against Satan

    TRANSHUMANIST REVOLUTION: Loose Change's Jason Bermas and Matt Skow Detail New War Against Satan
    Today on CrossTalk News, Edward Szall and "These Little Ones" filmmaker Matt Skow discuss how the chaos of the age is forming an end-times Christian coalition, one centered on King Jesus, and against the literal incarnation of evil. Loose Change's Jason Bermas joins Edward to discuss the transhumanist revolution, including how the tyranny that followed the false flags on 9/11, has now resulted in a draconian system of control for the elite that drink the blood of children.
    Follow us on Telegram!
    Edward Szall: https://t.me/edwardrszall
    Lauren Witzke: https://t.me/LaurenWitzkeOfficial
    Tune into this new episode of CrossTalk at CrossTalkNews.com!
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    Cut It Loose - EP91

    Cut It Loose - EP91

    Why do we tend to hold onto shit? We refuse to let it go, and it causes separation and isolation. Forgiveness is designed to heal us, not others. Forgiving doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt you, or what they did was right. Life is too short to die in frustration and resentment.

    Support Us: www.paypal.me/thebattlepodcast

    Show Suggestions: thebattlepodcast@gmail.com

    Produced By Fritz @ GSR Podcast Productions



    MATT411 - Whatever You Bind In the Giant Monster Fighting Robot Will Be Loosed On the Outside of the Giant Monster Fighting Robot

    MATT411 - Whatever You Bind In the Giant Monster Fighting Robot Will Be Loosed On the Outside of the Giant Monster Fighting Robot

    MATTHEW 18:15-20

    On this podcast we pick books of the Bible and work through them from beginning to end, bit by bit every day.

    This show exists because of listener support. If you’d like to consider supporting, you can learn more at thetmbh.com/support or check out the Patreon support page at patreon.com/thetmbhpodcast

    Thanks to everyone who supports TMBH 

    You're the reason we can all do this together!

    Discuss the episode here

    Music written and performed by Jeff Foote.

    Page.63:【稲盛和夫 魂の言葉108】讀後心得#24

    Page.63:【稲盛和夫 魂の言葉108】讀後心得#24
    【人生的真義:日本經營之聖稻聖和夫魂動108】讀後心得#24 這個系列是柏霖閱讀【人生的真義:日本經營之聖稻聖和夫魂動108】這本書之後的心得,每次會有2-3個章節,將我在書中看到的與生活經驗結合,讓大家用聽的也能學習一本書! 「信用才是經商的精粹」:大家都說做生意要累積信用。信賴自己的的人越多,賺的錢就越多。 「成功與失敗都是試煉」:對人來說,成功也是一種考驗。不驕矜自滿,方能走得長久。 「失敗的定義」:我對〈事業失敗、公司倒閉的人就是人生的失敗者〉的說法不以為意。沒有失敗哪來成功。

    S02E11 - Une erreur de parcours

    S02E11 - Une erreur de parcours

    Avec Sheraz Bahsoun, Alexandre Abbas, Julien Koenig & Paul Laporte

    Dans cet épisode, on transpire, on bosse les abdos fessiers tout en se lâchant nos plus grosses looses ! Non, c'est faux... 

    Enfin, pas pour les looses, seulement le sport. Il y a juste à regarder nos corps pour comprendre qu'on ne pratique aucun sport. En revanche, on sait en parler et pour nous accompagner, on reçoit aujourd'hui 2 experts

    Tous les 2 coachs de sport pour la marque Neoness, ils sont en couple aussi bien à l'écran que dans la vie et ont monté ensemble le projet Be Better dont ils vont nous parler au cours de l'épisode https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIb8s1okriKd8nTrdDNmPqA

    Déchirure, quiproquo et cascade voilà ce qui vous attend pour ce nouvel épisode de Pire Que Toi ! 

    Pour nous suivre et nous envoyer des messages, c'est là que ça se passe : 

    Si vous avez trouvé ce podcast qualitatif, n'hésitez pas à nous mettre 5 étoiles sur les applications podcast via votre téléphone et dites-nous en commentaire si vous aussi, vous ne supportez plus le pollen en ce moment (personnellement, on en a marre de passer notre vie à se moucher) 

    En attendant le prochain épisode, prenez soin de vous 


    Julien & Paul 


    Episode 43: HOUSE SESSIONS #43

    Episode 43: HOUSE SESSIONS #43

    Welcome along to Episode 43 of House Sessions.

    It’s going to be a Bank Holiday here in the UK, next weekend.

    Here’s 2 hours of slightly more laid back House & Disco classics to help ease you into it.

    Enjoy xx


    Loose Ends, Frankie Knuckles - Hangin' On A String // Late Nite Tuff Guy - Nobody (Rufus Chaka Khan) // Timmy Thomas, Late Nite Tuff Guy - Why Can't We Live Together // Diana Ross - Upside Down // Gwen McCrae, Dave Lee - Doin’ It // Michael Jackson - Rock With You // NYC Peech Boys, MAW - Don't Make Me Wait // Rasmus Faber, Dyanna Fearon - All Of My Dreams // Bobby D'Ambrosio, Lasala, Dr Packer - Runaway Love // Candi Staton, Moplen // Hallelujah Anyway // Horse Meat Disco, Kathy Sledge - Falling Deep In Love  // Roberto Surace, Dr Packer - Joys // Kaine Feat Kathy Diamond - Love Saves The Day // DoctorSoul - Saturday Morning // Jersey Katz feat. Joey Washington - Gotta have Hope // The Discoboxers - Mary J. Blige Vs Doctor Love // Selace vs ATFC featuring Lisa Millett - Hooked On Bad Habits // Soulista, Karmina Dai - Symphomaniac // Womack & Womack - Teardrops

    BONUS TRACK: Aretha Franklin Day Dreaming






    Andrea McLean

    Andrea McLean

    This week I am thrilled to be joined by Andrea McLean, the former queen of Loose Women, award-winning TV broadcaster, journalist, radio presenter, a best-selling author and the CEO of the female empowerment site, This Girl is On Fire.

    In this episode, we talk about her impulsive decision to quit her TV career in lockdown and to start an online space supporting women in mind, body and business. We also speak about her struggles with anxiety and how she overcame a nervous breakdown. She explains that she now knows when to prioritise herself, how to identify her triggers and has finally learnt how important it is to ask for help.

    Andrea is one of the realest people I know and I’m so glad her online platform is such a success as it’s truly deserved!


    Life and Soul is hosted by Emma Forbes, produced by Georgie Rutherford and edited by Steve Campen.

    If you’re looking for more content by Emma, please take a look at her new website which is a curation of everything she loves in life - from fashion and food to health & wellbeing: 


    Follow us:



    Follow Andrea:


    Buy Andrea's brilliant book here.

    Join the waiting list for Andrea’s This Girl is On Fire Membership here  

    We would also love to hear from you so feel free to send us an email if you enjoyed this episode to hello@byemma.co

    35: The Moos is Loose

    35: The Moos is Loose

    Headgum's newest hire, Kaiti, joins Jake, Marika, and Geoff to discuss Geoff's personal texts to Marika, the GOAT chips, and celebrities with Thin Cankle Energy.

    Subscribe to the new Headgum podcast Keeping Records on your favorite podcast app!

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    #Hors-Série 25 avec Laura Domenge : Une Moustache, Piquantes & Une Doudoune

    #Hors-Série 25 avec Laura Domenge : Une Moustache, Piquantes & Une Doudoune

    Quel est le point commun entre un râteau et une moustache ? C'est ce qu'on va nous apprendre Laura Domenge, dans ce nouveau hors-série de Pire Que Toi. 


    Humoriste et comédienne, vous pouvez retrouver Laura tous les vendredis soir sur Téva dans "Piquantes !", le tout nouveau talk-show animé par Nicole Ferroni https://www.instagram.com/nicoleferronize/

    Et également sur Youtube, dans les vidéos de "Lolywoodhttps://www.instagram.com/lolywoodoff/

    Pour nous suivre et nous envoyer des messages, c'est là que ça se passe : 



    N'hésitez pas à nous mettre 5 étoiles sur les applications podcast via votre téléphone et dites-nous en commentaire qui vous aimeriez avoir en invité pour les prochains épisodes.

    On se donne rendez-vous la semaine prochaine pour le 26ème Hors-Série de Pire Que Toi, en attendant, prenez soin de vous et restez chez vous ! 


    Julien & Paul 


    Reece Low | 4am Recovery @ Wah Wah | 8th Jan 2011

    Reece Low | 4am Recovery @ Wah Wah | 8th Jan 2011
    Another banging mix from the archives!

    Follow Reece here: https://soundcloud.com/reecelow

    Track Listing
    1. Benny Hill - Reece Low Remix
    2. Mutfukta - Chuckie Orginal Mix
    3. La La Land - Slice N Dice Remix
    4. Are You Ready - Reece Low Original Mix
    5. Move To The Drums - Slice N Dice Remix
    6. Dirty Talk vs Third Eye - Joel Fletcher - Reece Low Bootleg
    6. Replica - Afrojack Original Mix
    7. Teenage Crime - Reece Low Remix
    8. Loose Control - Reece Low Remix
    9. King Of My Castle - Choobz Remix
    10. Shake That - Shameless Remix
    11. Ooh La La - Shameless & Dangles Remix
    12. Twisted - Reece Low Remix
    13. Embrace -Pnau - Kalus Remix
    14. Big Jet Plane - Adam G Remix
    15. Crooklyn - Revelino

    + + + + + + + + + + +

    [Re-uploaded from the Wah Wah Lounge Podcast - which removed all these mixes]

    Jean-Seb - BONUS

    Jean-Seb - BONUS

    📍BONUS - "JEAN-SEB"📍  

    Bonjour à toutes, Bonjour à tous, la saison 2 des « Dessous de Savin » s’est achevée il y a tout juste une semaine avec un concert de ...  Enfin je ne vais pas vous spoiler l'histoire, si vous ne l’avez pas ecouté allez-y et vous saurez tout. 

    La troisième saison débutera le vendredi 11 septembre 2020 prochain dés 7h.

    Aujourd'hui alors que je commençais à enregistrer cet épisode spécial, ma mère m'a passé un coup de fil. Elle a écouté les podcasts, et me donne son feedback: ma vie ressemble à un gros bordel, elle veut prendre les choses en mains.... 

    En attendant la saison 3, je vous laisse découvrir, redécouvrir ou faire découvrir les deux premières saisons de l'émissionBonne rentrée à tous!


    • "Les dessous de SAVIN" 

    Ou les tribulations et réflexions de Sébastien Savin, un Parisien quarantenaire gay et célibataire qui incarne sans le savoir mais avec perfection les émois de sa génération. 

    Pour la saison 2 du podcast je vous emmène dans mes bagages et on part en vacances. Durant tout le mois d'août, je diffuserai 2 épisodes inédits par semaine. Les mardis et vendredis dés 7h. Alors abonnez-vous sur votre plateforme d'écoute pour ne pas rater la diffusion. 

    Pour soutenir l'émission et la faire connaître au plus grand nombre, mettez ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5 étoiles NDLR) ainsi qu'un avis sur Apple Podcasts! Ça fait grimper le programme dans les charts.Partagez cet épisode et parlez-en autour de vous et retrouvons-nous sur Facebook et Instagram @sebastiensavin.  

    📸 INSTAGRAM& FACEBOOK de Sébastien Savin 📸 

    🎧🎶 Retrouvez la Playlist des chansons de l'émission sur #Spotify 🎶🎧         

     Crédit Musique:

     "STATIC" composé par Stel https://www.instagram.com/stel_music/

    "Les dessous de Savin" sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Soundcloud, Tune In