

    Explore "maidan" with insightful episodes like "[REDIFF] Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4", "Ukraine - Der Riss | #2: Anna und die Revolution", "Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4", "Ep 157 Crisis of Confidence in Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda" and "Exhibit D: Ukrainian Women--Lipsticks and Rifles" from podcasts like ""Europe et Sentiment", "Terra X History - Der Podcast", "Europe et Sentiment", "Around The Empire" and "Presenting Evidence that God Still Loves Women and Writers"" and more!

    Episodes (17)

    [REDIFF] Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4

    [REDIFF] Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4

    Europe & Sentiment part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui vivent à la frontière de l’Europe et la Russie et dont l’identité a été nourrie de l'Union Soviétique, l’OTAN, l’Union Européenne, de la chute du mur de Berlin.

    Portrait en miroir de Sofya et de Myroslava. Ecoutez les témoignages intimes d'une Russe et d'une Ukrainienne vivant aujourd’hui en France.


    Sofya est russe de Mourmansk, Myroslava est ukrainienne de Kharkiv. Sofya est née juste avant la chute du mur de Berlin en 1988 (33 ans), Myroslava est née juste après la fin de l’URSS en 1992 (29 ans). 


    Dans ce nouvel épisode, elles racontent leurs familles, les villes dans lesquelles elles ont grandi, leurs vacances en Crimée, les événements qui ont marqué leur identité et la guerre entre leurs deux pays aujourd’hui. 

    Construit en miroir, cet épisode a été réalisé dans l’urgence de la guerre actuelle lancée par Poutine contre l’Ukraine. Myroslava et Sofya habitent toutes les deux en France depuis plusieurs années mais leurs familles sont toujours à Kharkiv et Mourmansk. 

    Sofya & Myroslava, c'est une façon de raconter et de se questionner sur les contours de notre Europe, sur l'héritage de l'URSS, sur les liens entre l’Europe et la Russie. Bref de parler d'actualité en prenant le parti du récit intime.  


    Vous écoutez le portrait de Sofya & Myroslava partie 2, une conscience politique en construction.

    Pour écouter la partie 1 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava et leur enfance en Russie et en Ukraine, cliquez ici.  

    Pour écouter la partie 3 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava sur la déclaration de la guerre Russo-Ukrainienne, cliquez ici.  

    Pour écouter la partie 4 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava sur leurs sentiments d’appartenance à l’Union Européenne, cliquez ici


    Pour l’écouter, c’est par ici si vous utilisez Spotify, ici sur Podcast Addict ou encore ici si vous utilisez Apple Podcasts.

    Vous pouvez aussi suivre la sortie des prochains épisodes en suivant la page Facebook et Linkedin du podcast.


    Crédits : Ce podcast a été écrit, réalisé et monté par Laetitia Chabannes. Doublage : Laetitia Chabannes. Musique : Arnaud Paszkiewicz. Mixage : Franck Haderer. Identité graphique : Aristote Truffaut (Oiseaux rares).

    Ukraine - Der Riss | #2: Anna und die Revolution

    Ukraine - Der Riss | #2: Anna und die Revolution
    Anna Mosyuzhenko sagt, Kyiv ist ein bisschen so wie Paris. Sie ist Stadtführerin und nimmt uns beim Interview mit auf eine virtuelle Tour, die unter den goldenen Kuppeln des St. Michaelsklosters endet. Während der Proteste am Maidan 2014 versteckten sich hier Demonstranten vor der Polizei. Heute hängen an einer Mauer des Klosters tausende Porträts. Sie zeigen Menschen, die seit 2014 in den Kämpfen gegen russische Truppen im Donbas gefallen sind. Bis der Krieg im Februar 2022 auch nach Kyiv kam, war diese Mauer eine ständige Erinnerung daran, dass 600km entfernt von der Hauptstadt schon seit Jahren ein blutiger Konflikt tobt. Vergangenheit und Gegenwart liegen überall in Kyiv ganz nah beieinander. Die mehr als tausendjährige Geschichte hat die Stadt und ihre Bewohner geprägt und verändert. Die einschneidendste Veränderung für Anna vor dem Ausbruch des Krieges waren die Ereignisse rund um die Euromaidan-Proteste 2014. - Wie ging der Protest am **Euromaidan** eigentlich los und welche Menschen haben ihn ins Rollen gebracht? Ivo Mijnssen von der NZZ hat sie 2022 porträtiert https://www.nzz.ch/international/ukraine-krieg-drei-helden-des-maidan-im-kampf-gegen-putin-ld.1673756. - Über die **Eskalation der Proteste am Euromadian** gibt es viele gute Dokus. Wir empfehlen diesen Film von VICE https://youtu.be/V7e6B64Iqqg. - Wenn ihr mehr wissen wollt über die **Hintergründe der Orangenen Revolution**, so hat International Center on Nonviolent Conflict viel Material dazu gesammelt. Hier gibt es die Doku https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzleiHyxq7M&ab_channel=ICNC-InternationalCenteronNonviolentConflict. - Die **Geschichte nationalistischer Bewegungen in der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkriegs** behandelt Franziska Bruder in dem Buch „Den ukrainischen Staat erkämpfen oder sterben!“ Die Organisation ukrainischer Nationalisten". - Die **90er in der Ukraine** beschrieb Jan Claas Behrends in seinem Buch “Postsowjetische Lebenswelten. Gesellschaft und Alltag nach dem Kommunismus”. - Einen **Überblick über die gesamte Geschichte der Ukraine** bekommt ihr in “Kleine Geschichte der Ukraine” von Andreas Kappeler.

    Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4

    Portrait de Sofya & Myroslava : Conscience politique en construction 2/4

    Europe & Sentiment part à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui vivent à la frontière de l’Europe et la Russie et dont l’identité a été nourrie de l'Union Soviétique, l’OTAN, l’Union Européenne, de la chute du mur de Berlin.

    Portrait en miroir de Sofya et de Myroslava. Ecoutez les témoignages intimes d'une Russe et d'une Ukrainienne vivant aujourd’hui en France.


    Sofya est russe de Mourmansk, Myroslava est ukrainienne de Kharkiv. Sofya est née juste avant la chute du mur de Berlin en 1988 (33 ans), Myroslava est née juste après la fin de l’URSS en 1992 (29 ans). 


    Dans ce nouvel épisode, elles racontent leurs familles, les villes dans lesquelles elles ont grandi, leurs vacances en Crimée, les événements qui ont marqué leur identité et la guerre entre leurs deux pays aujourd’hui. 

    Construit en miroir, cet épisode a été réalisé dans l’urgence de la guerre actuelle lancée par Poutine contre l’Ukraine. Myroslava et Sofya habitent toutes les deux en France depuis plusieurs années mais leurs familles sont toujours à Kharkiv et Mourmansk. 

    Sofya & Myroslava, c'est une façon de raconter et de se questionner sur les contours de notre Europe, sur l'héritage de l'URSS, sur les liens entre l’Europe et la Russie. Bref de parler d'actualité en prenant le parti du récit intime.  


    Vous écoutez le portrait de Sofya & Myroslava partie 2, une conscience politique en construction.

    Pour écouter la partie 1 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava et leur enfance en Russie et en Ukraine, cliquez ici.  

    Pour écouter la partie 3 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava sur la déclaration de la guerre Russo-Ukrainienne, cliquez ici.  

    Pour écouter la partie 4 de cette série consacrée à Sofya & Myroslava sur leurs sentiments d’appartenance à l’Union Européenne, cliquez ici


    Pour l’écouter, c’est par ici si vous utilisez Spotify, ici sur Podcast Addict ou encore ici si vous utilisez Apple Podcasts.

    Vous pouvez aussi suivre la sortie des prochains épisodes en suivant la page Facebook et Linkedin du podcast.


    Crédits : Ce podcast a été écrit, réalisé et monté par Laetitia Chabannes. Doublage : Laetitia Chabannes. Musique : Arnaud Paszkiewicz. Mixage : Franck Haderer. Identité graphique : Aristote Truffaut (Oiseaux rares).

    Ep 157 Crisis of Confidence in Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda

    Ep 157 Crisis of Confidence in Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda

    Ep 157

    Guest: Mark Sleboda. We talk about recent events in Ukraine and what has developed into a crisis of confidence for Ukrainian President Zelensky. It resulted in a reshuffling in Zelensky’s cabinet, a no confidence vote in the Rada and no progress on bringing the civil conflict to an end, threats from the ultranationalist factions and strong opposition to Zelensky’s neoliberal economic policy proposals. Recent polls have also shown a larger lack of confidence in the legitimacy of the post-Maidan government overall. We also talk about the Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky and the Biden / Burisma Affair. 

    Mark is an International Affairs & Security Analyst, a US Navy veteran, a university lecturer and a foreign policy realist.

    FOLLOW Mark on Twitter @MarkSleboda1 and on Facebook, look for his appearances on RT, Sputnik and other international channels. 

    Around the Empire is listener supported, independent media. Pitch in at Patreon: patreon.com/aroundtheempire or paypal.me/aroundtheempirepod. Find all links at aroundtheempire.com

    SUBSCRIBE on YouTube. FOLLOW @aroundtheempire and @joanneleon.  SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on iTunes, iHeart, Spotify, Google Play, Facebook or on your preferred podcast app.

    Recorded on March 10, 2020. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

    Reference Links:

    1. Ukraine shake-up throws future of reforms into doubt, Financial Times
    2. Ukraine’s Zelensky Fires His Cabinet, New York Times


    Exhibit D: Ukrainian Women--Lipsticks and Rifles

    Exhibit D:  Ukrainian Women--Lipsticks and Rifles

    Olha Onyshko

    Join me for this wide ranging conversation with Olha Onyshko, a filmmaker born in the Soviet Union who documents the work of women in Ukraine’s struggle to establish and maintain their fragile independence. After watching seamstresses who worked at a Ukrainian opera house make bulletproof vests from scrap metal and grandmothers standing against the Russian back army in Maidan, Onyshko maintains that women have the power to transform the world. 

    Ep 141 Maidan Massacre in Ukraine feat Ivan Katchanovski

    Ep 141 Maidan Massacre in Ukraine feat Ivan Katchanovski

    Ep 141 Maidan Massacre in Ukraine feat Ivan Katchanovski

    Guest: Ivan Katchanovski. We talk about his vast research and his detailed and prolific writings and presentations on the Maidan protests and the 2014 Maidan massacre in Ukraine. 

    Dr. Ivan Katchanovski is a political scientist and his research focuses on politics, conflicts, policy & political communication in Ukraine, US & Canada. who teaches at the University of Ottawa. He was Visiting Scholar at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics at the State University of New York at Potsdam, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto, and Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Library of Congress. He received his Ph.D. from George Mason University. 

    He is a prolific researcher and writer and his publications (which can be found on his University of Ottowa website and elsewhere), his interviews, and comments have appeared in numerous media outlets internationally.

    FOLLOW @I_Katchanovski. Find his work at his website https://uottawa.academia.edu/IvanKatchanovski

    Around the Empire is listener supported, independent media. Pitch in at Patreon: patreon.com/aroundtheempire or paypal.me/aroundtheempirepod. Find all links at aroundtheempire.com

    SUBSCRIBE on YouTube. FOLLOW @aroundtheempire and @joanneleon.  SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on iTunes, iHeart, Spotify, Google Play, Facebook or on your preferred podcast app.

    Recorded on December 5, 2019. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

    Reference Links:

    1. The Far Right, the Euromaidan, and the Maidan Massacre in Ukraine, Ivan Katchanovski, Academia
    2. The Maidan Massacre in Ukraine: Revelations from Trials and Investigations, Ivan Katchanovski (presentation)
    3. How Maidan Protesters Were Shot from Maidan-Controlled Buildings: Video Appendix H, Ivan Katchanovski (video appendix for presentation)

    Ep 99 Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda

    Ep 99 Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda

    Mark Sleboda joins us today from Moscow to talk about the state of affairs in Ukraine, the Ukraine elections and the larger geopolitical picture. Mark is an International Affairs & Security Analyst, a US Navy veteran, a university lecturer and a foreign policy realist.

    Ep99 Ukraine feat Mark Sleboda

    We do a deep dive into the 2014 Maidan / Euromaidan uprising and intervention by the US, EU and NATO, and how Ukraine became the country that it is today. There is an ongoing separatist movement, civil war and an economic and ideological break from Russia. But there has been no significant improvement for its citizens, leaving the country with a crisis of confidence, poverty and corruption. We discuss the three frontrunner candidates in the elections: the current president Poroshenko, former prime minister Tymoshenko, and Zelensky, a dark horse, anti-corruption comedian who plays a president on TV on a media channel owned by an infamous exiled oligarch, Kolomoisky.

    This interview was recorded on the day before the first part of the elections on March 30. We now know that Poroshenko and Zelensky will now advance to the runoff elections on April 21.

    FOLLOW him on Twitter @MarkSleboda1 and on Facebook, find his appearances on RT and other international channels.

    Around the Empire is listener supported, independent media. Pitch in if you can at Patreon: patreon.com/aroundtheempire or paypal.me/aroundtheempirepod. Find all links at aroundtheempire.com.

    SUBSCRIBE on YouTube. FOLLOW @aroundtheempire and @joanneleonSUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW on iTunes, iHeart, Spotify, Google Play, Facebook or on your preferred podcast app.

    Recorded on March 30, 2019. Music by Fluorescent Grey.

    Approfondimenti - Cartoline da Kiev, Maidan e la libertà di stampa

    Approfondimenti - Cartoline da Kiev, Maidan e la libertà di stampa
    La rivoluzione di Euromaidan ha fatto avanzare l'Ucraina nella classifica della libertà di stampa di Reporters Sans Frontières. Da una parte moltissime esperienze che sono nate durante i giorni della rivolta di Piazza Maidan sono diventati progetti di punta del nuovo giornalismo ucraino, dall'altra i paese è stretto dalla morsa degli oligarchi e del nazionalismo. Ad aprile la pubblicazione del business di Poroshenko scovato dei Panama Papers ha scatenato pesanti attacchi ai giornalisti investigativi di OCCRP mentre a luglio il colpo più pesante alla stampa ucraina: un'autobomba in pieno centro uccide il noto giornalista di Ukrainska Pravda Pavel Sheremet. A cura di Cecilia Ferrara su Radio Bullets

    Ukraine's struggle for independence

    Ukraine's struggle for independence
    What is happening in Ukraine is a tremendous threat to Putin’s Russia precisely because of the kinship that Russians feel with Ukraine,” says in this podcast. Freeland, a Member of Parliament in Canada and also a journalist and author, talks about her own family’s connection to Ukraine, why the Russian propaganda machine has been effective, and why the Russian-Ukrainian language divide is oversimplified. Listen to find out why she thinks that the “Maidan and what has followed is the most hopeful moment ever in Ukrainian history.” --- Also in this episode, Fellow explains what’s happening in Congress, including a rare moment of agreement between President Obama and the Republicans in Congress. --- Show Notes: • "" •  --- Subscribe to the Brookings Cafeteria on , listen on , and send feedback email to .

    Ukraine as an Object of Academic Knowledge and State Propaganda

    Ukraine as an Object of Academic Knowledge and State Propaganda
    In this podcast, three scholars discuss the relationship between academic knowledge of Ukraine and state propaganda about Ukraine in Germany, France and Russia, respectively. The presentations were a part of the conference 'Ukraine and the Global Information War' organized by Cambridge Ukrainian Studies, an academic centre in the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge. Andriy Portnov, Tetyana Ogarkova, and Tanya Zaharchenko participate. Rachel Polonsky chairs the session, which took place on 31 October 2014 at King's College, Cambridge.

    Ukraine as an Object of Academic Knowledge and State Propaganda

    Ukraine as an Object of Academic Knowledge and State Propaganda
    In this podcast, three scholars discuss the relationship between academic knowledge of Ukraine and state propaganda about Ukraine in Germany, France and Russia, respectively. The presentations were a part of the conference 'Ukraine and the Global Information War' organized by Cambridge Ukrainian Studies, an academic centre in the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge. Andriy Portnov, Tetyana Ogarkova, and Tanya Zaharchenko participate. Rachel Polonsky chairs the session, which took place on 31 October 2014 at King's College, Cambridge.

    Ukraine as an Object of Western Journalism

    Ukraine as an Object of Western Journalism
    In this podcast, a group of prominent journalists debates the position of Ukraine as an object of Western journalism. The panel discussion was part of the conference 'Ukraine and the Global Information War' organized by Cambridge Ukrainian Studies, an academic centre in the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge. Sabra Ayres, James Marson, Simon Ostrovsky, Peter Pomerantsev and Michael Weiss participate. Anne Applebaum and Rory Finnin moderate the exchange, which took place on 31 October 2014 at King's College, Cambridge.

    Ukraine as an Object of Western Journalism

    Ukraine as an Object of Western Journalism
    In this podcast, a group of prominent journalists debates the position of Ukraine as an object of Western journalism. The panel discussion was part of the conference 'Ukraine and the Global Information War' organized by Cambridge Ukrainian Studies, an academic centre in the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Cambridge. Sabra Ayres, James Marson, Simon Ostrovsky, Peter Pomerantsev and Michael Weiss participate. Anne Applebaum and Rory Finnin moderate the exchange, which took place on 31 October 2014 at King's College, Cambridge.

    20141104 Ukrainian Orthodoxy from the Inside

    20141104 Ukrainian Orthodoxy from the Inside

    After a bit of satire on Putin's war against Ukraine, Fr. Anthony has a long discussion with Fr. Paul Koroluk, a priest of the UOC-KP (the largest, though canonically-unrecognized, Orthodox Church in Ukraine).  We share a vision of Ukraine and Ukrainian Orthodoxy that we hope will allow for a more sympathetic (or at least objective) understanding of Ukraine, Ukrainian Orthodoxy, and Ukrainian aspirations.

    Ukraine in Crisis: A Public Briefing

    Ukraine in Crisis: A Public Briefing
    Ukraine is engulfed in revolution. In this briefing, held on 24 January 2014, Cambridge Ukrainian Studies offered the UK public insights and analyses from political scientists Olexiy Haran and Andreas Umland (Kyiv Mohyla Academy), historian Yaroslav Hrytsak (Ukrainian Catholic University, L'viv), writer and civic activist Serhii Zhadan (Kharkiv), and analyst Orysia Lutsevych (Chatham House, London). Cambridge students involved in the EuroMaidan movement also shared their experiences. This English-language event was free and open to the public. Rory Finnin (University of Cambridge) moderated.

    Ukraine in Crisis: A Public Briefing

    Ukraine in Crisis: A Public Briefing
    Ukraine is engulfed in revolution. In this briefing, held on 24 January 2014, Cambridge Ukrainian Studies offered the UK public insights and analyses from political scientists Olexiy Haran and Andreas Umland (Kyiv Mohyla Academy), historian Yaroslav Hrytsak (Ukrainian Catholic University, L'viv), writer and civic activist Serhii Zhadan (Kharkiv), and analyst Orysia Lutsevych (Chatham House, London). Cambridge students involved in the EuroMaidan movement also shared their experiences. This English-language event was free and open to the public. Rory Finnin (University of Cambridge) moderated.

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